Dnf oneshots๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™

Oleh Yukishows

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This story is discontinued Lebih Banyak

Little fidgets๐ŸŽ€
Say you love me๐ŸŽ€
Childhood crush๐ŸŽ€
Yeah... patches ๐ŸŽ€
Destined to fall in love๐ŸŽ€
French love๐ŸŽ€
Finding the soft side on a cactus๐ŸŽ€
Its platonc right?๐ŸŽ€
My emo boy๐ŸŽ€
๐Ÿ’”light my candle๐ŸŽ€
Me and my husband๐ŸŽ€
Save me..๐Ÿ’”
He's a savior ๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
Such a simp๐ŸŽ€
Eternity with you๐ŸŽ€
Im loosing you๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿˆ
I want to fly๐ŸŽ€
Never celebrated Christmas..๐ŸŽ€
Binded by a curse๐ŸŽ€
I came to see you!๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
My relaxation lies in you๐ŸŽ€๐Ÿˆ
๐Ÿ’”give me love๐ŸŽ€
Attention hoarder๐ŸŽ€
Purge night๐Ÿ’”
Sleepover stream๐ŸŽ€
Boys dont cry..๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿˆ๐ŸŽ€
Sleepover stream pt 2!๐ŸŽ€
The debate upon Boyfriends..๐ŸŽ€
This will do for now..๐ŸŽ€
Am I gay?๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
Shy kisses๐ŸŽ€
Keep me steady๐ŸŽ€
Happy birthday..๐Ÿ’”
Happy birthday..๐Ÿ’” part 2
Only his, and only mine๐ŸŽ€
Te amo๐ŸŽ€
Forever with me๐ŸŽ€
Life without you๐Ÿ’”
The bet that broke you๐Ÿ’”
You again? ๐ŸŽ€
I'm so sick of all this giving๐Ÿ’”
Love hurts, but what if you enjoyed the pain? ๐ŸŽ€
Being his portrait๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
La Llorona๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
Pleasure ๐Ÿˆ
I'm no chicken๐Ÿˆ
The boy from the cliffside๐Ÿ’”
Seven hours๐Ÿ’”
Everything I wanted๐Ÿ’”
Goggles guy๐ŸŽ€
My beautiful lover๐ŸŽ€
Sleeping beauty๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
Bright lights and sweet delights๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
Touch my body๐ŸŽ€๐Ÿˆ
Whats wrong with me..?๐Ÿ’”
You're a treasure darling๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
Love lasts eternity, photos last a lifetime๐ŸŽ€
And love shall speak๐ŸŽ€
I cant stand you๐ŸŽ€
Loving can hurt sometimes๐ŸŽ€
I'll miss you forever..๐Ÿ’”
Fluffy mornings๐ŸŽ€
Love through the cold ๐ŸŽ€
Boy I'm crazy for you๐ŸŽ€๐Ÿ’”
So nauseating๐Ÿ’”
Stranger in my bed๐ŸŽ€๐Ÿˆ
I bloom for you๐Ÿ’”
Electric love๐ŸŽ€
Are we managing?๐ŸŽ€
I know you, you broke me๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
In love with my best friend๐ŸŽ€๐Ÿˆ
Dumb teenage boys๐ŸŽ€
You need a friend.. want to be mine?๐ŸŽ€
Dirty shoes and sweaty gym shorts๐ŸŽ€๐Ÿˆ
Love language #1: gift giving๐ŸŽ€
Love language #2: words of affirmation๐ŸŽ€
Love language #3: acts of service๐ŸŽ€
Love language #4: quality time๐ŸŽ€
Love language #5: physical touch๐ŸŽ€
Burnt out๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
October 3rd๐ŸŽ€
In god, we.. trust.. ๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
Eye reveal... T~T
Sound the police๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
I still love you, and I'll wait. -2019 lover๐Ÿ’”
Fighting for the top of the food chain๐Ÿ’”
I want more.. need more๐ŸŽ€๐Ÿˆ
Smile reveal ig
I see the limelight๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
From playmates to soulmates๐ŸŽ€
Our secret garden๐ŸŽ€๐Ÿ’”
Lost in your eyes๐Ÿˆ
Our bubble๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
Nightmare in Pensacola๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
Nightmare in Pensacola part two๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€
To love means to protect๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽ€

