Ninjago: The Purple Ninja - B...

By GamerGirl_2000

10.5K 300 162

Ever since Katarina Garmadon joined the Ninja, she has faced an Anacondrai Cult, ghosts from the Cursed Realm... More

Sons Of Garmadon: Chapter 1- The Mask of Deception
Sons of Garmadon: Chapter 2 - The Jade Princess
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Sons of Garmadon: Chapter 6 - Game of Masks
Sons of Garmadon: Chapter 7 - Dread on Arrival
Sons of Garmadon: Chapter 8 - True Potential
Sons of Garmadon: Chapter 9 - Big Trouble, Little Ninjago
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Hunted: Chapter 2 - Iron and Stone
Hunted: Chapter 3 - Radio Free Ninjago
Hunted: Chapter 4 - How to Build A Dragon
Hunted: Chapter 5 - The Gilded Path
Hunted: Chapter 6 - Two Lies, One Truth
Hunted: Chapter 7 - The Weakest Link
Hunted: Chapter 9 - Lessons for a Master
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SOFS: Fire Chapter 2 - I'm Done Running
SOFS - Fire Chapter 3 : Powerless
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SOFS: Ice Chapter 1 - The Never Realm
SOFS: Ice Chapter 2- Fire Maker
SOFS: Ice Chapter 3 - An Unlikely Ally
SOFS: Ice Chapter 4 - The Message
SOFS: Ice Chapter 5 - Secret of the Wolf
SOFS: Ice Chapter 6 - My Enemy, My Friend
SOFS: Ice Chapter 7 - A Fragile Hope
SOFS: Ice Chapter 8 - Once and For All
SOFS: Ice Chapter 9 - Awakenings
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Prime Empire: Chapter 1 - Would You Like to Enter Prime Empire?
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Prime Empire: Chapter 3 - Level 13
Prime Empire: Chapter 4 - Superstar Rockin' Jay
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Prime Empire: Chapter 6 - The Glitch
Prime Empire: Chapter 7 - The Cliffs of Hysteria
Prime Empire: Chapter 8 - The Maze of the Red Dragon
Prime Empire: Chapter 9 - One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
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Master of the Mountain: Chapter 8 - The Darkest Hour
Master of the Mountain: Chapter 9 - The Upply Strike Back
Master of the Mountain: Chapter 10 - The Son of Lilly
I'm Sorry, But This Is Goodbye (I Hope You Understand Why)
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The Island: Chapter 1 - Uncharted
The Island: Chapter 2 - The Keepers of the Amulet
The Island: Chapter 3 - The Gift of Jay
The Island: Chapter 4 - The Tooth of Wojira
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Seabound: Chapter 1 - A Big Splash
Seabound: Chapter 2 - The Call of the Deep
Seabound: Chapter 3 - Unsinkable
Seabound: Chapter 4 - Five Thousand Fathoms Down
Seabound: Chapter 5 - The Wrath of Kalmaar
Seabound: Chapter 6 - Long Live the King
Seabound: Chapter 7 - Escape from Merlopia.
Seabound: Chapter 8 - The Storm Amulet
Seabound: Chapter 9 - The Riddle of the Sphinx
Seabound: Chapter 10 - Master of the Sea
Seabound: Chapter 11 - Comfort Without Words

Hunted: Chapter 8 - Saving Faith

117 4 1
By GamerGirl_2000

Since there was a storm in my area yesterday, my first day of school was postponed until tomorrow. So, I have time to post today. Yay.

Harumi storms up to her impostor and points an accusing finger at her. "That isn't me, Emperor Garmadon."

Harumi points another accusing finger. "You're the impostor! Arrest her n—!"

Lord Garmadon puts a hand up. " Let. Her. Speak."

"That is Mystake. The shape-shifting Oni I was telling you about. She tried to get the Master of Amber close enough to touch you so that the Resistance could turn your power against us." Harumi explains to Lord Garmadon.

Skylor undos her bounds. She lunges at Harumi and Lord Garmadon, but Ultra Violet was quick to grab the back of her shirt and shove her back to the ground. She takes out her sai and points it at Skylor's throat.

Mystake, seeing Skylor in trouble, runs up to Skylor's aid, but Killow grabs her before she could get too close. "Well done, Harumi," Lord Garmadon says as Mystake flails about. Harumi smiles. "It's good to have you back, my child."

