The Nerd's Makeover

By exoticskittles

822K 20.3K 5.1K

Sophie Emerson is a nerd. She is not your average nerd, though, she's also a badass that has attitude. All th... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight

Chapter Nine

34.2K 792 254
By exoticskittles

AN: I can't believe this story has 8,000+ reads already! It's so shocking. This chapter was 6½ pages on Word so hopefully that's okay and long enough. This chapter is dedicated to brydie18 because she is my new internet friend! ;) Of course this chapter isn't fully edited as usual because I'm so lazy. I got the idea for the list because me and my friend recently made one :)

Goal- 450 reads and 6 comments


-Anna Banana (don't call me that)


Chapter 9

As soon as my alarm started ringing Suit & Tie, I slapped my hand over it and groaned. I swung my feet over the side and slipped them into my warm fuzzy pink slippers. I rubbed my eyes, and stretched before yawning in a very unladylike manner. You know, mouth wide open. Running a hand through my hair that looked like a birds nest I made my way towards the bathroom.

After taking a very hot shower and freshening up, I stepped out and got dressed in a peach-pink tank and light brown shorts with black gladiator sandals. I grabbed my tote and made my way downstairs. The smell of pancakes drifted up my nose and I practically ran all the way to the kitchen. I sat down and picked up the knife and fork set in front of me, grinning like I had just been told I won the lottery. My mother was humming while flipping the pancakes. She slid four onto a plate and set it in front of me. I moaned as the sweet smell became even stronger and dug in, abandoning the knife and fork. Hey, when a girls hungry there isn't any need for cutlery.

"Please don't eat like someone who was raised in the bush" my mother frowned at me. I waved her off and continued.

In less than five minutes my plate was cleared with not even a single crumb on it.

"Bye Mum" I kissed her cheek and grabbed my tote.

"Bye? What do you mean bye?" she asked confused. Before I could reply, Lucas walked in.

"Oh God Lucas you stink!" I wrinkled my nose. He raised an eyebrow at me before coming closer. Before I could register what was happening, his arms were wrapped around me.

"Let me go you jerk!" I said trying to free myself. Finally I brought my knee up and slammed it where the sun doesn't shine.

"Jesus, can't a brother show you some love" he groaned holding his 'area' and hobbling over to the table.

"You can give me hugs after you take a shower. You smell like a dead rat" I glared at Lucas who was laughing. "And I'm probably late for school now"

"You do realise its Saturday right?" he said between gasps. My cheeks became red in embarrassment and I walked out of the kitchen ignoring Lucas' loud chuckles.

"Wait, Sophie!" I heard my mother call. Sighing I turned around and made my way back to the kitchen where I leaned on the doorframe.

"We're going to be visiting your Aunt and Uncle next week for the weekend" I squealed excitedly and darted to my room. I ADORED going to my aunt and uncles house. They lived in a mansion with my nine cousins. I know what you're thinking "NINE KIDS?!" My aunt had only given birth to six of them and the other three were adopted. They loved them all equally though.

I pulled my iPod from where I hid it (the top shelf behind old stuffed teddy bears) from Lucas who seemed to enjoy downloading inappropriate songs on it and cutting my earphones. Just last year I had to buy over 13 earphones all because of Lucas!

I popped my earphones in and flopped down onto my bed. I had nothing to do today so might as well listen to some music. Humming along to Die Young by Ke$ha, I closed my eyes and did some serious thinking.

Okay, I lied. I actually got a stack of paper from my desk and began to make a bunch of paper airplanes. Fun right? I was throwing one of the planes when my bedroom door was opened. I ignored whoever had entered my room and threw another plane, slightly smiling when I saw how far it went. My bed sank down a little and I looked over my shoulder to see my mum sitting there. I took out my earphones.

"Why aren't you doing anything on a Saturday morning" she asked, arms folded over her chest. "You and Lucy usually hang out on the weekends."

I sighed, "Lucy and I aren't exactly speaking at the moment, Mum"

"What? Why?"

"She's just been so secretive and doesn't want to tell me anything anymore" I sighed sadly.

She nodded understandingly before speaking once more, "Well don't you have any other friends to hang out with?"

"No I- Oh wait I do! I made friends with this girl called Amelia" I smiled. My mother got off the bed and smiled too. She opened my door and stepped out. Before she closed the door fully I heard her say, "Maybe you should apologise to Lucy. Secrets aren't worth breaking friendships over, Sophie" She closed the door leaving me to think. When I couldn't decide on whether I was going to apologise (I never say the first sorry), I finally just decided to call Amelia. Luckily, I had gotten her number on the way to the mall yesterday. I scrolled through my contacts before tapping 'Ameliaaaa

'Ring Ring Ring' the phone rang several times and just when I was about to give up it was finally picked up.

