my darling violet

By busy_reading07

512K 10.1K 1.1K

violet jones grew up around people that she feared. one day she got thrown a massive curve ball, her whole li... More

little info
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Character 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Author's question
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102

Chapter 81

1.4K 38 3
By busy_reading07

violet's pov

two days and we have pretty much nothing. All we have managed to get is his mother's name, if he has any siblings and when he joined our mafia. Someone really doesn't want us to find anything about this guy.

James, Matthew and I have been in James's office for the past two days searching for things. It took a lot of convincing Alessandro that I was safe here with James and Matthew plus him because he hasn't really left my side except when I went to get food the one time.

James is supposed to be the best hacker in our mafia and normally he can do things within half a day but he hasn't been stopping and we've got nothing, except a couple of broken laptops in the corner. Apparently, there are some traps set up that fry the computer if you do something wrong when entering the code.

I wouldn't be as stupid to say James is the best hacker in the world because I know there are at least three that are better than him but two already are with other mafias that we can't go to and one is a normal civilian, granted a civilian I miss like hell but he can't be brought into this, he is safe living his life and if we brought him in there would be a hit on his head.

While we have been going through everything digitally or trying to Lorenzo, Massimo and Matteo are going through it physically. Quite literally, they are trying to get information out of Ben. So far they have gotten out of him that he was approached by a guy saying he had his girlfriend and would torture and kill her unless he helped them take down our mafia.

So now we also have to look into this mysterious girlfriend, that we still can't find anything on, at this point I'm thinking she wasn't who she said she was. Which is both bad and really bad because that probably means more than one mafia has intel on us and are trying to take us down.

Because we don't want anyone else getting information on us or knowing what we know about Ben we have the triplets standing guard at the basement door and all of the other people that were in there are now in different cells. So Ben is in there alone with three of the strongest and angriest people I've ever met.

Sighing I lay back in the chair that has pretty much been claimed as mine, grabbing my phone I send a quick message to Enzo

'looks like the girlfriend is under a false identity'

With that, I go back to the practically pointless task of trying to find the girlfriend's name and doing any of the tasks the mafia needs to be done. There are other people who do some of this but there are some stuff that Alessandro only trusts James to do. But because he is spending all his time on Ben and they have to get done before a certain time I've been doing them and when they are too hard Matthew will.

Hearing the sounds of swearing I look up to see James laptop is smoking. Throwing that laptop on the pile of broken ones he grabs a new one from the good pile. When the laptops started breaking Alessandro got someone to deliver a bunch of laptops with the mafia encryptions on them but that no one had ever used. Alessandro looking at the kind of big pile of broken laptops, he sighs before getting up and walking towards the door.

"where are you going" I ask just before he gets to the door

"To get some help. Theres an ally mafia who has a son who might be able to help" he replies barely stopping to get the sentence out

He takes the phone call in the empty office across from James. It isn't a long phone call but there is definitely some things being said. It doesn't look like bad things but it definitely doesn't look like good things are being said.

Walking back into the room and to the couch where he is always sitting he sighs before speaking

"they will get here tomorrow, they are getting their things and boarding a plane tonight"

"what mafia are they from?" I ask curious, I thought knew all of our allies which aren't that many and none of them had a son good at hacking or at least better than James

"the Spanish mafia" is all he says before opening his laptop and continuing working

Needing a break from hitting dead ends all the time I decide to look up the Spanish mafia because I know for sure that we never were allies with them before.

Luckily for me, we for some reason have files of the mafias we are allies with and it states why we became allies with a bunch of other things like a family tree and who runs what in their mafia. I'm not sure if other mafias have this but it is both really smart and really dumb I mean on the one hand you have all the information you would need in one place but on the other, it is easier to steal mafias's information.

Going to the Spanish one I look at the top page where it says why. Reading through it quickly all I feel is guilt. The Spanish and Italian mafia were not at war but they certainly weren't friends with each other but when I went missing and our mafia couldn't find me not even Theo's mafia could find me.

So begrudgingly they went to the Spanish mafia and begged to help find me and if they did that then they would get not only us as allies but also the British and American mafia but also a favour from Alessandro whenever they needed one, and it could be whatever they want.

Closing the laptop I just sit there. Not only our mafia but the British mafia had to do something just to get me back, they obviously didn't want to be allies before for a reason. Now Alessandro owes them a favour. And anyone smart enough would know a favour is way worse than having all our men or guns or anything else we own.

Knowing I can't be here anymore I grab my phone calling Elijah. He is supposed to be home with Xavier and Xander but I know they are all here working out all their frustration or at least the twins are and Elijah is making sure they don't kill anyone, including themselves and Ares is probably just sitting there either reading or looking at Xavier and Xander.

"I'm going home with Elijah, I think I need to rest" I lie knowing that is the only way I can get out of here the quickest

"do you need anything" Alessandro asks dropping his laptop on the couch beside him and standing up to be in front of me

"no I think I just need to get some sleep" I tell him before giving him a small hug and walking out the door

Ever since I've been back whenever I leave anyone to go somewhere else I make sure to hug them, knowing that there could be another attack anytime.

Getting my phone out I dial Elijah and explain to him that I want to come home and sleep because I'm too tired to do anything. So when I get to the ground floor they are all there waiting for me and we quickly get into the car and go home.

Looking at Ares next to me I see him looking out the window, occasionally looking at everyone in the car. It must be weird seeing everyone when they were much younger than being taken, knowing they are growing but then coming back and actually seeing them all grown up.

So now Ares is looking at everyone pretty much all the time. We all get it and we let him do it but is sad when you think about how he was alone in the cell for so long while we were all out here living our lives. It almost reminds me of when I was back with Tim and Andrea.

It really isn't long before we get home or at least to our temporary home. Getting out of the car the boys go into the gaming room while Elijah goes somewhere and Ares and I climb up the stairs heading to my room.

Because I've been mostly staying up and being in James's office, I'm sure Ares hasn't been sleeping either or at least not well. It hard going to sleep alone after you've been imprisoned not knowing if you were safe. So sleeping together kind of makes us feel safe, even if we have more guards than we did before.

Changing into our pyjamas we both get into bed, the curtains pulled together and the light off with only the small lamp in the corner we have on. It's not so bright that it keeps us up but enough that we can see the entire room without having to squint or anything. Something else we have been doing since we've gotten back.

We both are having nightmares but because we are now very light sleepers and we are sleeping next to each other we don't wake anyone else up. For the rest of the night, we always either watch something or just hug each other.

It is kind of our routine now, if I don't have a nightmare one night then it will be Ares and if Ares doesn't then it's me, sometimes we even both have nightmares which is when we both just hug each other and wait until the sun comes up and it's a normal time to wake up before leaving the room. We don't talk about it though, we have a silent agreement to not speak of it because then we have to relive what we went through and I think we both know we don't want to go through that.

Finallygetting into a more comfortable position I drift off to sleep hoping like I doevery night that tonight we both won't have nightmares and we can sleeppeacefully. 

. ☾ . 

I really hope you guys like this, I actually planned out the start of it for the first time so I'm going to try and do that from now on.

thank you guys for 5.5k votes and all the comments. most of my notifications on here if not all are you guys either voting or commenting so thank you 

I hope you guys have a really good day/night and if not I hope it gets better

if you ever need or want to talk to someone you can always message me. 

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