Fear of Love

By OutOfMyLimit17

385K 14.5K 1.6K

{BOOK 3 OF THE 'FALLING SERIES} Lydia Ellis has been burned enough times her in life that she no longer belie... More

Chapter 1....
Chapter 2....
Chapter 3...
Chapter 4....
Chapter 5...
Chapter 6...
Chapter 8....
Chapter 9....
Chapter 10....
Chapter 11....
Chapter 12...
Chapter 13....
Chapter 14....
Chapter 15...
Chapter 16...
Chapter 17...
Chapter 18....
Chapter 19....
Chapter 20....
Chapter 21....
Chapter 22....
Chapter 23....
Chapter 24...
Chapter 25....
Chapter 26....
Chapter 27....
Chapter 28....
Chapter 29....
Chapter 30....
Chapter 31...
Chapter 32....
Chapter 33....
Chapter 34....
Chapter 35....
Chapter 36....

Chapter 7....

10K 430 79
By OutOfMyLimit17

Happy Reading!! :)

The rest of the week went by uneventfully. It was a nice change after a hectic few weeks getting the magazine ready. Everyone in the office seemed to be in a good mood with the weekend finally here.

"Hey Lyd." Josie poked her head into my office. "Ready to go in a few minutes?"

In little over an hour Mateo was set to play his first play-off game. It's all he's been able to talk about in the group chat we were all in. He was trying to act like he wasn't nervous but he was. Last year his team lost one too many games to qualify, so this would be his first time at a Uni level play-off game.

The girls and I came up with an idea to hold posters in the stands to cheer him on. We had seats right above the team, another perk to knowing Wyatt, Trevor and Bryton, so Mateo would definitely see us.

This would be the only game, other than the Championship game, we could come and watch so we wanted to go all out. If the team won this game they would be on the road for the next one and then the final game.

"Syd has the posters right?" I asked, saving some documents before closing my computer.

"Yeah and Tasha has the blow horns."

Mateo is going to be so embarrassed by us. I want to say the blow horns were our idea but it was actually the guys. Since we had our posters they wanted something too. I just know we are going to be kicked out before the game is over.

Going over to my bag I pulled out a University of Toronto shirt. Since Mateo was only in Uni we couldn't get actual jerseys with Mateo's name/number so instead we made do with school shirts.

"Wyatt said he's on his way. Hope you don't mind Evelyn driving with us, Wy didn't want her to drive alone."

"Of course." With the office empty but the two of us, having sent everyone home early, I quickly stripped out of my top and put the other one on. "Bet Evelyn is excited."

Landon's mom was probably one of the best people I've ever met. The moment you meet her you become part of the family. She'll pull you into a hug that only moms are capable of. I've never had someone take me in so quickly and effortlessly before.

"Pretty sure she's more excited than Mateo." It's amazing how supportive Evelyn is of her kids and the sports they play. From what I've learned over the last few years is how selfless Evelyn is. Giving and doing so much to ensure her kids had everything they needed to succeed.

My chest ached at my thoughts. I hoped the guys knew just how lucky they were to have a mom like her.

As Josie's phone binged, probably Wyatt telling her he was here, I grabbed my bag and did one last look around my office to make sure I had everything.

Locking my office behind me the two of us heading outside. Idling at the curb was a semi-familiar truck. That's not Wyatt's car. Just then the back door opened and out jumped Wyatt, grinning at his fiancé.

Wyatt wasted no time in grabbed Josie, pulling her in for a kiss. The two acted like they haven't seen each other in days when it's only been a few hours. Holding back an eye roll I slid past them towards the back seat.

Using the side rail I hauled myself into the back of the truck. As soon as my butt touched the seat I lifted my head and met Landon's eyes in the review mirror. I watched as the corner of his mouth quirked up in greeting. I gave him a small smile of my own before turning to the woman next to him.

"Evelyn." This time I fully grinned. You could tell where the Boone brothers got their looks from. Even in her early 50's she didn't look a day over 30. Her dirty blond hair was cut a bit shorter than I last saw her, making her look even younger.