"Hola! Como estas?" A chirpy voice greeted me. (Hello! How are you?)

"No hablo español" I said. (I do not speak Spanish)

"Haha what's up?" Amelia laughed finally speaking in English.

"Oh I don't know maybe the ceiling?" I said sarcastically.

"Let me rephrase that question; what are you doing on this fine glorious Saturday morning?""

"I am currently lying in bed like a loner, feeling sorry for myself"

"Oh well that's too bad!"

"You were supposed to say, 'Hey I have an idea! Why don't I come ever?'" I grumbled.

"Hey I have an idea! Why don't I come over?" she repeated.

"Much better" I grinned and gave her the address before hanging up.

While waiting for Amelia to come I decided to start packing my things for the visit to my aunt's house. I knew that if I didn't start now I'd forget about it completely. I threw random clothes and shoes into the purple and black suitcase beside me, not caring about whether they matched or not. Finally I placed my small zebra bag full of my toiletries on the side and zipped the case shut. I shoved it underneath my bed and wiped invisible sweat beads from my head.

Hearing the rumble of an engine from the driveway, I peeked out of the window and saw Amelia parking her car before getting out. She looked nervous as she pressed the doorbell. I shot out of my room but unfortunately couldn't reach the door before my mother.

"Oh you must be Amelia! Well aren't you just a pretty little darling! Come in, come in and make yourself feel at home. Perhaps I can show you a few baby photos of Sophie when she was young, quite the troublemaker she was and still is!" I groaned as my mother's excited voice continued blabbering random things to Amelia. Amelia herself looked quite bewildered but tried hard not to show it.

"Sophie, your friend is here!" was all my mother paused to say before continuing chatting to Amelia. Grumbling, I trudged down the stairs and into the living room. I grinned at Amelia before gripping her arm tightly and pulling her away.

"Amelia and I will just go up to my room now, Mum" I said, cutting my mother off. She glared at me but nodded. "Bring something up!"

We disappeared up the stairs and entered my room.

"Sorry about my Mum acting that way" I sighed and flopped down on my bed while Amelia took a seat on my desk chair (one of those cool spinning ones!) and looked around my bedroom in awe. "She's always bugging me to get out and make friends so she was happy- too happy"

"She seems nice! I like her" Amelia smiled. "I love your bedroom!"

I loved my bedroom too. It had wallpaper that was a pretty shade of purple with pictures of Lucy, Kyle and I plastered onto the walls. I had a huge poster stuck onto the ceiling that said "Young, Wild & Free" and fluffy white carpet to cover the hard wooden floor beneath it. I had a full length window that went from the ceiling to the floor. It had pretty peach silk curtains that were pinned to the side as usual. From there I could go out to the large balcony and see the whole neighbourhood. On the other side of my room I had a window seat with comfy, soft purple cushions which was where I would normally spend my time reading. On the next wall I had a row of bookshelves filled with books (duh) and a desk that had my laptop on it. Beside it were the large purple and white doors that were the entrance to my walk-in closet. Finally, I had a large flat screen TV on the wall across from my king sized bed with a purple and black sofa in front it. Beside the TV was my stereo. Yep, my room was pretty big and awesome.

I sat up crossed leg on my bed and put flat screen on, changing the channel to MTV where they were playing my current favourite song, Suit & Tie by Justin Timberlake.

"What should we do now?" I sighed. Before Amelia could reply, Lucas burst in.

"Knock next time, dickhead" I growled. Lucas merely stuck his tongue out and held up the place of brownies I hadn't noticed he was holding.

"Watch your language missy or my fingers might just 'slip' and there won't be any brownies for you" he laughed with an evil glint in his eyes. Now let me tell you something, you do not joke around with my mother's brownies. She made the best brownies I have ever tasted. They had rich gooey chocolate inside but not too much and were soft and spongy. They taste like heaven, no joke. I was about to insult Lucas when I thought of a much better idea.

"You wouldn't ruin the brownies when we have a guest here, now would you Lucas?" I gave him a sweet smile. Lucas did a double-take when he saw Amelia and nearly dropped the plate of brownies for real.

"Sophie, you didn't tell me you had such beautiful friends!" he said confidently. He placed the brownies of my desk before walking to Amelia. "I'm Lucas" he said kissing her hand and making Amelia blush.

"A-Amelia is my name" she answered, stuttering slightly.

"Did it hurt?" I rolled my eyes knowing what was coming.


"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" Amelia blushed harder if that was even possible and withdrew her hand from Lucas', who had been clutching hers in his.

"Amelia, ignore the jerk" I rolled my eyes again. "He's just a player"

Lucas glared at me and left the room. I shrugged; I wasn't about to let him play my friends.

"Your brother is still cute! I remember when he was the 'king' of school!" she squealed. Lucas had been the King of School before he had left. Everyone envied him or wanted to be with him, much like with Blake.

