After The Tears

By OtherworldlyScribble

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The story is over, the kingdom is saved. But what of our brave hero with an unbreakable will, or our determin... More

Chapter 1: What Remains
Chapter 2: Hidden Blades at Nightfall
Chapter 3: The Sword And The Pedestal
Chapter 4: Danger In The Depths
Chapter 5: A Day Of Remembering
Chapter 6: A Swordsman Made Whole
Chapter 7: End Of The Shadow
Chapter 8: A Friends Advice
Chapter 10: Falling Castle
Chapter 11: The Approaching Storm
Chapter 12: Stand or Fall
Chapter 13: Subdued Fear
Chapter 14: Peace From the Ashes
Chapter 15: Unexpected Friend
Chapter 16: Preparations
Chapter 17: A Night to be Remembered
Chapter 18: Long Expected News
Chapter 19: In Plain Sight
Chapter 20: Four Legged Friend
Chapter 21: To Stop An Idea
Chapter 22: Letter to the Past
Chapter 23: A Day to be Remembered
Chapter 24: Distant Conflict
Chapter 25: Sky's Request
Chapter 26: Bon Voyage
Chapter 27: Sails of Hope
Chapter 28: Prince
Chapter 29: Royal Apprentices
Chapter 30: Training Begins
Chapter 31: Powers from the Past
Chapter 32: Garden of the Fallen
Chapter 33: Shattered Crown
Chapter 34: Emissary from the Land of Honor
Chapter 35: Dark Crystal
Chapter 36: Wounds
Chapter 37: The Hunt Ends
Chapter 38: A Pleasant Little Surprise
Chapter 39: Pain and Joy
Chapter 40: A Servant's Throne

Chapter 9: Desert in Turmoil

77 1 0
By OtherworldlyScribble

It was late one afternoon when Zelda came up to Link who was going about helping clear debris in Hyrule Field. She had recently received word about a sickness that had been affecting the Gerudo. A cure was found but the ingredients were proving hard to find. One of the key ingredients was molduga guts but they were proving harder to get hold of, as such Riju was requesting Link's help. Link hearing this told Zelda he would see what he could do to aid them, and the next morning Link mounted his horse taking off in the direction of Gerudo Town. Arriving at the stable near the desert entrance Link was greeted by Gerudo guards who had a sand seal ready for him. Entering Gerudo Town Link was surprised to see the number of sick causing him great concern. Meeting with Riju, Link could tell she too was ill but was putting on a brave face and was determined to help heal her people.

Riju: (cough) So it would seem there is one crisis right after the other.
Link: Indeed, but we do what we must. So how exactly can I help?
Riju: Well as I explained in my letter we have a cure but molduga guts are in short supply. (cough) Normally our soldiers could handle this but as it stands they are all sick.
Link: That's where I come in, You need me to get the molduga guts.
Riju: Yes, but one other thing, I'm coming with you.
Link: Are you sure that's a good idea, you don't seem well.
Riju: (cough) I'm not well, but it's still my duty as chief to do everything I can to aid my people.
Link: Okay then, let's be off, but if you get too sick I'm bringing you back.

Link left the town with Riju riding sand seals to the southern reaches of the desert. As they rode Riju grew weaker from both the intense heat of the desert and the illness. Seeing this Link called for a stop out of concern. Riju continued to say she was fine but Link objected saying she could barely stand. 

Riju: I'm fine let's (cough) go.
Link: (sigh) I understand you want to heal your people. But you do have your limits, limits that if pushed could cause serious damage.
Riju: I know my limits, I can do this.
Link: Sorry Riju as your friend I can't stand by and watch you get yourself killed.
Riju goes to make a retort but her legs give out
Link: See this was my point, you need rest.
Riju: I need to help my people. 
Link: And you will help your people, by saving your strength and leaving this to me.
Riju: Your concern is touching and I trust you would complete this task, but this is something I need to do.
Link: There is no changing your mind is there? Fine here's the plan then. When we arrive you focus your lightning attacks from the ridge line and I'll handle the up-close fighting.
Riju: Alright, that sounds like a wise course of action. 

