Dnf oneshots💚💙

By Yukishows

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This story is discontinued More

Little fidgets🎀
Say you love me🎀
Childhood crush🎀
Yeah... patches 🎀
Destined to fall in love🎀
French love🎀
Finding the soft side on a cactus🎀
Its platonc right?🎀
My emo boy🎀
💔light my candle🎀
Me and my husband🎀
Save me..💔
He's a savior 💔🎀
Such a simp🎀
Eternity with you🎀
Im loosing you💔🍈
I want to fly🎀
Never celebrated Christmas..🎀
Binded by a curse🎀
I came to see you!💔🎀
My relaxation lies in you🎀🍈
💔give me love🎀
Attention hoarder🎀
Purge night💔
Sleepover stream🎀
Boys dont cry..💔🍈🎀
Sleepover stream pt 2!🎀
The debate upon Boyfriends..🎀
This will do for now..🎀
Am I gay?💔🎀
Shy kisses🎀
Keep me steady🎀
Happy birthday..💔
Happy birthday..💔 part 2
Only his, and only mine🎀
Te amo🎀
Forever with me🎀
Life without you💔
The bet that broke you💔
You again? 🎀
I'm so sick of all this giving💔
Love hurts, but what if you enjoyed the pain? 🎀
Being his portrait💔🎀
La Llorona💔🎀
Pleasure 🍈
I'm no chicken🍈
The boy from the cliffside💔
Seven hours💔
Everything I wanted💔
Goggles guy🎀
My beautiful lover🎀
Sleeping beauty💔🎀
Bright lights and sweet delights💔🎀
Touch my body🎀🍈
Whats wrong with me..?💔
You're a treasure darling💔🎀
Love lasts eternity, photos last a lifetime🎀
And love shall speak🎀
I cant stand you🎀
Loving can hurt sometimes🎀
I'll miss you forever..💔
Fluffy mornings🎀
Love through the cold 🎀
Boy I'm crazy for you🎀💔
So nauseating💔
Stranger in my bed🎀🍈
I bloom for you💔
Electric love🎀
Are we managing?🎀
I know you, you broke me💔🎀
In love with my best friend🎀🍈
You need a friend.. want to be mine?🎀
Dirty shoes and sweaty gym shorts🎀🍈
Love language #1: gift giving🎀
Love language #2: words of affirmation🎀
Love language #3: acts of service🎀
Love language #4: quality time🎀
Love language #5: physical touch🎀
Burnt out💔🎀
What could love bring for us?💔🍈
October 3rd🎀
In god, we.. trust.. 💔🎀
Eye reveal... T~T
Sound the police💔🎀
I still love you, and I'll wait. -2019 lover💔
Fighting for the top of the food chain💔
I want more.. need more🎀🍈
Smile reveal ig
I see the limelight💔🎀
From playmates to soulmates🎀
Our secret garden🎀💔
Lost in your eyes🍈
Our bubble💔🎀
Nightmare in Pensacola💔🎀
Nightmare in Pensacola part two💔🎀
To love means to protect💔🎀

Dumb teenage boys🎀

762 16 41
By Yukishows

George was sat in his room, laying on his bed, looking at his phone. The brunet had just gotten home from school
that day and guess what, he managed to say something to his four year crush today! It doesn't matter that those words
were an apology for spilling water onto him, what matters is that he spoke to him. Who's George's crush you ask? Well,
only the most attractive, humorous, genuine person George had ever met, Clay Wastaken. Speaking of Clay, George
looked at his Home Screen, a picture of Clay that his friend Karl had taken for him. The blond was smiling so brightly,
so cutely, and so happily. George had interacted with Clay a whole three times in his life, one was today when he split
water onto him, another was when he tripped and fell, and the blond actually came over to help him up. The last one
was the most important one since it was when he truly fell for the boy, when Clay showed him around the school
when he first transferred.

George knew they were soulmates, each others halves, however you'd explain true love, but he couldn't fully prove
that yet since he hadn't actually spoken to Clay. Karl had insisted that he needed to speak to him before he started
crushing too hard, but George always froze up and stuttered around him, making it so that he'd have to run away
shamefully after only stuttering out a word or two. He didn't know where this crush spawned out of since it had
seemingly come out of nowhere, but he didn't mind it being there since it made school seem less unbearable.
George decided to use his time wisely and get some homework done if he was going to sit around, so he grabbed
his blue backpack off of the floor and unzipped it, grabbing the binders, notebooks, and pencils he needed to start.

