Meant To Be (Kim.K)

By UnknownLoverbxy

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XXVII (the real deal)


2.5K 98 6
By UnknownLoverbxy

Kim's POV

It had been two days since the baptism, and Y/n and I found ourselves in Jerusalem. We had decided to enjoy a quiet dinner, leaving our kids in the care of a nanny.

Y/n broke the silence, "I've been thinking – well, North and I have been talking."

I couldn't help but tease, "That's never a good sign."

He responded with playful offense, "Hey!"

Smirking, I continued, "Last time you two did some 'talking,' the pool ended up pink."

Y/n chuckled, "It was an experiment!"

Curious, I asked, "So, what are you two up to this time?"

Y/n cleared his throat and reached out to hold my hand, a warm comfort I welcomed willingly. "We want to take a trip."

I raised an eyebrow, "What kind of trip?"

With a sigh, he admitted, "A road trip."

I relaxed a bit, "Well, that's not so bad. I thought you were going to say something..."

Y/n interrupted, "A road trip to Japan."

My eyes widened in disbelief, "Y/nn, that's insane and impossible."

He hesitated, "It's not, baby. We'd drive from Israel to Japan."

I couldn't help but retort, "And how do you plan on driving across the ocean?"

There was a pause, and I seized the opportunity, "Exactly, we can go to Japan, but we'll have to fly there."

Y/n let out an exasperated huff, slumping into his seat, clearly disappointed.

"Don't be such a baby," I said, leaning over to caress his face and planting a soft kiss on his lips. Those lips of his had always been irresistible, just like the man himself.

He was everything I had ever wanted. I hadn't expected a baby to become a part of the equation so quickly, but I had no regrets. Psalm was like a bridge connecting our two families, a bond that grew stronger each day.

Y/n interrupted my thoughts, his voice muffled against my lips as I continued to kiss him.

"It's been six weeks," he murmured.

I teased him, planting small kisses all over his face, "Yeah?"

He corrected, "Six weeks and five days to be exact."

I couldn't help but smile, "Well then..."


I was on cloud nine.

My mind was numb to my surroundings, the only thing that kept me grounded was the feeling of Y/n's cold hands all over my hot body.

The sound of our skin slapping together, heavy breathing, my moans and whimpers.

The room was dim, the lights off and only source of light was from the moon shining from the bare windows around the room.

I could still taste his cum that was from the first few rounds of sex we'd had from the car to this moment.

I was knocked out of my haze when I felt the tip of his cock rub against what felt like my cervix. I couldn't help but let outs a loud moan followed by whimpers that mixed with his grunts.

We'd fucked in the car, against the walls, a table and finally on the bed which was now bare of pillows from the amount of times I've thrashed around.

He continued pounding into me from behind, we usually loved facing each other when we had sex but tonight we agreed on fucking and nothing else.

I felt my walls tighten around his cock, this causiled him to stutter a bit, his duck twitching inside but he continued to pound into me.

"Fuck baby I'm-"

I started but was cut off by someone shouting out my name.


Fucking hell! Kourtney!

Y/n's movements didn't stutter though and before I knew it, my orgasms reached its peak, his following.


I stuttered as he continued to fuck me into the mattress. My make up had been ruined, the mascara running down my face and lipstick smudged.

"Kim? Are y'all fucking?"

Kourtney's voice rang out from outside the door of our room.

Y/n's hand moved to rub against my clit which drew a loud guttural moan from me.

"Holy shit! Y'all are fucking!"

God sake could she just fuck off already. I heard her footsteps retreating but I didn't focus on that for too long because I felt myself about to release again.

When Y/n pressed onto my sensitive nub harder I finally fell apart, I couldn't hold myself up any longer and I collapsed onto the bed. My body buzzed with pleasure for a while.

Fuck that was good.


I awoke the next morning with Y/n nestled beneath me, his warmth providing solace to my aching muscles. My body protested any movement, not quite ready to stir.

Reaching out, I found a phone on the nightstand. It was Y/n's – my own was probably lost in my purse, thrown aside carelessly when we had come in the night before. I checked the time, greeted by a heartwarming screensaver featuring him and Saint celebrating at one of Saint's soccer games. Their bond was undeniable.

Y/n mumbled, his arms wrapped securely around my waist as my head rested on his chest, his heartbeat echoing in my ear.

"Good morning," I murmured in response.

He grumbled, "What time is it?"

"9 a.m.," I answered.

"We slept in," he observed.

I chuckled softly, "We deserved the sleep."

He shifted slightly, attempting to maneuver me out of bed, but I clung to him, unwilling to let go just yet.

