The Return of the King

By GRIMMJohnson329

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made by engineer4ever on, im just putting it on here for the people who prefer wattpad over fanfic... More

chapter 1: A knight is Born!
chapter 2: Where the scarecrow, cat, & kiri-nin at?
chapter 3: Where one stands with a Sword!
chapter 4: Wind and Ice clash, True power shown!
chapter 5: Trial for the Dragon! New enemies!
chapter 6: Meeting the Hawk!
chapter 7: What I wouldn't give to be Medusa now!
chapter 8: What had one! Now has two!
chapter 9: To Break Fate!
chapter 10: The Legend Starts!
chapter 11: Family Reunion!
chapter 12: Family is all you need!
chapter 13: Changing Seasons
chapter 15: Towards Ones Path

chapter 14: Duty For Thy Home

79 4 0
By GRIMMJohnson329

0 1 Month Later 0

"Ahahahaha!" Arturia bellowed as she held her stomach in pain from laughing so hard.

"Arturia-sempai~! Stop laughing at me, mou~!" Naruko cried out as she comically pounded on the Saber with her fists weakly.

"I'm, I'm sorry, but this, this! It is just far too humorous not to laugh at." She said as she started up laughing again.

Naruko pouted as she crossed her arms. It had been one month since the incident of her so called movie career. She had abused the Kage Bunshin to its fullest along with Henge to change her eye color to green and loss her whisker marks. She had made almost all the extras and other stand-ins too. She also had used over 35 cameras to get all her scenes done via clones just so she could get back to Konoha.

Damn old woman and actually having Anbu prevent her from coming back just so she could make about a dozen million ryo from the profits when the movie came out!

The director said it was going to be even a greater hit then the Fūun-hime saga.

Anyway, after getting out of there faster than the Yondaime's Hiraishin no jutsu, she finally got to sleep in her own bed for once and went to the lake the next day to tell Nimue and Saber about it.

Sadly, it turned out to be her greatest folly.

A giggling Arturia is never a good thing...while it was a pretty laugh, it was pointed towards her so it wasn't good.

And it didn't help that Nimue kept calling her tsun tsun!

She was not a Tsundere!

She wasn't!

"I'm leaving!" Naruko shouted as she left the lake while stomping her feet in a fit of 'not Tsundere!' rage.

0 Senju Clan Compound 0

Naruko stormed into the compound and slammed the door close.

"Wow...little miss movie star is angry, no soy low fat milk latté yet?" Karin asked with an amused smile.

Karin was sitting in the living room area tinkering away at some project of hers with some basic Runes.

Naruko's eye twitched, "Don't start, please don't start." She asked, not begged, asked.

She was a Knight, Knight's do not beg.

Karin giggled a bit, "You should be happy, just imagine all the love letters you'll get once the movie is out~" she teased further.

Naruko just groaned as she sat down and planted her face on the table, "You never let me live this down, will you?" the blonde asked.

Karin just shook her head, "Nope." She simple answered as she went back to her tinkering.

"Baa-chan will pay for this, maybe not now, but she will, oh she will." The blonde promised.

"Should I report you for treason?" Karin asked with amusement.

"Bite me." the blonde retorted, "Haku-chan! Tea please!" Naruko shouted and a yes was replied.

"Your tea Naruko-sama." Haku said with a bow as she handed the drink to the blonde.

"Thank you." Naruko replied as she drank it, "Ah, that hits the spot." She muttered and drank some more.

"What will you be doing today Naruko-sama?" Haku asked with a tilt of her head.

The blonde hummed, "Probably do a mission or some training. Not much else until that Jiraiya-sensei gets back to train me, the bastard." She muttered the last part to herself as the man had still not shown up in Konoha yet.

Seriously! The man said he would train her and yet he was nowhere to be found!

The nerve of him!

"How goes your training Haku-chan?" The blonde asked in interest.

After leaving Haru no Kuni, Naruko had made sure to ask for some of the Hyoton jutsu that the Yuki-nin used for Haku. She would be able to use it far better than them due to the fact that she could create her own ice and snow like the Yuki-nin who needed preexisting snow or ice in the area to use them.

"Wonderful, thank you for asking Naruko-sama, my training with Tsunade-sensei is going along wonderfully as well." Haku said in her usual soft spoken voice.

"That's nice." Naruko said as she had some more tea.

The bell was rung and Haku left to front gate to see who it was.

A few moments later, Shikamaru walked in.

He sighed, "We got a situation."

0 Hokage's Office 0

Tsunade sat in front of the desk with her fingers laced together in front of her mouth.

"Last night, Uchiha Sasuke left Konoha to Otogakure no Sato." The older blonde said to Naruko and Shikamaru, "No doubt to see Orochimaru."

"Wait, what?" Shikamaru said in surprise, "What why would Sasuke go to someone as depraved as Orochimaru?" he asked

"Simple. Orochimaru wants the Sharingan, Uchiha wants power, something Orochimaru promised Uchiha." Naruko answered

"Exactly." Tsunade said with a nod, "This will be your first mission as a Chunin Shikamaru, Naruko will be coming along to help as you will no doubt need some firepower on your side as I have no doubt that Sasuke has Orochimaru's men guarding him."

