You're my Sunny Bunny (Sun Wu...

By Koro_Sensei657

2.3K 38 13

TW:Mentions of cannibalism, actual cannibalism, blood, animal(?) abuse, physical violence, laboratory violenc... More

No.1 That was Odd
No.2 Work hours
No.3 High up
No 4. Far away
No.5 Alive, well sort of
No.6 Everything will be Okay
No.7 Bond
No.8 Training
No.10 Can't Stop Dancing
No.11 It's Soft
No.12 The Fireworks
No.13 Secrets Crawl Out
No.14 Bad News
No.15 Plan of Action
No.16 Captured
No. 17 Teamed up
No.18 Strike
No.19 Spread out
No.20 Like a Horror movie
No.21 I Really Do
No.22 Journey to the West
No.23 The Truth
No.24 Got out of There
No.25 Freedom (Finale)

No.9 Just...hang out

73 1 0
By Koro_Sensei657

Morning came, Staple was slowly waking up. She felt something soft wrap around her hand. Her mind immediately went to her cat but then realized 'I'm not home, it can't be Juniper' She opened her eyes and looked to the side. And was given the sight of Wukong sleeping on the floor beside her bed, his tail wrapped around her hand.

She sat up in surprise, "Uh..." she used her other hand to shake him "Wukong?" She mumbled, he just groaned in his sleep. Staple frowned and shook him a little more aggressively. "Wukong!" She said more loudly, Wukong slowly moved his arm to rub his eyes, and then opened them. He looked at Staple and quickly sat up with an apologetic look, he moved his tail from her hand "Uh, heh. Sorry, it has a mind of its own sometimes" he said with a nervous laugh.

Staple shook her hand "That wasn't my main concern" she then glared at Wukong "When did you get in here and sleep next to me?" She asked. Wukong chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his head "Well I did go in here to quickly grab something but I guess I ended up falling asleep" He explained.

Staple gave a flat expression not believing his story as she felt his story was half assed. But shrugged it off "Whatever" she mumbled. She sighed "So, was there a specific thing you had in mind since you were so insistent on hanging out today?" She asked as she rested her head on her hand.

Wukong gave a pretty excited grin "Yup, Follow me" he skips happily while Staple just followed him. He lead her outside to a huge amount of trees, Staples right ear drooped down while the left one pointed up in curiosity "What..."

"I might need a little help picking these fruits here" Wukong explained, Staple looked at him confused "Couldn't you have done this by yourself?" she asked, feeling so confused. Wukong waved his hand at her "Nah, it's more fun when you have company in these tasks, besides you're might as well have something to do. You know?" Wukong spoke, keeping his smile.

Staple just shrugged "Fair enough" she spoke. Wukong pulled out a basket that seemed to be made of leaves "You can just throw them in here" he then climbed up to one of the trees and tossed a pack of bananas into the basket.

Staple, she simply jumped to the height of the trees and grabbed the fruit that way. Wukong tossed in more fruit into the basket but stopped when he noticed Staple jump up to the trees with ease, he couldn't help smile.

Staple noticed him looking at her "What? Never seen a bunny hop?" she asked, Wukong chuckled "Well, it's not everyday where we see a bunny like you" he answered, Staple shrugged and tossed the fruit she had in hand into the basket "Well, there isn't a bunny like me at all" she mumbled under her breath.

She continued her routine of hopping up and picking the fruit. Wukong slid off the tree and stood next to Staple "Need a little help?" he asked, Staple stood on the ground "Nah, I think be- Whoa okay I'm going up now" Wukong interrupted her by suddenly picking her up and placing her on his shoulder.

Staple was just stunned at this sudden action, "Well?" Wukong spoke breaking her out of her shocked state. She sighed and continued her task of picking fruits and tossing them into the basket "Don't get all freaky just because I'm sitting on your shoulder here" she blurts out.

Wukong seemed a little confused by her statement "What do you mean?" he asked. Staple slightly frowned at his question "Oh you know, I'm a bunny. And bunnies are considered to be 'Cute little things who can do no wrong' it's why people love them sooo much" Staple spoke in a high pitched mocking voice while explaining.

She then glared down at Wukong "And I can tell you do too" she said. Wukong gave a nervous smile like he got caught doing a crime "Oh?..... What gives you that idea?" he asked anxiously "Don't play dumb. You're pretty obvious about it. Especially with how friendly you were with me" Staple spoke a little annoyed. Wukong just gave a little 'Heh' and gave a more softer smile "Guess you caught me" he said in a strangely calm tone.

And he eventually put her down and they stood next to each other "Though, there is something that's still in my mind" Staple admitted, Wukong tilted his head curiously "What is it?" he asked.  Staple looked at him eye to eye "How have I not driven you away yet?" she asked.

Wukong seemed to be genuinely confused at her question "Driven me away?" Staple nodded "Well yeah" she pointed to the horns that poked out of her head "I have these clear as day devil horn" and she pointed to her mouth "Not to mention you've seen my fangs" her bunny ears droop down "I'm clearly.......unique. So, why aren't you.... cautious?" she asked.

Wukong softly smiled at her "Those things don't matter to me exactly. Besides, MK seems to trust you a lot" he answered, Staple blinked and gave a flat expression. Her eyes drifted to the side "I guess" she mumbled.

Wukong noticed the change in her mood, he walked over to the basket and kneeled down. He then tossed a banana to Staple, she was caught off guard and nearly dropped it but she was able to catch it "Wha?" she looked at him a little confused. 

Wukong just smiled innocently at her, he then sat on the ground with his legs crossed "Come sit by me" Staple did so and slowly peeled the banana. Wukong had (unsurprisingly) a peach in hand and ate it happily. Staple took a bite of the banana  and blankly stared at Wukong, he noticed her staring at him "What?"

Staple squinted her eyes "You're a strange one" she said bluntly. Wukong was surprised by what she just said "Well, that's a new one" he spoke not knowing how to feel or respond "But I mean it in a good way" she finished and took another bite of her banana, Wukong widened his eye "In a good way?" Staple nodded "Yeah, like my friends. It's........ I guess you could say enjoyable" she explained.

She looks at Wukong and noticed a small shade of pink forming on his cheeks, "Thanks" Wukong said as he immediately looked the other direction. Staple sighed "No problem" she said quietly. They finished their food, and the most random thought crossed Staples mind "You know, we should hang out like this again" she immediately stiffened up, realizing what she just said.

Wukong perked up, hearing her say that "You think so" he asked, Staple forced a smile "Yeah, totally totally" but in her mind she's screaming 'Why the fuck did I just say that?' Wukong seemed to be in delight at this "Sounds good to me" he answered happily.

They strolled back to their rooms together, the moment Staple was alone standing by her bed, her demonic urges for human flesh crawled back to her. She wrapped her arms around her stomach and she fell to her knees, she growled like a wild animal, She gripped the bed beside her "Keep it together, keep it together, keep it together" she repeated to herself. 

How much longer can she hold on before she completely looses control? 

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