"I gotta pee, baby," he explained.

I released my hold on him reluctantly, watching as he left the bed, fully naked. His back was clear this time, but his arms bore the evidence of last nights activities, covered in scratches that would surely sting later on.

I remained in bed, scrolling through Y/n's Instagram, where pictures from our night together dominated his feed. I couldn't help but smile at the images; there was no denying that we made a perfect match.

Suddenly, the bedroom door swung open, and Kourtney entered with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Jesus, Kourtney! I'm naked!" I exclaimed.

She shrugged nonchalantly, "Nothing I haven't seen before. Where's Y/n?"

I scanned the room and answered, "He's in the bathroom, naked! Get out!"

Kourtney chuckled, "I'd sit on the bed, but I don't want to accidentally sit on—"

"You're so annoying," I interrupted, throwing a pillow at her. She caught it with a laugh.

The bathroom door opened, and Y/n emerged, a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Hey, Kourt," he greeted.

Kourtney raised an eyebrow teasingly, "You naked under that towel, Carter?"

Y/n hesitated, and I couldn't help but interject, "Get out, Kourtney!"

Kourtney relented, "Fine, fine. We're leaving in two hours. Back to L.A. I miss the blaring sun."

With that, she exited the room, leaving Y/n and me to get ready. In a week, we'd be heading to Japan with the kids after returning to Los Angeles.


"I heard some rumors," Khloé teased, we were back in L.A and Khloé came to see Psalm.

I couldn't help but respond with a smirk, "You mean you heard from Kourtney?"

"So it's true? Y'all went right back into it, huh?" Khloé inquired.

I shrugged, "The oral sex before the six weeks ended was fine, but I was craving real sex."

Khloé raised an eyebrow, "You are something else. What has Y/n done to you?"

With a sly grin, I replied, "Not to be petty, but he's the best I've ever had."

Khloé chuckled, "Where is the little minx anyways?"

"Drake's album was released when we were in Israel, so he's doing a bit of promo for it as well," I explained.

Khloé mentioned casually, "Oh yeah, I went to the release party. I also met someone – interesting."

"Oh," I teased.

"No, not a man, Kim. I'm talking about Saweetie, the girl pining for your man," she clarified

"Pining?" I questioned.

Khloé elaborated, "You haven't seen it? She was on live the other day, and they asked her about Y/n. She was practically fawning over him."

I admitted, "I didn't know that."

It didn't escape my notice that many women in the industry had a thing for Y/n, but Saweetie was different. They were close.

Khloé remarked, "Everyone knows."

I sighed, "It doesn't matter. I trust Y/n. Either way, I don't blame her – Y/n is everything a girl could dream of, and I have him."

Khloé gave me a knowing look, "Make sure you keep him then."

I nodded with determination, "Trust me, I will."


"Babe?" I called out softly.

"Yeah?" Y/n replied, the kids having dozed off as we lounged on the couch, engrossed in our phones.

"What's the deal with Saweetie?" I inquired, curiosity getting the best of me.

"Diamonté? She's just causing some drama, but last time I checked, she was in a relationship, so no need to worry about her," Y/n reassured me.

"I was just curious," I admitted.

"You're all I want, baby. I mean you've trapped me so I can't go anywhere," he teased, chuckling at his own corny joke.

"It wasn't planned," I pouted, nuzzling into his neck.

"It wasn't but we both know how tight you be holding me in, locked in in those tight walls," Y/n whispered playfully.

"Shh, the kids might hear you," I cautioned.

Y/n's hands trailed down my spine, gripping my ass, and a quiet moan escaped my lips.

"How about you head to our room, and I'll join you in a few?" he teasingly suggested.

"Deal," I agreed, rising from the couch and leaving him behind to tuck the kids into bed.


As I gazed around on the jet, I could feel the excitement emanating from the kids, especially North. She had a friend accompanying us on this trip to Japan soon, which seemed to double her enthusiasm.

North turned to Y/n with a curious glint in her eye, "Do you like art?"

He smiled and replied, "I do."

Saint chimed in, a hint of confusion in his voice, "But I thought you liked soccer."

With a grin, he explained, "I do like soccer."

Saint seemed a bit puzzled, "But you said you like art."

I laughed gently, "Guys, Y/nn can like many things at once."

The kids' chatter filled the air as we embarked on this adventure. North couldn't contain her excitement, "What are you most excited to see, Y/n?"

His eyes lit up as he shared his anticipation, "Murakami's studio."

North's excitement was palpable, "YES!!"