"Tsk, troublesome. If that's the case, I need to request some Jonin and other Chunin for this mission." Shikamaru said, as he had no doubt Naruko would be an amazing asset to the team he was going to have, but the more the better.

Tsunade looked down, "I cannot honor that request."

"What?!" Shikamaru said

"I'm sure you're both aware that most of our Jonin are on missions. We only have a handful staying behind to defend us from an attack." Tsunade answered

"I'm sure I can grab Haku-chan." Naruko said, "No doubt we'll need a medic for this mission and Ten-chan would come in handy too, that's already four Chunin on our side, though Haku-chan and I are on a bit of a higher level though." She stated

Tsunade nodded to this, "I can agree to that. Also round up any skilled genin you can find, you have 30 minutes to leave the village." She ordered

"Hokage-sama, permission to kill?" Naruko asked suddenly.

"Whoa, Naruko, I know you don't like Sasuke and all, but we're supposed to bring him back." Shikamaru said as he shivered a bit at the emotionless tone in her voice.

"No, she's right, if Uchiha Sasuke refuses to come back prevent Orochimaru from getting the Sharingan it would be best to kill Sasuke and destroy his body. You have permission to kill, but do attempt to bring him back alive so we can sentence him for his crime of treason against Konoha." Tsunade said in a serious tone.

Shikamaru felt a drop of sweat roll down his neck at the seriousness of the situation.

You could just cut he tension with a knife.

"Get going you two. And good luck." Tsunade said as she dismissed the two Chunin and they turned to leave.

"Man, this is going to be such a pain." Shikamaru said as he rubbed the back of his head and exited the room, but Naruko lingered a bit by the door.

"Do what has to be done Naruko, if it's necessary." Tsunade stated to the back of her fellow blonde.

Naruko nodded softly and left the room.

0 Konoha's Main Gate 20 minutes later 0

Naruko and Shikamaru were waiting as Naruko sent a few of her Kage Bunshin to gather who they could get.

So far, they had Karin, Haku, Team Gai, and Choji; they were just waiting on Kiba if he was available.

Karin and Haku were in new clothes since they found something in more of their personal styles.

Karin's hair had grown out a bit, letting her pull her hair into a ponytail with her bangs framing her face. She was wearing a blue tee-shirt that showed off her midriff and had Uzumaki swirls on her shoulders, over that she wore a sleeveless lavender top that went down to her thighs and showed her navel and was wrapped around by a black band just under her bust. She wore short black shorts long black thigh high stockings with black sandals and matching black fingerless armlets that went up to her elbows that held wires for her alchemy (1).

Haku was wearing a sleeveless blue zip up turtleneck top with the zipped section of her bust open, showing some cleavage and blue bands around her wrists. She wore black Shinobi pants that went just past her knees and was held by a black belt that had a blue cloth attached to it and her headband stitched to the side of her waist and medical tape wrapped around her left thigh with a shuriken holster tied around it. By her feet, she wore black shin guards with black Shinobi sandals (2). Finally, she wore her flank jacket while leaving it unzipped and a medic pouch on her rear with a tanto strapped above it.

Naruko opened her mouth, "My clone just told Kiba, he's coming." She said and a few minutes later, Kiba joined the team.

"Man, is this really happening?" the Inuzuka asked in surprise as he was somewhat shocked that Sasuke had turned traitor.

"Yeah, it is." Shikamaru said

"Alright, listen up!" Naruko shouted, getting everyone's attention, "We'll be splitting into two teams, one from the air, and one from the ground. Shikamaru will be leading the ground team while I will be leading the air team, understood?" she asked

"How the heck are you going to be in the air?" Kiba asked as Akamaru gave a bark, wondering how also.

Karin rolled her eyes and used her Alchemy to make a large wire bird, "That's how dog boy." She said

Kiba growled a bit at Karin for the name, but let it go for the mission's sake.

Shikamaru crouched down and took a stick while starting to draw on the ground, "Alright, this is the order we're going in. Kiba and Akamaru take the front do to their sense of smell and can track Sasuke's scent and check out the enemies' scent to evade booby traps. I'll be right behind him to give quick orders based on the situation we end up into. Following me will be Lee, who should be quick enough to help the front and back if the situation calls for it and will watch the left side of our lineup. Next will be Choji, who'll bring the final blow if we can get a surprise attack while also watching the right of our formation. Finally, Neji will act as our rear guard due to his Byakugan and take care of any blind spots in our formation, okay?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

Naruko let out a low whistle, "Nice idea Shikamaru." She said

Shikamaru turned to her, "Thanks, but what's your plan?" he asked as he was curious how she would tackle this one.

Naruko put a hand on her hip, "Simple, with Karin-chan acting as our transportation in the air and being our radar, we'll have a steady fix on both you and the enemy. In fact, as soon as she got here, I had her send a Kage Bunshin to scout out from above so we have a decent idea of the enemies location and pace." She stated as she looked at the rest of her team, "With Ten-chan acting as our long range expert, we can snipe from the sky you can say and Haku-chan will be our medic for this mission. So if we see that anyone needs medical attention, we'll have Karin-chan make another Kage Bunshin and she can ship Haku-chan to the wounded." The blonde said as she flipped her ponytail.

