Red (Scarlet Witch)

By Ihasthepanda

124K 4.9K 2K

~"You are not alone."~ *Before and after AOU* \Wanda|Vision/ •Now Completed• .Editing. More

The Bed
The wait
The homecoming
The riots
The deal
The Avengers
The War
The Vow
The Dream
The Facts
The Drive
The Farmhouse
The Scheme
The Theory
The Lesson
The comfort
The farewell
The warning
The Kid
The Captive's
The Siren
The Words
The News
The Happy/Sad
The Surprise
The Training
The Truth
The Secret
The Trade
The Distractions
The Capture
The Secret is Revealed
The Guest
The Answer
The Nerd
The Finding
The Possibilities
The Annoying
The Letting Go
The Confusion

The Death

3.5K 136 90
By Ihasthepanda

MAJOR spoilers. DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE MOVIE. The song up there is just perfect for the twins after the war. I think that if Wanda was singing this it would make perfect sense. You can either listen to it after or before, I advise after, and not during, because it just make's a perfect tribute to Pietro. All right's go to Marvel, and I suppose Disney get's credit too, since they do own it.

Wanda watched as her powers tore droids apart quickly, and effectively. She smiled a bit as she watched some of the droids turn around and attack something else she couldn't see. She was becoming more intimidating then they had thought she was, and they were running away! She shook her head at their cowardliness.

"Oh no you don't..." All it took was a few waves of the arms, plus a little mind magic– and then over ten droids fell down due 'malfunctioning'. Wanda almost felt giddy from her tricks. She had taken a short break, by only using her fingers to snap one droid at a time, but now that she had more energy, she could wipe out ten with the wave of a hand.

Throughout the long and well-fought battle, she kept tabs on her brothers mind. She knew he could sense her small presence, and she also knew he was crazy mad at her for doing it. Wanda couldn't help it. It was almost like her sub-conscious couldn't live without being connected with his.

She felt something hit him and with dread she looked into his mind even further. Pain rushed through his mind as she snapped a droids neck off and she waited for his response after. Vision, who was a ways off, backed her up as she rushed out her thoughts to him. And although he couldn't communicate back, she could still feel the annoyance and his eye roll when she started fussing into his own head.

Pietro are you okay?! Please answer. Please pleas-

She sighed in relief as he sent her an image of a bullet hit him in the arm. It was only an arm. That could easily be fixed up with Tony's high-tech medical equipment. He was okay.

She them saw in his head an image that made her almost gasp aloud. A huge flying ship was nearing its way towards them, ready to load the remaining civilians and the Avengers safely onto the ground. Steve signaled everyone to meet over towards the air-craft, and his voice directly spoke to her.

"Wanda? Its time to load, I hope your near?" She heard Steve's voice rattle in her ear when his slight concern reached through. She guessed most everyone was there. She must've been the only one. She frowned... Vision had just been next to her. Where had he gone? She turned her earpiece on.

"Yeah, just-" A droid cut her answer off just as she turned around to take off. She yelped and destroyed it just with her fear. Her eyes flashed red and several buildings around her collapsed. Cursing, she returned to the captain's attention. "Give me a few."

Wanda turned off his distracting voice of protest, and she saw with annoyance that several droids were coming in her direction. She took a deep breath and prepared to weary herself even further. She needed a break that was impossible to get. She took out the first drone within seconds. Each one that came to her seemed to know it was to die, but they were doing it only to weaken her further. She snapped the last one's head off when she heard her brothers voice mysteriously appear in her head.

Don't hate me. I'll make sure to tell momi and papi how proud they'd be.

Wanda's heart stopped. He wasn't supposed to make his voice appear in her head. That was impossible unless he was in serious danger, and had the powerful emotion to do so. Wanda felt her stomach twinge and she checked for her brothers mind... but he was fine.

What do you mean? Pietro I-

Then, all at once the most pain she had ever felt in her life, entered her soul. She could feel the pain, black ink, scavenging into her heart, looking and stealing things that were supposed to stay in-place forever. She clutched her chest and gaped. That wasn't possible. He wasn't supposed to be hurt like that. He promised. Stumbling, shocked and hurt, Wanda let out the most heart-wrenching scream and sunk to her knee's. His last thoughts echoed in her head.

I love you Wanda.

Her brother was dead.