Saint, meanwhile, seemed content being around Y/n, Chicago and the twins simply went along with the flow of the journey. As for Psalm, he was still too young to grasp the significance of our trip.

I was bottle-feeding Psalm as we settled into our seats on the jet, en route to Japan. Y/n sat beside me, while Saint and North occupied the seats in front of us, bombarding Y/n with a barrage of questions.

"Have you ever been to Japan, Y/n?" North asked, her curiosity piqued.

Y/n replied, "Yeah, I went when I was eleven. My mom was performing that year."

North smirked, "Your mom is Beyoncé."

Y/n retorted with a playful grin, "Your mom is Kim Kardashian."

North fired back, "Your dad is Jay-Z."

Y/n chuckled, "Your dad is Kanye West."

Their banter continued until they eventually called it quits, running out of witty comebacks.

I broke the silence, getting Y/n's attention, "He's asleep."

Y/n offered, "Let me put him down," as he rose and carefully placed Psalm in his travel bed.

"I'm exhausted," I sighed.

Y/n, with a mischievous smile, whispered, "Wanna have a quickie?"

I scolded him, "Y/nn!"

"I'm joking, but if you're up for it- " He teased.

I playfully shoved him away as he laughed.

Saint, curious, chimed in, "What's a quickie?"

I shot a look at Y/n, "That's all you, Carter," causing Y/n to sink in his seat and avoid eye contact with Saint, who stared directly at him.

Serves him right, I thought.

"Well, you see- "  Y/n stammered.


Y/n's POV

I turned to Tama with curiosity evident in my voice. "So, y'all don't eat chicken?"

"We do, but it's not really popular. It's fish, then red meat," Tama explained. He was our tour guide for the trip.

I nodded, recalling how often I'd seen them eating raw fish. "Yeah, I've seen y'all eat raw fish all the time."

Tama chuckled. "Not all the time, we cook it too. You should try Steak Place; it serves the best American cuisine."

Kim chimed in, firmly stating, "We're in Japan to experience the culture, and that means the food too, so no American food, babe."

I grimaced, "I'm not living off raw fish."

Kim countered, "There's a lot more than raw fish."

I raised an eyebrow, "It's mainly raw fish. What if I want fried chicken?"

With a reassuring smile, Kim suggested, "They have McDonald's."

I pressed further, "Not nuggets, chicken."

She assured me, "You'll be fine, baby," and then she started exploring the restaurant we were in. We were still in the lobby, adorned with scrolls and other traditional Japanese decorations.

The kids were off on their own adventure with their nannies, leaving Kim and I to enjoy a date night here, thanks to Tama's guidance.

Tama leaned in, whispering into my ear, "If you ever want fried chicken, there's KFC too."

I contemplated for a moment before replying, "I guess that'll do."

Kim turned back to me, asking, "What's that, babe?"

I simply replied, "Nothing, Tama was just telling me something."

Kim nodded and continued to soak in the restaurant's ambiance.


Kim gently urged me to try the raw salmon, holding chopsticks with the fish and other ingredients close to my lips.

"Just take a bite; you won't die if you do," she encouraged.

I chuckled, resisting her offer, "Nah, 'cause the poor salmon didn't even get to be cremated."

Kim raised an eyebrow, puzzled, "What are you on about?"

I explained with a grin, "See, when animals die, they're like cooked, right? It's like being cremated. Now you're just eating it raw. How would you like it if someone ate you raw?"

Kim's response caught me off guard, "I mean, I don't mind being eaten raw by you."

I stammered, taken aback, "Oh."

"You're nasty, Kimberly," I shook my head in feigned disappointment while she laughed.

"So, you wouldn't eat me out raw, baby? I mean, you have, you embarrassed?" Kim continued to tease.

I mumbled a response, "No," but before I could say more, she placed the awaiting salmon in my mouth. I hesitated for a moment, letting the unfamiliar textures sit in my mouth with a disgusted look on my face.

Kim urged me, "Swallow it," and she moved her arm across the small table to keep my mouth closed.

I bit into it, finding the texture strange, so I swallowed it whole instead.

"Good boy," Kim teased and gave my lips a playful peck.

"I hate you," I muttered those words, not really meaning them but caught up in the moment.

Kim chuckled, not taking it too seriously, "I love you too, baby," she said before returning to her meal and starting a new conversation.

Kim glanced around the cozy room we were in, the walls adorned with a few paintings and a bonsai tree sitting in the corner. We sat on the floor on zabutons as they called it , a small table (Chabudai) between us, and a large window offered a view of lush greenery and birds flitting about.