"So nice to see you Lydia." Evelyn sent me a smile of her own.

"How have you been?" I asked as Josie and Wyatt finally got in the truck. It's been a bit since I've seen Evelyn. The last couple of 'family' BBQ's I claimed I was too busy to go to.

"Been good. I started taking a painting class."

"Oh, now that sounds fun."

"You girls should come one night. Tuesday's are wine nights." The smirk on her face had me laughing under my breath. The first image that came to mind was a bunch of older ladies sitting around getting tipsy off wine while gossiping.

"Maybe we should." Could be fun.

"How's work going Lydia?" Evelyn asked a few minutes later as Landon drove us towards the Campus football stadium.

"It's been good. Actually landed a deal to put the magazine in more stores."

"The deal went through?" Josie squeezed my knee with an excited grin.

"Right before we left." I mirrored her grin.

"That's fantastic news." Evelyn sent me a smile.

It was a big deal. I've been working on trying to get the magazine in places for people to get a copy easier. Slowly I want to make it so the magazine comes out more than once a month but for now being put in more stores is amazing.

"Congrats." Wyatt congratulated me over Josie's head.

"Thanks." I felt my cheeks flame at all the praise. My eyes lifted to meet Landon's through the review mirror.

"Ready to see Mateo win?" Landon asked his mom, changing the subject. As everyone jumped onto the topic I felt my shoulders relax. I wasn't a fan of the attention being solely on me. Especially if it came in the form of praise/flattery.

Grateful for the topic change I met Landon's gaze once more. Mouthing a 'thank you', Landon gave me a small nod in return. He had noticed how uncomfortable I was. Butterflies erupted in my stomach as I quickly looked away.

Nope, not touching that right now.

With a quick shake of my head I tuned back into the conversation, pushing Landon's sweet action to the back of my mind.

Thirty minutes later we all piled out of the truck. Traffic to get here was a bit insane. Who knew Uni football play-off games were so popular. Thankfully we left when we did as all the parking spots next to us filled up. People getting out of their cars dressed in the school colors.

The last football game I went to was back when I was in Uni, ages ago. The only reason I went to games in was for the schools paper that I was apart of. Of course they put the least athletic person in charge of watching and writing about sports.

As a group we made our way through the crowds to the front entrance. We gained a few looks as we walked by which wasn't all that surprising. Wyatt, Josie, Landon and Evelyn seemed use to it.

"Does it ever get annoying having people stare at you all the time?" I asked Wyatt as we waited in line.

"You get pretty use to it. Only been a few cases where we've had to tell people to leave us alone." Wyatt said. "As long as they don't get too much in our space we don't mind."

"They all secretly love it." Evelyn leaned in to say. "Strokes their egos."

I grinned at her words.

"Not our fault we ooze sex appeal." Wyatt smirked.

"Sex appeal my ass." Landon snorted from behind me

"What was that?" Wyatt turned to look at his brother with a raised eyebrow.

"You're lucky you have Josie who can stand your ugly mug."

"You're just jealous I'm the better looking brother."

Josie, who was standing in front of me, rolled her eyes at their antics. At least Mateo wasn't here adding in as well. I swear when all three Boone brothers are together its like dealing with toddlers.

"Just act like you don't know them." Josie hooked her arm with mine as we moved forward in line. At this point she was use to their bickering.

Thankfully their arguing ended as we got up to show our tickets and get through security. Only took three 'I'm such huge fan of yours' by the people working security before we got through. Wyatt taking it all in stride with a smile and a thank you.

As we tried to navigate the crowds a firm hand on my lower back kept me from being shoved to the side. Glancing over my shoulder I found Landon standing right behind me. Hand on my lower back and the other keeping hold of his moms elbow. At 6'1 he easily towered over a lot of the people around us.

He was firm but gentle as he steered the three of us after Josie and Wyatt. A few times I got shoved but Landon was there to steady me, his large frame doing well at keeping people away from me and his mom.

Finally we made it to a section that wasn't as crowded. With her phone in hand Josie spoke loudly over the voices of people.

