To Save A Blackened Heart

By Toriesdead

2.3K 27 3

The story is about a suicidal girl who meets a very... different person. She starts falling in love but her o... More

Chapter 1- Saved (tws)
Chapter 2- Welcome Home
Chapter 3- The Odds
Chapter 4- Playing Games
Chapter 5- Caught (possible trigger)
Chapter 6- An Old Friend
Chapter 7- Caught Spying
Chapter 8- Always Firsts
Chapter 9- Pool Party!
Chapter 10- Colby.
Chapter 11- Promise?
Chapter 12- A Silly Mistake
Chapter 13- Knowing
Chapter 14- Oops
Chapter 15- Picking Sides
Chapter 16- Sam's Side
Chapter 17- Brennen's Side
Chapter 18- Devyn's Side
Chapter 19- Katrina's Side
Chapter 20- Finally... Jake's Side
Chapter 21- We Need to Talk
Chapter 22- What Are You?
Chapter 23- A Fairytale
Chapter 24- Myths
Chapter 25 - She Knows
Chapter 26 - A Deal for Cash
Chapter 27- Shopping Trip
Chapter 28- First Video
Chapter 29- River "Date"
Chapter 30 - Hungry
Chapter 31 - What If?
Chapter 32 - Starved
Chapter 33 - Thirst
Chapter 34 - Time to Process (tw)
Chapter 35 - A Desperate Decision
Chapter 36 - Nearly Gone
Chapter 37 - Trust
Chapter 39 - A Good Idea?
Chapter 40 - Calm
Chapter 41 - Storm
Chapter 42 - Preparation.

Chapter 38 - A Bad Idea

17 0 0
By Toriesdead

Sam quickly moves to shake Colby awake, Brennen doing the same to yn.
She responds quickly, seeming slightly out of it, but unfortunately Colby does not. Sam starts panicking, tearing up and quickly looking around
Sam- he hasn't been eating. He's probably starved and just lost too much energy! What do we do? Can we wake him up?
Sam grabs a knife, slicing his hand open and offers it to Colby. Nothing.
This seems to jolt yn back to reality and she nearly falls off the table trying to get down. Sam catches her and gently sets her on the ground.
Sam- what are you doing now? If you're okay, you need to rest. I can figure this out.
All she manages to do is shake her hand and grab the knife from him. When Sam tries to take it, she juts it at him
Sam-what the fuck!
Quickly, she slices her own arm, allowing blood to start slipping out. Before anyone can stop her, she proceeds to put her arm in Colby's face. For once, the other two boys don't say anything. These two are spiraling, and there's nothing Sam or Brennen can do. It's now more clear than ever before that they go together or not at all. Suddenly, Colby's eyes shoot open, completely dark, and he grabs her arm, and sinks his fangs in. Yn barely grimaces as you can see awareness coming back to Colby. As yn starts looking like she's about to pass out again, Brennen can't help but interfere, ripping her arm away from Colby, leaving two holes connected to slight cuts due to how fast her arm was pulled away.
Yn- I'm okay, I'm okay, it'll be okay, your okay right? We're okay?
Colby slowly turns his head towards her and smiles a little.
Colby- yeah... We're okay
Sam and Brennen breathe a sigh of relief. The relief was short lived however, as a female voice speaks up behind them all
Katrina- what the fuck did you just do
Sam- so now everyone's caught up?
Devyn- yeah I think so, but now the question is, how are you both?
Yn- to be completely honest? I feel like all the blood I lost yesterday is back. I feel really... Alive. Colby?
Colby has sat silent through most of this conversation, looking uncomfortable. He tries to shrug this off too, but I won't let him.
Yn- are you okay?
Sam rubs his back gently and Colby sighs.
Colby- you guys are going to think I'm insane
Brennen- a little too late for that. Come on, it's okay to tell us
Colby- it felt like I was human again, for just a moment. I felt my body start to warm up a little, and I could've swore I felt something in my heart. But that's never happened before.
Kat- is it possible.. that her blood really is immune, and the symptoms affect you? I mean if it's what was supplying most of your energy at that moment, it'd make sense that her blood wouldn't feed you like normal because it wasn't affected by the venom in your own body
Corey- and the reason why she feels more energetic now is because her body fought off the properties of the venom and is now using it?
Colby- I mean it could be.. but I've never heard of something like this happening before
Sam- this is crazy. But. What if you were able to mass feed on her blood? What do you think it would do to you?
Brennen- to answer for him, it'd probably kill him. All he is anymore is that poison. Take the poison away, he's nothing, dead
In that moment, the room gets extremely quiet.
Yn- why would a vampire crave blood that could be their demise so bad? That doesn't make sense. Unless it's supposed to torture the vampire.
Colby gets up and starts heading to his room.
Colby- leave me alone for a while. I need to think, and relax.

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