She looked up at the sky, her eyes glowing the brightest red she had within her body. She wanted to curse every god out there. She wanted the entire universe to feel her pain, including whoever had their part in her brother's death.

"WHY HIM? PLEASE! NOT HIM!" She looked at the ground with tears in her eyes, but she would not cry yet. She had unfinished business to attend to. She got up and wiped her mouth with her sleeve. Her glowing eyes made her seem as if the devil itself had burst inside her soul. She stalked her way down to her destination. She stormed across the streets, tossing cars and making havoc around her. She stopped when she saw her goal. Wanda entered the wrecked train, where she had seen the main body of Ultron crash into.

Wanda had let the thought go when she had noticed earlier, and had wanted him to die on his own, but no. She would kill him herself. She breathed heavily and made her way to the entrance. As she entered, the speaker in her ear was going insane with worry.

"Wanda- you have to get here- now! Or your going to di-" she ripped Clint's voice out of her ear and threw it on the ground to stalk her way to the robot. Her eyes still head that bright red in them, and she wasn't going to lose it anytime soon. If she could have it her way, she would have those angry eyes until the day she died. Hopefully she wouldn't have to wait too long.

When she made her way closer to Ultron, he snapped his head over to her and stared. If robots could be scared and shocked, this one was. The whole world seemed to disappear as she stared down on him in hatred. She could hardly even process that the world around her was slowly crumbling around her.

"Wanda- what are you doing here? If you stay- you'll die."

She almost laughed in his face at his fake concern. Deciding a different choice, she instead crouched down besides him. She stared into his red eyes and found they matched hers. Maybe she was the villain. Maybe her brother was good and she was bad. Maybe she should die too, then maybe the world would be better off.

Wanda just didn't care anymore. She didn't care about anyone anymore.

"I just did. And do you know how it felt?" She reached into his robotic body and held his generator in her shaking red flurry hands. Her red energy was leaking unconsciously out of her hands and she didn't know how to stop it. Wanda looked at the robot one more time and made sure he got a good look of him losing his war. His heart symbolized the danger he caused, and as long as it powered his body, the danger would continue to rage on.

Wanda looked at it bitterly and crushed the metal devise. She let the dust in her hands slip out like sand. She turned to look at him on last time, and spit her words in his face. "Like zat."

She watched in satisfaction as he slowly drained away, never to be seen again.

Wanda sneered, just as the whole place started to fall. The ground beneath her began to decline with everything else too- And she would go down with it. Her heart finally beat in a healthy pace, instead of the heavy thump that pressed its way into her skull, and she felt it speed up finally. Her entire world, childhood, family, had officially collapsed in the last hour. When the floor opened up to swallow her and that metro train up, she closed her eyes and knew it was time. It was time to find her brother again, just that time it would be in a better place.

Von't worry Pietro, I'll be zere soon.

But her death never came.

Her weight felt normal again, and she felt arms wrap around her protectively. She looked at her savior almost expecting Pietro, but saw Vision carefully steering his way out of the falling items that were in the sky. She laid her head on his chest, that was surprising and pleasantly warm, let out one defeated sigh, and let exhaustion take over.


"He just... Swerved in- and saved me and the kid. I will never be able to thank him; neither will Laura and the kids."

Those were the words Wanda woke up to. She blinked around confused with her surroundings. She felt the touch of another person and saw it was a hand clutching hers. She then noticed that it belonged to Steve. His light blonde hair was fixed and his face was clean. He was watching Clint telling his story with intense sorrow.

His head moved slightly to look at her face and his eyes got big when he saw the girl's eyes were opened. He stood up and immeadieately stood over her, checking to see if she was okay like a mother hen. "You're awake!" He exclaimed rather too loudly for her sore head, and the shout rattled her ears.

Natasha who was sitting right besides her, turned around from her conversation with Clint, and smiled at Wanda with sadness creeping to the corner of her own eyes. Clint too, stood up and quickly sped besides her, while Steve dropped her hand in embarrassment at her pained face. He had super strength for more than one-hundred-years and still hadn't learned to control it.

Clint grabbed her arm and squeezed gently, "Look kid-"

"I know. I saw the whole zing." She stared at the wall, refusing to look at anyone. "He did what he thought vas good. And-" Tears threatened to come, but she couldn't break her vow now, not after everything she'd been through. "He died a hero. I'm sure zat's all he vanted."