"Tasha texted me and said they are heading to the seats."

"Lets find our seats before coming back to get some drinks." Wyatt suggested. In agreement the five of us headed in the direction of our seats. The entire time Landon kept a hand on my back, making sure I was in front of him the whole time.

Excited chatter followed us in the stands. A good chunk of the people around us were students completely decked out in school colors. Some even had their faces painted.

Getting to our seats, right above where the home team (Mateo's team) would be, I saw Tasha, Sydni, Trevor and Bryton already there.

"Hey guys!" Josie greeted, sliding in our row.

"You made it." Tasha smiled at us as they all stood up.

"Traffic was insane."

"Seriously it's just as bad as the Knights traffic on game night."

As we all shuffled around, the others greeting Evelyn, I ended up sitting between Sydni and Landon. I swear the two of us were somehow being pushed together every time we sat down.

"I got the posters." Sydni said a moment later, grabbing the four posters we made the night before. We all decided to play into Mateo's flirting with the signs.

One said 'Mateo Marry Me!'. Another said 'I love the QB'. The third had Mateo's name and number on it. But the best one was the one Josie would be holding, '#10 is my BF' with a bunch of hearts on it.

"He's gonna love these." I grinned at the sign in my hand.

"That or be super embarrassed by us." Sydni laughed. That one was more likely.

"20 bucks says he ignores us." Trevor said.

"20 bucks he will come over and wave." Josie countered.

I was more inclined to go with Josie on that one. Mateo wasn't the type to get embarrassed, not when it came to family.

I've always been a bit jealous of Landon's family. The three brothers may argue and give each other shit but they loved each other. No matter what is was they were there for one another. Look at today. Landon and Wyatt had their own thing going on yet here they are supporting their younger brother. Same went for the others. Always going to Wyatt's games or helping out at Landon's rink.

All three of them had a bond only brothers could have.

"Anyone want anything before the game starts?" Wyatt asked the group.

As everyone listed off what they wanted Landon turned to me.


"Me?" I pointed to myself.

"What do you what?" Landon asked. I narrowed my eyes at him. He never offers to get me something. This would be the second time in a week he's gone out of his way to get me a drink at a game.

"Why are you being nice."

"I'm always nice." I scoffed at his answer. Landon being nice, yeah right. Especially not with me.

"First an apology, then paying at Rick's, a beer at the hockey game, and now this. I'm starting to think you really did hit your head." I tilted my head to the side. "How many fingers am I holding up?" I put up 3 fingers.

"So fucking funny." Landon muttered which only made me grin. "Do you want something or not." His tone gruff.

I could mess with him all day if I could but I decided to be nice.

"I'll have whatever you get." All I got was a nod before he stood and slipped out of our row along with the guys.

"The sexual tension between you two is insane." Sydni commented next to me.

"Landon and me?"

"No, you and that guy over there." She deadpanned. "Of course you and Landon. Just sitting by you guys I'm getting hot."

"We aren't-"

"I can feel it over here." Evelyn cut in, leaning around the others. My eyes widened as Landon's mom was suddenly in the conversation.


"We told her she should do something about it." Tasha added in.

"I'm not-"

"She needs a little push." Josie also chimed in. I sat there listening as they talked about Landon and I getting together. I should probably be mad at them talking about my love life, my non-existent love life, but I couldn't bring myself to be that upset. I knew if I told them to stop they would. Plus wasn't like they were wrong exactly....

There's always been an attraction with Landon. From the moment we met at a hockey game there's been something there. Of course most of the time I was trying my best not to throttle the asshole. I'd have to be blind to not notice how attractive Landon is. Just like his brother he was far from ugly.

My mind flashed back to the moment where things between Landon and I almost changed. There were multiple instances in Australia where things weren't so...innocent. The others don't know but Landon and I kissed while we were on vacation.

I haven't said anything to anyone because I wasn't even sure what to make of it. It was our final night in Australia and we went to a club to celebrate Josie's engagement. I may have had one too many drinks as I danced with the girls.