What could love bring for us?๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿˆ

910 26 45
Oleh Yukishows

My new favorite stream picture🥺

TW's: some mentioned homophobia, really really detailed make out session (👀), and gayness 😱

Dream groaned, listening to the same ringtone play two times, whoever was calling him at god knows time could wait. As he attempted to fall back asleep upon the song stopping, to continue his dream, the phone started ringing again. Dream flipped over on his bed, and opened his eyes with annoyance, glaring at the phone on his nightstand as he considered just leaving it to be morning Dream's problem. Reluctantly, he reached his arm out, and attempted to grab the phone off the desk, only to miss it by a couple centimeters. "Oh for crying out loud" Dream pushed himself off of his comfortable mattress, bringing his blankets with him as he grabbed his phone, unplugging it from the charger, and looking down at the screen, praying it wasn't some stupid spam that had woken him up. His demeanor changed almost instantly when seeing the caller was George, his British friend from early middle school years calling him.

Dream crawled back onto his bed, pressing the accept call button before laying his head down onto his pillows, closing his eyes as he spoke in his best awake voice, "Yeah?" He asked, looking over at his nightstand to see his clock, 1:27 am.

"I got kicked out" The voice on the other end was quiet and cracky, as if he was losing it. The sound of George's strained voice made Dream wake up quick, along with his words, but sleep still confused him from the conversation.

"What?" He asked, hoping he'd heard it wrong.

"I got kicked out" George sniffled from the other end, "can you come pick me up? Are your parents home?" He asked, and Dream sat up in his bed, not even attempting to pretend he was tired.

"Of course my parents are home," he whispered, trying not to wake them from the other rooms, along with his siblings, "where are you?" He asked, not sure how on earth he was going to get himself and his car away from home without waking anyone up, that would be a miracle. Dream threw the blankets off however, sure of himself that he wasn't going to let his best friend be alone out on the street at one in the morning. Waiting for George's answer, he crouched onto the ground and slid his shoes on, tying them quickly.

"I don't know, I kinda just.. left.." George stated, making Dream sigh, going through his phone while making sure their call was still connected. When they both got phones, they connected their locations together on their devices, making it so that they could track each other in case something like this or worse would happen, they'd want to know where the other was. Dream's screen was brought to George's location, quite a few blocks away, the cons of living on different sides of the town.

"I'm coming to pick you up, okay? Just stay where you are" George hummed in response to Dream, the blond unsure of what exactly occurred at the others house, but he was positive it was something bad, as George wouldn't be quiet and desperate like this. Dream didn't want George to get hurt, what if someone came up and mugged him or kidnapped him? He'd need to get there quickly to ensure he was safe, but where would they go? This question stopped Dream from opening his bedroom door, they couldn't go back to Dream's house, there was no way he'd be able to sneak George in without anyone hearing. Maybe he could take that chance? If his parents heard him, what would be the big deal anyway? Yeah, he'd take George back here, safe and away from any street kidnappers.

Dream slowly opened his bedroom door, turning down the volume of his phone before slowly making his way through the hallway, avoiding the creeky floorboards he had memorized from his past attempts of sneaking out, silently celebrating when he made it to the door. Dream closed the front door behind him and started making his way to his brother's car, he wouldn't mind Dream borrowing it right? George was staying suspiciously quiet on the other line, but Dream didn't engage in any conversation, they both secretly were prepared for something like this, or at least Dream was. Dream was prepared for any horrible circumstance that would happen to George, and predicted what his actions would be for each one, but never something like this. This was just something that was to never happen, George had a loving family, a fortunate life so to say, why would they kick him out?

