Dream ꕥ Eren J.

Af Oorange8

90.4K 2.9K 1.9K

SEASON 4 + ENDING SPOILER! Modern x AOT universe ─── ∘°❉°∘ ─── "𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕥𝕠𝕝𝕕 𝕞𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕚𝕥'𝕤 𝕪𝕠�... Mere

┏━°⌜ 000 ⌟°━┓
┏°⌜ 001: Who are you? (Re-written)
┏°⌜ 002: the woman in my dreams
┏°⌜ 003: The solution
┏°⌜ 004: Rule 34
┏°⌜ 005: who am i?
┏°⌜ 006: Boyfriend
┏°⌜ 007: read the manga
┏°⌜ 008: welcome to Paradis
┏°⌜ 009: Dot Pixis's daughter
┏°⌜ 010: the Jeagerists
┏°⌜ 011: tree house
┏°⌜ 012: a good person
┏°⌜ 013: drunk?
┏°⌜ 014: betrayal
┏°⌜ 015: the Party
┏°⌜ 016: what are you doing here?
┏°⌜ 017: watch out
┏°⌜ 018: forest
┏°⌜ 019: Captain
┏°⌜ 020: Slave
┏°⌜ 021: Enemy
┏°⌜ 022: Survive
┏°⌜ 023: Green eyes
┏°⌜ 024: Keep moving forward
┏°⌜ 025: Trust
┏°⌜ 026: Truth
┏°⌜ 027: Hospital
┏°⌜ 028: E M A
┏°⌜ 029: Soup
┏°⌜ 030: Devil
┏°⌜ 031: 4 years
┏°⌜ 032: Good morning
┏°⌜ 033: South-west
┏°⌜ 034: Meetingpoint
┏°⌜ 035: Decision
┏°⌜ 036: Argument
┏°⌜ 037: Shiganshina
┏°⌜ 038: Just a dream?
┏°⌜ 039: The symbol of freedom
┏°⌜ 040: Work
┏°⌜ 041: Introduce
┏°⌜ 042: Crush
┏°⌜ 043: Hiding
┏°⌜ 044: Girls
┏°⌜ 045: Date?
┏°⌜ 046: The Question
┏°⌜ 047: Old Home
┏°⌜ 048: Sunrise
┏°⌜ 049: Bodyguard
┏°⌜ 050: the Dress
┏°⌜ 051: Thank you
┏°⌜ 052: Armin
┏°⌜ 053: Remember who the real enemy is
┏°⌜ 054: Done
┏°⌜ 055: Walking around
┏°⌜ 056: quiet place
┏°⌜ 057: the tree
┏°⌜ 058: Campanula
┏°⌜ 059: Drown for you
┏°⌜ 060: Warm
┏°⌜ 061: Eyes
┏°⌜ 062: Library
┏°⌜ 063: My Bodyguard Mikasa
┏°⌜ 064: Scarf
┏°⌜ 065: Third Option
┏°⌜ 066: Euphoria
┏°⌜ 067: Alcohol
┏°⌜ 068: Marie
┏°⌜ 069: Far away
┏°⌜ 070: Escape
┏°⌜ 071: No place to hide
┏°⌜ 072: Light
┏°⌜ 073: Forget
┏°⌜ 074: Feelings
┏°⌜ 075: The Truth
┏°⌜ 076: After dark
┏°⌜ 077: Embarrassment
┏°⌜ 078: No regrets
┏°⌜ 079: It's not too late
┏°⌜ 081: Memory
┏°⌜ 082: Call of Silence
┏°⌜ 083: Past
┏°⌜ 084: Freedom
┏°⌜ 085: Wake up
┏°⌜ 086: Home
┏°⌜ 087: Familiar
┏°⌜ 088: Autumn
little Info

┏°⌜ 080: Paths

381 16 42
Af Oorange8

For a moment, just after you felt Zeke and Eren's hands, it became extremely light. It was very dazzling.
And the hard ground suddenly felt so soft... like sand.
The explosions that could be heard outside a second ago suddenly became silent.
It was quiet.