"Good." Shikamaru nodded since having both the enemy's location and a medic was going to be a serious boon for the mission.

"Naruko!" a female voice called out and everyone turned to see Sakura as she ran up to them.

She panted as she held her knees to regain her breath, "Take me with you, please. I tried to talk him out of it, but, but he just wouldn't listen." Sakura said as she blinked some tears from her eyes and looked into Naruko's, "Please, just let me come along, I know I can reach him if I try harder." she begged

"No way." Shikamaru cut in, drawing Sakura's attention towards him, "Sorry Sakura, but with the way you are now and the fact that you couldn't convince him in the first time to stop this idiocy, you'll just be a liability." He stated

Sakura was about to deny it, but Naruko cut her off, "Haruno, Uchiha had made his choice, we have orders to bring him back, but that all depends if he comes with us willing, if not, he comes back feet first." She said in an emotionless tone.

That got surprised looks from everyone.

"Whoa whoa whoa, what the hell do ya mean by that?" Kiba asked in surprise.

"Simple, Sasuke willingly betrayed Konoha, Uchiha or not, that's still treason, no one is an exception for treason, especially if he's going to Orochimaru, an S-rank traitor of our own village, so that bangs the nail in further." Shikamaru said with a sigh.

Sakura latched onto Naruko's arm, "Naruko! Please! I know you and Sasuke-kun aren't the best of friends, but please don't kill him." she asked with tears, "Please bring him back, please!" she begged

A resounding slap soon followed as Sakura was on the ground and held her now reddened right cheek.


Naruko's voice cut through the silence that followed the slap.

Naruko glared down at Sakura with the most distasteful look in her eyes.

"How can you even call yourself a Kunoichi? All you do is fumble around about a boy who doesn't even give you the time of day, yet you continue to follow him like some deprived puppy. It is almost too sick for words." She said to Sakura, who looked shocked to even hear them.

"This is the real world Haruno, if you can't handle it, turn in your headband. Your little fantasies don't exist here." Naruko finished as she turned around and headed to leave.

Karin walked up to Naruko, "I just got the memory from my clone, we got a lot of ground to cover due north." She said as she made a large wire eagle.

Naruko nodded, "You got that Shikamaru?" she said to her co-leader and he nodded to her.

"Alright people, let's move out." the shadow user said as the ground team headed out and the aerial team took to the skies.

Sakura sat there, on the cold dirt ground and covered her face as she cried her heart out at the thought that Sasuke may very well die.

0 In the Forest 0

The ground team continued to head north and the aerial followed from the sky.

"They stopped for some reason and I sense a few signatures from other Konoha Shinobi, I think they just battled each other." Karin said to Naruko.

"Hm, are the Konoha Shinobi okay?" the blonde asked.

Karin nodded, "Yeah, they're all alive it seems and heading back to the village too. Also, one of them is Shizune-san." The redhead stated.

"I see, the enemy's been weakened and our comrades are alive and returning home, that's good. You got that Shikamaru?" Naruko said from her wireless radio around her neck.

"Copy." Shikamaru answered from his.

Personally to the blonde, this worked out pretty well; no one died and the enemy was hopefully weakened enough so they could strike them down quickly and complete the objective.

They continued to travel for a while until Shikamaru radioed in.

"Naruko, we see them, they look tired. We're making a plan and going in." Shikamaru reported, "Prepare to give us some back-up."

"Roger that." Naruko responded, "Alright girls, get ready at a moment's notice."

All the girls nodded to her.

A second later the noise of battle could be heard before it went silence.

"Naruko...a barrier...our chakra...on ahead...catch up." The broken message from the radio said.

"Dammit to hell." Naruko cursed, "Karin!" she ordered

"Right." The redhead nodded and concentrated, "The three others and Uchiha are on the move already while the last one is staying behind with the ground team, it seems as if some barrier is around them and draining their chakra." Karin answered

"Alright, we're intercepting them, Shikamaru should be able to handle this, go!" Naruko ordered and Karin moved her wire eagle up close to catch up to the enemy.

"I got this one." Tenten said as she traced two perfect Chinese Dao swords.

"I see you've been training hard." Naruko commented as she viewed the swords.

Tenten just grinned at her.

"Let me help you out." Naruko said as she concentrated on a large amount of chakra and took a deep breath while going through three handsigns, "Fūton: Shinkūgyoku-(Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere)." And the blonde exhaled a large volume of wind bullets the butchered the path that the enemy was heading towards, forcing them to halt their movements.

Tenten jumped down as she Reinforced her body and slashed at the multiple armed man.

"Damn." The man said as he jumped back to avoid the attack.

His two other teammates were about to back him up, but another hail of wind bullets blocked them.

"Go on ahead!" The man said, "I got this minor character." He said arrogantly.

Tenten's eye twitched at that, "Minor character? I'm more of a side character really." She said as she got into a stance with her Dao swords.

The man just smirked, "Ha, I, Tōmon no Kidomaru-(Kidomaru of the East Gate), won't need much to defeat a low level character like you." He said

-Play: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance OST - A Stranger I remain-

"We'll just have to see about that." Tenten said in return.

