After The Tears

By OtherworldlyScribble

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The story is over, the kingdom is saved. But what of our brave hero with an unbreakable will, or our determin... More

Chapter 1: What Remains
Chapter 2: Hidden Blades at Nightfall
Chapter 3: The Sword And The Pedestal
Chapter 4: Danger In The Depths
Chapter 5: A Day Of Remembering
Chapter 6: A Swordsman Made Whole
Chapter 7: End Of The Shadow
Chapter 8: A Friends Advice
Chapter 9: Desert in Turmoil
Chapter 10: Falling Castle
Chapter 12: Stand or Fall
Chapter 13: Subdued Fear
Chapter 14: Peace From the Ashes
Chapter 15: Unexpected Friend
Chapter 16: Preparations
Chapter 17: A Night to be Remembered
Chapter 18: Long Expected News
Chapter 19: In Plain Sight
Chapter 20: Four Legged Friend
Chapter 21: To Stop An Idea
Chapter 22: Letter to the Past
Chapter 23: A Day to be Remembered
Chapter 24: Distant Conflict
Chapter 25: Sky's Request
Chapter 26: Bon Voyage
Chapter 27: Sails of Hope
Chapter 28: Prince
Chapter 29: Royal Apprentices
Chapter 30: Training Begins
Chapter 31: Powers from the Past
Chapter 32: Garden of the Fallen
Chapter 33: Shattered Crown
Chapter 34: Emissary from the Land of Honor
Chapter 35: Dark Crystal
Chapter 36: Wounds
Chapter 37: The Hunt Ends
Chapter 38: A Pleasant Little Surprise
Chapter 39: Pain and Joy
Chapter 40: A Servant's Throne

Chapter 11: The Approaching Storm

67 1 0
By OtherworldlyScribble

Early the next morning Zelda was looking out from the Second Gatehouse as an ominous breeze came in from the north. Pondering over what Mineru told her Zelda's thoughts were disturbed as the breeze blew over making her shiver. Link was with Zelda as always but remained silent as he too was deep in thought for more than one reason. The looming threat was of course on his mind but how this information was affecting Zelda worried him more. The both of them had just begun to recover from what they had been through with the Demon King and now a new threat had arisen. Link was concerned about how this all was affecting Zelda, and how she was holding up. As strong-willed as Zelda was everyone had their limits.

Link: Are you okay?
Zelda: I don't know, it feels all wrong. Why is it that this is all happening now?
Link: I don't know why, maybe because the guardians are gone. Regardless of why I will stand by you.
Zelda: A comforting reminder, still how much more must our people endure before they are safe.
Link: This is a hard time for everyone, but they are strong and will weather this storm. They survived the Calamity and the Demon King, our people will survive this.
Zelda: We should be heading back, our friends will be leaving soon.
Link: One thing, there is something I need you to know.
Zelda: Link?
Link holds Zelda tightly
Link: No matter what happens I won't let anything happen to you, not again.
Zelda: I always have faith in you, but you saying this is reassuring. (mind) I thought he was about to propose, is he uncomfortable asking or are his plans unfinished? 

Link and Zelda saw the sages off who were eager to get home and prepare their people. Hudson stayed long enough to get his people started on repairing Castle Town's defensive walls then rushed back to fortify Tarrey Town. Zelda, accompanied by Link, departed to Hateno to warn them of the coming conflict. The mayor held a town meeting where Zelda explained the situation at hand and what needed to be done to reinforce Hateno. The townspeople understood the threat and everyone capable of fighting took up arms ready to defend their home. Link distributed weapons he had collected some of which had been newly forged in Lookout Landing. Next Link and Zelda departed to Kakariko to speak with Paya about supporting Hateno's defense. Paya instantly agreed, faster than some would deem wise, but time was not in their favor. It was decided the entrance leading to Sahasra Slope would be blocked off. This bottleneck would make an attack on Fort Hateno very difficult. As the day drew to a close Link and Zelda checked into the inn for the night but this night neither got much rest. Zelda's dreams were troubled by images of Hyrule burning down again. To her sides were all her friends, dead, and in her arms was Link's lifeless body. For Link, his dreams were not too different. Link was down, mortally wounded as his friends were subjugated and Zelda carried off by forces he could not stop. Though neither slept soundly these nightmares lit a fire in them that burned fiercely. The next day Link and Zelda made their way to Lurelin Village where they were greeted by the village people. At first, Zelda was going to tell them to prepare for an attack but Link pointed out to her that they didn't have a defensive position. It would be next to impossible for the village to be properly defended especially with the limited resources they had. The villagers were apprehensive about leaving their homes but the emanating threat of an invading force was enough to convince them to accompany Link and Zelda back to Hyrule Castle. As night fell rain poured over them forcing the convoy to take shelter in Whistling Hill Cave. After checking in on the villagers Link returned to Zelda who was standing by the cave entrance.

