Fangs and Fairytales (OUAT/TV...

By Night1331

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Rowena Mikaelson... Twin sister of Niklaus Mikaelson...the original Heretic...the original Tribrid. Family wa... More

Act I
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
The Aftermath
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Act 2
Chapter 22
Author's Note
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Author's Note
Chapter 26
Halloween special
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Author's note
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 23

460 23 2
By Night1331

My head...

It's pounding...what...what  happened?

The last thing I remember was...Finn.

Everything that happened after is a bit of a blur. I screamed and then... Sage she attacked me. She said it was supposed to be me. That's why she asked me to lunch, she was in on the attack. She was trying to get them to kill me, but they... they killed Finn instead. I wanted them dead, they deserved it after the stunt they had pulled, but I don't remember killing anyone. What am I missing? Did I black out? that's not right. This doesn't feel like a blackout. It feels a spell! Someone spelled me! There was only one person capable of that kind of magic.


As I slowly started to come around I noticed I wasn't in the mansion. White and pink flower wallpaper, a matching couch and chairs. I was in Granny's, back in Storybrooke. Someone brought me back to Storybrooke! Damn you Kol! My body was stiff, it was as if I was being weighed down by something. I was also hungry-no starving. I needed blood, a lot of blood. I scanned the room and saw Killian passed out in a chair with his flask in his hand. No way in hell was I feeding on him, he's the man I love. I wouldn't do it even if I was about to desiccate. I slowly got up from the bed and walked to the door. I need to get out of here, I need to feed. I tried to quietly open the door, keyword tried. The bloody door squeaked waking Killian. "Rowena"He groggily asked. I turned to him, full vampire face. "I'm sorry"I apologized and sped out the door.

Downstairs and out the diner doors, I paused in front looking around. I could hear people's hearts pounding as they passed by. Then I heard the commotion inside and quickly sped off. I found a bar and went inside, some drunk idiots will be more than enough to satisfy the hunger. I scanned the room, my eyes landing on two men talking about how useless their wives are. I made my way towards their table, probably looking like a lion stalking it's prey. I sat down and the two looked at me like I just insulted them. "Who the he-"but I cut the guy off compelling him to be silent. "Don't. Answer my questions honestly"I compelled them. "What's the worst thing you've done"I asked. "I killed my ex wife"Guy 1 said. My eyes widen, I wasn't expecting that. "I helped. Now we're plotting my wife's murder"Guy two stated. "We're going to make it look like an accident. The new sheriff is too dumb to question it"Guy 2 continued.

That was the wrong thing to say.

Dropping the second body onto the first, I let my face relax and wiped the blood from my mouth. Not that it did much good, it just smeared and I was covered in their blood. Man I really needed that, but now I have two bodies to get rid of. I raised my hand to set them both on fire, but nothing happened. I tried again. Nada. Zilch. Zero fire to be seen. Something is wrong with my magic. "Kol put a dampening spell on you. You will be unable to use your magic for a least a week"I heard someone say. Elijah... of course they sent him. I turned my head to see that he was thankfully alone. Good, I don't have to explain this to Emma. "Of course he did, so what's the plan Elijah?"I asked. "Finn is our brother! He deserves justice!"I shouted. "I know he does and we'll get it. Right now we need to deal with the two bodies and then we can talk"He reasoned. "Fine let's get going before someone sees this"I relented.

Last thing I needed was for someone to see and report to Emma. I don't want her to see me like a monster.

Bodies were torn apart, the pieces buried in separate locations, but there was still one problem. I was still covered in blood and now dirt too. By some miracle Elijah was unscathed, no blood or dirt. Despite it being him who dismantled the bodies. "How do you always look so pristine?"I asked mildly annoyed. "Because I'm a gentleman"He retorted causing me to roll my eyes. "Why did you bring me here? You're only delaying the inevitable"I inquired. "Kol summoned Finn to ask how we could help you. He... he told us to take you home, back to your daughter"He explained. I could see the impact it had on him as he called this place my home. "Try again, Kol's too impulsive to call on Finn. Since when do you lie Elijah?"I snapped crossing my arms. "It's true, we were arguing about what to do when Rebekah shouted it would be easier if we could just ask Finn. So we did"Elijah explained. "Were you really going to condemn an entire town for the crime of four people"He asked. I looked him directly in the eyes and sternly spoke.


That wasn't what he was expecting, but I stand by my choices. Past and present. I've set towns ablaze before when we were running from Mikael. I was hoping to stop him or slow him down, but it never did much good. Then there was the time I destroyed an entire town because they burned a family of witches. Three little girls and their mother, their father had turned them in after seeing the youngest perform an innocent levitation spell. I screamed in horror at the sight, trying desperately to save them. I was too late. The little girls were twelve, eight, and six. Their mother's dying wish was for me to avenge her girls. So that's what I did, I burned their precious church that condemned innocents. I placed a barrier on the town and the villagers met the same fate as the fallen witches.