You slowly opened your eyes and could see a desert under a starry sky. Straight ahead, what appeared to be the center was a tree-like beam of light shooting up into the sky, and in the sky the lights branched out.

This is it. The Paths.

"It worked."
Zeke whispered in awe, his voice barely audible in the silence. Eren nodded in agreement, his eyes fixated on the mesmerizing sight before them.

As you stood there, taking in the beauty and magnitude of the Paths, a wave of realization washed over you. This was the source of all the power and understanding that had been hidden from humanity for so long. This was where the Founding Titan's true potential resided.

In this realm, time seemed to lose all meaning. Past, present, and future merged into one, blurring the boundaries of reality.
Everything that happens here, even if you'd stay here for years, would have only been a second in reality.

Eren took in a deep breath, knowing what comes next
"Now comes the interesting part..."
The brunette turned around to look at you
"Are you alright?"

You nodded, feeling a mixture of being scared and nervousness. "Y-yes, I'm alright." you replied, your voice filled with uneasiness.

Eren gave you a reassuring nod. "Good..."

"So... what if it doesn't work, huh?"
Zeke crossed his arms. He never was truly convinced of the plan bringing every Eldia to your world
"I mean, we don't even know if it is possible."

"There is only one way to find it out."
The brunette gave his half-brother a sharp look
"Just don't get any stupid ideas, or-"

"-or what?"
The bearded man spat back
"May I remember you that YOU are the one who betrayed and lied to me?"

"Zeke this is not the fucking time to-"

"It is. We have time here, my dear little brother. We have all the time we need here."
The bearded man sounded actually pissed. Such a mood was unusual for him

"I swear to god I- ugh. This was nothing personal. I only did what I though was right to save the Island."
Eren crossed his arms, looking directly at Zeke with an expression that could kill people

The blonde let out an sarcastic laugh
"Carla would be proud of you."

"Yeah I'm sure Dina would be proud of you too..."
Eren spat back
"Having a monkey-man as a son is definitely a life goal for every mother. That's why she was always smiling in her Titan form."

"May I remind you that her smile took away your smile when she ate your mother and Hannes?"
Zeke actually smirked while saying that

The other Jaeger brother took a deep breath to calm down, his gaze sharp and dangerous
"I'm not surprised father didn't love you as much as he loved me."

The tension between Eren and Zeke hung heavy in the air, creating an uneasy atmosphere. As you stood there, caught in the middle of their heated exchange, you felt a sense of urgency to diffuse the situation.

"Guys, come on!" you interjected, your voice trembling slightly.
"We're about to make history here and you two think it's a good time to argue like little kids?
We're here for a reason, let's focus on that."

Eren met your gaze, his expression softening as he let out a sigh.
"Yeah... right..." he admitted, his voice laced with remorse.
"But if this Pisshair dude is talking shit again then I will kill him with no hesitation..."

Zeke hesitated for a moment, his anger dissipating as he glanced at the vast expanse of the Paths surrounding them.
"Fine, I'm sorry L/n." he relented, his voice carrying a hint of resignation.
"Well I got a question- What is you Plan B? After all, if this plan fails, we'll have to find another way to ensure our people's survival."

"Uhm... well-"

"Look, over there!"
Eren pointed to the tree-like light.

Looking at the direction closely, there was a shadow-figure coming out if the light. You immediately knew who that was.

You breathed out, feeling your heart rate accelerate. Ymir, the source of all Titans, was finally appearing before them.
Without saying a word, Ymir walked in your direction. She kept getting closer.

"Well then y/n."
Zeke added
"Your time to shine."

Although the way he said it was more sarcastic, you took in a deep breath and nodded.
Surprisingly, Ymir walked past Zeke and Eren. She only stopped when she was right in front of you.
The girl just stood there, no facial expression, like an empty shell.