Dream shortly arrived close to George, taking a minute to look down at his phone to see that George was only a block away. Upon arriving, he saw that the boy was sitting on the front lawn of an unrecognizable house, a backpack on his back and his phone in his hand, which he was staring at like it was the one thing keeping him alive. Dream stopped in front of him, and the brunet looked up, the call being stopped once he made it into the car, placing the black backpack between his legs in front of his seat, "what's that?" Dream asked, gesturing to the backpack. George looked at the blond, then to the bag, before shrugging.

"I couldn't just leave with nothing" Upon closer inspection, Dream noticed that George's nose and cheeks were red, the brunet obviously tried wiping his tears away to appear normal, but failed. His hair was disheveled and messy, like he'd just rolled out of bed, otherwise, he looked normal, unhurt.

Dream didn't question him further, he started the car, and turned around, going back to his house. He could feel George give him a few looks from his side vision, but look away before Dream got to ask why he was looking, making the blond sigh, "What was it?" He asked, which caused George to look over in confusion, "What caused the whole.. getting kicked out thing?" Dream looked over at him for a brief second to take in his appearance, before looking back at the road. George looked down at his lap, Dream noticing that he was playing with the zipper of his jacket, something he only ever did when he was nervous.

"Nothing.." George replied, making Dream shut up, George would tell him everything, and Dream would do the same. There was nothing they could joke from each other, and yet his best friend hesitated when telling him the reason why he was kicked out of his home. They drove up to Dream's street, the blond looking over at George after pulling into the driveway, hoping, praying he hadn't woken up his family from his loud entrance to the front of their house. The boy ran a hand from his hairline to the top of his head, glancing at George who was keeping his eyes to his lap.

"We're gonna need to be quiet, okay? I wasn't allowed to go out at this time" Dream explained, and George looked up with the nod of his head. Dream got out the car first, and upon realizing that George was making no movements, he went to his side of the car, and opened the door, watching him intently as the boy grabbed his bag and stepped out onto the concrete, the door shutting behind him. Dream noticed how shaky George's legs were, like he was struggling to stand, and the way he was holding his expression together by threads, looking as if he was trying to hold back tears, "after you?" Dream asked, gesturing to the door. George looked up at him, and nodded his head, making an attempt to slide his backpack onto his back, but the blond took it, George seeming not to argue, and start to walk to Dream's front door. The boy followed behind, and slowly turned the knob, pushing the door open, feeling immensely thankful that their door didn't squeak.

He led George through the house, and towards his room, where he closed the door behind him, and set the backpack onto the floor, leaning against the wall next to the door. Dream looked up, seeing that George sat down at the edge of the side of his bed, looking down at the floor with the same broken expression. The boy looked so tense and messy, it was quite obvious that he was trying hard not to cry in front of Dream, meaning that Dream needed him to cry, he knew that was the best thing George could do right now, and he wasn't allowing himself to do it. Dream moved across the room, standing in front of George, looking down at him "George." The brunet seemingly didn't take notice to it, but Dream knew he was aware of his movements. The blond crouched down, now looking up at George, forcing him to look at him, "George." He repeated, this time, Dream could see a change in George's eyes, he was so close, so on the edge, you'd think he'd've fallen by now.

"What?" George asked, with a shaky tone, or, the most 'I'm okay' tone he could create. Dream didn't respond, he just looked between George's eyes, letting himself shamefully think that the way the night shone outside made George's appearance more significant than ever before. Dream leaned forward, and wrapped his arms around George's waist, the blond on his knees as he pressed his head into his stomach, causing George to instantly untense, like Dream managed to flip a switch inside the brunet. The switch also flipped on the boy's tears, which were now pouring down his face like it was his last day on earth. Dream squeezed the boy around the torso, a small assurance to him that he was allowed to cry, and that if he didn't want him to, Dream wouldn't watch him do it.

