#2 The Darkest Fire

By AlinaReynolds

121K 2.4K 574

Dawsey FanFiction by Alina Reynolds A.K.A @chicagofdpd_fanbase Sequel to: A Reason To Love More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Authors Note

Chapter Twenty Three

2.3K 52 6
By AlinaReynolds

Kelly laid Sylvie on their bed later that night, kissing her, Sylvie breaking it. "Don't scare me like that ever again you hear me?!" Sylvie said, Kelly smirking. "I can't make any promises. The job we work is dangerous" "You're dangerous" Sylvie replied then kissing Kelly again, gripping his back. As they kissed Kelly thought about their future. It was bright, and it made him smile. His heart leaped with joy as Sylvie changed things up a bit, her laying on top of him, making them both laugh. "You know what would make this night a whole lot better?" Kelly asked, Sylvie looking at him. "What?" "Alexa" he replied, Sylvie smiling. "She's asleep. Maybe tomorrow night, but for the meanwhile... Let's just focus on us, just me and you" Sylvie said kissing him, Kelly letting her.
"Hey Lieutenant, how're you doing?" Hermann asked as Matt walked into Molly's alone, sitting at the bar. "Fill em up Hermann" Matt said laying out a twenty, Hermann pouring beer into a cup and sliding it to Matt, Matt chugging it down. "What's going on there Casey?" Hermann asked as he stood behind the bar in front of Matt, Matt shrugging. "I came here to drink, not talk about my personal life Hermann" Matt replied, Hermann backing off. "Alright kid, but just know I'm cutting you off at two. We got shift tomorrow" Hermann said, Matt rolling his eyes. "Cmon Hermann.... Keep filling them up... That's an order" "I'm afraid I can't do that Casey" Hermann said, Matt standing up, grabbing his coat. "Alright, well I'll be heading to Game Day" Matt said, Hermann grabbing Matts wrist. "Matt Game Day burned down remember?" Hermann asked, Matt rubbing his head. "Oh...right. Then, Town Lounge. Anyone want to come with?" Matt asked, everyone shaking their heads. "Okay, that's cool" Matt said reaching for his car keys, Hermann snatching them off the counter. "What the heck Hermann" "I'm doing you a favor. I'd suggest going home and getting rest" Hermann said, Matt nodding. "Thanks Hermann" Matt replied leaving, Hermann watching him leave. "Uh Hermann do you really think letting him walk home is such a good idea?" Cruz asked, Hermann shrugging. "Yeah I guess not... Take over for a bit. I'm gonna give him a ride home" Hermann said getting Matts car keys and grabbing his coat, running out of Molly's. "Matt!!!" Hermann called out, Matt turning around. "Cmon, I'm gonna bring you home" Hermann said waving the car keys in the air, Matt walking back towards Hermann, his eyes all red. "Were you crying?" Hermann asked, Matt wiping his eyes. "No, it's just COLD" Matt replied wiping his nose, Hermann rolling his eyes. "What's up Matt, seriously. This isn't you. Shouldn't you be at home with Gabby?" Hermann asked as he got into the drivers seat of Matts truck, Matt getting in on the passengers side. "You know that guy who murdered Andy?" Matt asked, Hermann nodding. "Yeah, what about him" "He's out. He was at the call earlier today, and I snapped" Matt replied rubbing his forehead, Hermann patting him on the shoulder. "Everything's gonna work out kid, trust me" "I have an issue with trust" Matt replied as they pulled up to Matts apartment complex, Hermann parking the car. "Well, get over it" Hermann said as Matt opened the passenger door, getting out of his car. "Are you coming up?" Matt asked, Hermann shaking his head. "I'm gonna head back to the bar. Your car will be at The Firehouse tomorrow. Give Gabby my love" Hermann said as Matt nodded, closing the passenger door, watching Hermann drive away with his truck.
Matt walked into their apartment and closed the door, Gabby standing up from the couch holding Andy's little onesie, Matt looking at her. "Where were you?" she asked, her face wet from tears, her voice crackling. "I.... Are you okay?" Matt asked sitting down on the couch, wrapping his arms around Gabby's shoulders. "You smell like beer" she whispered, Matt laughing. "I may have gone to Molly's, to get my mind off things" Matt replied, Gabby nodding. "Antonio called me earlier" she said sniffling, Matt eyeing her. "And?" "He said that Gordon walks free. Somehow he paid off his bail" Gabby said annoyed, Matt clenching his fist. "Voight" Matt spat standing up grabbing his coat, also getting Gabby's car keys. "Where're you going?!" Gabby asked, Matt grabbing her hand. "You mean where are WE going..." Matt said as Gabby slid on her shoes, both of them walking out of their apartment, down to the parking lot. "To Intelligence, where I'll be giving Voight a piece of my mind" Matt said hopping in the car, starting the engine and driving away, Gabby holding his hand on the drive there.