George always hated doing schoolwork since it took too much time out of his day and he hated using his brain that much,
but he persisted. If he got held back a year he wouldn't be able to be in the same class as Clay anymore, that would just be a
tragedy. His work was paused for a moment when he heard a knock at the door, "George? Someone's here to see you" George
looked up from his math assignment at the sound of his father.

"Coming!" George shouted, pushing his work away, secretly thankful for the interruption since he was procrastinating hard.
George opened the door to his bedroom and went through the house, making it to the front door where he saw a boy with a
package in his hands, it was a small package, but it had a piece of paper on top of it that was folded neatly.

"Are you George Davidson?" The man asked, causing George to nod his head, "Please take this package" the man reached
his hands out to George, and George took it.

"But.. I didn't order anything?" George asked, looking up to look at the man, but he was gone. George poked his head out
of the doorway and looked up and down the street, no car, not even a sound. George shrugged, weird. The brunet closed the
door and locked it again, going towards his room and closing that door too, placing the box down on his bed and taking hold
of the folded piece of paper. He sat down on the cushions at the end of his bed and unfolded the paper, looking at its contents.

This will prove useful, given the amount of work you'd be willing to put into it

George reread the paper a few times, what did that mean? He placed it aside and tossed the box over in his hands, no
stickers or words, just a normal brown cardboard box. George pulled up the top lid and looked inside, seeing a black box
inside the bigger box with red markings all over it. George reached inside and took the box, looking at the markings. The
top had many markings, curves and lines of red while the rest seemed bare of colour. George opened the top and looked
inside to see a red cushiony inside, with two earrings set on it. George took the earrings and looked at them, they were
red and had black dots along them like a ladybug, he furrowed his eyebrows, who would send him jewelry? And with
no name, no address even on the box, and no context in the note.

George wasn't complaining, the earrings looked nice, in fact, he smiled, maybe he should just accept the gift and not ask
questions as he'd rather keep his new accessories. George walked over to the mirror on his desk and put the earrings on,
looking at them with a smile, he could get used to these. Then, they started to glow, and George watched as a bright light
came from the small earrings, causing him to cover his eyes from the intensity. After it was gone, George opened his eyes
once more to see something floating in front of him, it was red, and had two antennas at the sides of its head. It opened
it's huge eyes to show a big blue color, black dots littering it's body. "What the fuck are you!?" George exclaimed, backing
up from the creature, it couldn't be a fly right?

"Hello George, my names Tiki-" George grabbed his notebook and threw it at the flying creature, but it dodged out the
way, "Hey! That's not very nice!" The small, squeaky voice exclaimed.

"who are you!? And what are you doing in my room! Dad!" George screamed.

"Wait! George, I'm a friend" The small creature flew towards him, causing him to pause, "My name is Tiki, do not call
your father George, trust me" George examined the creatures nervous look, and nodded his head. "I'm a Kwami, I'm not
going to hurt you, I promise" George looked at the box on his bed, whatever that thing is, came out of these earrings, he's

"So.. what? Are you some sort of trapped enchanted creature or something?" George asked, walked towards the thing
suspiciously, reaching his hand out and touching its stomach, squishy.

"Well, no, I'm a Kwami, I can grant superpowers" The creature explained, "My name is Tiki, and I am here to serve you"
George raised an eyebrow.

"Superpowers? Okay, time to wake up" George stated, smacking his head.

"George please don't hurt yourself" Tiki pleaded, making George look up at her, "I am the Kwami of creation, I can
grant you my powers so you can destroy the akumas" Tiki explained, only making George more confused.

"u-um.. Akuma? Sorry Tiki, but I don't understand any of this, maybe you should go talk to my friend Karl, he's
experienced in gibberish talk and would probably love to be a superhero. Trust me, I'm weak Tiki, I don't think I'd
be a very good superhero" George folded his arms.