"You think we could- have some fuck here and get away with it?" she asked with a mischievous grin.

I raised an eyebrow, a bit taken aback, "Are you pregnant again?"

Kim laughed, shaking her head, "No, I'm just making up for lost time."

I sighed, realizing the temptation, "We'd get caught, you're too loud."

She leaned in closer, straddling my waist and wrapping her arms around my shoulders, her voice dropping to a whisper, "I'll be quiet."

I relented, "Fine, but—"

Before I could finish my sentence, her hands were already working on my belt buckle, and her lips pressed against mine.

I couldn't help but think, "Lord, be with me. This woman is going to be the death of me with her sudden high sex drive."


"Yeah, he dissed me on the song we made together. It's crazy, bro, but I know it's nothing serious," I mentioned as I talked to Miko and Summer over the phone about the song "Eazy" that Kanye and I had released today.

Beside me, I heard Kim stir. It was early in the morning, and she had been asleep when I received the call.

"Baby?" Kim mumbled, her voice heavy with sleep.

I tried not to disturb her too much, whispering, "Listen, I'll call you guys later; it's still early on this side."

Miko's voice came through the phone, understanding, "That's cool, man. Just hit us up when you can 'cause this song is crazy for real."

After exchanging goodbyes with my friends, I returned to bed, and Kim immediately cuddled up to me.

"Who was it?" she asked curiously.

I nestled closer to her, explaining, "Miko and Summer. The song I made with Kanye came out today."

Kim's interest piqued, "Really? How's it going?"

With a contented sigh, I replied, "It's crazy. You'll understand when you hear it. But for now, let's get some sleep; we've got a long day ahead."

Kim agreed, and we settled in for some much-needed rest.


Kim raised an eyebrow, her curiosity evident as she remarked, "He dissed you."

I nodded, a faint smile on my lips, "I know."

Kim's surprise continued, "You guys wrote this together, I mean, you're in the song. By the way, I didn't know you could rap."

I chuckled, sharing a secret talent, "It's a little talent, but we thought it would be funny."

Kim grinned, shaking her head, "You guys are something else."

I reminisced, "It was my favorite studio session by far. He wants me on Donda too, it's crazy."

Kim inquired, "So, you two are genuinely getting along?"

I confirmed with a nod, "Yeah, we are."

Kim was taken aback, "Wow."

The song had already caused quite a stir. Some believed Kanye had changed the lyrics last minute, while others thought it was genius that we did a song together. Kanye and I were on good terms, and if this song was any indication, it was a unique way to show it.

My dad had called me, laughing about it; my mom had mixed emotions, and Ryan found it hilarious, dubbing me "Kanye's prodigy." Travis had been spamming me with Kanye's lyrics, questioning if I had really heard them.

As Kim moved to stand behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist as we got ready in front of the bathroom mirror, she offered a word of caution, "Just don't let him influence you too much."

I reassured her, "I won't baby plus we both know you're the baddest, his new bitch bad but not on your level"

I joked, referencing the lyrics in the song, and Kim couldn't help but laugh, leaning in to leave a lingering kiss on my neck.


"You like my outfit?" I asked casually.

Kim's eyes scanned my attire. "Are those Yeezy boots?" she inquired, her tone carrying a hint of curiosity.

I nodded, a small smile forming. "Yeah, Kanye gave 'em to me and a few other things as a congratulations gift for the song, and I gave him some Nikes."

Kim's interest seemed piqued. "Oh?" She raised an eyebrow, waiting for more.

"Yeah," I continued, "So, the outfit, you like it?"

Her response brought a sense of relief. "Yeah, it's good, baby."

I exhaled softly, "Aight then, ready to go?" I asked, eager to move forward with our plans.

Kim nodded, "Yeah, we can go."


Kim's POV

I excused myself from the group, feeling the urgency of an incoming call that demanded my attention.

"I'll be right back, you guys," I informed them, casting a reassuring look towards Y/n. "I have to take this call baby, look after them," I asked Y/n.

Stepping away, I answered the FaceTime call from Khloé, my sister's voice tinged with concern.

"What the hell?" Khloé's voice carried her bewilderment.

"I'm just as shocked," I admitted, my brows furrowing.

Kylie chimed in with her own concerns. "Does he realize he was dissed? On the same track he's on?"

I sighed, attempting to clarify the situation. "Apparently, it's nothing serious, just a joke for them."

Khloé's anxiety was palpable. "I panicked when I heard it, and then Kanye posted a picture of both of them in the studio with a caption that almost gave me a damn heart attack. Father and son?!"

Kylie added fuel to the speculation. "They're plotting something."

