AWAKENED HEART (The first he...

By unilover85

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Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo met years before their first drama together "THE UNTAMED" They had met on Daytoy year... More

🔞🔞CHAPTER 22 🔞🔞
Announcement ❣️❣️
CHAPTER 54 the


161 18 8
By unilover85

" aaahhh!! Aaah..! Zhan gē...sssth...!! need rest. We need-..aaaaahh!! We need to stop.!"

"Yibo...please...ju- aaahhh!!..just a little while longer ok... please...I still..I still need to feel you inside me.."

Zhan and Yibo had been doing their thing for a few hours and Zhan didn't show any sign of tiredness or of stopping. Yibo had been trying to have him stop but he just couldn't and Zhan was also too irresistible for him to make him stop. Except from his erratic breath and  sweat, Zhan was was ontop then below Yibo and held him in place by wrapping his feet around his waist.

They had not been this close to each other for so long, even before Zhan was kidnapped, they didn't get any closer to each other because Yibo felt uncomfortable in Zhan's parent's house. He had been holding everything in for far too long,but it wasn't just him...Zhan was also in the same predicament as Yibo. He could only see Yibo but not touch him, he would even wake up at night after having a wet dream, soaking wet with sweat and breathing erratically and he would wake up and look at the handsome guy sleeping beside him...stare at him while he slept before he went back to sleep.

Stealing glances at each other was something they got used to, either while the other was sleeping or while doing their everyday business like working. The three bodyguards had already gotten used to it where amongst them...Barry was the one who always felt flustered by those moments.

In the house behind the mansion, the two were feeling the warmth of the warm bath water and listening to each other's heartbeats. Larry was first hassitant to speak about what had happened between them for that long. He was afraid of snapping once he was reminded about Baba had done.

Baba had given Larry a go ahead to ask him whatever he wanted to know. He knew it was best if he became clear with Larry about what happened between him and Alex, he knew he owed him that much. Larry was still contemplating on what to say and how to say it, he wanted the truth but he wanted Baba to understand what has hurt him the most. He stopped playing with Baba's hair and because serious and said...

"Bǎobè you know why I was mad that day...? And why I took so long to cool off...?"

"No...please tell me what else I have done wrong.."

Larry hasitated again and let out a sigh before he continued with a heavy heart and said ...

"You told everyone what you had done, why...?"

"Because I knew I was wrong to have done it, it was never my intention to hurt you like that. But...I had no choice because it is infront of Yibo and Barry gē gē will you nit act upon what you hear.."

"What do you mean by that...?"

"You once punished me for petty things and I didn't want to experience that by telling you alone "

"What makes you think I would hurt you in any way, are you telling me that I'm no different from that monster who is after Zhan...? Am I really that bad.."

"I'm sorry Larry, but I just need to tell it like it is if we want to keep on the way we were before. I was afraid of what you would do if I we were to be alone when I tell you. "

Baba paused for a minute or so before he continued with a heavy heart and said ..."

"I'm sorry Larry...I'm so sorry for betraying your trust like that. If you have no problem with it ..I will answer any question you have for me about what I've done .."

Larry thought for a while before he  said..

"Did you use protection with him...?"


"Was Zhan right about what he said...I mean...what he said about you...was he right...?  Was that the reason..?"


"Were you forced to do it by him or by circumstances..?"

With hesitation he answered Baba knew he had to be truthfully or he wouldn't be able to help himself when the truth comes out in a later stage. So he answers and with a painful nod he said...

"No, no one forced me to do it, I also didn't it because I liked him because I don't.  Just that... Just that he came back one evening and he was drunk, he was blabbering about how his uncle did this and his life was miserable because he had no one to talk to about anything. He was pretty much wasted and I remember that I was pretending to be asleep until he touched me.

Look...I know I was wrong, but it doesn't mean it was easy for me to do it. Even though I wasn't felt terrible to switch roles. It made me realise that what I have with you was special, and if I was asked to be given a second chance to go back and change it I still wouldn't . It was about him more than it was about me even though I was also turned on by the Moises he made. He looked lost and I guess I just wanted to shut him up from his everyday complains about his miserable life and maybe make him realise that he could rise from that experience and be an even better person. Do you understand what I mean..?"

Larry shook his head and looked away, he still didn't understand if Baba had done it because he was turned on by Alex, if he missed his him or what. Any reason was fine except from the one he gave, which was...he only did it for Alex, but he knew if he kept on asking that question then they might probably fight again. He ignored it and just helped Baba take a bath. With that, he completely stopped asking any questions and they finished taking a bath.