Helping Riju back on her shield, Link took point as they approached the molduga's location. Link charged to get the molduga's attention with bomb flowers. Raining down lightning Riju assisted from the ridgeline. The molduga's hide was tough and Link and Riju had to be careful not to damage the guts they desperately needed. As Riju was preparing a powerful lightning strike her legs gave way again making her strike miss the molduga coming dangerously close to hitting Link. Breaking into a coughing fit Riju collapsed beginning to succumb to the illness and the heat. Link panicked and angered, took everything out on the molduga finishing it off as fast as he could. Collecting the guts, Link rushed to Riju who was still conscious but was in no condition to shield surf back to Gerudo Town. Link put Riju on his back and rushed back to Gerudo Town on his sand seal where he was met with surprised looks. Buliara's normal stern cool demeanor was broken seeing Link carrying Riju in on his back.

Buliara: What happened out there?
Link: A combination of the heat and the illness was a little too much and she collapsed.
Riju weakly: Don't fret Buliara, I will be fine. Most importantly we managed to get the molduga guts.
Buliara: We have been using the emergency shelter as an infirmary, it's a large space and protects the sick from the heat, a place has already been prepared for you Chief Riju, and for you Link.
Riju: By the way Link, sorry about almost hitting you with my lightning.
Link: Don't worry about that we need to get you to a bed.
Link lays Riju down on a bed in the shelter
Buliara: Link, you have defeated the greatest creature in these sands yet you do not rest, you must be exhausted.
Link: My work is still not finished so I can't rest, not yet. I'm going to stick around till this illness is over, and do what I can till this crisis has passed.
Buliara: I must ask, though I admit this is out of my curiosity, why would you go to such lengths to help us?
Link: Hmm, I've never really thought about it, it's like an automatic response. I suppose it could be that Chief Urbosa was more than a colleague, she was a friend, and Chief Riju is a friend, if their people need help then I can't just stand by.
Buliara: We seem to always be in your debt.
Link: I don't like to keep track of such things. Now to treat the sick, I should get these guts to whoever is making the medicine.
Buliara: Are you not concerned about catching this sickness?
Link: I'm concerned but I have to put others before myself.

Link sent a letter back to Lookout Landing informing Zelda he would be staying in Gerudo Town till the crisis had passed. During the time he was there, Link fought off bandits who wished to take advantage of the Gerudo's temporary weakness. Eventually, even Link was beginning to feel sick, but the illness like all Link's opponents didn't stand a chance. The time Link spent in the wilderness had hardened his body making him highly resilient to diseases. After a few weeks, the illness had passed and Gerudo Town was back to normal.

Riju: How can we repay you for your aid?
Link: There is nothing to repay, I'm just helping my friends.
Riju: Well thank you for everything. Tell me, have you gathered the things you need for the rings?
Link: Yes, I gathered the last pieces the other day. Is Isha ready to make the rings?
Riju: She has been eagerly waiting, it would seem like the pieces are falling into place for you. Did you get helpful advice from the Zora Queen, what was her name, Yuna?
Link: Yona, and yes she gave me some helpful advice.
Riju: Good, I need to get to know her, not knowing her name is a little embarrassing.
Link: I'm sure Yona would like to get to know you too, though I don't think she has met the other sages either, apart from Zelda. Speaking of which I need to get back to Lookout Landing, Zelda was overseeing the construction in Hyrule Field when I left.
Riju: I'm sure you have missed Zelda, but your help has been indispensable. Tell Zelda I say hello and hope everything is well with her.

Link handed the ring materials off to Isha before leaving Gerudo Town. Isha told Link it would take longer than usual since she hadn't used Zonite before. Link quickly greeted guards who were taking care of his horse and speedily made his way back to Lookout Landing. Link was surprised at the progress that had been made in clearing out Hyrule Field and preparing it for new houses and shops. Link found Zelda with Purah in the emergency shelter looking over construction plans. Purah noticed Link and was about to say something when Link put a finger to his lips signaling her to not say anything. Link walked up behind Zelda congratulating her on the work she and the others had done. Zelda surprised, spun around and embraced Link asking how things went in the desert. Link told Zelda the details he had left out of his letter, like Riju's condition, but he reassured Zelda that everyone was okay now.

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