"The pleasure was all mine, Father."

Skylor gets up and shoves herself out of Ultra Violet's grip. "He's not your father. His son and daughter are Lloyd and Katarina-!" Skylor grunts as Ultra Violet shoves her back down.

Lord Garmadon shifts his attention to Mystake, who was still in Harumi's form. "I thought I smelled an Oni. Looks like your plan backfired."

"The only thing that backfired is you turning against your father's realm," Mystake spoke in her human voice. Her expression shifts to an angry glare. "Ninjago is a place of light, and you are a source of shadow."

"You know it all turns to darkness."

"The future is not in your hands."

"Show me, Oni!" Lord Garmadon growls out. "Show me your real face. Or are you worried what your friends might think of you, demon?"

Mystake smirks. "Maybe I'll show you." She les out a monstrous growl as she floats in the air, covered in black smoke. Killow covers his ears, letting her go. The being in the black smoke comes back down quickly, the smoke slowly revealing her.

Mystake was in her Oni form now. Her skin was black as night, and top of her head were two small horns. Her eyes were that of a humans and glowed a pink color. On the underside of her mouth were large fangs jutting out. There were markings all over her face, and her collarbone and ribcage were visible. Her feet resembled that of a goat's. She wore a dark, purple belt around her waist that carried two bags.

"But only for you to see what a full-blooded Oni can do!" Mystake screams in a demonic, Oni voice. She kicks her legs back and rams her head into Lord Garmadon's ribcage like a bull. His back slams into his throne.

She runs up to the dark lord, but gets sent back when he throws a blast of his Destruction directly at her. She seems unfazed by his power, using only her smoke to protect her. She sends a small pulse, releasing the power into the air.

Skylor, seeing Mystake fight, decides to fight against Ultra Violet. She shoves Ultra Violet off her back once again, this time, turning around and kicking her from behind before Ultra Violet has the chance to push her back down to the ground.

Harumi lunges herself at Mystake, who was watching Skylor fight Ultra Violet. "NO!" Mystake roars and throws Harumi off of her. Harumi lands on the ground, at least a dozen of feet away from the Oni and her Emperor.

Seeing an opening, Skylor makes her way to Lord Garmadon. Harumi lifts half of her body up and turns her head towards Killow. "Don't let her touch the Emperor!" Killow walks hurriedly towards Skylor and grabs her with both of his hands before she had the chance to lay a hand on Lord Garmadon.

Mystake grabs Lord Garmadon and holds his shoulders. She executes a front flip off the throne and uses her strength to throw his body at a nearby black and purple stalagmite. He falls on his side.

She growls viciously. She runs towards him once again. He summons his power in his hands and levitates her in the air. He moves her body left and right, before ramming her into another stalagmite.

She doesn't fall on the ground. She grasps the stalagmite with one hand as she watches Skylor fight Killow and Harumi. She knew that they weren't going to let Skylor get too close to the Emperor, that much was known. She needed to act fast if Skylor was going to get his power.

"Ee Mah Vee-aza-bub." Her body was covered in black smoke once more. Lord Garmadon realized she was going to use her Oni powers, so he blasts her with his Destruction again. Before she could get up, he pins her down to prevent her from getting up.

She stretches her free arm outwards. "Ee Mah Vee-aza-bub." She says again. Black smoke coats her hands, allowing her to summon a black bo staff. She kicks him off her body and turns her body swiftly in the air, until she was facing him again.

"Ee Mah Vee-aza-bub!"  She plunges one end of the staff into the ground. Everyone braces themselves as a whirlwind of black smoke coats the area.

Lord Garmadon was the first to recover. He turns his head to Harumi's warning voice. "My Emperor, look out!" She points to Skylor, who was reaching her hand out to touch him. He immediately reacts by summoning his powers and blasting her directly.

Skylor falls to the ground. Lord Garmadon glares at her. Skylor gets up, in the form of Mystake's human form, who chuckles. "Never trust... an Oni." She says, as she points a finger behind him.

The smoke disappears as Skylor touches him. Her right arm glowed with his Destruction for a moment for disappearing. She smirks. "Gotcha."

