Hiding My Heart - One Directi...

By ocwise12

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Kendall was born and raised in the USA! I mean... At least she thought. Kendall only lived with her mom, Am... More

Chapter 1-The Concert
Chapter 2-She Can't Find Me
Chapter 3-The Papz Never Fail
Chapter 4-Kendalls Story
Chapter 5-Prince "Charming"...?
Chapter 6-Reunited
Chapter 7-"Promise you won't leave her."
Chapter 8-Secrets
Chapter 9-Opened Hearts & Envelopes
Chapter 10-"I'm so sorry Ry"
Chapter 11-Friend or Foe?
Chapter 12-Would He Say He's In L-O-V-E?
Chapter 13-Well What's The Craic, Ireland?
Chapter 14-"Does This Mean I Love Him?"
Chapter 15-Moment of Truth
Chapter 16-"There is no time limit on love."
Chapter 17-"Whenever You're Ready."
Chapter 18-Peazer
Chapter 19-Peazer, Part 2
Chapter 20-Happy New Year...?
Don't hate me! (:
Chapter 21-Harry's New Year Resolution
Chapter 22-Tommo The Tomato!
Chapter 23-Payback
Chapter 24-Oh The Irony
Chapter 25-It's a Promise
Chapter 26-It Runs In The Family
Chapter 27-Divine Intervention
Chapter 29- "Simple, but effective."
Chapter 30-Jumping To Conclusions
URGENT Please read the whole note.
Chapter 31-Puzzle Pieces
Quick note!!
Chapter 32-Fake A Smile
Chapter 33-Honest, Sweet & Gentle
Chapter 34-Best Birthday Ever

Chapter 28-Mystery Song

614 8 0
By ocwise12


I cam across this one song covered by Adele. Its originally done by someone I forget their name but its called


and the song is BEAUTIFUL and the story line of the song matches 99% of MY BOOK which you all obviously know, it is ALSO called



"This is how the story went,

I met someone by accident" UM HARRY AND KENDALL they met on accident and Kendall just started going through that hard part in her life and then BAM THE SONG GOES "And It was in the darkest of my days

When you took my sorrow and you took my pain

And buried them away, buried them away"

HOLY WOW so perfect right right right!??!?!? because Kendall went through/ is going through a hard time and Harry is helping her through it!! and then later it talks about wishing he was there with her and she could wake up to his face but she cant because she knows he's going to leave at some point so she cant become attached to him, which makes her HIDE HER HEART AWAY FROM HIM WOW IS THAT NOT KENDALL'S EXACT THOUGHTS RIGHT THERE?!?!  

but she is actually going on tour with harry so it kind of is her exact thoughts lol. again that's why I said 99% of the song matches my story haha

I also WOULD LOVE if someone made a video trailer for my book to this song or even another song idc I would give you so much credit I swear and I will mention you 24/7 when I write and all that please I would APPRECIATE IT SO MUCH if someone made me a trailer for the story!!

I also will now start to put the song into the chapters now so... you should listen to the song!! It is so beautiful I love it. okay well anyways here is the long waited for...

chapter 28 (:


Harry's POV:

It has been a few days since the argument Kendall and I got in. She explained to everyone what was going on with her and why she is on it and she even tripled explained to me since I was so worried about her at first. They were all understanding and didn't judge her or anything at all, which made it a lot easier for her. I have also come to realize that this is just what she needs to feel better for now since she has so much to cope with in her life.

Like figuring out about the adoption and that Niall is her brother, going from so many different countries and hotels, and the hate and attention she gets for dating me. She has been getting better and not relying on it as much to get her out of a mood because she doesn't even like taking it either, so she teaches herself to not need it as much. Oh and of course I feel like I am to blame for more than half of the reason why she is on the damn medication in the first place but all she keeps telling me is that it isn't my fault.

So now I just whine to myself about it, like I am now..

