Unlawfully Confined

By Alizeh8

74K 2.6K 305

Walking inside her room, Suhana unwrapped her dupatta from her head and put it on the bed after making sure a... More

Author's Note (Don't Skip!)
01- Runaway Bride
02- A New Journey
03- Deer Caught In Headlights
04- Friends
05- Starting Afresh
McAvoy Estate
06- It's Not What It Looked Like
07- The Beast Within
08- Trapped
09- Invading Privacy
10- Caged
11- Conflicts of Thoughts
Author's Note
Author's Note
12- Questions And Answers
13- Sarah
14- Lies
15- Volcano
Authors Note
16- Surprise
17- Celebration
18- A Hope?
19- Obsession
21- Identity Unmasked
22- Expectation VS Reality
23- Ruined
24- Epiphany
25- Awakening

20- Uncertainty

2.1K 94 19
By Alizeh8

3rd Person POV

What would a person do when faced with choices they can't make? The thought and love for someone or something so profound and unexplainable makes a person able to make those difficult decisions. For Suhana, it was her family. She didn't know where her fate would take her from when she agreed to stay behind. But she was sure of one thing: she would not let anyone share her miseries. 

Suhana was not feeling herself, her mind lost in oblivion. When she informed her family two days ago that she was not leaving with them, the shock was visible all over their faces. She told them she could not leave Sarah behind suddenly and would stay there until Alexander found another suitable caretaker. She knew her parents would not object if she stayed behind for Sarah.

She lost herself in uncertainty when she bid goodbye to her family. She didn't know what was going to happen to her now. Though Alexander was mainly busy these two days, she knew he could appear anytime before her, and she was neither prepared nor willing to experience his intentions.

Escaping from him was impossible because Suhana knew very well what he was capable of doing. There was no place in the world where she could go to hide from the mafia king, at least not without someone's help. There was no one whom she could ask for help. She couldn't trust anyone. Even though Billy and others have always been nice to her, they would choose Alexander over her anytime, and she knew it very well. She could not go away from someone who was beyond the laws and regulations of the world unless that person freed her himself. 

But she had faith in Allah more than anything. She knew Allah was putting her through misery now for a better tomorrow. Never in life has she lost hope in her Creator, and she never will, till her last breath. She wouldn't sin taking her own life, no matter what she faced. If she were to be killed by Alexander, so be it. She believed Alexander's wrongdoings would also be judged one day. It was just a matter of time. 

Alexander was delighted at Suhana's decision. Destroying her courage and hopes again was a boost to his ego. The pleasure he got from seeing her breaking apart was more than handling the tension he was facing in his business then. His informant in Niaz's gang sent him a message that Niaz was in the US for a short business trip. 

The finalization of any of Niaz's business deals meant a defeat for Alexander, who was now on his own land. He was aggrieved with the news and informed his men to find out who dared to make a deal with Ivan's rival. He would cut that piece of sh*t into pieces and feed him to stray dogs who dared to overcross him.

It was the first time in Alexander's gang that everyone noticed how different and less agitated he was behaving, even after hearing the news of Niaz's arrival. They wondered what might have caused the change, as he would wreak havoc whenever it came to Niaz being anywhere near Alexander or his empire. But they also knew that it was the silence before a storm. The calmer the air is, the more destructive the storm will be.

Alexander was frustrated that when he finally decided to fulfill his desire with Suhana, Niaz entered the situation, disrupted his plans, and caused him to divert his attention from her. He was annoyed, thinking how something could always come up exactly when he wanted to claim Suhana. He wanted to take his plans into action the day her parents left, but he hasn't even been able to see her since. Hearing the news from his informant, he rushed to his other office, where he manages his mafia business and has been staying there for the past two days. 

The following day, Alexander left for the mansion after instructing his men to inform him if there was any news of Niaz and his whereabouts. It is enraging for him already that he doesn't know what Niaz looked like, yet he managed to compete with Ivan where no one would even think of it. Alexander knew Niaz or anyone else could never stand before his empire and power. But what surprised him was that someone had the nerve to challenge him, the biggest mafia in the world. He wanted to see that person at any cost.

Arriving at the mansion, Alexander was greeted with the sight of Sarah pulling Suhana by her hand to the parking area. The air hit Suhana's face, making the loose hair strands flow in a rhythm. Her face beamed with a smile, a gesture he yearned to see these past two days. Her earrings swang as she shook her head while her other hand tried to stop Sarah from tugging her.