You said, your voice barely audible.
So many emotions racked your mind as you stood face to face with Ymir, the source of all Titans and perhaps even your sister. You felt a mix of fear, awe, and an overwhelming sense of responsibility. This moment, this encounter, was beyond anything you could have ever imagined.

Summoning your courage, you took a step forward, your voice trembling but determined.
"Y-Ymir, I know you've suffered for so long, trapped in this endless cycle... but we have a chance to change that. We can break free from this cycle, and together, we can create a world where everyone can live in peace. Please, lend me your strength and give us the possibility to bring every Eldia in my world..."

Ymir's eyes seemed to flicker with a glimmer of recognition for a moment, but her expression remained blank. Sensing a need to reaffirm your purpose, you continued speaking, your voice growing stronger with each word.

"We may not know the full extent of your powers, but we believe in the potential for good. We believe that with your strength on our side, we can make a difference. Please, Ymir, lend us your power. Help us free our- I mean your people."

A long silence hung in the air. For what felt like an eternity, you held your breath, unsure of what her response would be.
But there was nothing. No answer, no movement, no emotion.

"Hm... seems like it is not working, yet I am confused why she walked up to you."
Zeke said with an puzzled expression
"Founder Ymir, lend me your power and bring all Eldia to the world where Y/n is from. I am of royal blood, so do it right now!"


No answer again, even if Zeke gives her the command. She just stood there, right in front of you, without any reaction.

"That is... strange..."
Eren added
"She is not even listening to you Zeke..."

"Perhaps this means that she is not in a position to fulfill such a wish. I am not surprised."
Zeke shook his head, looking at the ground
"You know what that means Brother..."

You yelled, knowing what he implied with that
"There has to be a-"

"It's no use. The euthanasia plan will be the most peaceful way to fix this."
Zeke sternly replied

"That is fucking suicide- Even with that, Marley would still kill us!"
Eren yelled
"We didn't even try, why do you give up so easily?! Maybe if we-"

"Eren! I've thought about this extensively. It's the only way to ensure the safety and peace of our people and the rest of the world. We may die, but we will die knowing we made a sacrifice for the greater good."
The bearded man sighed heavily, his eyes filled with a mix of resignation and determination.

The weight of Zeke's words hung heavily in the air. Eren stared at his brother, pain etched on his face. And as you stood there, caught in the crossfire of their conflicting ideologies, you couldn't help but feel torn.

"How can you just say that? Don't you want everyone to have a happy ending? Maybe we can try it again, or perhaps come up with a other plan!" you pleaded, your voice trembling. "What about the hope we had for a better world? There has to be another way, a way to free Eldia without sacrificing ourselves!"

Zeke's gaze softened, his voice filled with regret.
"I wish there was, innocent and naive  little y/n. I truly do. But sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good. I understand your hesitation, but I can't stand by and watch our people suffer any longer. Sometime, dying is the best option."

Eren clenched his fists, his voice filled with a mix of anger and desperation. "There has to be another way, Zeke. We can't give up now. We've come too far, fought too hard!"
A silence enveloped the three of you as the weight of the decision and it's implications sank in. The future of Eldia and it's people hung in the balance, and the path forward seemed murky and uncertain.

Zeke only has to order Ymir to sterilize all Eldia, and you and Eren could not stop him.
Nevertheless he seems to hesitate.
He could have given Ymir the order without warning long ago, but he doesn't.
Does it mean that even Zeke is hoping for an alternative option?

Suddenly Eren sprited towards his Brother, shoving him to the ground
"I won't let you kill us all!"

Zeke shouted, pushing himself up from the ground. The tension between the two brothers escalated once again, their anger and frustration reaching new heights.

As the two fiercely exchanged words and blows, you realized that trying to reason with them in this moment would be futile. They were consumed by their own ideologies, unable to see eye to eye.

Your attention, however, was on Ymir, who was still standing right in front of you. Her expression... it was emotionless, blank, cold, lifeless.

