Wild Tears

By Nimra1237

92.5K 4.7K 1.2K

Ares' father firmly believed that his son's character was unchangeable. He had raised him to be heartless and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 54

449 33 5
By Nimra1237

My breath catches, and I feel a lump form in my throat as I take in the sheer beauty of the ring. The diamond seems to dance with a million tiny flames, casting shimmering reflections of light that dance in my eyes.

I look back at Ares, my heart pounding in my chest as I meet his gaze once more. His eyes hold a mixture of hope and apprehension, and it is as if the world has faded away, leaving only the two of us in this pivotal moment.

My mind races, emotions swirling within me like a tempest. The magnitude of his question, the depth of his feelings, and the promise of a future together are almost overwhelming. It is a dream I have never dared to admit, a hope that has quietly taken root within me, and now, here it is, presented before me in the form of a diamond ring and the earnest gaze of the man I love.

My lips tremble as I struggle to find the right words, the weight of my emotions threatening to spill over. He is kneeling before me, his vulnerability laid bare, and all I can feel is the rush of love that envelops us in its embrace.

My heart swells with an overwhelming sense of gratitude as I manage to whisper. "Yes, Ares. Yes, I'll marry you".

A radiant smile breaks across his face, a mixture of relief and joy lighting up his eyes. He gently slips the ring from its box and onto my finger, and as the diamond catches the sunlight, it feels as if a new chapter of our journey is beginning, one filled with the promise of love, commitment, and a future that intertwines in the most beautiful way.

But before I can fully process the significance of our shared moment, Ares is on his feet, and I find myself pulling into his embrace.

His arms wrap around my waist, drawing me closer, and in an instant, his lips are pressed against mine. Time seems to both slowdown and speed up simultaneously, and the world around us fades away as all that exists is the sensation of his touch, the taste of his kiss, and the rush of emotion that envelopes us. 

I instinctively respond to his kiss, my hands finding their place around his neck, my fingers tangling in his hair. The warmth of his lips against mine is electrifying, igniting a fire within me that blazes with a mixture of desire and a profound sense of love.

As our lips move in a tender dance, every doubt, every fear, seems to melt away, leaving only the purity of our connection. It is a kiss that holds a promise, a vow, and a depth of feeling that words could never truly express.

His touch is both gentle and possessive, his fingers tracing the curve of my spine as if to reassure himself that I'm truly there with him. And with every heartbeat, with every shared breath, the intensity of our kiss seems to deepen, drawing us closer together in a way that feels inevitable and right. 

I hold onto him with a fervour that matches his own. The world around us can have ceased to exist, and I won't have noticed, for at that moment, all that matters is the connection we share, the promise we have made, and the love that bound us together.

As our lips finally parted, we both take a moment to catch our breath, our foreheads resting against each other's as we held each other close. Ares' eyes meet mine, his gaze a reflection of the depth of feeling that mirror my own.

"Rose" He whispers, his voice a husky murmur."I love you more than words can say". I grin as I stare into his forest-green eyes.

Without hesitation, he sweeps me up into his arms, effortlessly lifting me off the ground. Laughter bubbles up from deep within me as he spins us around, the world becoming a joyful blur of colours and sensations.

My arms instinctively wrap around his neck, and I hold on tightly as he twirls us in a dance that is uniquely ours. The world spins around us, a dizzying whirlwind of happiness and exhilaration, and I laugh freely, the sound echoing through the air like a melody of pure joy.

He gradually slows, bringing us to a gentle stop, our laughter mingling as we share a moment of sheer happiness. He lowers me back down to the ground, his strong arms still wrapped around me, holding me close.

My breath comes in short gasps from the laughter and the sheer thrill of the moment. His gaze met mine, his eyes holding a warmth and tenderness that made my heart skip a beat.

As we were staring at each other, a sudden interruption comes in the form of a servant appearing before us. The news of the function's commencement and the arrival of the bride prompt Ares to nod in acknowledgement. The servant swiftly departs, leaving us with a sense of anticipation that dances in the air.

With shared smiles, Ares and I turn and make our way back inside the mansion, our steps guided by the buzz of excitement that has taken hold. The grand hall welcomes us with open doors, revealing a sight that leaves me momentarily breathless.

The space is transformed into a realm of enchantment, adorned with intricate decorations that seem to have sprung from the pages of a fairytale. The air is scented with the fragrant blooms of countless flowers, their vibrant colours painting a tapestry that add to the beauty of the occasion. Ribbons flutter gently in the breeze, and a regal red carpet stretches out like a pathway to a world of dreams.

At the heart of it, all stand Michael. His eyes are bright with excitement and anticipation.

I find my place next to Della who is holding a bouquet of flowers in her hands.

As the atmosphere in the hall buzz with excitement, all eyes turned toward the entrance as Navy, made her grand entrance. Her white gown seemed to shimmer ethereally, and the bouquet of flowers she holds add a touch of elegance to her already stunning presence. A genuine smile graces her lips, and her happiness radiated like a beacon, filling the room with contagious joy.

 She walks down the aisle. The love and admiration in Michael's eyes are evident as they lock onto each other, their connection palpable even from a distance.

Behind Navy, a procession of other girls follows, including Clair. As my gaze shifts to her, I notice the disdainful glare she sends my way. 

Her hate for me is never-ending.

 I shift my attention away from Clair's disapproving gaze and focus forward.

 As Navy and Michael exchange their vows and declare their love with heartfelt 'I do's, a wave of emotion sweeps through the hall. Their promises are like whispers of forever, and the air seems charged with the weight of their commitment. The culmination of their journey is met with a tender kiss, sealing their vows with a symbol of their unbreakable bond.

"They look adorable together" I whisper.

"Gross" Della whispers back making me slightly chuckle.

"Yay! Navy and Zion's bond is now unbreakable" Clair yells excitingly.

"Unbreakable? Only if they last forever" Zion standing next to Della mutters making me and Della laugh.

"I'm serious" He says, but I know he isn't. However, I do agree with his words.

I giggle again and glance at Ares. He looks quite serious.

I gently hold his hand and rest my side head on his arm.

"You okay?" I mutter.

"Yeah" He says, glancing at me with a soft smile and then again looking forward.

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