Alexander slowly sauntered over to them, causing them to halt after seeing him. Sarah scowled at his state; his clothes were wrinkled, and his hair was chaotic. Suhana's smile evaporated, and her heartbeat hitched. She embraced her dupatta tightly as her chest heaved in nervousness. Sarah looked at her uncle with scrunched eyebrows and said in her tiny voice,

-"You look like a zombie, Alex. Why is your hair so messed up?"

-"Good morning to you too, princess. I have been away for two days, and I see you have updated your vocabulary. Nice! Is this what you are teaching my niece, Suhana?" he questioned, looking at her while Suhana kept her gaze to the ground.

-"Don't bother us, Alex. Suhana didn't teach me anything bad. I am getting late for school, and I'm taking Suhana with me today." Sarah declared, crossing her arms over her chest.

-"Why do you want to take her with you?" Alexander squatted down and asked Sarah.

He looked at Suhana skeptically, wondering why this sudden plan. She never left the property since she arrived here. And now, after all these days, what was the need for her to take Sarah to school? He thought Suhana must be plotting to escape, and the excuse of taking her to school was the only way she could get out. She must have convinced Sarah to accompany her because she knew Alexander would not refuse his niece.

-"Because everyone keeps asking me why nobody from my family ever drops off or picks me up from school. They know you are my only family and best friend, and they keep asking about you, but you never come," said Sarah in a sad tone, "But now I have Suhana too, and she'll take me to school today, and also bring me back after so that everyone can see I have another best friend." she looked up at Suhana, and her eyes flickered with joy.

Alexander felt remorseful hearing Sarah. He should have been there for his princess. She was his world, and he let her down unknowingly. He never gave her enough of his time when they were the only family left for each other. He sank his head in self-accusation and took a deep breath. 

-"Alright, she can go with you," said Alexander, making Sarah jump and hug him.

-"Thank you sooo much, Alex! You are the best uncle, evah," Sarah chuckled.

-"Anything for you, princess," Alexander pecked Sarah on her forehead.

-"Let's go, Suhana! Or we'll be late for school! I need everyone to see you with me." Sarah said loudly and ran towards the car.

Suhana was just about to take a step forward when Alexander suddenly appeared in her view, causing her to freeze in place. She looked at him with a terrified expression while he scanned her from head to toe before meeting her gaze. His eyes narrowed as he took a step closer, causing Suhana to grip her veil tightly and look away from him.

-"Be back soon," he husked while pulling the hair strand away from her face with the back of his hand, caressing her cheek in the process, "and remember, do not try anything silly."

Suhana cringed and closed her eyes. She bit her inner lips in bitterness and apprehension but said nothing.

-"Cause you know whose lives are at stake here," he grabbed her arms and pulled her closer, "Don't you?"

Suhana only replied with a nod as he inhaled her hair and kissed her temple.

-"Now go," whispered Alexander in her ear, and Suhana left hurriedly.

Billy was standing near the window on the 2nd floor from where he saw the entire scene. He was left astonished, as he quickly realized that there was something serious going on between Suhana and Alexander. The intense emotion and obsession that Alexander had for Suhana gave him chills. He had only seen this type of emotion in Alexander when he was consumed by a desire to destroy his enemies. 

He was confused by his thoughts as he couldn't comprehend why Alexander would have such emotions for Suhana. Although Suhana had been scared of Alexander after the incident in the barn, what Billy saw in Suhana at that moment was beyond his imagination. She looked petrified of Alexander, constrained as if she was living life on Alexander's terms.

Coming from the Mafia, Billy had developed the ability to read people accurately, and his instincts were always spot on. This situation involved his friend and a girl he considered his sister, so he needed to get to the bottom of it as soon as possible.




What are you doing, Alexander?

Why are you treating an innocent like this?

He saw Suhana running away from Alexander while Alexander stood there and smirked evilly. 

Billy walked down to the lobby when Alexander entered the mansion. 

-"Any news from our men?" Alexander asked Billy.

-"Not yet. But we will find something soon. I have reminded them to have a sketch or photograph of Niaz's appearance the next time I contact them. I'm sure we are very close to discovering him."