On the wire eagle, Karin turned towards Naruko, "The others are going now, that big kid is fighting off the other big guy." She said

Naruko nodded, "Good, then Ten-chan will have back up soon. Let's move out, Ten-chan can handle this guy long enough for back-up to arrive." She said and Karin did as commanded.

Kidomaru saw his opponent's friends leave and smirked, "Seems your friends are leaving you to die." He commented

Tenten scuffed, "Not really, I can handle you." She said, but knew Naruko left for a reason; maybe Karin sensed the ground team? It was the only reason she knew of why Naruko would leave her as her blonde friend was confident that she could fight this guy long enough for the others to come.

She took a breath and pumped chakra into her legs as she sprang into action as she went to slash at Kidomaru, but he jumped out of the way and spat out six globs of gold-like substance from his mouth and they formed into bizarre looking hook-like throwing knives.

"Let's see how you like 6 against 2." He said as he attacked the bun haired girl with rapid slashes of his weapons, but Tenten kept up with him, using the range of her longer weapons to keep him at bay.

She went to slash at his foot, but he jumped out of the way and his cheeks bloated, "Kumo Sōka-(Spider Web Flower)!" he said as he fired 4 doubled layered spider web nets.

Tenten dropped her Dao swords and did some handsigns, "Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu- (Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique)!" she countered and the multiple fireballs hit the webs, burning them to nothing.

Kidomaru tsk'd at the destruction of his sticky webs and threw four of his curved knives at Tenten, who threw her Dao swords at them, knocking the knives out of the air and headed straight for Kidomaru, who caught them.

"Thanks for the new toys kid." He said cheekily as he saw Tenten grab a shuriken from her pouch and throw it at him.

Tenten then went through some handsigns of a jutsu she picked up from Naruko, "Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu-(Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique)!" she said as the 1 shuriken turned into 100.

"Shit." Kidomaru muttered as he dodged the shuriken and used his curved knives and the Dao swords to block most of them attacks, but then something happened.

"Trace off." Tenten muttered and the Dao swords disappeared, causing Kidomaru to swing with nothing but air as his arm was nailed by top and middle left arms were hit by 2 shuriken each.

"Ah." He cried out and glared at Tenten, "You'll pay for that girlie!" he shouted

Tenten just gave him a cheeky smile and it grew at what she saw.

"Konoha Senpuu!" was shouted out and Kidomaru was hit in his side and was sent hurling into a tree.

Then and there was the ground team, all present with the exception of Choji.

"Naruko-chan and the rest went on ahead, go!" Tenten said as she traced a pair of katana's while getting into a stance.

Shikamaru made a split second decision right there.

"Lee, Neji, back-up your teammate, when you win go check on Choji and catch up if you can after that!" he ordered as he moved forward with Kiba right behind him.

Lee and Neji nodded as they flanked Tenten and got into their respected taijutsu stances.

"Let us show this unyouthful Oto-nin what Team Gai can do!" Lee declared

Neji gave a smirk, "Indeed." He responded as he readied himself.

Tenten just smiled, "Might as well." She added

Kidomaru looked at the three and grinned, "Well, looks like things just got a bit more interesting." He said as he recovered from the blow Lee gave him and pulled the shuriken from his arms.

-End: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance OST - A Stranger I remain-

With the Aerial Team 0

The team continued to chase after the last two of the Sound Four.

"And drop." Naruko commanded as the three kunoichi dropped from the wire eagle Haku managed to get a kick to the guy with two heads, letting him drop the barrel that Sasuke was in.

"Karin!" Naruko ordered and the redhead used her wires to grab the barrel and bring it over to her.

"Damn." The lipstick wearing male said as he glared at the three girls.

Haku readied her spear and flowed wind chakra down it as Naruko drew Excalibur with Invisible Air on.

"Tayuya!" the man ordered.

"Right." The redhead said as she brought her flute to her mouth.

Naruko was about to attack, but Tayuya started to play, the sound riveting into the girls ears as they fell for the genjutsu.

Their body's felt as though they were being restrained with sturdy rope and it looked as though their flesh was melting off.

'Kyuubi!' Naruko shouted in her mind.

'I know!' The Biju replied and he cancelled the genjutsu with easy, but she had to muffle the sound someway or it would just keep happening.

'He he he, Tayuya's Mateki: Mugen Onsa-(Demonic Flute: Phantom Sound Chains) is a total success.' Sakon thought as he had two other hands covering his ears and went to retrieve their mission objective.

Naruko was about to move, but saw something coming.

"Gatsuga-(Fang Passing Fang)!" was shouted out and as two rapid drill-like attack came at Tayuya, who dodged while stopping her flute, and then hit Sakon, while taking him off the cliff nearby.

"Dammit Kiba, he better be okay." Shikamaru said as the plan was to just go for the one playing the flute, but it looks like Kiba saw a chance to at least get a hit on one of them.

With the stop of the sound, the girls could move again.

"Well it's four on one now." Naruko said as she turned to Tayuya.

Tayuya growled as her skin began to be covered by the curse mark that appeared in 3 hook-like patterns, but she blinked in surprise, "What are you doing here?" she asked and the Konoha-nin turned to see an albino man with shoulder length white hair, vivid green eyes, and two red dots on his forehead standing on the barrel containing Sasuke and kicked Karin, sending her into a tree.