He gasps, and tries to grab her, but she was quick to run. "Don't let her leave!" Harumi screams.

"Go, Skylor!" Mystake urges her. Lord Garmadon grabs her arm. Harumi, Ultra Violet and Killow chase after Skylor, who was running down the stairs. A couple bikers spot her and growl, joining in on the chase. She turns the other way around at the sight of their weapons.

Seeing she was cornered, she backs up. Every step she took was a step closer to the edge of the building.

Killow and Ultra Violet laugh. Harumi glares menacingly at her. "It's over. There's nowhere to go."

Skylor looks over her shoulder again. Then back at Harumi. She smirks as she leaps off the building. She lands on a blimp that looked like a blowfish, minus the fins and the spikes.

Harumi yells angrily, seeing Skylor on the blimp. Ultra Violet pulls her sai out as she walks towards Lord Garmadon, who had Mystake cornered.

"Surrender." He growls.

"Surrender? Never heard of it!" Mystake summons her staff again, and tries to hit him. He blocks the attack and holds her staff tightly. She gasps frighteningly. He growls.

"That was your last mistake, Mystake."

Skylor slams the door to the hideout as she finally made it inside. Lloyd, Nya and Dareth snaps her heads towards her.

"Skylor!" Lloyd says relieved.

"Where's Mystake?" Nya asks worriedly.

Skylor looks down at the floor and closes her eyes tightly. Dareth, Lloyd and Nya get the message right away. "She didn't... make it?" Skylor shakes her head solemnly.

Nya yells and kicks a nearby trash bag. Lloyd puts a hand on her back. A walkie-talkie lands on the ground from the impact of her outburst. "Target last seen at the intersection of Nelson and LaMonica."

Nya picks up the walkie talkie. "Got it. We're moving in." Killow's voice says.

"You were followed." She says.

"Did you touch him?" Lloyd asks Skylor.

"Yes." She nods.

"Can you control it?"

She shrugs her shoulders. "Not sure. But there's one way to find out."

Everyone gets on the rooftop. She reaches her hand out and tries to summon the power to control the Colossus.

The Colossus moves its fingers on one hand. It turns its head towards Skylor. Nya, Dareth and Lloyd cheer. Skylor widens her eyes in surprise.

"Yes! Woo-hoo!"

"Yes! Haha. Alright."

"It's working!"

Her outstretched arm trembles along with her body. "That's... not... me."

On top of Borg Tower was Lord Garmadon with Harumi standing by his side. He was using his power of Destruction to lead the Colossus towards his son and his friends.

"Garmadon is controlling it! We have to go!" Nya tells everyone. But it appears her words have fallen on deaf ears.

Lloyd puts a hand on Skylor's back. "You can do this. Take control. Break his hold."

She grunts with extertion, as she continues to struggle to summon the power to control the stone monster. "I... can't!"

The Colossus was getting closer.  Seeing the Colossus, Dareth whimpers. "Uh... that's close enough for me." He makes a run for it.

"We need to get out of here. Your father's too powerful."

Suddenly, something stops the Colossus. Its body was surrounded by dark purple. Lloyd, Skylor and Nya were confused for a moment, before they look down.

"Keres?!" Lloyd gasps.

Keres was using all of her magic's strength to stop the Colossus from getting closer to the trio. "I....can't hold it...forever!" She yells at Skylor. "You can do it, Skylor!"

"No, I can't!"

"Yes, you can!" She snaps her head up at the roof of the building, specifically at the trio. "You've performed great feats with your Elemental Power! You found a way to use multiple powers at the same time! You need to have more faith in yourself!"

She grunts as the Colosus was beginning to break her hold. "Control it, Skylor! I have faith in you! You felt his power and now it's yours! You can do it! Control it! Feel his power!"

Lord Garmadon brought his left upper hand in. The Colossus breaks Keres' hold, causing her to back up. "Dammit!" She turns around and was about to run, when the Colossus lifts its foot up and slams it down on the street, causing her to fall.

"Control it."

The Colossus raises its foot up again, ready to bring it down on her. She turns around quickly. Her eyes widen.

"Destroy them." Harumi tells Garmadon.

Keres braces herself at the Colossus was about to step on her. She closes her eyes tightly.

But it doesn't come.

She opens her eyes. She turns her head back up.