-"Hmm... I'm going to my room. Inform me if you find anything. This time, he is in my kingdom, and he should not get away easily." said Alexander and was about to take the stairs when Billy said,

-"By the way, it's good that Suhana went with Sarah today. We should let her take Sarah to school every day. It'll be a good change for both of them. Sarah looked so happy! It's nice to see her smiling. And also Suhana. She never went out before. I was wondering to take her out one day after Niaz's matter settles down."

Billy said it only to see how Alexander would react. He knew he would get some reaction out of Alexander, and that reaction would help him determine what exactly Alexander felt for Suhana. 

Alexander immediately stopped and tightly gripped the handrail. His calm demeanor vanished upon hearing Billy's voice and he turned to face him, hiding his anger and confusion behind a stoic expression. He wondered why Billy wanted to take Suhana out and why he thought so good of her even after hearing what Mehmood said before dying. 

-"It seems you know Suhana well. Do you both spend much time together that I am unaware of?" questioned Alexander as he walked at Billy slowly while maintaining eye contact.

The change in Alexander did not go unnoticed by Billy. It was evident to Billy that Alexander was irritated and agitated, further strengthening his suspicion. 

-"Yes, we are friends, I believe. Though I didn't think someone so quiet as Suhana would be comfortable making male friends, she's a pretty good friend to have." replied Billy, his face beaming with extra joy. 

-"Really!? Even after what Mehmood had to say?" Alexander asked again through clenched teeth.

-"I don't believe Mehmod. I don't think Suhana had anything to do with him intentionally. He sure knew her because he recognized her voice and we also saw the pictures. But that doesn't mean he was telling the truth. There must be something else that we don't know."

Alexander scoffed, now standing before Billy, looking directly into his eyes. He found Billy delusional. He concluded that like other men, Billy was not seeing her true face. But a question started roaming his mind.

Is Billy interested in Suhana?

Did her act of innocence charm him, too?

Alexander was fuming at Billy for admiring Suhana like this. He thought that Suhana was intentionally capturing his best friend and right hand with her spells. At that moment, Alexander overlooked how accurate Billy's intuitions were and how Billy never failed to recognize a person's intentions. He couldn't see through the blurriness in his mind that Billy was not someone who lies and acts could brainwash.

-"Stay away from her, Billy," advised Alexander, but his tone was filled with jealousy and bitterness, something Billy noticed precisely, "And if you feel anything for her, you should let it go. She's not your's."

Billy nodded in affirmative, as Alexander's expressions gave away his possessiveness and obsession for Suhana. But now he had to find the reason behind that. 

-"Not mine? I never said she's mine. And why are you so concerned about Suhana and me?" asked Billy, trapping Alexander with his own words.

Alexander stared at him furiously for a few seconds before trying to sound logical, 

-"She's Sarah's nanny. And Mehmood knew her. We still don't know what her real intentions are. So, I don't want my best friend and right-hand man to be attached to her like my niece already is."

-"I understand your concern, Alex," Billy said with a smile, "As I said earlier, I don't believe Mehmood. And don't worry, mate, I don't know if I have any feelings towards her. I guess I need to spend more time with her to know what I feel."

If Billy had not been his best friend, by now, Alexander would have crushed every muscle on Billy's face, which he used to smile while talking about Suhana. He turned around and ran his hand through his messy hair, trying to find a way to stop this connection from escalating.

-"Tell Suhana to gather her belongings and move to the mansion. She will now stay in the room between mine and Sarah's, where I can observe her closely when she's with Sarah.," Alexander ordered, ascending the stairs in a frenzy.

Alexander was hell-bent on keeping Suhana away from anyone else, especially any other male. He didn't know why he felt so jealous about Suhana and Billy being friends, but he didn't try to think about why he felt so.

Billy stood still, lost in deep thought. He couldn't stop thinking about Alexander's behavior towards Suhana in the parking area, his reaction after hearing Billy's plans, and his demand to stay away from Suhana. All of it seemed to indicate an unhealthy obsession. He concluded that Mehmood was not the root cause of any of this. But he also feared another conclusion that could destroy a simple girl like Suhana's life.

Is Alex in love with her?

Billy was unable to prevent Suhana from moving into the mansion, as it was Alexander's command, and he had to convey it to her. Seeing the expression on Alexander's face, Billy realized that his decision was final, and there was no changing it. However, he hoped that the relationship between Alexander and Suhana was not too intense, and he was determined to discover the real reason behind his friend's emotions.

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