|The claws of the past| (baku...

By DarkHeartGirl1

1.3K 78 9

This is a Magnus Black x oc story. Magnus discoveres a girl with powers that is under AAAnimus's control. The... More

Geting to know each other
The walk
Trouble (pt .1)
Trouble (pt .2)
Crossing paths
Lost memories (pt 1.)
Lost memories (pt 2.)
The journey begins
Unexpected encounter
The letter
More blood
Broken (again)
Reunited (again)

A chase and blood

48 4 0
By DarkHeartGirl1

It was a dark night. Magnus was staying on a rock platform. He was watching some bad guys dealing illegal devices.

Magnus*in his mind*: If I manage to stop this guy, I can stop the crime rate from getting even higher. And that way I can question him and find out if he knows anything about the White Ravens...he's on the move!

He jumped from the rocks and ran to the train. He threw himself and landed inside the train. He looked around, and found hundreds of cases full of devices. But what he didn't knew was that someone was watching him.


I was on the roof of the train when I realized that there were three carts full of devices. I went to the first one and I was thinking how I could open the lock, when I heard a voice.

Tripp: What do you think your doing?

His voice was too sweet, so I was very careful while I climbed. He revealed himself and I was shocked. Then he started attacking, but because I had experience, I managed to get the upper hand.

Tripp: Wait! Please! Don't attack! I'll tell you anything!

His pleadings reminded me so much of Jamina, that I felt my heart clenching. I tried to stay strong.

Magnus: Ok, but you have to tell me who hired you.

Tripp: Ok, but first, I'll like to take my jacket. It's so hot!

Magnus: Ugh, hurry up!

Tripp: Ok, now I'll tell you...here!

He threw his jacket at my head, and I was stoped. I took it down, only to find out that the idiot already evolved his bakugsns and Eanoch was almost dead.

Tripp: Watch your head!

I turned around and saw a tunnel. Tripp jumped through a secret compartment and hid himself. But I was I real trouble. Even tho' I lowered myself, the walls slashed my shoulder and back, making me scream in pain. I had to bite my tongue to avoid further screams and just let the walls cut through my skin. When I got out of the tunnel, I almost passed out. The pain was so intense that I nearly screamed again, but I had to win the fight. I ran to a bakucore, and I was about to grab it, when the train took a turn and I fell, grabing a metal bar before I hit the ground. The cuts on my back were burning, while I felt my hand slowly leting go.

Tripp: You know you are pathetic, right? You can't win a fight, so you won't ve able to save your friend! Right now, her boss is probably using her to steal things! And you are just staying there!

Magnus: How do you know about her?!

Tripp: Well, you must know Haavik, right, well, its all connected! Me, him, the Ravens; right now, I bet Haavik is using your friend for entertainment! And what are you going to do?

I felt my heart stop. The time slowed down and I closed my eyes. All of my memories flashed before my eyes.


The dragon destroyed one of the bakugans and I threw the energy. While Tripp was trying to find some other energy, I climbed back and cut the train in half, leaving the one with the devices on a bridge. I climbed quickly on Nillious and took off. He pushed the carts down and the devices were broken. I waved to Tripp and left. The pain was horrible. Blood was trailing down my hands and I ripped my cape, trying to stop the bleeding.

Magnus: N-nillious...take me to Los Volmos...I h-have to get to Haavik...please...quickly...

I was starting to get dizzy, and my vision was blurred. I leaned on one of his claws and tightened the cape around me. Nillious lowered one of his heads down and nudged me slowly in the chest. I smiled weakley and raised my hand, slowly pating his head.

Magnus: Y-you are the best bakugan...I could ever choose...thank you...

He started purring and I passed out in his claws, with the sound of purring in my head and blood dripping from my back.

AN: Hi, hope you're having a great time! I still didn't find the next seasons so i think I'll just make my own story. Just remember that the actions from this story are not in order. Also, if you want to imagine yourself in Janina's place, than be my guest, don't let a name stop you. Happy reading! Enjoy! Dark out!

750 words

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