Valera Targaryen: The Storm B...

By imhigherthansnoop

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Princess Valera Targaryen, is the first child of Viserys Targaryen and Aemma Arryn. Valera was born during o... More



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By imhigherthansnoop

106 AC
Kings Landing

The morning Princess Valera Targaryen began her labors, the chirping of birds filled the ears of every mother, father, and child that inhabited Kings Landing. The sun glimmered brightly and the sky was supposedly so clear you could see for miles when atop the highest point in the Red Keep.

This day was the exact opposite of the day Valera  had been brought in to the world. The Princess had been born amidst chaos where as the newest member of the Targaryen lineage was born during the most perfect spring day.

Prince Daemon had been out all night with his men after getting word that a band of criminals were stalking the edge of the city. That night, Princess Valera did not sleep. Instead, she lay awake all night, unable to think about anything except for where the love of her life was and what he may be doing.

When Daemon did not return by day break, Valeras anxiety worsened, and it only continued to worsen with every minute he did not return afterwards.

It was quite obvious to Valeras hand maidens that she had not slept during the night as her bed was far too neat. The large circles left underneath Valeras eyes only strengthened the belief of her restless night.

The woman quickly readied Valera for the day and brought her the same breakfast she had been requesting the past few days. When the Princess complained of her stomach aching after breakfast, the maester suggested that a walk in the garden could help her more easily digest the food.

The Princess was walking in in the gardens, alone, when her water broke. She had separated from Ser Erryk much to his dismay. Valera insisted that she needed time alone so that she may think more clearly. The knight obliged but told her that he would stay at the fountain if she may need him.

Valera was practically at the gardens furthest point when she began to feel a stream of warm liquid make its way down her legs. At first, the Princess was confused but she quickly realized that her water must have broken.

Once the Princess found Ser Erryk, she told him what had happened and then begged him to find Prince Daemon.

"I can't do this without him..." Princess Valera told her knight as she began to tear up.

Ser Erryk carefully lifted Valera in to his arms and went to find her handmaidens; who had been preparing for her labors. The woman were found in the commons of Valeras apartments and as soon as they saw their Princess, they knew that she had gone in to labor.

The woman began escorting Ser Erryk up to the birthing chambers but as soon as Valera realized where they were headed, she began to argue.

"There must be some other place!" Valera cried out as she tried to wiggle herself from the knights arms. As she did this, an intense squeezing discomfort erupted inside of Valeras gut. Valera groaned loudly as the pain spread to her hips and back.

The knight and handmaidens quickened their pace and continued to the palace birthing chambers where everything had been previously prepared.

"Please," Valera whispered to Ser Erryk.

The knight felt a tightness in his chest as she spoke to him, knowing all to well why Valera did not want to go to the birthing chambers.

"I can't go in there... my mom..."


"Where is Daemon??" Valera screamed out as another contraction overwhelmed her, causing her to kneel against a nearby chair.

The Princess had been changed into a thin, breathable gown that was slowly getting covered in blood as she constantly switched from pacing to sitting during contractions. Her handmaidens continuously insisted she lay down until Valera screamed at them.

"I will not lay in the same bed my mother die in, you  cunts!!" Valera told them before later apologizing for calling them ' cunts'.

Her contractions were now only 15 minutes apart and were progressing quickly, her water having only broken an hour past.

Even Maester Mellos was surprised to see how far the Princess was progressing in such a short time span.

"Where is he?!" Valera demanded to know, fist banging on the wooden chair she kneel against.

"I will go see-"

As Talia, Valeras closest maiden, began to speak, the sound cracking and of Prince Daemon shouting for Valera interrupted her.

The Prince came running up the stone staircase in a haste before practically breaking the door that lead into the birthing chamber. "Valera!" Daemon shouted as he saw his niece alone in the middle of the room.

"Why is no one helping her?!" Daemon roared as he gestured to the five woman who stood off to the side of the room. Daemon rushed to Valera and sat behind her before carefully readjusting her so she  could lay against him . As Valera relaxed into Daemons arms, he brushed away the damp hair that had begun to stick to Valeras face.

"I told them not to touch me," Valera whispered meekly, a small smile reaching her lips as she met Daemons violet eyes with her own. Valera stared up in a daze at Daemon, taking in what her lover looked like.

The Prince was still in his armor and his disheveled blond hair had dried blood streaked in it as well as on his face. There was a small cut on the man's right cheek. Absentmindedly, Valera cupped Daemons face and ran her thumb against the broken skin and dried blood.

"I am so sorry I wasn't here sooner," Daemon cooed as he lightly rocked Valeras swollen, delicate frame.

"Daemon... I'm scared..." The Princess told her lover in a whisper so quiet he almost didn't hear her.

"Everything will be okay... you can do this," Daemon reassured Valera as her wide doe eyes welled with tears.

"Please don't let me die..." Valera gasped out as tears began to fall down her flushed cheeks. Before Daemon could speak, Valera started again,"I-I know it's selfish but... but if..."

"I will choose you." Daemon spoke with unwavering certainty, " I will always choose you."


I'm sorry that the past few chapters have been a bit short. I just started school again and I'm also working more now so I have less time to write but I promise I am still thinking about Valera and Daemon as well as you guys <3

I truly love all of the support y'all have shown me and I absolutely love when I get comments so don't feel shy to leave any whether they be random or even something you might want me to do in the story.

Thank you all so much for reading!!!
Love you all!!

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