"Hey what're you love birds doing here" "Not now Trudy. We're here to talk to Voight" Matt said, Trudy giving him the stink eye. "Well it looks like this fireman is on fire tonight...I'll buzz Voight down for you" "Antonio also... Please" Gabby added, Trudy looking at Gabby and she smiled. "I like this girl, she's got manners. I don't like you though" Trudy said jokingly, buzzing Voight and Antonio upstairs. As soon as Matt saw Voights face, it took everything in him to hold back his anger, gritting his teeth. "What can I help you with?" Voight asked, acting as if he didn't know what was going on. "You know what you can help us with" Matt said getting in Voights face, Voight licking his lips. "Matt...." "Gabby, I'm fine" Matt assured her, Gabby standing back. "Oh really, what would that be?" Voight asked, Antonio looking at both of them, his hand on his taser. "We know what you did. Why'd you give Gordon the money? HUH?!" Matt suddenly yelled, everyone staring at them. "It's best that we take this outside" Voight said grabbing Matts arm, Matt forcefully pulling it away from him. "Don't touch me" Matt said evilly, scaring Gabby. Antonio saw this and walked over to his sister placing his hands on her shoulders. "Here why don't you come up to Intelligence! I'm pretty sure Erin would love to see you" Antonio offered, Gabby shaking her head. "I want to stay here with Matt..." "Gabby I'm not asking you to go... I'm telling you. I'll be up in a minute" Antonio said giving Gabby a little shove, Gabby screaming out in pain. Matt quickly focused his attention from Voight to Gabby, rushing to her side. "What happened?!" he asked, Antonio shrugging. "I gave her a little shove and next thing I know she's holding her stomach" Matt never felt anger flow so fast to his veins before. "SHES..." "MATT.... DONT" Gabby said as she sat straight up, Matt backing off. "He deserves to know! He's your brother" Matt said, Antonio looking at both of them. "What is it?" he asked. Gabby looked around the room and back at her brother. "Tonio I'm pregnant" she said, Antonio's face gone pale. "Gabby... I" "It's alright. You didn't know" Gabby said as she stood up, Antonio giving her a hug. "How far along are you?" he asked, Gabby smiling. "6 weeks" she said, Matt looking back at Voight, his hands in his pockets. "So.... You wanna explain yourself?" Matt asked, Voight shaking his head. "I had nothing to do with that" Voight replied, Matt rolling his eyes. "How do I know you're not lying?" Voight nodded his head and rubbed his chin. "That little goon" Voight suddenly exclaimed, all of them looking at him. "What is it boss?" Antonio asked, Voight running up the stairs into Intelligence, everyone following him. "GET A LOOK UP ON CALVIN GARCIA... NOW" Voight ordered, Mouse getting on the computer pulling up files. "I got two Calvin's here. One looks to be a white male while the other is Spanish" Mouse said transferring over the two files and photos onto the big screen, Voights eyebrows furrying. Everyone stood looking at the photos, Voight rushing into his office and grabbing a piece of paper off his desk. "What is that?" Erin Lindsay asked as she stood by Gabby, Voight pinning up the paper. "We got ourselves another possible suspect. Calvin Garcia, known as Big Dawg here in Chicago. Known for pick pocketing, molesting, and transferring over drugs" Voight said writing on the board, Gabby and Matt watching everyone rush around, going through files on their computers. "Boss it gets worse" Mouse suddenly said, Voight walking over to Mouses computer. "I got ahold of Garcias number, and I'm able to track him...." "What's the 'it gets worse' part?" Voight asked sounding impatient, Mouse looking at Matt and Gabby, turning around the computer screen. "He's near Firehouse 51" Mouse said, all of them seeing a red dot flashing near the neighborhoods beloved firehouse, knots forming in their throats. "What would he possibly be doing there?" Matt asked, Gabby's eyes going wide. "Oh gosh" she suddenly said, everyone looking at her. "What?" Voight asked, Gabby placing her hand on the nearest desk, looking down. "He's gonna burn it down"

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