You whispered, while the two brothers still argued in the background
"It hurts to see you like this. Thousands of years you are here now... thousands of years you are not free and had to suffer alone. I wish there would be a way to save you..."
A tear ran down your cheek

The blonde girl remained unmoving, her gaze fixed ahead as if oblivious to your words and emotions. It pained you to see her in such a state, trapped and unable to experience the freedom and happiness she deserved.

In that moment, a surge of determination coursed through your veins. You couldn't let this continue. You had to find a way to reach her, to awaken the spark of life within her.

Stepping forward, you extended your hand towards Ymir, your voice filled with sincerity.
"Ymir, I know you can hear me. I know you're trapped and burdened by the weight of your existence. But you deserve to be free, just like anyone else.
I believe that deep within you, there's still a flicker of hope...
A desire to be free, to experience joy and love. Ymir, please, find strength in yourself. Break free from the chains that bind you. Let us help you. I... I love you, sister..."

As you spoke, a glimmer of recognition flickered in Ymir's eyes. It was a faint spark, but it was there. A sign that she was listening, that your words were reaching her.

Rising from within her, a subtle warmth spread, slowly thawing the cold emptiness that had consumed her. Her body trembled, and for the first time, her face displayed a hint of emotion-a flicker of curiosity.

Knowing time was of the essence, you continued to pour your heart and soul into your plea. You spoke of the beauty of the world outside, the vastness of possibilities, and the love and connection that awaited her. You painted a vivid picture of a life free from suffering and despair.

The place fell into a reverent silence as Ymir took a step forward, her gaze fixed on you. The air crackled with anticipation as she extended her hand, slowly, hesitantly, towards yours.

The arguing between Eren and Zeke had stopped, their attention now solely on you and Ymir.

"She is.. reacting."
Eren breathed out as he and Zeke walked closer to you two

"What shall I do now? Shall I... take her hand?"
You asked, feeling slightly nervous as Ymir extended her hand towards you

"How about we do that together."
Zeke suggested

At the same time the three of you placed your hand on Ymir's and not even a blink of an eye later your surroundings changed, Ymir disappeared.

"What the-"
Eren let out, looking around
"Where are we...?"

Your surrounding, it was suddenly a small village...?
That must have been Ymirs doing

"Hm... I assume that is a memory."
Zeke spoke quietly, also looking around

"But who are these memories from?"
You asked confused

You three were walking around. It was just an ordinary village, the people walking around didn't seem to be able to see or hear you three. This village didn't look familiar to any of you, everything was so strange.

After walking around for another 2 minutes you could see a little girl sleeping under a tree in the meadow.
"Wait guys..."

The two brothers immediately stopped and looked at you
"Hm? What is it y/n?"
Eren asked

You took a few steps closer to the girl
"Am I... hallucinating?"

"What's wrong??"
Eren asked again, following you

"That little sleeping girl... that's me."
You whispered

Both brothers exchanged confused glances before turning their attention back to the sleeping girl. Eren's eyes widened in realization while Zeke's expression remained skeptical.

"That's..." Zeke stated, his voice tinged with disbelief. "Does that mean this is your memory?"

"I-i don't know..."
You shook your head
"I don't know this place at all. I always lived in a city. And also this place seems like... from the past. I mean- no Streets, no cars- and the way all those people around us are dressed..."

Eren, on the other hand, appeared deep in thought.
"Ymir is trying to show us something. Perhaps this is a pivotal moment from your past, y/n. If it is true that you are Ymir's sister then this is obviously the y/n 2000 years ago."

Feeling confused, you knelt down beside the younger version of yourself. As you observed the serene expression on your sleeping face, an certain feeling of uneasiness flowed through your veins.

You turned to Eren and Zeke, a mixture of emotions in your eyes.
"God this is a strange thing to see. I... I existed in this world 2000 years ago too... it feels like I have schizophrenia or something."

Eren approached, his eyes fixed on the younger version of yourself. "There must be a reason why Ymir is showing us this... perhaps to show you exactly that, to let us know you already existed in this world with Ymir."