"Karin!" Naruko shouted as Haku went to check on the redhead, who got up and wiped the blood from her mouth while glaring at the white haired man.

The man scanned them and turned to Tayuya, "Tayuya...I expect you to handle this trash, as I deliver Orochimaru-sama his new vessel."

Tayuya nodded her head in fear, "Yeah, got it Kimimaro." She said in a shaken tone, showing the group that she was clearly afraid of him.

And that wasn't a good sign.

"Dammit, another one?" Naruko questioned, "Karin-chan, hold her off and Shikamaru back her up, that guy is on a whole other level. Haku-chan and I will handle him!" she said as Karin nodded along with Shikamaru as he knew Naruko was strongest out of both the ground and aerial teams in combat, therefore she would most likely be their best bet against with the new arrival.

The blonde and black haired girl chased after Kimimaro.

-Play: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance OST - The Stains of Time-

Karin turned to Tayuya and adjusted her glasses a bit and flexed her fingers, bring out her wires, "So Nara, how we doing this?" the redhead asked as she got into a readied stance.

Shikamaru got into a stance as well, "Simple, we take her out and go help Naruko and Haku, though that's probably easier said than done." He admitted as he could tell this girl was likely around Jonin level.

'Hello? Hello? Is this thing working? Seriously, I need to get this fixed.' A femimine voice said in Karin's head.

Karin blinked, '...Nimue?' she asked

'Oh it does work, good. Karin dear, do you know there's another Uzumaki near you?' the Elemental said.

Karin blinked again, no freaking way, 'Are you telling me this girl is another Uzumaki? Because if she is, I don't know what to do cause she's about to fight us to the death of here!' she shouted in anger.

Seriously, did she have to drop a bomb like that during a fight?

'Well no need to get snippy with me young lady, I just thought you would like to know.' Nimue said

Karin sighed, 'Sorry, it's just, listen I'll call you back later. Fighting now, peace!' she said as she cut the connection, "Okay, new plan, we take her alive." The redhead said.

Shikamaru raised an eyebrow, "Why?" he asked

Karin signed, "Simple, she's clan, specifically she's an Uzumaki like me and Naruko. So I rather not kill my own kin thank you very much." She said bluntly.

"Troublesome." Was the only response that Shikamaru could give back as this made the situation that much harder, "Can't you, oh I don't know, talk to her?" he asked in a bland tone.

Karin just gave him a deadpanned expression, "Does she look like she wants to talk?" she said pointing to her fellow redhead.

"Get ready to die brats. For this is my melody of death!" She said as she did some handsigns, "Kuchiyose no Jutsu-(Summoning Technique)!" she announced as she summoned three large looking monsters, "Meet my Doki (Rage Ogres) fuckers." She said with a grin and placed her flute to her mouth and preformed her Mateki: Genbusō Kyoku-(Demonic Flute: Illusionary Warriors Manipulating Melody) to control her Doki warriors.

"Crap." Muttered both Karin and Shikamaru together as they jumped out of the as one of the Doki used its club to destroy the tree branch they were standing on.

"Come on brain boy, do what you're supposed to do!" Karin shouted as she jumped out of the way of the bandaged and armless Doki who went to body slam her, but she countered it by making a large wired fist that knocked the thing into a tree.

"It's kinda hard to think of something with you yelling at me woman!" Shikamaru snapped back.

"Oh you did not just go there!" Karin snapped back, "Don't make me come over there and peel your dick like a banana with my wires shadow boy!" she threatened

Shikamaru shivered at that while dodging the arm-blade Doki.

Tayuya blinked, "Whoa, four eyes here getting down right ruthless." She said as that was a nice threat, she would have to remember that, but killing matter more at the moment then some awesome one liner.

Karin made a gun-like motion with her thumb and index finger and fired 5 sickly orb of blue and red at Tayuya.

Tayuya looked surprised, but continued playing her flute while dodging the curse spell, but noticed that as soon as they made contact with the tree that they seemed to break the bark of the tree.

Karin tsk'd at her Gandr curse missing its target, looks like she'll have to use a bit of genjutsu to nail a hit, but with that genjutsu the her Uzumaki cousin used earlier, it was best to say that she could counter any genjutsu that Karin could do at this point of time.

Shikamaru jumped out of the way again, 'Damn, this is not good. We keep getting further away.' He thought as the club wielding Doki swung at him, but as it hit him, the boy turned to smoke.

"Pay attention shadow boy." Karin said as she made a Kage Bunshin and Kawarimi'd it with the boy to save him.

"Thanks for that, I owe you one." Shikamaru said

"Well start paying me back now, if I can get close to her and make decent eye contact, I can paralysis her." Karin said as she referred to her Mystic Eye of Binding.

"What else can you do besides that, those clones, and those wire constructions?" Shikamaru asked quickly.

"Genjutsu too, but I would probably only get one shot at it, before she would be more guarded if I failed the first time. The only reason she can't see us is because I have a genjutsu hiding us." Karin answered, but that was a lie, it was really a boundary field to hide their presence, plus she was suppressing her chakra too incase the other Uzumaki was a sensor, so worst case scenario was that the other redhead sensed Shikamaru and not her.