"But anyway I know what we can do" Amelia continued. "Let's make a bucket list for our last year. I know it's already started but we're not even one month into our senior year so it's not too late!"

"That's actually... a really good idea!" I grinned and ran over to my desk where I got an unused notepad out with a couple of pens. I sat on the floor and beckoned Amelia over. We set to work, talking and discussing different thing to put on our list.


Two hours later, we were finished.


-crash a party

-toilet paper someone from the popular cliques house

-throw a huge prank in school

-get drunk

-kiss someone from the popular clique

- give Blake Richardson a taste of his own medicine

-sit at a different table every two weeks

-throw a HUGE party!

-start a food fight

-graffiti someone's locker

-ask a guy out on a date

-show PDA

-sing in front of everyone in the cafeteria

-do something totally random and disruptive in class

-go to prom


Yeah, it was a pretty long list. All the kissing was Amelia's idea so don't get any wrong ideas! I've got to say though, I was really happy with it. It was going to be a lot of fun and I was looking forward to doing a lot of things on the list.

"Now one more thing" Amelia said.


"You're making up with Lucy!"

"No. Absolutely not. I refuse to apologise!"

"I don't care. We are going to her house right now and you are going to apologise" she gripped my upper arm tightly. Jeeze, who knew such a small person like Amelia could be so strong!? She dragged me out of the house, only pausing to thank my mother for letting her come over and forced me into the car where she put child lock of so I couldn't escape. I probably would have if Lucas hadn't helped her drag me outside.

I was silent on the ride to Lucy's house. I never ever said the first sorry but I guess I'd had to kiss that rule goodbye. Finally, we stopped outside Lucy's familiar house. Amelia grinned and pushed me out. Mumbling under my breath, I made my way up the driveway and pressed the doorbell. Normally, I would walk right in without knocking or anything but I didn't feel comfortable with the idea of barging in when I wasn't on speaking terms with Lucy.

To my relief, Mrs Richardson was the one who opened to door and welcomed me in with a bright smile. Sarah Richardson was like my second mother. She was such a cool mum, always telling me to call her Sarah and never Mrs Richardson because it made her feel old. Now if I called my mum by her first name... Let's not even get started on that.

"Go on right up, Lucy's in her room" Sarah said, smiling once more before disappearing into the kitchen. Taking a deep breath, I began to walk up the stairs. I turned right to go down the little hall that led down to Lucy's bedroom and found myself smacking into something hard.

"Fuck, I hate corners" I grumbled. This wasn't the first time I had bumped into something after turning a corner. I glanced up and found myself looking at a much toned muscled chest. My eyes trailed down and I saw a six pack though some of it was obscured by a towel. Water droplets ran down the person's body making it obvious that they had just had a shower.

"Take a picture babe, it'll last longer" My head snapped up and I immediately shrugged out of the arms of the person.

"I'd rather kiss a three legged pig that have anything to do with you, Blake" I hissed. Ugh why do I always find myself bumping into this jerk when I turn corners? "And don't call me 'babe'. I'm not like any of the sluts who will fall into your arms once you call them that"

"Why would I want you? You're just a nerd" he sneered.

"Says the person I found buying Twilight in Barnes and Noble" I sneered back before running down to Lucy's room. She glanced up and looked surprised to see me.

"Um... hi" I awkwardly said. When she didn't reply, I sighed and continued. ""IJustCameToSayThatI'mReallyReallySorryAndHopeWeCanBeFriendsAgainBecauseIMissYouSoMuch"

Lucy stared at me. I stared at Lucy.




We flung ourselves to each other and hugged like long lost lovers. I pulled away and put my fist out.


"Besties" she bumped her fist against mine. I dragged her  out of the room and outside where we found Amelia leaning against her Mini Cooper and grinning.


"Yup!" I grinned. "Lucy, this is Amelia. I met her in detention. Amelia, this is Lucy my best friend" Lucy and Amelia began chatting and I was happy they were getting along with each other. After the two had finished talking we entered Amelia's car and she drove us back to my house. On the way there we filled Lucy in on everything that had been going on since we stopped talking.

"Wait so let me get this straight, you saw my brother buying Twilight in a book store and also made a bucket list?" she laughed. We nodded and grinned. "Well let's see it then"

I brought out the notepad I had remembered to bring at the last minute and showed Lucy the list. She laughed while reading it and handed me back the notepad after she finished.

"Now that is awesome" she grinned.

"And of course you may join us while we go through the list" I smirked.

"I thought you'd never ask me to join!" she said and fist pumped the air. We all laughed merrily. It was great, sitting there laughing with two of my friends.

"I say we start the bucket list on Monday" Amelia said. We nodded in agreement.

This was going to be one amazing senior year.

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