Up on the rooftop of the building, Skylor was controlling the Colossus. Her hand was engulfed in Lord Garmadon's power, however, she was having a hard time controlling both the Colossus and his power.

"I'm... doing it."

Yes! Now use it!" Lloyd urges her.

Skylor yells and uses her new power to force the Colossus back, causing it to stumble backwards. Lord Garmadon, surprised by the sudden new force, grunts. His power summons away in an instant. 

Down below, Killow, Ultra Violet and some of the bikers arrive at the old hideout. Killow points up. "There. On the rooftop."

Keres summons her spear and points it threateningly at the generals and the bikers. Killow and Ultra Violet look surprise. "You're supposed to be on our side!" Ultra Violet yells.

"Consider this my letter of resignation!" Keres leaps up into the air and swipes her spear as she lands on the ground. The force sends the bikers and the generals back. The bikers get up and flea. Killow and Ultra Violet get up.

"Where are you going? Cowards!"

Ultra Violet gets out the Mask of Hatred. She laughs as the Mask transforms her body. "Now we will have a fight!" She lunges herself at Keres, who hits Ultra Violet with her spear and sends her back.

Skylor looks down and smiles. "I wanted to do this for a long time." She brings the Colosuss' hand down and uses it to pick up the psychotic general. The Colossus then throws her a far distance away, surprising everyone.

Killow puts the Mask of Deception on. He uses its power to levitate a few stray cars at the Colossus. It remained unfazed. It slaps the cars away and sends them back down, crushing Killow and forcing his mask off.

He lifts up his head weakly and picks up the mask. However, it splits in half, no longer useful. A bright orange dust escapes the mask. Before he could do anything else, Keres points her spear at her. A smirk appears on her face as she chuckles.

Skylor then sends the Colossus towards Lord Garmadon, who was trying desperately to regain his power and regain control of the Colossus. "No! No! NO!"

Skylor, on the other hand, was smirking. "Yes!"

Dareth had arrived back on the rooftop and was laughing victoriously at Skylor's newfound control. "I always knew you could do it!"

"It's time to knock the emperor. Off. His. Throne!" Nya smiles. The Colossus had reached Borg Tower and was already starting to climb. Lord Garmadon was panicking now, as his power flickered on and off.

"Stop it!" Harumi screams.

"I-I can't!"

The Colossus was nearing the top of the building. Harumi goes next to her Emperor. "We must leave. It's not safe here anymore."

"I do not flee. I control!" Lord Garmadon yells. He steals one more glance from her as his power flickers on and off again and again. She backs up and makes a run for it.

The Colossus raises its fist threateningly at him. Skylor, letting out another strained grunt, swings her fist down at the near top of the tower. He screams. Tapestries came down as black-covered metal comes down.

He glares at the Colosuss. "I am the Emperor. I am the Destructor!" His power summons in all four of his hands. "I am in control!" The Colossus raises its fist again, ready to strike down on him.

On the other side, Skylor was struggling to bring its fist down as Lord Garmadon slowly regains control of his creation.

"Something's wrong." Keres says, teleporting on the top of the building where the group was. She puts her spear in the holster behind her back.

"How do you know?" Nya asks worriedly.

Keres directs Lloyd's, Dareth's and Nya's attention to Borg Tower. "Look!"

There, at Borg Tower, was Lord Garmadon, using all of his strength and power, as he slowly regains control of the Colossus. Skylor's power flickers on and off.

And so does Garmadon's. 

He gasps.

The Colossus was falling down.


The Colossus comes down in one, loud tumble. The citizens scream instantly, running away from the unconscious creature.

Then, he smiles. Now that the Colosuss was unconscious, he now has the opportunity to regain control. He uses one hand to summon his power to control the stone beast one more. The Colossus gets up from the ground at his command as the people continue to scream.


The Colossus turns back around, heading back to the building where Skylor, Keres, Lloyd, Nya and Dareth are.

"My father's power. It's too strong." Lloyd says.

Skylor summons her power again. "I can hold on!"

The Colossus stops and turns back around at Skylor's command. It looks up at Lord Garmadon.

"I am in control!" Lord Garmadon yells.

Her power flickers. Keres was quick to hold onto her.

