Chapter 12: Stand or Fall

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The Kingdom of Tamrle was the long-standing enemy of Hyrule though relations had improved before the Calamity. After Hyrule fell many in Tamrle wished to lay claim to the land but the guardians and Calamity made that impossible. Many years later word had reached them that the calamity was no more and even more surprising the princess had survived. Now the King of Tamrle, Darmuth, had personally come to conquer Hyrule, and with him were his four sons who were deemed the best fighters among their people. Most of the Akkala region fell quickly with Tarrey Town barely escaping the chaos. The Faron region didn't fare any better with nothing standing in the way. Soon the full strength of Tamrle stood before the wall of Hyrule Castle. A messenger was sent to the walls of Castle Town saying that King Darmuth of Tamrle wished to speak with the princess. Zelda agreed but would not leave the walls saying if the King wished to speak to her he would come forward.

King Darmuth: You have guts I'll give you that, but guts alone will not aid you. I will only make this offer once, surrender now and your people will not suffer. If you do not I promise all of your pitiful kingdom will burn.
Zelda: You are not the first to make such threats, we have overcome greater than you.
King Darmuth: Maybe, maybe not, but you should choose your words more carefully. I have brought the strongest of Tamrle with me, there are none better in the world. But you have spunk, I like that, you just bought yourself three days to respond. I suggest you prey to your goddess, your friends will not be getting the same offer.
King Darmuth: (Whispering to a commander) If she refuses, attack and bring her before me in chains.
King Darmuth departs back to his base camp
Zelda: Part of me thinks it would be wise to take the offer, the other part says we should fight. Tell me Link, what should we do?
Link: I say fight. It sounds like he plans to wipe out our friends first to prevent us from having support, we can take advantage of that.
Zelda: How so?
Link: I can teleport behind enemy lines and stop our friends from being overwhelmed.
Zelda: Then we can turn it around on them and surround this King Darmuth. It's a good plan but what if he doesn't hold up his word and attacks in your absence, I don't think we would have the strength to hold the castle without you.
Link: Give me your hand and you will be able to call on my avatar.
Zelda gives Link her off-hand
Link: There, now I will still be here in a way, give it a try.
Zelda: Okay...wait why does it look nothing like you?
Sky: A complicated question.
Zelda: IT TALKS?!
Link: So my theory was right!
Sky: In a way. I don't feel the other heroes, perhaps it's because your spirit started with me.
Zelda: What is going on?
Link: This is...well Link, but he goes by Sky, he is the first hero.
Zelda: First hero? You are the one who knew the goddess, you are the one who fought alongside Hylia!
Sky: Yes, and I know you have questions, questions I will gladly answer. Link You should be off, I can feel your friends are already under attack.
Link: Don't worry Zelda I will stop them.
Zelda: Just promise me you won't do anything reckless.

Link quickly teleported off in a rush to help his friends and keep his and Zelda's nightmare from coming true. King Darmuth sent his sons to crush Hyrule's allies confident his sons were the best fighters in the world. Rushing forward with fury Link pushed the Tamrle forces out of Zora's Domain and Gerudo desert. The Rito faired better having air superiority but the Tamrle archers were still a great threat and the Tamrle forces were beginning to find their footing, till Link showed up.  The Gorons didn't have much issue dealing with the invaders rolling over them before they could reach Goron City. During these battles, Link discovered something about how his abilities affect his opponents. Where his secret stone fills his allies with courage, it fills his enemies with fear as if it were sapping their courage. In Link's absence, Zelda was trying to plot their next move but her mind continued to dwell on Link. Sky noticed this and decided to see how he could help.

Sky: You seem troubled, how can I help?
Zelda: Can you sense how Link is doing, is he okay?
Sky: I can feel he is still going strong, but your worry for Link isn't the only reason you are distracted is it?
Zelda: You knew Hylia, what was she like?
Sky: Well I knew her as Zelda. She was caring and apologetic yet stern and strong, more over she was beautiful. But I am a little biased she is my beloved after all.
Zelda: You and Hylia were lovers, but that would make you.
Sky: Yes, though separated by years unknown you are my grandchild, so was that darling girl Sonia.
Zelda: You know about Queen Sonia?
Sky: Yes, I have watched as thousands of years passed by, seen Hyrule rise, fall, and rise again, all of it from my place next to Hylia. Rauru and Sonia's Kingdom wasn't the first Hyrule this planet had seen, but it was the first of his era.
Zelda: Wait you said next to Hylia?
Sky: I am not some diety but because of my connection with Hylia I have a place next to her. While each Link has their own soul they also possess my spirit, when a hero passes my spirit is then free to return to Hylia while the hero's soul gets to pass on. But I must say I do see much of Hylia in you.
Zelda: You do?
Sky: Yes, and though I am of no physical relation to Link I see much of myself in him, in more than just spirit. I know of the pain you both went through and I am partly to blame, it was my lack of action that let Demise place a curse on my spirit and Hylia's descendants.
Zelda: Demise, who was he?
Sky: He was the first Demon King, much stronger than the one you faced. He made an entire new space just for our duel. It was his curse that bound my spirit and your bloodline to a constant struggle with his hatred.
Zelda: I see, there is a bright side to all this. Link and I met each other.
Sky: I wish you too the best, if it helps I will try to give him a little extra courage when the time comes. But that is for the future, how can I help right now?
Zelda: How are you with strategy?

 Link spent the next two days rooting out the Tamrle forces leaving few alive. King Darmuth had underestimated what it would take to conquer Hyrule but he still believed he would win. The foolish King believed if he could capture Zelda he could force the others to surrender. Link had just returned to the castle when a horn blasted over the field. Stepping forward, the Commander asked for Zelda's answer to the king's demands. Link spoke up telling the commander to retreat with his soldiers while they still could. The inexperienced soldiers roared with laughter at the thought of retreating, only the commander stayed silent. Something snapped in Link making him jump from the wall, secret stone shining brighter than before. A group of cocky soldiers run up to Link expecting an easy kill. With a burst of speed Link lunged forward bringing down the approaching soldiers stopping all laughter. Carving his way through Link was untouchable as his opponents cowered back in fear. As the soldiers tried to retreat they were met with the combined strength of the Zora, Rito, Gerudo, and Gorons. The attack on the castle had failed miserably and it wasn't long before the mocking soldiers were surrendering themselves. But despite why the Tamrle soldiers were there Zelda wasn't without mercy. Zelda took their armor and weapons telling them once this conflict was resolved they would be returned to their people. Something had shifted in Link though, he saw the kind of power he could wield and recoiled at the thought. Link could count on one hand the times he felt afraid but this was the first time he was afraid of himself. To Link it felt as though he had lost control of his body as if someone else was in command.

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