Red (Scarlet Witch)

By Ihasthepanda

124K 4.9K 2K

~"You are not alone."~ *Before and after AOU* \Wanda|Vision/ •Now Completed• .Editing. More

The Bed
The wait
The homecoming
The riots
The deal
The Avengers
The Death
The Vow
The Dream
The Facts
The Drive
The Farmhouse
The Scheme
The Theory
The Lesson
The comfort
The farewell
The warning
The Kid
The Captive's
The Siren
The Words
The News
The Happy/Sad
The Surprise
The Training
The Truth
The Secret
The Trade
The Distractions
The Capture
The Secret is Revealed
The Guest
The Answer
The Nerd
The Finding
The Possibilities
The Annoying
The Letting Go
The Confusion

The War

3.3K 121 57
By Ihasthepanda

"Pietro?" Wanda called out to the many halls in Stark Tower. Seriously, did the man even use half the rooms up there? You'd think that he'd at least use the top floors for the main work, but no, it was for Tony's own pleasure up there. Wanda scrunched up her nose. He was so rich, it wasn't even funny.

A zooming figure appeared besides her in a spur of moments. Pietro smiled slightly at her startled face, and he threw her the red leather jacket she had dumped in his hands. "You should be used to zat by now."

She put on the jacket with a grin and then tackled him in a hug. She didn't ever want him to stop joking around. She wanted him to be safe... always. Wanda didn't know why she was acting like this. If anyone was more capable of surviving, it was her brother. The relief of knowing he would be safe, calmed her thoughts. She was being foolish.

Pietro stood there, a bit shocked, and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. Kissing her on the forehead, he rested his chin on the top of the crown of brown hair his sister possessed. He could feel her presence in his mind, and he knew she was searching for any worry that he may be hurt. He sighed and rubbed soothing circles in her back. "You'll be okay. I promise... I 'ave talked with a team member. He 'as your back through and through."

She let go, and huffed in annoyance while she tried to ignore the last part. She didn't need to be protected. She was a strong women with more balls than most men there. Especially Stark. He was only a man behind that suit. Wanda? She was a beast behind all of that skin, waiting to be released. She directed her attention to her brother and touched his cheek tenderly with the back of her right hand.

"Vhat about you? You'll be okay?"

He smiled and hugged her again. "I'll try my hardest," He let go, and took a hold of her shoulders. 'Try my hardest' was not a satisfying answer to Wanda. Pietro snickered at her cross face and squeezed her arms. "You, Wanda Maximoff, are zee most beautiful girl I have ever seen. You are smart, quick- not as quick as me- vut still quick; your powers are absolutely fitting for you because zey're beautiful. And when someone seems to notice that, take zem into your heart, because zey obviously are pretty amazing."

He leaned his forehead against hers, and they stayed in their own bubble for almost an hour, breathing peacefully. Wanda used her gift to reflect on the different times in their life, and Pietro would laugh at sudden moments from the funny memories. She showed him the time her, Pietro, and Papi had snuck under the big bed in their parents room and waited for their Momi to come in so they could grab her ankles and scare her.

Sadly, they never go to that part because Pietro had sneezed loudly, and when their Momi had came to investigate, she was met with three guilty faces under her bed. She had gasped for the little one's sake, and pretended to be shocked out of her mind.

Wanda let out a deep giggle when Pietro gave her the memory of when they got lost in a crowd and their Momi and Papi had watched the entire time. When they found their way back, they told them that is what would happen if they ever wandered off anymore... Lets just say they never went off on their own again.

They stayed in their bubble for several minutes until Steve found them and told them it was time to go. They squeezed each others hands one last time, and then made their journey down to their old home town...


"Doesn't matter what you did, or what you were. If you go out there, you fight, and you fight to kill. Stay in here, you're good, I'll send your brother to come and find you. But if you step out that door, you are an Avenger."

