After The Tears

By OtherworldlyScribble

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The story is over, the kingdom is saved. But what of our brave hero with an unbreakable will, or our determin... More

Chapter 1: What Remains
Chapter 2: Hidden Blades at Nightfall
Chapter 3: The Sword And The Pedestal
Chapter 4: Danger In The Depths
Chapter 5: A Day Of Remembering
Chapter 7: End Of The Shadow
Chapter 8: A Friends Advice
Chapter 9: Desert in Turmoil
Chapter 10: Falling Castle
Chapter 11: The Approaching Storm
Chapter 12: Stand or Fall
Chapter 13: Subdued Fear
Chapter 14: Peace From the Ashes
Chapter 15: Unexpected Friend
Chapter 16: Preparations
Chapter 17: A Night to be Remembered
Chapter 18: Long Expected News
Chapter 19: In Plain Sight
Chapter 20: Four Legged Friend
Chapter 21: To Stop An Idea
Chapter 22: Letter to the Past
Chapter 23: A Day to be Remembered
Chapter 24: Distant Conflict
Chapter 25: Sky's Request
Chapter 26: Bon Voyage
Chapter 27: Sails of Hope
Chapter 28: Prince
Chapter 29: Royal Apprentices
Chapter 30: Training Begins
Chapter 31: Powers from the Past
Chapter 32: Garden of the Fallen
Chapter 33: Shattered Crown
Chapter 34: Emissary from the Land of Honor
Chapter 35: Dark Crystal
Chapter 36: Wounds
Chapter 37: The Hunt Ends
Chapter 38: A Pleasant Little Surprise
Chapter 39: Pain and Joy
Chapter 40: A Servant's Throne

Chapter 6: A Swordsman Made Whole

68 2 0
By OtherworldlyScribble

Two months had transpired since Link and Zelda first uncovered the sword schematic and much had been learned. A forge of incredible heat and large amounts of Zonite would be needed. Construction of a forge has almost been completed and the Zonite collected, but the final part of the instructions was distorted beyond readability. Link and Zelda made a return trip to the central mine in the depths to see if the Zonai construct could provide any information. Unfortunately, the construct couldn't provide any new details and they returned to the surface feeling defeated.

Zelda: Well that was a waste of time.
Link: Yep, probably feels worse because we are so close to an answer.
Link: (sigh) We'll figure this out, we always do.
Zelda: Your right, but it's still frustrating. I guess it is time for trial and error.
Link: Try again, fail again, fail better. The final step would be curing the blade to harden it, so what would the Zonai use? You spent time with them, do you have any suggestions?
Zelda: No, nothing comes to mind. Has Purah finished the forge yet?
Link: I think she was putting the final touches on today.

And sure enough by the time Link and Zelda had returned to Lookout Landing Purah was standing beside the forge waiting for the first test. The forge was made from spare sheikah tech and scavenged Zonai tech. The first thing that was tested was a simple soldier's broadsword and low and behold it worked. This success boosted morale but the solution to Link's new sword had not been settled.

Link: This is good, with this the corroded weapons can be remade or replaced. Now if only we could solve this riddle about this special Zonite sword. I'm not above using a soldier's sword, but this is like a thorn stuck in my side.
Zelda: Do you have any ideas Purah?
Purah: Well preliminary tests show normal water or oil don't work, so we can rule them out. Which leaves us with a magical fluid, a fluid we have no clue what or where it is.
Zelda: So that's a no. Well, at least we have ruled out water and oil.
Link: Oil yes, but not water.
Zelda and Purah look at Link with confusion
Link: What special water do we know of, magical water that has recuperative properties?
Zelda: The water in the shrine of resurrection!
Purah: But the shrine was deconstructed by the Yiga in an attempt to resurrect Ganon.
Link: Yes but they left the water and it still maintained its healing properties.
Purah: It does fit the criteria, perhaps it could even imbue the sword with a self-healing quality similar the the master sword. It's like this sword was specifically designed for you.
Zelda: Wait, what connection does the shrine of resurrection have to an ancient weapons maker that preceded it by centuries?
Link: Do you still have the Purah Pad?
Zelda: Always.
Zelda hands Link the Purah Pad
Link: The location for the shrine of resurrection is directly over a spring called the Secret Spring of Revival. The sheikah who built the shrine of resurrection must have been able to tap into this special water during its construction.
Zelda: Okay, so do we collect this water from this spring, or do we collect it from the shrine cave?
Link: Well the spring would be the purest source, and possibly safer to collect as the Yiga set up a hideout in the shrine cave.
Zelda: Are you up for another return to the depths?
Purah: No need, we have researchers in the area, I'll just send word for them to collect some of this water. You two need to stop trying to do everything. Now go get some well-earned rest, the researchers should be back with the water in the morning.
Zelda: What would we do without you?
Purah: Probably crash and burn. The beds are almost filled since we've had more people here, but this wouldn't be the first time you two have shared a bed (wink).

With an awkward blush Link and Zelda go and rest while word is sent to the researchers that water needs to be collected from a large spring next to the abandoned central mine. And Just as Purah said by daybreak the researchers had returned with the sample. As the hot forge was constructed, large quantities of Zonite were collected, and gems were refined, the forging process was started. But Link had made an odd request, that he be the one to make the sword. To Link this was more than forging a weapon, this was forging a bond between the sword and himself.

Zelda: I wish there was something I could do to help.
Purah: He is doing this in the most difficult way, but we both know how stubborn he is.
Zelda: Yes, it's why he's so reliable.
Purah: He isn't the only one who is stubborn.
Zelda: What do you mean by that?
Purah: You are just as headstrong as he is, only someone with pure determination could do what you have accomplished.
Zelda: Don't sell yourself short, you are the best scientist Hyrule.
Some time passes and Zelda would bring Link wet towels to keep him from overheating. Purah can't help but grin ear to ear when Zelda returned.
Purah: You two are cute together.
Zelda: What?
Purah: Do you think everyone is blind? It is obvious by the way you act with each other, everyone can tell.
Zelda: And I thought you were just joking last night.
Purah: I have known about it for years now though it became more obvious after the events with the Demon King. It wouldn't surprise me if he popped the question soon.
Zelda: It was that obvious, I wonder if the sages know. But we have been too busy to think of a wedding...I mean the timing wouldn't be right...we haven't even talked about it and there's still so much to do.
Purah: Think what you want, but I think Link has something in mind, just wait and see.

As the day came to a close and the sun dipped below the horizon Link returned with a black sword with a green energy running down the middle. At the hilt set three gems, a sapphire, a ruby, and a topaz. Depending on which gem Link pressed down on, the sword would take on its effects allowing Link to freeze, shock, or burn his target. The next day Link tested his blade and discovered that by curing the sword with healing water it indeed took on the healing properties. Though it wouldn't heal Link, any damage done to the sword would be healed in time. The sword was light in the hand but its strength was unmatched with the only exception being the master sword.

Zelda: Link, it looks wonderful
Link: Indeed, though to true test will come in combat.
Purah running up: And that time might be close, we have received word from the sages regarding an attack by the Yiga, they are trying to get one of the secret stones.
Link with a scowl: The time has come to put an end to their nuisance. Purah please send word for the sages to meet us here, we need to make a plan. Zelda, that's your specialty, do you have any ideas?
Zelda: Nothing at the moment, give me some time and I'll work something out.
Zelda: Link... whatever happens, whatever you do, please come back to me.
Link: Always.

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