Now here we are my family and my own life in danger. My brother dead. All because of a bunch of fools can't leave us be. We told them we wouldn't bother them again. That Niklaus no longer needed Elena's blood to make hybrids. The water from lake Nostros took care of that problem. Instead of accepting peace they started a war, one I fully intend to finish. Sucks to be them since they killed the only one capable of stopping me. I'm the Tribrid, the first and only one of my kind. A combination of three powerful supernatural species. The vampire, the werewolf and last the siphoner. Finn having his magic back, put him as the only one capable. Right now Kol would be the only one with a chance, hell he was a bloody prodigy, but not even he can stop a raging inferno. We promised always and forever, now that promise is broken. "Rowena, things aren't how it used to be, people will take notice to an entire town burning. You need to think things through"He pleaded. "I have thought it through, after all I'm the levelheaded one"I told him. "And what about Emma? What will she think of her mother destroying an entire town?"Elijah asked. I narrowed my eyes at him. "How dare you bring my daughter into this?! Tell me Elijah what should I do? Should I sit back and do nothing? Allow them to get away with it?"I catechized. "No! I won't! My family is in danger so long as those idiots remains, so long as the white oak remains! They murdered Finn! They tried to murder me and you expect me to just sit back and do nothing!"I shouted. "Of course not!"He replied horrified. "Then what?! What do you expect?!"I shouted. "All I ask is for time, we will get justice for Finn and Elena's group will be punished. I give you my word"He reasoned. "Fine. You have until my magic returns..."I started looking him right in the eyes as I finished my sentence.

"And if Elena's group hasn't been properly dealt with then I will return to Mystic Fall."

No mercy, I will bring hell itself to Mystic Falls just to get rid of those fools.

There were no words from Elijah, he knew I was serious and he knew arguing anymore would do no good. "Let's get you cleaned up, I doubt you want Emma seeing you like this"He said. Emma...I have to face my daughter. I have to face Killian too. I'm sure they're worried and they will probably have questions. Not to mention Killian's life was in danger and if was because of me. I was a danger to the people I love. Not even my bloody protection charm could protect him, the attack was physical. Damn loophole, I'll have to fix that. "We can head to the ship, I have some clothes there"I stated. "What about the blood?"He asked. I rolled my eyes and sped off with Elijah following behind me.

When we arrived at the docks I did something that shocked the hell out of Elijah. I jumped fully clothed into the ocean, staying under for a good bit. What? It was the quickest way to get the blood off. I re-emerged, slicked my hair back and looked to Elijah. "Is it gone?"I asked. One of his eyes twitched as he nodded. I climbed back onto the dock and showed him how to get on the ship. He seemed surprised as he looked around the ship. I started walking towards the our quarters, but stopped in my tracks. I could hear a heartbeat coming from inside. Killian must be here. I went inside and sure enough he was there pouring himself a drink. Upon noticing me he quickly sat his drink down and came up to me pulling me into a tight hug. "You had me worried love"He told me. I could feel tears brimming my eyes as I returned the the hug. "I'm sorry Killian...I screwed up. I screwed everything up"I cried. "No you didn't, this isn't your fault. None of what happened is your fault"He told me. "I should have known...Killian I should have-"But he cut me off. "You couldn't have known, you're powerful, but not psychic. All of us were caught off guard"He assured. "But Finn he's...he's..."I broke. The dam finally broke, the flood gates of emotions now open. I could stay strong around others, but Killian. He's the only person I allow myself to be vulnerable around. "I know love...I know"He said as rubbed my back.

We stayed like that for a good while, not saying a word. I was holding on to him for dear life, crying my eyes out as he rubbed my back trying to comfort me. "Sooo why are you soaking wet?"He asked breaking the silence and trying to distract me. "I uh well I kinda killed two people. Elijah helped me get rid of the um bodies"I started to explain. "That still doesn't explain you being soaked?"He stated wiping the tears from my face. "I jumped off the dock to get the blood off"I stated and stepped back. My shirt was still stained with blood along with my jeans. "That's only from two people?"He asked. I nodded sheepishly. "I came here to change, I didn't expect to find you here"I stated. "Everyone is looking for you, they're all really worried. Emma has the entire town blocked off. I came here, I knew you would come here eventually"He explained. "Am I really that predictable?"I asked jokingly. He let out a lighthearted laugh and nodded. I shivered now starting to get cold due to the wet clothes. "I'm going to call Emm while you change. Let her know you're here"He said and took out the phone. I smiled, gave him a quick kiss and went to find something to wear. I found a simple black ruffle sleeve dress that went to about ankle length. All I had aboard the ship was 'pirate' clothes. I quickly stripped the wet clothes off and started to get dressed. While I was struggling with the strings in the back, I could hear Killian cursing at the phone calling it an assortment of names. "Having trouble, love?"I asked trying not to laugh. He playfully glared at me. "Looks like I'm not the only one"He retorted. I rolled my eyes as I finished tying the back. He pressed a button and I heard the phone start ringing. He put the phone to his ear and I could hear a worried Emma on the other end.