"Lord Garmadon's power, it's hurting her." Keres looks at Lloyd. "We can't have her use his power anymore, if she continues on, then-"

"No! I can still control it!" Skylor protests.

Meanwhile, Harumi was going down a zipline that lead to another building as the Colossus backs up. She snaps her head towards it fearfully. As she runs towards a nearby ladder, the Colossus hits one side of the building. She screams, but continues on.

She goes down the ladder and runs towards a nearby door. She slams it open, and runs down its steps. She stops at a nearby room when the Colossus makes the building wobble violently.

She makes a right and peaks down the hallway. There was an emergency exit, and it appeared to not be blocked by any of the building's debris and rubble yet. She runs towards it and grabs the handle.

It wouldn't open.

After a few more tries of jiggling the handle, she kicks the door wide open. She was about to run down the stairs, towards her safety, when...

"Mom, Dad, don't leave me!" A little boy sobs in the distance. That was enough to make Harumi stop in her tracks. She glances at the inside of the building, then at the stairs.

After a few seconds of hesitation, she runs back inside with determination.

She peaks down at the hallway that led to the elevator. The boy was still crying as his mother and father tried to get him to leave without them.

"Please, take him." The mother says, urging her son into the elevator.

"No!" The son continues to sob.

Harumi closes her eyes tightly.

"I wanna stay. Mama!" Past Harumi pleads out to her parents. Her mother holds onto her hand tightly.

"We'll see you when we get down! I promise!"

Harumi reopens her eyes. She takes the son's hands as he steps into the elevator. "I'll get you out. Together." She guides the son out of the elevator. She looks down at the son with a reassuring smile on her face. "I promise."

She leads the son and his parents towards the open exit she was about to take. She guides them out onto the stairs. Her mother smiles kindly. "Thank you."

Harumi smiles back just as kindly, as she watches the mother run after her husband and son.

Suddenly, metal and rubble fall and block the exit. The parents and the son gasp, along with Harumi. The mother looks at her worriedly.

Harumi just smiles reassuringly at her. "Go. I'll find another way." She urges them. Once she was sure the family was walking down the steps safely, she turns around and runs back up to the stairs towards the rooftop.

She looks at the Colossus, who was smashing its body into nearby building. She could hear the sound of glass breaking due to the sudden impact. People were running for their lives as they tried to avoid getting stepped on.

Skylor was still using her powers to control the Colossus, and closes her eyes tightly. "Let go, Skylor!" Nya urges her. 

Skylor reopens her eyes. They were now a purple color like Keres'. "She can't! His power will kill her." Lloyd says.

Keres takes Skylor in her arms, forcing her to let go of the Colossus and the powers she acquired. "I knew this would happen."

Lord Garmadon loses contol again. The Colossus stumbles back, causing itself to hit the building Harumi was on. Seeing this, he stops immediately.

"My child."

As the Colossus gets up, the building trembles. Harumi screams, taking in sharp breathes. She turns her attention away from the Colossus and towards the building Lloyd and his friends were on.

She keeps her attention on that very building as she continues to panic. The building continues to shake from the impact.

Lloyd, who had been looking at Skylor with concern, slowly turns his head towards the building that Harumi was on. He could feel her staring at him. And she knew he was staring right back, as she drew in a few more breaths.

"Rumi..." He whispers softly.

She tears her eyes away from him. She looks down.

Tears fall down both of their faces as the building slowly crumbles.

With her on it.

Lord Garmadon screams. "NO!" He falls on his hands and knees, saddened by the loss of Harumi.

He draw in a heavy breath. A hot tear slides down his face. He glares at the building Lloyd and his friends were on angrily.

"YOU WANT THIS CITY, LLOYD! THEN YOU CAN HAVE IT! IN RUINS!" He summons his power in one hand and uses it to march the Colossus towards them.

Nya forces Skylor up and gently shakes her. "I—I can't wake her up. It's like his power poisoned her."

"Whoa whoa whoa, Doctor of Dark Arts. Should any of us really be making a diagnosis?" Dareth says.

"No. Nya's right. I think the only way to save Skylor is to get his power out of her." Lloyd moves forward to take Skylor in his arms.

Keres looks at the incoming Colossus. "I think we have bigger issues." She points to the Colossus, who was storming closer and closer to the building. It lets out one, might roar.

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