Those were the words that made her respect Clint in every single possible way. He was possibly the only one other than Pietro that she didn't want to hurt at that moment. Everyone was shouting directions into her headpiece, and she almost ripped out the item of plastic in her ear. But Clint had done the opposite. He was giving her an option, an option she didn't even know she had.

Wanda nodded her head, and didn't even flinch when bullets were shot at them. She was under shock. Clint only cursed under his breath and muttered a few words to himself. He drew out one of his arrows and shot blindly out of a window next to them. Wanda watched as he gave her one last look and ran his way out of that building, shooting arrows almost immediately out into the sea of droids.

Suddenly, Wanda had a surge of guilt and influenced strength that she didn't know she could have. He was so selfless, he didn't have to be doing all of that. He could be on his farm, with his family making sure they were safe, but he wasn't, was he? He was there, making sure she was emotionally in-check. And although she didn't agree with most of what Tony believed in; the Avengers were good people. Clint was proof of that.

Making her decision, Wanda threw the doors back with her scarlet powers and as soon as she did, she took down over ten droids. She made sure they would get back up by flatting them down with the back wall of a building. Clint, suddenly noticing the fewer bullets being shot at him, looked behind him in confusion by the sudden shortage of enemy. He caught sight of her glowing eyes and smiled at her in a 'I knew you could' kind-of-way. She smiled back and she felt relief of doing good for once, and then ran to another part of the city.

She had lived in that city for her whole life, she knew it like the back of her hand; so one can imagine how fast she made her way around the place. Sadly, she didn't exactly run as fast as her brother, so it was still a challenge when she came across droids that she really couldn't just ignore. Also because they caught sight of her before she caught sight of them. That was one problem that added additionally along with the others.

She used her powers to make a force-field around her, and the small see-through bubble was helping tremendously with not getting her killed. She was invincible, and it seemed as if the robots knew that, because it wasn't long before their fires became harder, and more violent. Even so, such attempts for washed away with one flick of the hand. 

Wanda abruptly stopped, spotting a family that was about to become droid-meat. Her heart beat heavily, and she was already drained from just walking around with her powers flowing around her. Even so, she tried running as fast as she conceivably could, and suddenly (with her yelping in surprise of course) something helped her get to her destination ten times faster. She looked around in confusion and saw with a small cloud of dust, her brother speeding off.

"You're welcome!" He yelled back to her when he stopped for the smallest amount of moment, and disappeared as fast as he came.

She fixed her attention to the family after scoffing from her idiot brother and she moved her shield over them just as the droids began to shoot. The small family of four were all cowering, waiting for their deaths, but luckily for them, it was not their time to die. Wanda strengthened her shield when she saw a single bullet pass through and almost hit one of the little boys. She frowned. She would have to perfect that sooner or later, or someone might actually die from her tired mistake. 

When the robots figured out their bullets were doing nothing to the flinching family, they each turned their attention towards Wanda, and then began to target her instead. Wanda rushed her way into her shield with the family and sighed.

 Droids... they never could make up their minds, could they?

After 'tsk'ing in shame, she cracked all of her fingers and blocked all of the bullets from hitting the force-field anymore, with a single swipe of the hand. With an extra welcoming sight, she watched as she guided the silver bullets to turn around and go right back to their owners. Most of the bullets hit their generators and if not, it went into something vital because soon after, all twenty of them collapsed within seconds. 

After Wanda smiled ruefully, she blew on her nails for show but remembered she had an audience and turned her attention to the family. They all stared with uncertainty at her scarlet eyes and covered red-sourced hands. Rolling her eyes from not receiving even a thank-you, she herded them towards safety where they kept all the other civilians. As she finished her task, she was signaled by the buzz in her ear to go to the abandoned church ground by Clint.

The final plan was getting ready to be in 'action'.

She ran with her full speed and found that as she arrived breathless to the church; everyone was already there. She almost growled when she saw that most of them looked decent after fighting, and there she was; sweating and panting. She grumped her way up the short flight of stairs, and gave her team a nod of assertion when she saw them looking at her.