"That's okay, George, I need you to go to the Eiffel Tower, plaggs owner will be waiting for you, don't forget about your
superpower, you must say lucky charm to activate it"


"Now just say spots on" The creature smiled, making George hesitate. This had to be a dream right? He couldn't possibly
be a superhero, superpowers don't even exist! That's stuff you see in movies! Not real life. Besides, what was a Kwami, an
Akuma, or a Plagg? It was as if this little creature was speaking nonsense.

"Um.. spots on?" He questioned, and his eyes went wide to see the small creature be sucked into his earrings, he felt
something form onto his eyes, arms, legs, hands, pretty much his whole body, and saw in the mirror that he was being
consumed by a red suit with black spots. A sparkly feeling ran through his body and he saw his clothes be covered by
the suit. Once it was done, Tiki was gone, all that remained of her appearance was a bright red outfit. George stumbled
over to the mirror and looked at himself, it was actually more comfortable than it looked, but he'd never worn something
that really revealed his body's curves like this. There was a mask around his eyes, and he reached up, trying to peel it
off, only for it to stay stuck on there, not moving an inch. "U-um.. Tiki? What do I do?" He looked around his room,
expecting to see the small intruder.

George's nerves were on fire, and he shuffled himself over to the bed to pick up the note that was left, "This will prove
useful, given the amount of work you'd be willing to put into it.. work as in physical work!? Oh god, I'm going to fail, I can't
do this.." "Tiki get out of my earrings I can't do this! Tiki!" George exclaimed, but no bug came out, "Tiki!" He tried again,
but was left with no response. George sighed, he was supposed to meet Plagg under the Eiffel Tower right? Or, Plaggs
owner? Who the hell was Plagg? How was he even supposed to get to the Eiffel Tower?

George placed the note down on the bed, and noticed that around his waist was a circular shaped object with a string
wrapped around him. He grabbed it and observed it's contents, a yo-yo. "Oooohh, maybe this is like a Spider-Man thing!" He
conducted, in that case, this should be easy right? George walked over to his window and opened it, climbing out and looking
around the buildings, Eiffel Tower, that was to his right. George looked down at the yo-yo in his hand, and decided that if
he was going to learn, he'd have to try. Maybe he could be a superhero, maybe if he put effort into it, he may actually be
good at it too. George smiled, yes, all he needed was confidence and it'll all work out. George brought his hand back and
threw it towards a lamppost, seeing that the end of his yo-yo had wrapped around it. He exhaled slowly, "Okay.. now
Spider-man would jump and fly towar-" George was yanked forward and suddenly he was airborne.

His yo-yo thankfully did the work for him and he was flown around the city, a few close calls with hitting the
ground, but otherwise pretty smooth. George threw his yo-yo once more, and was pulled up to the roof of a building
where he caught his foot on the ground and fell face first onto the roof, his yo-yo retracting. "Ow.. thanks a lot gravity.."
George rubbed his face, but then heard a loud noise. George looked up and saw far away, the Eiffel Tower, on the
ground, there stood a massive orange tabby cat that was hissing at people who were running away and screaming.
The cat was about a quarter of the height of the Eiffel Tower, making Georges heart sink. "That's what I'm fighting!?
Are you serious!?" George suddenly lost all of the confidence he had gained as he heard the cat hiss and meow loudly,
but a sense of dread washed over him as he watched the cat swat at the innocent civilians. George bit his lip, he
and this Plagg owner were the only ones who could stop this giant feline, he couldn't leave them hanging.

George took a deep breath, and threw his yo-yo again, being yanked around Paris will never be something he'll get used
to. George had finally made it to the Eiffel Tower, or, he was going to make it as he was, at the moment, diving head first
into it. The brunet tensed his body as he prepared to make contact with the large monument, before he was caught and
brought safely to the ground. George opened his eyes slowly to see a tall boy looking down at him, holding a metal stick
in his hand, "Didn't expect my partner to be a flying strawberry but I'll take what I can get" The boy smirked. George was
pulled up off of the ground or shaft of the Eiffel Tower, this is plaggs owner huh?

The boy was taller than George, not by much but it was enough to be annoying, and he had sandy blond hair that sort
of reminded George of someone. However, his eyes were completely green with cat like pupils, actually, he was a cat. The
boy had black cat ears stuck in his hair and a black suit with a tail, his hands having what looked to be sharp claws that
weren't very long. "Strawberry? I'm a ladybug, isn't that obvious?" George extended his arms out to the side to show his
outfit more.