The three of us returned to Granny's and I was immediately tackled into a breathtaking hug courtesy of my daughter. I could feel tears start to brim again, but I pushed them back. "I'm here, you can talk to me"She whispered. I nodded subtly and she let me go. Another hug this one from Henry. "I'm sorry Grandma Ro"He said. Don't cry. Don't cry. "Thank you Henry"I said smiling softly. We went inside where Enzo, Snow, Charming, and Regina was waiting for us. All shared the same concerned look, except Snow and Charming also had a look of pity mixed in. Great...that's the last thing I need especially from them. "I'm so sorry about your brother Rowena. I know what you're going through if you need to talk"Snow said sympathetically. The inferno has returned."You know what I'm going through?"I asked bitterly. Everyone tensed. "I lost my-"She started. "You have know idea what I'm going through! My brother was murdered because he was trying to protect me! He took the blow meant for me! How the hell do you think you know what I going through?"I shouted. I felt a hand on my shoulder trying to hold me back. "Don't try to compare your lost to mine! Your loss and mine are completely different!"I shouted taking a step forward. Now Charming was standing in front of Snow ready to protect her, she was shaking. "I think it's best for the two of you to leave"Elijah said sternly. I didn't have to look at him to know he meant business. "She was only trying to be sympathetic, she didn't mean to upset her"David reasoned. I narrowed my eyes at him, my jaw now clenched. "Sympathetic! You call comparing loss sympathetic! You're a bloody fool if you think that's sympathetic!"I shouted. "Mom! Please calm down"Emma pleaded. "Mary Margaret, David I told you it was a bad idea for you to be here. Please just go"Emma pleaded again. The two slowly sulked out, with Mary Margaret flinching as she passed me. "Love your face"Killian pointed out while suppressing a laugh. My vampire face had apparently been on full display, probably making me look like a rabid animal. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath and trying to relax my face. "I'm sorry Mom, they overheard me talking to Enzo and Killian about your disappearance"Emma apologized. "Don't apologize for their ignorance and naivety"I told her giving her a small smile. I felt a pain in my heart as I smiled, Finn will never have this. He loss so much by saving me, it was right. "What's wrong Grandma Ro?"He asked. "I was...I was just thinking about Finn..."I couldn't finish my sentence. "Why don't we go upstairs?"Regina suggested. Everyone agreed and we made our way upstairs to the room from this morning. I sat down on the bed, Killian on my right and Emma on my left. "Where did you go?"Regina asked. I didn't answer and glanced to Henry then back to Regina. Everyone understood what that meant, maybe not the full extent. "Are you going back?"Enzo asked. "If those responsible aren't dealt with properly then yes. I made a deal with Elijah, they have until my magic returns"I stated. "Have you heard from them?"I asked. "They have Matt and Stefan...locked up. Damon is on our side and has been calling Stefan every name he can think of. Along with some promise he made"Elijah explained. I snorted a laugh and everyone looked at me confused. "An eternity of misery, that was the promise Damon made right after they turned. It seems he intends to make good on that promise"I explained. "Leave Stefan to Damon and mark him"I told Elijah. Damon can be pretty creative especially when it involves making Stefan's life hell. "Kol already marked Matt and Stefan"Elijah confirmed. "Marked?"Henry asked. "A witch's mark, contrary to what many believe the mark doesn't identify someone as a witch. Instead it identifies the witch's family that the person wronged"I explained. "What does it do?"He asked. "It prevents the marked from harming that family again. The mark...reacts. It also can't be removed by any mean, unless the caster themselves removes it"I explained. "That's why you marked Gold"Regina concluded and I nodded. "You've marked others?"Elijah inquired. "Only a two and one is dead"I stated. "We're off subject, what's being done to Elena and Alaric?"I asked. "I'll let you know as soon as I know"He replied. We continue talking with Henry asking to hear stories of Finn. Elijah was surprised by a few that I told. It hurt like hell trying to talk about the good times with the heavy weight hanging over me. Some tears managing to escape me.

Finn had sacrificed his life to save mine, so that I could be here.

It wasn't right...after everything he's been through and everything thing he's done he deserves better.

Maybe I can...
No that's crazy...but not impossible.


A/n- I'm sorry this chapter is so late, I kept hitting a wall with this chapter and I have no idea why. I won't be updating next week just to give my brain a break. A lot has been going on with me and I think the stress is starting to get to me. If I do manage to write and finish chapter 24 then I will of course update. But I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that there probably won't be a chapter next week.

On another note, I've posted on my page a few times usually about the book and how the update is going. I always make sure to hit the button to notify followers, so if you could follow me that would be much appreciated.

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