Everyone had gone back to the hotel leaving Landon and I alone. The two of us had walked back to the hotel in silence. Our hands brushing with every step. Landon was almost pressed against my side, probably to catch me in case my drunken legs decided to give out on me.

When we got to my room, the same room I was sharing with Tasha, the tension between us got so thick I wasn't thinking clearly. One second I was standing there staring up at Landon and the next I grabbed the front of his shirt and yanked him down for a kiss.

Even now I can still feel the tingle on my lips. Even in my drunken stupor I had known kissing him was unlike anyone else I'd ever kissed. He had only hesitated a second before kissing me back. Grabbing me by the waist in a tight grip.

The kiss was over just as quick as it began but it hadn't stopped me from feeling it all the way down to my toes. I may have been a bit drunk but I remember the look on Landon's face afterwards. It was a look of pure regret. Before I could have said a word he wished me goodnight and left me standing there staring at his back.

We haven't spoke about it since. Maybe he thought I was too drunk to remember or he truly thought it was a mistake. There was no point in telling anyone when it was just a stupid kiss. Not like he declared his love for me or anything.

The morning after Landon pretty much ignored me the entire plane ride home and then when we got back to Toronto things went back to normal. Only saw him when we all hung out and even if we did see one another he was back to being an ass.

A nudge on my arm jerked me out of my thoughts.


"Day dreaming about your man." Sydni cooed.

"Oh fuck off." I rolled my eyes. Everyone laughed but thankfully the conversation seemed to have been dropped. Thank god since the guys showed up right then, armed with drinks.

"Here." Landon extended a can of beer as he sat down. I looked at the beer in surprise. A Molson, guess Landon does have good taste.

"Thanks." I reached to grab some cash from my pocket when a hand on my arm stopped me.

"I got it." I opened my mouth to protest but Landon shook his head. I wanted to further argue but he leaned around me and started talking to his mom. I was trying my best not to over think about him buying me a drink when he didn't have too. Just accept the beer.

I wasn't use to people, especially guys, doing something for me. Even something so small as getting a drink. It was throwing me off kilter a little. Don't know which is sadder-not use to someone doing something kind for me, or accepting that kindness. Probably both.

"Before things get crazy," Evelyn said a bit loudly to the group. "after the game feel free to head over to the house. We'll have a barbecue once everyone gets there." I smiled at her mom tone as everyone nodded. Evelyn really has become the mom to all of us.

"Are you coming afterwards?" Landon asked, leaning a bit closer so I could hear him over the chatter around us. At that exact moment I happened to take a drink of my beer causing me to choke at his words.

A firm hand patted my back as I coughed, my beer totally going down the wrong tube.

"You okay?" Landon asked. His hand stopped patting to softly rub.

"I-I'm okay." I sputtered trying to catch my breath. I wasn't sure if he meant to word it like that or if my mind just went the dirty route. Choosing to ignore how he said that I gave him a nod. "I'll be there."

I really needed to get laid.

Landon's hand lingered on my back for another moment. As if making sure I was okay before pulling away. My back tingled from his touch. Made me silently wonder what his hands would feel like if I wasn't wearing a shirt.

Thankfully all those thoughts were silenced as the announcer suddenly spoke through the stadium. I told myself to focus on Mateo's game but as Landon's thigh and arm pressed against mine I knew that was not going to happen.


Ohhh the sexual tension between Lydia and Landon. I'm not gonna lie to you guys...this book is a lot steamier than the others. Just you wait *wink*

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as always! Up next is Mateo's game and of course the whole group will be there so expect another fun chapter with everyone. You all seem to love Mateo the most! 

Thank you guys for the love you've given this series. I know I say it constantly but thank you from the bottom of my heart. It means the world that you guys are my readers. Wish I could hug every single one of you! 

Anyways as always,

VOTE, COMMENT, Recommend to a friend! :P

<3 <3 <3


P.S I just finished watching 'From Scratch' on Netflix. Cried my eyes out, geez!! 

P.S.S Don't forget to follow me on social media to see aesthetics, writing stuff, reading stuff, updates, etc!! 

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