"Alright then." Shikamaru said with a confident smile, "Here's the plan."

-End: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance OST - The Stains of Time-

0 With Team Gai 0

Kidomaru was panting, he was already using the first stage of the curse seal and already used his summons,Kyodaigumo, but it was skewered by that bun haired girl with flying swords of all things!

And even before that, when he used his summons Amagumo-(Rain of Spiders), where he could rain down smaller spiders from the eggs of his summons at his enemies, but that Hyuuga used his Hakke Rokujūyon Shō-(Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms) to destroy the younger spiders while that bowl cut kid destroyed them with his speed and power, and finally the bun haired girl burned all the thread he was hoping to use to immobilize them.

Hell, the only reason he was still moving was from his Nenkin no Yoroi-(Armor of Sticky Gold) that protected him from the bowl cut kids attacks somewhat and from the Hyuuga's Juuken.

Pretty much things were going to shit for him, but it was time to level up.

So he removed his headband to reveal his third eye, which opened, and transformed into the second stage of the curse seal. His features turned as his skin became dark red, he gained horns on his forehead, shoulders, and elbows as his hair grew long and turned white, while gaining spinnerets too.

"I'm taking you brats in one shot!" he shouted as he used his Kumo Nenkin-(Spider Sticky Gold) to make a large war bow, he held it in one hand, used his other hand to pull the string with his mouth and used his other four hands to hold him up with spider webs and used his feet to pull the tension even more at the edges of the bow and spat out a large gold arrow and aimed it at them.

The Chunin and two genin froze at seeing him change and went to move as he unleashed the arrow that ripped apart a majority of the forest.

"Kumo Senkyū: Suzaku-(Spider War Bow: Terrible Split)." Kidomaru said as he made another arrow and made a spiral tip to it, this time he was intending to skewer the bun haired girl for killing his summon.

Tenten cursed, none of her Projections could get to him fast enough, nor would they be powerful enough if they had from this range.

-Play: CROW'S CLAW-Broken Phantasm-

If you can't defeat it, then imagine what can.

Those words filled her mind, the words that Nimue told her when she first started her Magecraft.

Only her imagination stopped her from reaching her true potential.

She needed a way to hit her opponent.

A bow!

Her opponent was using one, so why not her?

She grabbed a branch lying on the ground and shaped it via Reinforcement to the shape of a bow.

But what weapon could she use? It needed to be strong, it needed to be fast, it had to be able to tear through her opponent.

Suddenly her Crest flashed and an image appeared in her mind.

It was a sword, it had a spiral-like blade and it was silver with blue and gold accents on it.

The name of it was on the tip of her tongue.

"Caladbolg...II...The Fake Spiral Sword." She muttered (3).

With the raise of the hammer in her mind, she struck the anvil.

The seven steps to Tracing.

Judging the concept of creation: A blade that could pierce even the strongest defense.

Hypothesizing the basic structure: Spiraled to stay true even in the strongest flurry.

Duplicating the composition material: Made with metals hard as diamond and stiff as stone.

Imitating the skill of its making: Hammered by masters then twisted by man.

Sympathizing with the experience of its growth: A sword that learned to soar through the skies.

Reproducing the accumulated years: A weapon that bore through the hearts of many.

Excelling every manufacturing process: A blade built to pierce through Heaven and Hell.

From what she understood, Caladbolg was an A-rank Noble Phantasm, but due to how she made it, the quality of projected weapons will always be degraded by 2 ranks due to humans being unable to fully conceptualize the existence of an object through only one sense, it a C-rank.

But there was a way around that.

She pumped her prana into, making it crack, making it stronger, making it deadlier.

Making it a Broken Phantasm.

She had seen how Naruko did it and had asked about it further.

If a Noble Phantasm is packed with prana, it can be made to explode after striking its target. It is nearly impossible to repair a destroyed Noble Phantasm, and as they are the trump cards of Heroic Spirits, they are unlikely to take such measures.

She was a special case, as she could reproduce as many copies of Noble Phantasms as her prana will allow due to Tracing, allowing her to also counterbalance the fact that all of her projections are lowered by 2 ranks.

Thus turning her now C-rank Noble Phantasm to a B-rank Noble Phantasm.

She notched the arrow with her right hand into her bow, pulled back, and took aim.

Reinforcing her eyes and with target in sight.


And she released it, just as her opponent fired his arrow.

When she did release it however; she was sent flying back into a tree as her bow shattered into a thousand pieces from the raw power of the Phantasm.

The spiral sword screeched and howled through the air as it turned into a red and blue energy arrow with a spiraling cyclone following it.

It clashed with the spiral gold arrow, but blasted through it like wet tissue paper, leaving a spiraling trail in its wake.

The Broken Phantasm hit true as Kidomaru was shot into the sky and turned to nothingness from the sheer power of the sword as it continued into the sky and erupted into flames, blanketing the sky in fire.

-End: CROW'S CLAW-Broken Phantasm-

All was quiet in the field until Lee broke out in cheer.

"Tenten that was amazing!" he said as he ran up to her and gave a 'youthful' hug.