I tried to soothe their worries. "Y'all are paranoid. Y/n and I talked, and they're on good terms."

Khloé questioned this assertion. "Good terms?"

"Yeah," I affirmed, leaning into my belief. "Y/n is literally wearing Yeezy's. I wouldn't be surprised if he was styled by him."

Khloé conceded, albeit with some reservations. "I guess that makes sense, but if anything pops up, tell us."

"I will," I assured them. "Now I gotta go, I need Y/n to fuck me behind one of these statues."

Their collective gasps and exclamations of "KIMBERLY!" only made me laugh before I hung up.

I was serious, though– about the fucking- this trip was destined to be unforgettable.

"Baby!" I sang out, feeling a rush of excitement.

Y/n looked over, his expression a mix of amusement and curiosity. He held Psalm in his arms, tending to his fatherly duties, with a towel draped over his shoulder as he kept an eye on the kids exploring Murakami's studio.

"What do you want?" he quipped, his demeanor effortlessly alluring.

I leaned in closer to him, my voice dropping to a seductive whisper as I shared my idea, "The idea involves you and me, behind one of the statues, with your cock up my wet cunt."

Y/n's reaction was unexpected, a smirk forming on his lips as he replied, "I wanna say you're insane, but that turned me on for some reason."

I grinned, pleased with his response. "Remember the red and blue statue at the back? Meet me there," I instructed, planting a kiss on his cheek before moving to leave, anticipation building up.


"Babe, smile," I urged Y/n, trying to lift his spirits.

He sighed, clearly not thrilled with his costume. "I look ridiculous."

I disagreed, offering a compliment instead. "You look hot."

Y/n's sense of humor didn't waver. "Why couldn't I be a samurai or a ninja?"

I chuckled, teasing him further. "You look good in orange."

He playfully retorted, drawing attention to the orange outfit he was wearing, "I'm a black man. Black men are only ever in orange in one scenario, and that's when they're in a place where they have to pick up the soap."

I rolled my eyes, trying to ease his concerns. "You're dramatic. You get to show off your abs."

Y/n seemed to ponder the idea, though humorously. "Yeah, that'll surely attract some Instagram baddies."

But when I took a more serious tone, his laughter quieted down. "Don't play with me, Carter."

He seemed genuinely concerned for a moment, before he reassured me with a soft smile. "I'm joking."

As a sign of my possessiveness and affection, I moved closer to him and tied the top of his outfit, a silent declaration of my commitment. This man was mine.

With a renewed sense of purpose, I called out to all the kids, "There, now. Let's go, guys!"

Today's adventure involved a traditional lunch, and I had prepared costumes for all of us to wear. Y/n, however, was not particularly thrilled about his attire. "I don't wanna be a damn monk," were his exact words, expressing his dissatisfaction with the role he'd been assigned.

During the car ride to our destination, the kids were chattering away, discussing whatever caught their eye as we passed by.

As we drove, I turned to Y/n with an intriguing idea. "I heard they had a waterfall there."

Y/n responded with interest, "That's cool."

My mischievous side got the best of me as I continued, "Maybe we could go in and you know- "

Y/n cut me off with a chuckle, "You tryna kill me? My dick is gonna fall off at this point."

I grinned, teasingly challenging him, "I knew you couldn't handle me."

He didn't back down, his confidence shining through, "Fuck that, I can handle you."

My playful banter persisted, "Then show me, prove that you can." The sexual tension between us continued to build on the way there.


"Keep it down," he shushed.

"F-fuck no one can- hear- u-us," I moaned as he continued pounding into my wet cunt.

We were behind the waterfall where we were left to 'bathe'. Y/nn didn't go back in his words, his cock was deep in my wet and tight cunt. Ready to soak in every bit of cum he could muster.

He had me pushed onto the rock wall behind the water, his front pressed against mine, my legs wrapped around his waist as his strong arms wrapped around my body.

"I'm close," I whimpered out as he started pounding into me faster, sucking on my hard nipples and pulling at my hair.

Thank God I had my natural hair today.

I felt the knot that had built up snap as I came all over his dick, a few more thrusts and he came deep inside me painting my wall white with his cum.

"Still think I can't handle it?" He teased.

"Oh baby you definitely can," I chuckled out.

I loved how that seemed to boost his ego, he was a sucker for compliments.

"I love you," I said as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and my hand moved to the end of his cornrows.

"I love you," he whispered seductively, leaning in for a kiss which I reciprocated as soon as our lips met. Without warning he started moving again.

"Can I make love to you?" He rasped out.

Fuck I love this man.

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