If Wanda were to be honest; once she lined up with her team, she didn't really pay attention when Steve made his great speech and as soon as he stopped- droids came towards them. That was actually Wanda's main worry, believe it or not. She really didn't care for speeches anyway, why not just get the fighting out of the way, and when you win, you say your speech then? It certainly would look better on you if you won, and if you lost, it wouldn't of been for nothing. 

Wanda blew out in frustration at all of the droids that got in her way. Didn't they understand she was unstoppable? She could possibly wipe out half of them, but sadly, along with the half would be her teammates, so she couldn't unleash her full power. She saw from the corner of her eyes that the main Ultron had found them and was hovering not too far off. So had Thor apparently,

"IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN DO?" Thor bellowed.

Ultron laughed with a booming voice and Wanda felt her heart drop. She knew that sarcastic laugh. That was not a good laugh. As she predicted, he rose his hands and thousands of droids came out of nowhere. His arms were held out as if he were ready to take flight. Wanda groaned softly when his voice spoke out. She really hated this dude.

"This is the best I can do. This is what I've been waiting for. All of you against me!"

"You had to ask..." Tony said, annoyed to the blonde god.

Wanda rolled her eyes, and actually agreed with Tony for once. She really wished that sometimes the dream god would just shut up. He may be a dream boat, but definitely not the smartest one there. Alas, her bitterness would not help her with the angry droids coming towards her in huge waves.

She fought, and fought with such vulgar she was a little afraid from her actions. She ripped them apart and messed with them in ways she didn't know she could. She found that sometimes all she had to do was flash her eyes and they would drop like flies. She was growing into her gift, and she didn't know if that was a good thing or bad. All the while, she made sure her brother was okay with her presence hanging in the back of his head. He had told her not to, due to her being distracted by the actions, but eventually she agreed that she had to stop as the droids became too overwhelming.

Grudgingly, she stopped listening in on her brother and focused everything she had on what was in front of her. She watched as one-by-one they were each separated by different reasons. That didn't mean that she didn't cross paths with them every-now-and-then.


That Android cracked its neck with Cap's shield.


This one exploded from her scarlet wisps.


Well, Hulk stopped by.

She heard Steve all talk to them through her earpiece, saying that a spacecraft was there to take them away. She couldn't believe the good news and immediately looked over at her brother with wide eyes. She could already see him itching to grab her and go; but there were still too many to quit anytime soon. She waved her hand absentmindedly- or she tried to look that way.

"You go, I'll finish them off." She said this with a bossy tone, and he held up a finger in protest as soon as she declared his feature actions. They argued for a minute until she had enough.

"Just go!"

Pietro, with a resistant look, got into his running stance and looked over his shoulder at her in admiration. But something else also made him look at her one last time. What if something were to happen to her? Would that be the last time he saw her? With a small smile, he decided that he would joke around to make things light. He didn't want them to part with such serious expressions.

"You know, I am twelve minutes older zen you."

He then took off as she smirked playfully. She watched until she lost sight of him completely and folded her arms in admiration, just as he had to her a minute earlier. How she loved him. And hated him. Sometimes she hated him a lot.

Wanda was still thinking of her brother and wasn't paying attention as an android came up behind her. She whirled around and let out a small scream when she saw the larg droid hovering above her, ready to strike. She held up her hands and fell clumsily onto the ground but before it could hurt her, it was pulled away and ripped apart— revealing her savior.

"Ms. Maximoff."

Wanda was out of breath from almost having a heart attack but still gave out a huge breath of relief. "Vision." She choked out. He nodded from the small and plain 'thank you' she was using as his name and let her use his hand to get back up. With one last glance to make sure she was okay, and maybe a small scan, he left her to go help someone else. 

Wanda watched him take off, and she shook her wooziness away from the frantic shaking of her head. Focus. She said to herself, and started to fight again.

It was going to be a long next ten minutes.

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