Zelda: The rain feels...cold, and this ominous wind comes from the north. Oh, Link, I'm worried not just for us but for our people.
Link: I'm worried too, there is no standing army and our supplies are limited, but I believe we can still persevere. But there's more to this, you aren't acting like yourself.
Zelda: Well I...I had a nightmare, it looked so real. When I went through with the dragonification I felt so much pain at the thought of never seeing you or anyone again. I guess that dream reawakened that pain.
Link: When I found out what happened to you my heart broke, I felt so much anger, and not just towards Ganondorf but towards myself.
Zelda: You were angry towards yourself?
Link: I failed you twice and let myself get caught in a trap, I had lost focus. I...had a nightmare too. I was bleeding out on the ground while you were captured and our friends were made into servants.
Zelda: I saw everything burnt to the ground, I felt so lonely. but I'm more determined than ever to keep my nightmares from becoming real.
Link: As am I. When we return to Lookout Land I was going to experiment more with my spirit abilities, would you like to join me, perhaps the two of us will be able to help each other get stronger.
Zelda: I would like that very much.

Come daybreak the convoy set out for the last leg of the trip. Link and Zelda were eager to get back to see how much progress had been made on the walls. Though it had only been a few days Hudson's people were fast. On arrival, Zelda was astounded by the progress that had been made on the walls. The sections that had completely crumbled had been fully restored while the less damaged areas were being evaluated. After seeing that all the Vilagers were settled in the castle Link and Zelda went to training trying to see if they could get a better understanding of their abilities together. Link suggested Zelda try using recall on weapons still on a person. With sword in hand Link stood there as Zelda practiced what Sonia had taught her, trying to focus on Link's sword. After hours of attempts, Zelda was able to not only recall a weapon still in hand but was able to pull someone backward by recalling their clothes. Zelda suggested that Link meditate and search his own spirit. Taking this to heart Link tried to meditate struggling to calm his hyper-vigilant mind, but with Zelda's help, Link was able to enter deep meditation and search his spirit. In Link's mind, he was alone standing in a field surrounded by white mist, before him stood three individuals all of similar looks.

Mysterious figure: So you have found us Link, good. You may find this hard to believe but we are your past lives, we also happen to all share the name Link. To my right is Twilight to my left is Time. As for me you can call me Sky, I am the originator of our shared spirit.
Link: But how am I speaking with you as if you were a separate being?
Twilight: The answer is rather simple actually, we are the culmination of our personal experiences and knowledge.
Time: Experience and knowledge you now have access to.
Link: Will I meet the others, the other Links I mean.
Sky: In time maybe, but you have only scratched the surface. Though we can not take physical form we can aid you with what we know.
Link: That may not be strictly true. As a sage, I can make a spirit avatar, perhaps one of you would be able to take form through that.
Time: An interesting theory, but it might require more training.
Link: There is one thing that has confused me, I met the previous spirit sage and she couldn't do this.
Twilight: I would be surprised if she could, what we have is unique.
Link: Sky you said you were the originator, legends say the first hero fought alongside the goddess Hylia, is this true?
Sky: More true than you know. This is the first time we are doing something like this so our time is about up. If you continue to experiment you will be able to call upon more of our strength.
Time: Remember we will always be there to help you.
Link comes out of meditation
Zelda: Link, what happened? Your body was covered in a green aura like at the castle.
Link: I'm not entirely sure but I think I just met my past lives.
Zelda: Past lives? It was said that the heroes from the past shared a spirit. I thought that was just children's stories but I can't help but believe them now. Is it true...about one of the heroes fighting beside the goddess?
Link: I spoke with the first hero, and he confirmed it was true.
Zelda: I wish I could meet him, there is much I would like to know about her.
Link: It might be possible...wait is that Purah?
Purah runs up out of breath
Purah: We just received word that a strong army is landing on Akkala's and Faron's shores!
Link: Did they land behind Hateno?
Purah: Unsure but some reports are saying there was an attempt but it failed.
Zelda: Good, what about Tarrey Town?
Purah: They blocked off the land bridge cutting the invaders off completely. It looks like they are landing in places with paths, they will be here soon enough.
Zelda: We need to gather everyone in Lookout Landing into the castle, we don't have the forces to meet them so we will have to wait for them to make the first move.

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