"Hm.." The blond boy brought a black hand to his chin, observing the other, "you look like a moldy strawberry." The cat
stated, making George roll his eyes. "The names lucid dream, and yours?" He asked, tilting his head, making his ears flop

"wow, you come up with that name all by your self?" He asked, Dream nodding his head. George looked down,
Spider-Man would hide his identity, so George would need to as well for obvious reasons. "Um.. I'm scarlet luck" He
stated, looking up with a smile, "Yes, scarlet luck" He held his hands behind himself. The two hero's looked to their
left at a loud meowing sound, hearing a loud thud with each paw the enormous cat planted onto the floor.

"Well, come on" Dream stated, sprinting over to the other side of the Eiffel Tower. George grabbed his arm once he caught
up to him.

"What are you doing?" He asked, eyeing the other.

"uh, saving Paris, duh?" Dream stated, looking back at him, "Did your Kwami tell you anything?" He folded his arms,
looking at the other.

"She.. did.. but she didn't mention mutant cats! And can't I leave this to you? This seems like your expertise given your..
feline properties" George stated, gesturing to the boys suit.

"oh ha ha, or should I say meow" Dream narrowed his eyes at him, "Fine, do want you want, I'm saving lives, see ya!" The
black cats stick expanded and pushed the boy off of the ground, and George watched with wide eyes as he flew away like he
was a professional. George hesitated, looking around to see police cars, injured people, and ambulances, he had to do
something, he needed to do something if he was going to prevent anymore hospital patients. George sighed deeply and
chucked his yo-yo towards the direction of where Dream and the orange cat went, yanking himself off of the ground and
flying towards the danger, he couldn't leave Dream to fight on his own, they were a team.


George held the small orange cat in his arms, smiling down at the feline as it slept, the cat had a long day as it was
Akumatized and ran around Paris for two hours. George was exhausted but he was mostly excited, he had stopped his first
villain! Granted, it wasn't really a villain as it was doing its actions against its will, but he was still so proud of himself.
There were police officers around him and Dream who had just helped the small cat return to his normal size, "Clementine!"
George looked up to see a woman with brown hair in a bun running over and taking the small orange cat out of George's
arms, "Oh thank you so much for helping him! I don't know what happened, one minute he was missing and the next he
was a giant monster!" The woman exclaimed.

"Don't worry, he's alright now" Dream smiled, holding his stick behind his neck, "Make sure you don't loose him again
ma'am" Dream explained, the woman nodding her head and walking off, holding the cat close.

George exhaled deeply, "Glad that's over, never doing this again" The brunet smiled, making Dream look over at him.

"What do you mean? We're gonna have to do this again when another disaster occurs" Dream explained, making
George's eyes go wide.

"What!?" He exclaimed, "But-.. I have school and-"

"Relax strawberry-" Both of the boys paused as they heard a beep come from themselves, "I think that means I've gotta go
bug boy!" Dream smiled widely, backing up, "can't wait to do this again!" Dream shouted.

"What!? Cat-" Before George could even finish his sentence, the boy called Dream was gone. George sighed, no use in
waiting around, obviously that beeping meant something, otherwise Dream wouldn't have ran off that quickly upon hearing

"Excuse me boy" George turned around, and his eyes went wide to see a news reporter with a guy next to her, holding
a large camera, "Paris just witnessed you and your friend take down the large beast terrorizing our city, please tell us,
who are you? Where did you come from? And how do you possess the powers you have shown today?" The woman
held the microphone out to George, before he could answer, another person shoved a microphone into his face.

"How did you come to have these powers sir? Who exactly are you two?" A male news reporter asked. George heard a beep
coming from his ears.

"U-um, I'm not answering questions right now-"

"At least tell us who you are" the blond news reporter woman asked, shoving the microphone closer to George.

"um.. my partners name is Dream, lucid dream, and I'm scarlet luck" another beep, "sorry I really should get going" He
backed away, and more news reporters, and police came up to him, but he used his yo-yo to get out of there, and flew away
before anymore commotion was caused.

