Valera Targaryen: The Storm B...

By imhigherthansnoop

235K 7.9K 337

Princess Valera Targaryen, is the first child of Viserys Targaryen and Aemma Arryn. Valera was born during o... More



2.4K 104 4
By imhigherthansnoop

106 AC
Kings Landing

Princess Valera Targaryen stood on the balcony of her bed chambers, basking in the sun. Her newborn son lay in her arms, swaddled in the same blanket that Prince Qoren had gifted to the late Prince Baelon. The small child stared up at its mother with large lilac eyes, one of his hands entangled in Valeras long silver hair.

Behind Princess Valera, Prince Daemon entered the room with his brother, King Viserys next to him. The two men looked like an odd pairing as they walked together. The King was round and plump with rosy cheeks from his excessive drinking where as Prince Daemon was a tall, muscular man with sharp features and an intense stare. If it wasn't for their silver hair and purple eyes, not one soul would think they shared blood.

"My daughter," Viserys sighed as Valera came in to view. The King smile grew wider as he saw the small swaddle that lay in his daughters arms, having not yet been permitted to meet the babe.

Almost two days prior, Princess Valera birthed her son. He was a small child and surprisingly healthy, having been born a moon early.

Until now, Prince Daemon turned away every request from those wishing to meet the child, insisting that Valera and the babe needed more time before being paraded around court. This decision caused many arguments between King Viserys and Prince Daemon but the Rouge Prince did not waver. Instead, Daemon reminded his brother of the disrespect Valera felt due to his and Alicents recent intrusion during such a sensitive moment.

"How are you feeling?" The King asked as he approached his daughter, eyes still glued to the newest member of his lineage.

"Better," Valera smiled softly at her father before shifting her gaze to Prince Daemon, lips pressed into a fine line. The Prince returned the small smile.

"May I hold him?" Viserys asked, voice hopeful. Valera nodded and handed the babe to her father. As she did so, Daemon came to stand by her side, arm wrapping around her waist. "He is perfect," the King complimented, looking back up at Valera and Daemon, "does he have a name yet?"

Valera and Daemon smiled at each other, speaking a silent agreement before Valera began to speak, "we decided... his name will be Aerion."

"A wonderful name for a Prince... and future King," King Viserys spoke as he gazed down lovingly at his grandchild. The man lightly swayed back and forth as he rocked the small bundle in his arms.

Valera beamed up at Daemon when she heard her fathers words, not expecting him to be so accepting of their child and after a few moments of silence, the King began to speak again.

"I believe that it is time..." Viserys began, looking back up at Prince Daemon and Princess Valera, "that we begin to plan your wedding."


"He has permit them a marriage?!" Alicent growled at the news that Viserys finally blessed Valera and Daemons wish to be married. Behind her, her father, King Viserys Hand, Otto Hightower nodded, hands held behind his back.

"They have a child together," Otto Hightower spoke matter-of-factly.

"I know," she bit back, pacing the room, "why would he legitimize the child! I am bound to give him a son and then he will be the heir," Alicent told her father, jealousy boiling inside of her.

"And that can still happen..." Otto reassured his daughter, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, "a first born son will always be the true heir," he told her.

"My son will sit the throne," Alicent told her father, "we have to make sure of it."


106 AC

In a fortnight, Daemon Targaryen and Valera Targaryen arrived upon Dragonstone, this being the first time Valera was seen out of company of her child. With them, King Viserys and Princess Rhaenyra joined them as well as a couple other close family or council members. A Valyrian Priest awaited the royals on Dragonstone, a red priestess also accompanying him.

As the sun fell beneath the sea, Prince Daemon and Princess Valera cut each others lips and hands while reciting the Valryian marriage vows.

"Hen lantoti ānogar." Blood of two.
"Va syndroti vāedroma." Joined as one.
"Mēro perzot gīhoti," Ghostly flame,
"Elēdroma iārza sīr." and song of shadows.
"Izulī ampāperzī," Two hearts as embers,
"Prūmī lanti sēteksi," Foraged in fourteen fires,
"Hen jenÿ māzīlarion," A future promised in glass,
"Qelossa ozūndesi," The stars stand witness,
"Sÿndroro ōñō jēdo," The vow spoke through time,
"Rÿ kïvia mazvestraksi." Of darkness and light.

The Prince and Princess were dressed completely in white dressings, looking ethereal in the dwindling light. Valera had a fitted gown with gold stitching and a silver hes dressing that fell neatly with Valeras white hair. The Prince wore a simple long sleeved tunic that had gold stitched on the edges of his collar and sleeves.

As the Targaryens finished their vows, and sealed  their love with a kiss, two blood red stars were said to have darted across the sky above Dragonstone. The stars slowly flew closer together before they became one with a small explosion. Sparks flew in the sky around the star that now gleamed like gold and continued to soar across the darkened horizon before eventually disappearing from sight and leaving the sky streaked with streaks of light.

Valeras outfit inspo:

Authors Note

I'm sorry this chapters a little short but I hope you guys enjoyed it!! I don't have as much time to write right now because I am taking classes again but I'll try to write when I can!

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