Zeke let out a sigh, a hint of resignation in his voice.
"Maybe... there is something else we should see? Right now everything seems normal, or are we missing something?"

"Ahhh there you are!"
Suddenly a voice of another little girl
interrupted, causing all three of you to turn around in surprise.

Standing there was a young girl, about the same age as the sleeping version of yourself. She had blonde shoulder-long hair with bangs and a white sleeveless dress.
"Ymir... that's definitely Ymir!"
You gasped, watching Ymir walking to the sleeping girl.

"Hey- Wait are you sleeping?"
The blonde girl poked her cheeks
"Wake up Libertas!"

Libertas... that name rings a bell inside your head. So that was your name? Or perhaps a nickname?

Libertas slowly stirred awake, her eyes fluttering open. She looked up at Ymir, confusion evident on her face.

"Come on, let's start heading back."
Ymir crossed her arms, looking down on the other girl

"What... am I doing here?"

The blonde girl just titled her head
"You're so out of it. Were you sleeping that soundly?"

"No... it just feels like I was having a long dream... what was it about? I can't remember..."
Libertas sits up, rubbing her eyes

Ymir gave her an confused look as she analyzed her face again
"Libertas... why are you... crying?"

The drowsy girl touched her eyebags, feeling the tears on her fingertips
"I am... what?"

"That's... strange."
Eren interrupted

"What is it?"
You asked

"This feels like a déjà vu."
He simply replied, watching Ymir helping Libertas standing up

"Déjà vu?"
You repeated confused
"Wait... now that you mentioned it..."

"I have no Idea what you are talking about."
Zeke raised an eyebrow, not understanding what was going on

"Exactly the same thing happened when Attack on titan started. Eren woke up and had this conversation with Mikasa."
You responded

Eren is right. This scene... it's the same when Attack on Titan started.
Right before the Colossal Titan attacked, little Eren woke up under the tree as Mikasa was there with him.
It was the same Dialog.
That can't be a coincidence.

"Com on now Libertas. Mother is waiting!"
Ymir took her hand and started to walk, dragging Libertas with her

You and Eren exchanged glances before the three of you quickly followed Ymir and Libertas, trying to make sense of the situation.

As you caught up with them, you looked back at Zeke, who remained puzzled. "Do you think Ymir or Libertas can see us?"

"I don't think so, they don't react to us. We are like ghosts."
Zeke shrugged uncertainly. The three of you walked in silence for a while, the atmosphere heavy with confusion and anticipation.

The two girls walked for another 3 minutes before stopping in front of an House in the middle of the Village.
Looks like it's their home.
Ymir opened the door and they entered the Building, The brothers and you followed quickly.

"Mother, we are back!"
Libertas said, changing her shoes

"Ahhh, there you two are! Dinner is ready!"
The mother clapped her hands together

So this is supposed to be your mother here? You have never seen this woman before, she doesn't look like your mother you know at all.

While they ate dinner, you three looked around the house. It was a cozy little House, nothing out of the ordinary.

"Hey look!"
Eren said while looking at a framed picture on the wall

Zeke and you walked over to Eren and looked at the picture too. It was a family portrait, showing Libertas, Ymir, and their mother, along with a man who appeared to be their father.

"A Familyphoto..." you whispered, studying the photo.
"They look so happy."

"Hey uhm... when will father be back?"
Ymir asked after finishing her Dinner

"That is a good question my dear...."
The mother let out a sigh, looking slightly sad
"Unfortunately, as a soldier you never know when you will return. But he is making us proud, saving many people and protecting our Village."
She tried to sound positive, but the reality is that her uncertainty and concern for her husband's safety were palpable. The weight of his absence hung in the air, casting a shadow over the otherwise cheerful atmosphere.

"I miss him..."
Libertas said softly, her voice filled with longing.

"We all do, sweetheart..."
The mother replied, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"But he is strong, and he's fighting for a greater cause. He'll come back to us soon, I'm sure..."

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