After The Tears

By OtherworldlyScribble

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The story is over, the kingdom is saved. But what of our brave hero with an unbreakable will, or our determin... More

Chapter 1: What Remains
Chapter 2: Hidden Blades at Nightfall
Chapter 3: The Sword And The Pedestal
Chapter 4: Danger In The Depths
Chapter 5: A Day Of Remembering
Chapter 6: A Swordsman Made Whole
Chapter 7: End Of The Shadow
Chapter 8: A Friends Advice
Chapter 9: Desert in Turmoil
Chapter 10: Falling Castle
Chapter 11: The Approaching Storm
Chapter 12: Stand or Fall
Chapter 13: Subdued Fear
Chapter 14: Peace From the Ashes
Chapter 15: Unexpected Friend
Chapter 16: Preparations
Chapter 18: Long Expected News
Chapter 19: In Plain Sight
Chapter 20: Four Legged Friend
Chapter 21: To Stop An Idea
Chapter 22: Letter to the Past
Chapter 23: A Day to be Remembered
Chapter 24: Distant Conflict
Chapter 25: Sky's Request
Chapter 26: Bon Voyage
Chapter 27: Sails of Hope
Chapter 28: Prince
Chapter 29: Royal Apprentices
Chapter 30: Training Begins
Chapter 31: Powers from the Past
Chapter 32: Garden of the Fallen
Chapter 33: Shattered Crown
Chapter 34: Emissary from the Land of Honor
Chapter 35: Dark Crystal
Chapter 36: Wounds
Chapter 37: The Hunt Ends
Chapter 38: A Pleasant Little Surprise
Chapter 39: Pain and Joy
Chapter 40: A Servant's Throne

Chapter 17: A Night to be Remembered

74 1 0
By OtherworldlyScribble

In the morning preparations continued as the festival day drew near. Link and Zelda left to help with the final preparations while Altaira wandered around Hateno, eventually making her way up to the research lab. The rising sun made the view stunning, this reinforced what Altiara had read about Hyrule's natural beauty. Despite everything Hyrule had been through in its long history, it was long regarded as having a breathtaking natural beauty. The festival was being set up in the clearing behind the school and Link was busy carrying supplies and objects to the festival grounds. Zelda was helping with the kids who were practicing an ancient dance she had learned during her time in the past with Rauru and Sonia. The next day was the day of the festival and Link was at work preparing the food for the afternoon though he was distracted when he overheard some disconcerting news, there were rumors about the Yiga Clan having survived. Meanwhile, Zelda accompanied Altaira who was picking up the dress Cece had made. Zelda remarked how beautiful the dress was despite Cece having to rush to make it in time.  

Zelda: It's gorgeous
Cece: Of course it is, it was made by me after all.
Altaira: Thank you so much, I'm looking forward to wearing it tonight.
Zelda and Altaira leave the shop
Altaira: Do you know what Link is wearing?
Zelda: He said it was something from his past but I don't know what it would be, perhaps his champion tunic.
Altaira: Well, I can't thank you and Link enough for this, for everything. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to be treated with such kindness or be taken in as a friend so quickly by people I just met?
Zelda: I can't believe I forgot, you don't have a dance partner for tonight.
Altaira: It's okay, I'm new here and don't know anyone other than you and your friends. I'm sure I will have a good time watching everyone, it looks like it will be a fun night.

It was mid-day when everyone gathered and began to celebrate wildly as the stable trotters played. It was customary for people to wear a wreath made from their favorite flowers and Zelda was no different with her wreath of silent princess flowers. People from all across Hyrule came to celebrate making Link a little nervous about the rumors. As the day continued the kids did their special dance Zelda had taught them which was received with roaring applause. Soon night fell and the kids huddled together falling asleep on each other's shoulders while the adults started to dance. Zelda searched for Link wishing to dance with him when someone grabbed her hand. This induvial was shorter than her and wearing the royal guard uniform with a wreath of sundelions instead of the beret. It took Zelda a minute to realize who had grabbed her hand and started dancing with her, it was Link. The moment was a little awkward as they hadn't openly danced together but in this moment they didn't care what others thought. The pair turned heads as they danced catching everyone's eyes. Suddenly an explosion went off and while everyone was distracted a group of people wearing masks took many people hostage, the Yiga were back.

Yiga: You foolishly believed we were defeated, such ignorance.
Zelda: What do you want? As if I don't already know.
Yiga: We have not come for your life, not yet at least. We came to kill a certain guest, a princess from another land, and perhaps a few townspeople for good measure.
Altaira: Why, I haven't done anything?
Yiga: I see you don't know who we are, we don't need a reason other than it would hurt the princess over there. Even if we can't kill her now your death will hurt her greatly.
Link: I have heard enough 
Yiga: What are you going to do without your sword?
Link: Like I need that to deal with you. It would seem like you have forgotten...WHO I AM!

With a sudden burst of energy Link lunged forward taking out the assailants. One by one, Link killed the assassins with nothing but his hands and a ladle. Extending his full strength Link freed the hostages and sent the Yiga who were incapable of withstanding his fury running for their lives. When the dust settled Link was surrounded by surprised people who kept asking who he was not believing a simple swordsman was as capable as Link. Link stuck to his swordsman title but Zelda wouldn't let Link's humility stand in the way of him getting his due recognition. For years Zelda saw Link as her equal but it pained her for him to never get his due. Zelda was just about to tell them before Link stopped her preferring them to come to their own conclusion of who he was. Some knew who he was and what he did for all of them but most were blind to reality. After everything calmed down everyone returned to dancing and feasting but Link and Zelda didn't opting for going on a walk up to the research lab, summoning Sky to stand guard. With not a cloud in the sky the moonlight beamed down lighting up everything. Link found himself fondling the rings in his pocket trying to think of the right things to say.

Link: It's been quite a day hasn't it?
Zelda: Yeah, I never expected the Yiga to attack.
Link: They must have new hideouts, but that wasn't the only thing. Even though our dance was interrupted I still enjoyed it.
Zelda: We could...pick up where we left off.
Link: I'd like nothing more than that.
Link and Zelda start dancing while they talk
Zelda: I never thought I would be able to do this again
Link: I didn't think I would either, but it has made this moment all the better.
Zelda: I've been wondering, how did you get a royal guard uniform?
Link: Well Cece has made copies, almost identical to the real thing, but I found this one while searching the castle.
Zelda: I can't believe it survived.
Link pauses and looks into Zelda's eyes
Link: There is...something I have been wanting to ask you for a long time but haven't found the right moment...till now.
Zelda: Link?
Link: We have been through so much together...and...well...what I'm trying to say is I love you. I have wanted to shout it from the rooftops but I didn't want to drag you down in the eyes of the people.
Zelda: As if being with the Hero of Hyrule could drag me down. I have loved you ever since the calamity and have only grown to love you more since then.
Link takes Zelda's hand and places the ring on her finger
Link: Will you marry me?
Zelda: Like you even had to ask.
Link and Zelda kiss
Zelda: let's not tell the others yet, I want to surprise our friends and I don't want to take away from tonight's celebrations.
Link: I'm sure our friends will be thrilled, shall we return before we are missed?
Zelda: Yes let's.

Link and Zelda returned to the celebration and danced the night away holding each other closer than before, even Altaira found a dance partner in one of the merchants. As the celebration came to an end everyone went back to their beds leaving the clean-up for the next day. The next day Link led the clean up for both the festival and the Yiga attack. Link thought he had left the limelight behind but his heroic nature and skill had pushed him back into people's minds, though it was easier to handle now. In the past Link was petrified by others' expectations but over time he learned how to better deal with it.

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