 Ever since Kendall told the rest of the guys and Eleanor and Rylan that she has depression its not even like she's 'depressed' anymore. Maybe it was just the stress of us all figuring out and thinking we would be judgmental about it is what made her get the anxiety and depression. I shook my head to get myself out of the deep thoughts and decided to finish getting the rest of my things for tonight in my duffel bag. We were still here in London and we wouldn't be leaving that soon, but I was getting all my things together for the show tonight.

Tonight was the start of the TMH tour and none of us could be anymore excited. I was grabbing little things like my phone charger, laptop and laptop charger for backstage and just some comfortable clothes to change into after the show. I was walking towards the bathroom in my bedroom to grab my deodorant until I realized the door was locked since Kendall was showering.

"Kendall.." I said throwing the door knocking. I heard no response other then some humming to a song I haven't heard before.

*(AUTHORS NOTE:** We are just going to pretend that its a song that Kendall wanted to write about Harry so Niall helped her and it was when Niall and Kendall were in Ireland before the rest of them all showed up. so basically she didn't know she was going on tour yet, so the whole song, and including the lyrics "I wish I could lay down beside you, When the day is done... And wake up to your face against the morning sun. But like everything I've ever known, You'll disappear one day. So I'll spend my whole life hiding my heart away" all especially make sense to the story now!.***)

I listened closer trying to see if I could recognize it at all and I couldn't... Finally, I heard her stop humming and start to sing lyrics, I was hoping that now I can guess the song because it sounded so beautiful. I have never heard her sing before, but she is amazing. I guess the musical talent runs in the Horan family.

"...But like everything I've ever known, You'll disappear one day. So I'll spend my whole life hiding, my heart away."

She shut the water off and I heard the door to the shower open. I quickly ran to the bed and pretended to be packing the whole time. Moments later the bathroom door opened and out walked Kendall with her wet hair and in a towel.

"Hey you! you're still getting this stuff together for tonight?"   She kissed me on the cheek while she proceeded to walk towards the dresser that was by my side.

"Oh yeah um, yeah I am." I said, not wanting her to know I heard her singing the mystery song.

"Well do you want help? You have been doing this since before I got in the shower, do you need to find something?"

I was very tempted to say 'Yeah I need the find out the song you were singing!'

But I didn't.

"No thanks babe, you can go ahead and get ready. I will just use the extra phone charger Louis has." I said starting to walk out of our room to actually go to Louis' room.

If anyone would know about this song it would probably be Louis, he knows all of her favorite things, what she does and doesn't like at the moment from food to clothing, and apparently they talk to each other about everything.

It's not that I don't know Kendall well enough, I know everything that I need/deserve to know. But since they are so close, he might know if that's her new favorite song or if its just a demo song that one of the other guys in the group have written that she got to hear it and now it was just stuck in her head or something.

"Louis you in here?" I said knocking on the open door while walking in.

"Yeah, whatcha up to Harry?" He asked while sitting up in his bed with his laptop on his lap, Eleanor was laying next to him, also on her laptop.

"Oh, sorry if I am interrupting some serious bonding going on..." I said lightly laughing at the sight of them in front of me.

"Hey! Our relationship is as strong as the internet Wi-Fi right now, okay?!" Eleanor said to me joking, causing Louis and I to laugh at her clever comeback.

"The Wi-Fi is actually really fantastic right now." Louis said to himself while I believe he actually checked the Wi-Fi. Funny boy, funny boy he is.

"Haha well anyways, I need to ask you a question Louis, and Eleanor... I have a question for both of you actually." I said turning to shut the door so Kendall wouldn't over hear.

"Oh no! is something wrong?! I thought you guys were just alright!" Eleanor said sitting up, slamming her laptop shut and becoming very concerned.

"No, everything is fine. Better than ever pretty much. But thank you for the concern Eleanor haha." I said sitting down in the chair at Louis' desk to the side of the bed.

"It is so weird how much you care about their relationship. Like damn girl if something was that wrong he would have gotten to the point by now." Louis jokingly said to Eleanor.