Neji smiled and walked up to them.

But unfortunately for Tenten, it felt as though her entire body was on fire, every nerve, every blood vessel felt as thought it was screaming.

"Tenten?" Neji question seeing the pained expression on her face.

"I'm okay." She said while giving a cough, "I just need to rest, that attack took a lot out of me you know." The bun haired girl stated, "Let's head back and help Choji if he needs it." She said and the boys nodded as Neji placed her arm around his shoulder and started to head back to Konoha with Lee guarding the rear.

0 With Naruko and Haku 0

The two raced after Kimimaro and entered an open field where the albino stopped and placed the barrel down.

The man stared at the two impassively, but peered at Haku a bit longer then Naruko.

"I believe I've seen you once before." He said to Haku.

Haku's eyes widened, but relaxed a moment later and gave a small smile, "Yes, yes we have. Though it was only a glance, but I see you found it, your purpose." She commented

Kimimaro nodded, "Yes, I have." As he grew bones from his palms, shoulders, elbows, and knees, "Prepare yourself for the first dance, Yanagi no Mai-(Dance of the Willow)." He said and got into his stance.

Haku twirled her spear and Naruko readied her sword.

"So, mind telling me how you know each other?" Naruko questioned her vassal.

Haku looked at her mistress, "Yes Naruko-sama, when Zabuza-sama and I left Mizu no Kuni, we crossed paths. I wanted to reach out to him since his eyes reminded myself of my own before I met Zabuza-sama, but Zabuza-sama wouldn't slow down, so I followed after him while not getting a chance to talk to our opponent here." She answered

Naruko nodded, "I see." The blonde said.

There was a brief silence on the battlefield and each side charged towards each other.

0 With Tayuya 0

-Play: Mahoutsukai no Yoru OST: Duel-One on One-

"Where the hell are those losers?" Tayuya muttered as she couldn't even find them, "Screw it, let's see how those pieces of trash handle this." She said as she decided to play her Mateki: Mugen Onsa once again.

As she was about to play, a kunai went towards her head, but she dodged and played her flute, sending her Doki at the location the kunai came from.

She didn't expect to see those freaky blue and red orbs coming at her from multiple directions, so she continued to dodge them.

"Ah!" Tayuya shouted as she was hit on the by one of the orbs. She gritted her teeth, "Fucking hell." She said as she gingerly placed on the tree branch she was standing on, but winced, it was fractured alright.

"How the hell did it hit?" she questioned and felt something, "No way, Kai." She said as she stopped her chakra flow and saw she was in another area.

"Magen: Kokoni Arazu no Jutsu-(Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique) huh? Kept me distracted so you could get a hit off me. A nice job for little scurrying rats, but I've seen better." The redhead said as she went to move, but felt herself stuck, "What the?" she questioned as her surrounds changed once more.

'So it was Magen: Nijū Kokoni Arazu no Jutsu-(Demonic Illusion: Double False Surroundings Technique)?' Tayuya thought as she saw the shadow holding her in place as the double layered genjutsu tricked her into thinking that they attacking from a far, but in reality were up close to her as she looked to see that pineapple haired kid holding her down.

"Kagemane no Jutsu-(Shadow Imitation Technique) success." Shikamaru said

"You think this can hold me?" Tayuya asked as her skin started to turn brown and she grew horns from her head, ripping up her beanie cap and she began to fight the hold against her.

"Crap, Kage-Kubishibari no Jutsu-(Shadow-Neck Binding Technique)." Shikamaru said as he did three quick handsigns and shadow hands began to circle around Tayuya's body to hold her, but Shikamaru was having a tough time due to her increased strength.

Suddenly, a large wire hand grabbed Tayuya also.

"Damn you!" Tayuya yelled as Karin walked up to her and grabbed her by her hair, "Let go!"

"Sorry, not happening cousin." Karin said she looked into her brown eyes and channeled prana into her red ones.

In that second, Tayuya felt her entire body freeze, as though she had been paralyzed from the soles of her feet to tips of her hair.

"Shikamaru, let go." Karin said and the shadow boy did as told.

Karin cocked back a Reinforced fist and bashed Tayuya's temple hard, knocking out the Uzumaki.

Tayuya's features turned to normal and the Doki dispelled.

-End: Mahoutsukai no Yoru OST: Duel-One on One-

"Well it seems my help wasn't needed after all." A jovial female voice said and the turn Konoha-nin turn to see Sabaku no Temari standing on a tree branch.

She was wearing a different outfit from the exam, it consisted of a long sleeved purple blouse under a grey top, a dark blue skirt, and a long red sash arranged in a bow, with her iron fan hanging from her back.

"But it's what I'd expect from someone related to Naruko." Temari said with a smile at Karin, "She did beat Gaara after all." Something the blonde thought was impossible.

Shikamaru raised an eyebrow, "What am I? Chop liver?" he asked

Temari shrugged, "Every great woman needs a stepping stool or in this case a stepping man." She said half serious, half joking.

Shikamaru sweatdropped, "Troublesome woman." He muttered

Karin finished restraining Tayuya and wiped her brow, "Hey, let's get her back to Konoha, though can someone carry her? I'm kinda shot here." The redhead said as she used about another 7 Kage Bunshin during the fight and it was a bit tiring to do so.