Dream noticed how George was keeping himself relatively quiet, obeying Dream's wishes to be silent in the house, which made Dream regret saying that. He wanted George to let out all the bad feelings safely, in an environment where he could be loved, but he couldn't do that here. George leaned down and held Dream's head closer, pulling him towards his torso more as an attempt to create less space between them. It felt nice, throughout their whole friendship, they've never been so serious, their relationship always being built on a barrier, no crossing that barrier, the one rule. And here George was, crossing the barrier of crying in front of one another, but Dream didn't mind, he knew the other needed it. "Feel better?" He asked, his voice muffled quite a bit from George's jacket and shirt.

"Mhm.." George reached one of his hands up and wiped his cheek of his tears, causing Dream to lean away, and bring his arm away, not wanting him to rub his cheeks too hard. George closed his eyes as Dream wiped them away for him, fire replacing the water that touched George's skin as they became hyper aware of their closeness, never being so platonically intimate with each other. A voice screamed at Dream to pull away, stop while he was ahead, but he kept himself around the other.

"I wouldn't assume you'd want to speak now?" He asked, and George shook his head, as he expected. Dream nodded, and had a thought, a dangerous thought. Dream placed both of his arms on either side of George's legs, trapping him in a way, as he leaned up, and kissed his cheek, feeling George's hand unstintingly go to the back of his head as he pulled away. Dream let himself smile as he observed the other's appearance, knowing that if he played with this fire too much, he may get burned, but he couldn't stop, it was addicting, being so close to George. "You can sleep in my bed" Dream moved George's hair away from his face, "I'll just have to settle with the ground" He stated, and since he picked George up, he saw him smile, a comfortable, happy smile that looked so genuine he couldn't attempt to fake it.

"can you sleep with me?" He asked, his smile not faltering, as if his question didn't make Dream's heart skip a beat. For a second, he thought he heard it wrong, but after going over it in his head, his cheek's heated up. "S-sorry.. forget I said anything.." George leaned away, looking aside, Dream noticing that he looked embarrassed to have asked.

"No, it's fine" Dream smiled, assuring George, "only if you tell me what happened though" Dream set his hand to the side of George's head, making the brunet smile down at Dream. Dream never questioned the looks or glances George did to them, they all looked the same, but this own looked so different, like he was staring at the most shiny, beautiful star in the night sky.

"That's fine" George stated, and Dream watched him lean back and start crawling over to the top of the bed, Dream hesitating for a second.  What was he to do in the morning? When someone comes in and sees him and George in the same bed, not only that, but the fact that George clearly wasn't there the night before. Perhaps he could just wake up earlier than anyone? But where could he take George? There was simply no other place, Nick's house was out of the question, as the raven expressed numerous times that his dad was strict, and that he wouldn't be allowed to stay more than a night. "Dream..?" The blond looked up upon hearing his name, seeing George sitting by the pillows, "is everything alright?" He asked, still sounding a bit shaken after crying.

"yeah, sorry" Dream smiled, deciding he'd just figure it out in the morning as he went up next to George. Looking over at the other, he noticed how his face was red as the brunet looked to the side in a daze, his cheeks a rosy color, able to be seen even under the cover of darkness. "Here," Dream reached his hands out, and pulled the end of George's jacket down to reveal his arm, looking back at the other as he stared up at Dream, the blond suddenly noticing the immediate romantic tension between the two that he secretly hoped George felt as well. George's big, chocolate brown eyes observed Dream's green ones as his jacket was pulled off of his top, and set aside, even without the extra layer, he still looked red and heated.

"Dream.." George said quietly, causing Dream to be brought back out of his trance, "I.. need to you swear.." the boy said in a low voice, as if he spoke too loudly, he would lose it, "Swear that we will be friends.. no matter what." He finished, his eyes looking watery again.

"Of course George" Dream stated, making George exhale quietly, "There is nothing you could do to send me away, I promise" George looked down at the blanket.