"It's not my fault they're perfect! Harry has always needed a girl like Kendall and you actually invited home the right girl for him for once, took you long enough. and he also cant get to the point if you keep talking!" Eleanor said back to Louis, both of them acting like I wasn't even in the room as they commented on my relationship.

I wasn't offended in anyway, there was no reason to be. I didn't mind hearing what they had to say about it, especially because they are hilarious when they bicker back and fourth with each other because its funny and not some crazy fight that any other couple would have. AKA Kendall and I... But those were all my fault anyways.

"Fine I just wont comment any further then. I apologize Harry, ANYWAYS what were you here to talk about?" Louis said glancing at Eleanor, again, they were only joking with each other which made it all the funnier.

Once I stopped laughing, I finally got to my point.

"So when I was getting my things together for the show tonight, Kendall went to get into the shower. And then I got distracted by having an argument with myself and Then I got back to packing up my bag and realized I needed deodorant, so when I went to the bathroom to get some the door was locked, so I knocked and I heard nothing other than Kendall humming a song I have never heard before, but it sounded so pretty. So I listened some more and she finally started singing some lyrics and they were some deep lyrics dude. And her voice sounded beautiful. I just need to know what the song is or if its any of ours. I loved it. I don't know why I am so crazy about it but something is telling me to figure out soon..." I said finishing quietly.

They both had pondering expressions on their faces' while they were trying to think of the mystery song. "Well I know its not any of our demos, because we haven't been working on anything since we just got done with the charity single... hmm..." Louis said going into a deep thought.

"Well what were the lyrics..? When we were in Ireland I heard Kendall and Niall singing and playing guitar together in his room while everyone was off doing there own thing. I stayed home though because Louis slept all day..." She said glaring at him.

He shrugged while leaning back saying,

"Cant blame me, I'm a tired man."

"Anyways, maybe it was a song Niall wrote and wanted to hear how a girls voice would sound with it if it were recorded by one...?" Eleanor said to me.

"Wow, good point babe." Louis said proud of her thought.

"Yeah, that could be true.... Wait, but Niall doesn't write songs for other people to record. That would mean he has a complete different contract and deal with Modest then we do, which is impossible. So that's not it..." I said biting my lip, trying to think of any thing else.

  (AUTHORS NOTE** idk if that is impossible or not. nor do I know any of the rules in their contracts, I just needed to think of an excuse for that not being right lol.**)

"But Niall does write songs just for fun and for you boys though, doesn't he?" Eleanor asked Louis and I.

"Yeah, he even helped write some of the songs on TMH, and he played guitar for it." Louis said to Eleanor.

"So then the song I heard probably wasn't for another artist..." She said to both of us, getting excited at whatever she was thinking.

"What do you mean? Was it just a song of Niall's then?" I asked her.

She shook her head no and I sighed.

"Just hum what you heard from Kendall today in the shower, and then sing the lyrics you heard from her also!" She said becoming anxious. I hummed the tune of what Kendall was humming, while Eleanor's face lightened up and a big smile appeared.

I stopped the humming and looked at Eleanor for an answer.

"Keep going! Sing the lyrics you heard her sing!" She said anxiously again, still with a huge smile on her face.

I nodded and cleared my throat.

" 'This is how the story went, I met someone by accident...'

The she started humming, then she sang

'And It was in the darkest of my days, When you took my sorrow and you took my pain. And buried them away, buried them away..'

Then I heard humming again, then the last part before she got out of the shower she sang,

'But like everything I've ever known, You'll disappear one day. So I'll spend my whole life hiding, my heart, away...'

.... Well...?" I asked Eleanor, standing in Louis' room still.

Her mouth was dropped open and all she could so was smile at me.

"No. Shit." Louis said shaking his head smiling.

They both knew what was going on but I didn't have a clue.

"What is it?! Do you know the song?" I asked, wanting to eagerly know the answer. I still didn't know why I loved this song so much, I was just naturally attached to it.



mystery song, aye?

don't forget to search the song!

and like I said I would LOVE for someone to make a trailer video for the book


29 will be up in 5 minutes!

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