Steve took back his place, but this time she grabbed his hand. "Thank you. You gave us another chance. To be good." He nodded at her appreciation and squeezed her hand back tightly. The door opened, and Sam, who Wanda had only seen, Tony, who she still didn't like, and Vision all came in with concerned faces. She had a lot of opinions about about Vision, but most of them she wouldn't admit aloud.

Stark looked down at Wanda when he made his way towards her small and exhausted body.

"You know- I've never liked you. For many reasons, one for trying to kill me, two for getting into my head, and three for trying to stop me from making him," He jutted his thumb towards Vision as Clint and Steve both glared daggers at him. Stark held his hands up in surrender. He obviously knew he was outnumbered and he sighed, "But, what your brother did out there- makes me like you four times more than what I did."

She raised her right eyebrow and stared at him blankly. Was this his version of an apology? What was he actually apologizing for? Her brother's death, or for the fact that he blew up her family? "I still do not like you." She frowned when she reconsidered her statement. Her feelings were much stronger. "I hate you."

"Understandable." Tony muttered irritably, and he backed off quietly.

Wanda's head twisted as she gazed around the room. She saw Sam, and as they reached eye-contact he smiled kindly. She returned it halfheartedly to Rhodes' and Sam's thankful and sorry expressions.

She then let her gaze wander to Vision. His eyes were still moving in that complicated way she had yet to learn, and he still looked at her with the same seriousness that he had in the beginning. Only that time, there was slight grief. She felt an odd feeling when she saw how he was staring. Everyone in the room was giving her the look of pity and sad expression. But Vision's face was more guilty and he was grieving more than most. Wanda frowned but still nodded in thanks to him when she remembered that he had saved her.

"Thank you. I vas ready to die, but I guess I vasn't really thinking things through... Pietro would 'ave wanted—" She paused with a shaky breath taking store in her lungs. She felt the her sore lungs release the air and she winced. Wanda felt terribly, but she went back to Vision's thoughtful stare, "He would've vanted me to be alive. Thank you."

He inclined his head with a soft smile. "You are welcome Ms. Maximoff."

She tried to actually smile back, and soon after, people started to leave. Sam and Rhodes both felt like they were intruding, and so they left by dragging Tony behind them. Vision stayed behind and stood in the back of the room, looking out of the window that was shining light down on Wanda.

Wanda looked at Clint who had stayed and nodded thankfully. "Zank you for vatching my back. I know my brother talked to you about that." She tried to not let her grudge show, for she was still mad at the fact that he had done that, but apparently, Clint hadn't known.

He stiffened when he heard her.

"We never actually... Talked. The only thing we ever said to each other was 'You didn't see that coming?'"

Wanda frowned as she heard his words. But he had helped her. He had saved her and comforted her. He had given her the most useful thing; hope and trust. She tilted her head while thinking. It wasn't Clint?


"If you are conversing about who your brother spoke to about keeping an eye out for you, it was me." Vision said from the corner of the room. His look was sort of pleased that he had hidden his identity for so long. Her brother had, after all, made sure that no one knew. Wanda and the others all looked at him in surprise. Vision inclined his head. "Anytime I thought you couldn't handle the next... Wave of droids, I would take them out for you. I kept tabs on you, and I hope you know that those were your brother's last wishes."

No one spoke, and Wanda could feel the tension growing. It may have been mostly from her in that annoying hospital bed. She didn't know why, but she was mad. Not at Vision, but almost mad at her brother. Her dead brother that had wanted her to be protected when he was the one to die in the end.

"He didn't zink I could take it?"

Vision shook his head at her accusation in a considerate way.

"On the contrary, your brother knew you could wipe down every single enemy without help. But he told me, that you needed friends and teamwork. And though you did not notice... You were working with a... Friend."

He finished his last sentence a bit nervously, and Wanda picked it up with a heavy heart. She would've loved to confirm the unsaid question, but she was afraid that if anything were to escape her lips, it would only be sobs. She bit her bottom lip and she glanced at Vision, trying to let him know that she was thankful. Wanda looked at Vision with such pain, that he couldn't stand it, and glided over to her. Just as soon as he scooped up her hand to give a reassuring squeeze, Wanda lost it.

She yanked back her hand and covered a sob.

She cried for the first time in thirteen years.

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