George exhaled shakily as he flew through the air, being launched at high heights wasn't exactly scary anymore as George
had somehow gotten used to it, even understanding how to use the yo-yo without falling face first into buildings. The brunet
furrowed his eyebrows at the news reporters, who was he? He was just a normal teenage boy who just so happened to wear
a bright red suit and have powers, what's so special about him? Besides, George wasn't planning on keeping these powers,
that cat nearly ate him four times in a row so he wasn't too excited for another akumatized being to sprout out of wherever
they come from. His earrings beeped again and he landed onto the ground, jumping in through his window and closing it
behind him, letting out another deep breath as he tried to calm himself from the day he had just had.

Then, his body started to glow, and the red suit was gone, now in front of him, floated a small creature clutching his
stomach. "Ooo.. I'm so hungry.." The creature said in its high squeaky voice, "George, do you have anything I could possibly
eat?" She asked, looking hopefully at the boy.

"u-um.. I don't know, do you have a special diet? Any allergies or anything?" He asked, feeling bad for the small creature
as it seemed like it was starving.

"no, please, anything would be fine" Tiki stated. George nodded, and walked out of his room, noticing that Tiki flew
towards him and dived into his hoodies pocket, making herself comfortable it seemed. George went through the living
room and entered the kitchen where he opened the pantry, looking around. Someone needed to go to the grocery store
soon as the pantry was quite empty, but he grabbed a box of croissants and opened it up, taking one out, surely this
would be fine right? He put the closer container back in the pantry and closed the door, entering his room again where
Tiki flew out his hoodies pocket.

"here, it may be a bit big so I could cut it up for you if you need me to" He stated, holding up the pastry. The Kwami
took the bread from his hand and took a bite, seeming satisfied from the sweet tastes. "So.. Tiki, I met my partner, lucid
Dream? You said his Kwami is Plagg right?" George asked, Tiki nodding her head.

"Yes, he has the power of destruction" she took a bite of the croissant and swallowed it down, "You did brilliantly against
that cat George" Tiki smiled, "Are you sure you don't want to try again? Everyone already loves you"

"they do? How?" He asked, Tiki taking another bite of her croissant. George then remembered the news reporters, it
must be online right? George went over to his bed and sat down, going onto his phone and looking through the posts.
He saw videos and pictures, tweets and news reporters, all talking about one thing, Scarlet Luck and Lucid Dream, the
two hero's in Paris who saved the city from the giant monstrous cat. George saw a live news report about that very
subject, and instantly pressed on it.

"Scarlet luck and Lucid Dream were seen at the Eiffel Tower today around two hours ago, reports and viewers at the scene
stated that the two had abnormal powers. We have no information on the two other than their names, but Paris can only ask
one question, who are behind those masks, and how did they obtain their powers?" A woman behind a desk explained.

A man beside her chimed up, "after the incident with the cat, many people were hospitalized with fatal injuries, but
Scarlet Luck and Lucid Dream arrived on the scene to help out shortly after the monster arrived" the man smiled as he
said the names of the hero's, "police on the scene have given as much information about the hero's as they could collect,
but what I think we should he most concerned about, is how and why this massive cat became so dangerous. After the
hero's arrived on the scene, the cat was somehow transformed back into its normal state, showing no difference from
its previous actions. We are investigating the cause of this incident but have found no leads yet, if you find yourself
in a dangerous situation like Paris did today, be sure to inform the police. Do not worry, our new hero's are here to help"

George smiled as he closed out the news channel, "see?" George looked up at the floating Kwami who was almost done
with her croissant, "Everyone's very curious about who you two are, don't you think that's exciting?" She asked, making
George look down with a smile.

"I mean.. I guess.. hero of Paris" His smile widened, imagine if Clay found out George had saved Paris from a threat?
George's eyes went wide, Clay must've seen him on the news! He must've noticed him! George's cheeks burned red,
looking down at the bed below him.

"Ooo! Someone's got a crush!" Tiki exclaimed, "Who is it!?" George looked up at the Kwami who has wide, curious eyes.

"I don't have a crush Tiki! I'm in love! There's a difference" George turned off his phone and folded his arms. "But his
names Clay Wastaken.. and.. if everyone saw me on tv, he must've seen me too!" He exclaimed, growing excited.

"George, you do realize your identity must remain an absolute secret" George looked up at the Kwami, who looked
hesitant now, "Clay can't know your Scarlet Luck, but maybe you could try and talk to him as George?" She suggested.