"Could you get my backpack for me?" He asked, no longer continuing eye contact with Dream as he asked. Dream hesitated, but pulled farther from George, sliding off the bed, and going towards the backpack he left leaning up against the wall. He grabbed the end of it, and set it down onto the bed in front of George, who unzipped one of the patches as Dream sat down again. George brought out his phone, unlocking it, and looking at it before hiding it at his chest, looking back at Dream, "You swore.." he stated, "That no matter what, we'd still be friends?" He asked, his eyes watery, making Dream question if he even wanted to see what George was about to show him.

"Yes, no matter what" Dream repeated, feeling like was watching George's mind over think. George reached his phone slowly out, the screen facing the bed as Dream took hold of it, looking down at it to see George's home screen. Nothing looked weird or abnormal about it, just his phone, "What's this supposed to mean?" He asked, looking up at George, who was visibly shaking as he tried to contain his tears once again. Dream looked back at the phone, deciding he wouldn't get verbal answers out of his best friend, until he noticed he was staring back at himself. He remembered this moment, it was a picture that Nick took of both George and Dream, but Dream couldn't see George, as if he was cropped out of the photo, all he saw was himself, smiling widely. For a second, his mind went to a million different places, but he denied all of his own hopes, why let himself come to conclusions?

"I didn't want to tell you because I was just scared.." George's voice cracked in the middle of his sentence, a tear managing to slip outm which caused more to follow. Dream looked up at the other, who was avoiding looking at Dream, which told Dream the entire explanation of what this was supposed to mean.

"You like me" Dream stated, saying those words, letting them into the atmosphere made him feel like they weren't his own, like they were taken out of a fictional novel. But George nodded his head.

"I really like you Dream.." He corrected, "I really, really do.." George wiped his cheek of his tears, "A-and I told my dad.. he.. gave me a choice" George looked up at Dream, who was trying so hard to listen to the other, but found that his mind was elsewhere. George liked him, he really liked him, did Dream like him? Of course he did, why was he even doubting himself? It was just so unimaginable that George reciprocated that, Dream feeling like the luckiest man in the world. His little celebration in his mind was cut short by the curiosity of George's next words though, "Either s-stay away from you or.." George's voice trailed off.

"Leave home?" Dream asked, and George nodded immediately, making his heart skip a beat. He was both happy and angry that George took that decision, leaving home for him, leaving everything he'd known from birth just to be with him. Even if it was just platonic. Dream set George's phone aside, and wrapped his arms around the shorter, causing the brunet to instantly do the same, embracing his best friend with tears in his eyes. Dream felt his eyes start to water a little as well, George liked him, he gave up everything for him, and Dream would do the same. The blond pulled away from George, with his arms around the other, he couldn't resist closing the distance between them, addressing the issue lying between them, their relationship. Dream tilted his head to the side, seeing that George was surprised by the sudden contact, but  melted into the kiss easily, Dream having to support the other's weight as he kissed him. He never thought he'd be here, in his bed with his best friend who had just ran away from home, sharing their first ever kiss together, the start of many more it seemed as when they pulled apart, they connected once again without hesitance.

Dream didn't know how, and he honestly didn't care, but he found himself laying on top of George, trapping him underneath himself as he deepened their kiss, which quickly turned into a make out session. He hoped, prayed more than ever that no one was woken by all their noise from before, and prayed even more that they wouldn't wake up and see this. George ran his hand slowly up and down Dream's arm, squeezing it a few times to tell him not to stop, Dream didn't complain, he was starting to get used to the taste of another on his tongue. Every small sound that came from George was muffled thankfully by Dream's mouth, the vibrations of George's voice being used sent shivers down Dream's back. They pulled apart again, Dream looking down at George who was smiling weakly, red across his cheeks and nose as he lay swallowed in affection, "I love you." Dream played a hand through George's hair, pulling it away from his face, only for it to fall back onto his forehead as the other panted hard.