Temari shrugged, "Yeah, sure. I was suppose to help, but since it was finished when I got here, I'll do it." She said as she jumped down and picked up the Oto-nin, "So what are you going to do to her? Interrogate?" she asked as she still had somewhat a bone to pick with Oto.

Karin nodded, "Yeah, but she's also an Uzumaki, so we'll most likely get her to join us and bring her home." She stated

Temari looked surprised, "I see." Was all she said as Shikamaru walked up to them.

"So what are you doing here? I know you said you were coming to help, but are the rest of your team with you?" he asked

Temari nodded, "Yep, Gaara went on ahead to help Naruko and Kankuro went after that dog boy."

Shikamaru released a sigh of relief, "At least Kiba's getting some back-up then." He said as he was worried for the Inuzuka, but it looks like he was in capable hands now, "Come on, let's get back Konoha and help others. It's the best we can do since I doubt we'd be much help to Naruko and Haku with such low chakra, plus that Gaara guy is with them, more than enough to tip the scales."

The girls nodded to this and decided to head back.

0 With Naruko and Haku 0

The ground was scattered in wind scars, ice, water, and bone shards.

Kimimaro was shirtless with two short bone hilt swords made from his second dance, Tsubaki no Mai-(Dance of the Camellia) and with several bones popping out of him by using his third dance, Karamatsu no Mai-(Dance of the Larch). He was breathing a bit heavily, but remand vigilant in his duty to protect Sasuke's barrel.

Haku had a few cuts on her, but she was healing them as Naruko stood in front of her and charged again.

Kimimaro fired his Teshi Sendan-(Ten-Finger Drilling Bullets) at the oncoming blonde, but Naruko swatted them away and went for an overhead slash.

Kimimaro's bones sprang out and caught the invisible blade, but one Prana Burst and the sword was freed with ease. Naruko turned on a dime for a horizontal slash, but the albino jumped back to avoid the attack.

He rolled to the side to avoid the spear of Haku, who came out of an ice mirror behind him.

"Hm, to think I thought you two were trash, but to bring me to my third dance, I guess there are a few decent ninja in Konoha." Kimimaro said as he brought up his short swords.

"I'll take that as a complement." Naruko said with a hint, a very big hint, of sarcasm.

Suddenly, Sasuke's barrel exploded and there he was, standing up with long white hair, but it receded back to his usual short black hair.

"Uchiha Sasuke, continue north and you will reach Orochimaru-sama, I will stay and hold them off." Kimimaro said to Sasuke and the Uchiha ran fast.

Naruko tsk'd in annoyance and went after Sasuke.

Kimimaro went to block her path, but Haku in front of him via ice mirror and created a wall of ice to block his path.

With a twirl of her spear, Haku pointed it at the bone user, "You'll have to go through me." she said with narrowed eyes.

Kimimaro narrowed his eyes in return and got into his stance.

0 With Naruko 0

As Naruko chased after Sasuke, she noticed that they were reaching the Valley of the End.

How ironically fitting.

Sasuke landed on Uchiha Madara's fingers while Naruko landed on Senju Hashirama's fingers.

"Uchiha, I'm giving you one chance. Come back willingly and your sentence may not be as harsh." Naruko said as she opened with negotiations.

Sasuke held a mad glint in his eye and laughed, "Yeah right, why would I return to that weak little village? All it does is hold me back!" he shouted at the girl and pointed at her, "And you, you always get in my way, that power of yours, you don't deserve it. It should all be mine!" he said in some degree of madness.

Naruko stared at him as she shook her head, "Pitiful, to think you're so crazy at the age of twelve." She commented with a shrug, "But I never really liked you so it really isn't much skin off my teeth if you die here. As long as Orochimaru doesn't get the Sharingan, you really are just expendable." She admitted

It was a good thing for her she did as that enraged Sasuke even further.

"You think you can kill me?" he questioned, "Well I'd like to see you try!" he said as he got into a fighting stance.

Naruko did the same with her invisible sword.

"Well, let's just see then, shall we?" the blonde asked with a smirk.

And thus, the ancient rivalry between Senju and Uchiha erupted once more.

Done and done!

Sorry about the wait on this one, but I had some Spring Break H.W. to do and other College projects to get out of the way that would be a problem down the road.

0 Omake: Cold Feet 0

"Alright, so what do I have to do in this scene?" Naruko asked the director.

"Simple, we're doing the wedding scene." The director said casually.

Naruko nodded as she drank her water...before doing a spit take, "WHAT?!" she shouted

The director nodded, "Yep, we even got her Highness herself from Haru no Kuni to play as Guinevere."

"Koyuki-san?!" Naruko questioned in further shock.

"Yep, so pucker those lips for the kissing scene." The director said with a bit of a perverted chuckle.

"But that's my first kiss!" Naruko roared as she went Tsun Tsun on the director.

"Oh, Naruko!" the voice of Koyuki said as she ran up to the girl with script in hand, "Good to see." She said with a warm smile.

Naruko was in tears; her first kiss was going towards a movie scene!

Damn you Tsunade!

Why Root?


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