George rolled his eyes, "I've tried that Tiki, I get all flustered and nervous around him, I can't even talk when he's looking
at me.." George looked down, fidgeting with his fingers.

"Thats okay George" The brunet looked up to see the smiling creature, "Baby steps, I just know you be able to do it one
day!" Tiki exclaimed, "Now we must keep an eye out for any other akumatized victims, Lucid Dream will be on the scene
with you to help when you need, alright?" George nodded his head, "Oh, and one more thing" the Kwami stated, "After
using your lucky charm, you only have five minutes until you transform back okay? So be careful with time George" she

"oh! That's why Dream had ran off, okay Tiki, I will" The brunet nodded his head. Sure he was a bit hesitant about this
new life, but it was going pretty well, so why stop being a hero? After all, Paris needed him.


    George let out a long yawn, feeling sleepiness dawn over him the longer he kept his eyes closed. It was nearly four in the
morning and George was outside, standing next to Dream, in his superhero suit, just having helped a villainized person.
"Are you tired?" Dream asked, with a smirk, leaning to the side a bit to see George's face more.

    "A little.." George rubbed his eyes, "I have school in the morning too.." He said, tossing his weight between his two feet
to try and stay balanced.

    "You think I'm happy either? I have school too y'know" Dream folded his arms, "this really was not in the job description,
but I usually stay up late anyway so not a big d-" Dream paused, George's head hitting the blonds shoulder, threatening to
fall asleep standing up. "Uh, strawberry are you okay?" Dream asked, shaking the shorter, being gentle as not to hurt him.

    George leaned away and rubbed his eyes, feeling half asleep, "Yeah.. I'm fine.." He stated, "I should probably get home
before I fall asleep on the street" He managed to let out an exhausted chuckle, looking up to see Dream.

    "well it was a pleasure to fight with you strawberry" Dream grabbed the burnets hand and kissed the back of it, making
George roll his eyes.

    "You really need to stop calling me strawberry, find a different name" George stated, looking up at the other. He didn't
take his hand away however, liking the support in case he passed out.

    "How about bugaboo?" Dream asked, with a smirk, making George just scowl at him. "Fine, not that.. hm.. how about
love bug?" He asked, making George chuckle.

    "love bug? Seriously?" He asked, smiling sleepily.

    "fine, love, it was a pleasure fighting with you love" Dream pulled him close from his hand and kissed his cheek, making
the brunet burn a bright red as he watched Dream disappear from his sights after hearing the beeps. George stood there,
now widely awake, his cheeks form a dusty pink blush across them. George furrowed his eyebrows, stupid cat.

    George brought out his yo-yo at the sound of a beep, time to go. The brunet swung it around and chucked it to the
pole of a building, swinging away towards his home where he'd be able to lay down and sleep. Love. Why was he thinking
so much about it? It didn't mean anything, they were just friends who fought crime together, nothing more. George bit
his cheek, he couldn't fall for Dream, that was ridiculous, he was in love with Clay, but it was difficult to decide between
the two when they acted so similarly. George groaned, maybe the exhaustion was getting to his head, his body had
never been put through this much effort so regularly, he was convinced he'd shut down if his head didn't fall onto a
pillow in the near minute. Dream, a mysterious, stupid cat that called George love, and kissed his cheek. George
looked to his left, seeing a billboard with a picture of him and Dream in their superhero suits, the brunet eyeing the
blond one.

    Maybe this was just an illusion or puberty thing, but he felt like it was a crime to fall in love with Dream when he
was already committed to Clay. He tried to convince himself he didn't like Dream, after all, the catlike hero was too playful
and flirtatious, but there was something oddly attractive about the hero's personality and looks, George smacked his head,
hearing another beep from his earrings, he needed to go before dumb teenage boy love swallowed him whole.

Was gonna be a book but decided I was lazy and made it into a oneshot lol
What do you guys think of my au of George and Dream as Scarlet Luck and Lucid Dream? I think the names are
pretty good mind you. But you will not BELIEVE how difficult it was to find a name for George, like, omg.

Don't even have to say it but this was inspired by miraculous Ladybug sooooo, yeah🥰❤️🖤

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! I especially liked writing the Tiki parts cause she's my favorite 🤩
Let me know what you think and of course, I love each and every one of you! Feel free to take the idea or names!

4817 words

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