"I love you more" The proposal of a challenge struck Dream, who smirked, leaning down and pressing his lips to George's again, pinning the other down as he tried to lessen as much space between them as he could. The warmth and foreign feeling of another's mouth on his sent waves of fireworks through him, the room only being filled with sounds of their kissing as they pulled apart occasionally for air. The kissing became more heated, more intense as the two grew more comfortable with each other, George's hand pulling fistfuls of Dream's hair, tickling the smallers hand with its curls and loops. Kissing went beyond George's lips, to his cheeks and jaw, neck and collarbone, Dream never getting the red light from George as he left marks along the pale, tender skin of his neck. He knew he should stop, people would hear, someone would notice in the morning, but the passion and love behind his kisses forced him to keep going, never wanting to stop.

Looking down at his masterpiece, marks along his neck, abused lips and dazed eyes as he looked back at Dream with the same expression, still holding onto the others hair, twirling it around his fingers instead of pulling on it, "You're perfect" Dream kissed George's cheek, causing the other to exhale out a laugh, obviously too exhausted and excited from his long night to do a proper one.

Blush didn't move from the brunets face, "Not as much as you are" George stated, with a loving look that Dream knew he was giving back twice as much. The rest of the night was filled with so many more passionate, yet softer kisses, reassuring ones that told the other how much they loved them without words. George would snuggle closer to Dream when he stopped giving him kisses, or just grab his face and pull it towards his own, which always made the two break out into a smile. Dream had never experienced such a night of love and affection, never feeling happier than the moment his and George's lips first connected. It almost felt like magnets, they couldn't be closer, they weren't satisfied unless the other was clinging to them enough so that there was no space between them. Sleep unfortunately caught up to them, and overtook them almost at the same time, their bodies melted together, refusing to let go even in an unconscious state.

Dream woke up that morning with the sun shining through his window, causing him to pull his covers more up to his face, covering his eyes from the bright light. He didn't want to wake up, he didn't want to face the morning, knowing how much humiliation and explaining he'd have to endure, only to make it worse, George had obvious marks along his neck that could tell his entire family exactly what their relationship status was. Dream was too tired to try though, knowing he'd want to wake up later, he attempted to go back to sleep, deciding to have those issues be problems for his later self. However, just as sleep almost overtook him again, his bedroom door opened, and he almost didn't have the energy to panic, hearing his little sister speak, "Dream wake upppp" She whined, shaking Dream's shoulder.

"What.." Dream furrowed his eyebrows, pulling the warm body next to him closer to his chest, still not fully awake.

"Emma heard you sneaking around last night, where'd you go? And who did you bring into the house?" She asked, which made Dream open his eyes, looking up at the girl who was giving him a suspicious look.

"No one's here idiot.. leave me alone.." Dream shut his eyes tight again, pulling George's head closer to his chest, worried he'd wake up.

"I know someone was here last night Dream, just tell me" Dream groaned quietly, and lifted the blanket from over George, revealing the brunet huddled and curled into the taller which made Dream's little sister go quiet. He wasn't sure if it was the sight of George, or the thought of why he was in his bed that made her leave the room without another word, whichever one, he didn't care. Dream set the blanket back over George, leaning down, and kissing the top of the boy's head, smiling a little as he rested his face there, letting himself fall into another dream world. Only, he wasn't sure what the reason for dreaming was anymore, as everything he could've ever wanted in a fairy land was already in his arms.

It's good to be back ;)

A much needed break has been breaked!!!! I am so happy to be back writing as I've been WAYY too busy with life and shit, srsly though, this was long overdo 🫡

LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH! I'm sorry for the ghosting of posts, I'll be sure to try more in the future (maybe, we'll see. Take what you can get). Anyway, anyone else been seeing how much DNF has been.. DNFing lately? Like, I can NOT be the only one who sees the gayness just protruding from them both when they look at each other 👀
Love u!!! 🩷💕💞💓💓💗💞💘💘💖❣️💕💝💘💝❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥🩷💗💞🩷💘🩷❤️💘💘❤️❤️💝❤️❤️🧡💘💖💘💝❤️💞

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