Baba felt the dissatisfaction from Larry but he didn't say anything, he just understood that Larry didn't understand so he thought he  might as well stop trying to make him understand. His heart ached as it told him that things would never return to the way they were before he did what he did with Alex. He couldn't only wish and hope  they could change for the better. He couldn't stop looking at Larry as he helped him put on his pyjamas before helping him to the sofa by the bed and he charged the bedding before going back and lay him in bed and joined him.

A few hours later, the sun hovered high above, picking from what looked like rainy clouds...bringing with it a chilling wind that needed nothing but a cup of coffee and a cuddle. The birds hasitated to chirp as they tried to work harder than before rain caught up with them.

The two men in the house at back were still sleeping while those in the mansion were side awake but still decided to cuddle before getting up.
There were only a week before they went back to work and was the most stressed about that.

When he thought about work, he remembered Li jie and how she betrayed him and all the things she said. His mood immediately went down as he stared into the laptop screen on his lap. He sighed and read his emails and arranged some of his work himself before closing down the laptop and went to take a bath.

Yibo was working on his laptop aswell and even Zhan had already found out that if Yibo concerntrated on work then nothing could take his mind elsewhere. Even so...this time it was different as Yibo felt and heard Zhan sigh after looking at the calender on his computer screen. He knew what was on his mind and he felt bad as he was reminded of the woman who Zhan respected turn out to be one of those who wanted to hurt him.

Yibo knew that it was impossible for Zhan to schedule his work by himself because it was very hard and time consuming. It meant he has to personally research the companies who wanted to work with him, checking their authenticity before setting up a date for the appointment of the interview and so on and so forth.

When Zhan went to the bathroom, Yibo took out his phone and called Barry to arrange some things and by the time he got out he was done. Zhan went downstairs to find Baba sipping coffee  while working on his laptop. He looked absent minded and he didn't even notice when Zhan came and sat right besides him. It had become normal for Baba to be like that since he came back from the mission, it was no longer something new to see him like that. But it doesn't mean it didn't worry everyone.

Even with the amount of stress he had, Baba did his job to his fullest best even though Yibo didn't pressure him for the results. He some how wanted to make up for the mission in which he felt like he had failed. To him...he had to perform at his utmost best in order for the mission to be successful.

Zhan nudged him after seeing that he was still focused on work. Baba turned his head and smiled at Zhan and exchanged greetings with him. He closed his laptop and went in the kitchen and brewed tea for Zhan. Everyone in the mansion was a coffee drinker but they never forgot that Zhan drank only tea. They never forgot that he was allergic to many things, so... sometimes when they bought food outside they would ask what was inside the food before they brought it home to share with others.

Yibo didn't want Zhan to eat take aways, he called the restaurants...unreliable when it came to the things they out inside. So..even when take aways was brought home...Zhan would eat the food prepared by the older maid only. Even breakfast was prepared by her, just like that morning when Zhan had greeted her with her smile and she returned it and said she was almost done with breakfast. If Zhan wanted to eat something...Yibo would not allow him to make it himself because he also thought that Zhan was careless whe coming to what he ate, just like the restaurants.

He brought up the incident back in Guizhou when Zhan ate the snacks that he was allergic to and that would render Zhan helpless and he had to watch them eat foods that he wanted to try but Yibo would not let him.

So..just like that...after Baba finished making tea, he and Zhan sat down by the counter and had talk about their current situations. Zhan was stressed but didn't want to show Yibo, Baba was stressed because he knew he had told Larry a lie which he called a 'white lie' last night when he was asked. They could only share their problems with each other without bothering their partners or others around them.

Zhan had always felt guilty about the way Yibo did things for him and he didn't want to burden him more with his problems. He preferred to keep it to himself. Baba also didn't see the need to tell Larry the truth because he thought Larry wouldn't understand how he worked. So..they talked about it with Zhan being the first..while they waited for everyone to gather for breakfast. There was an hour or so remaining for everyone to come down and in to have breakfast, which gave the two enough time to talk about their worries.

Zhan breathed heavily and said...

"You know Ba gē, I'm going back to work in a few days and I haven't had time to even process what Li jie had done. I don't have a manager now and I feel pressured. I don't know... sometimes...these days...I even think of retiring from this industry. But I can't cause I had first set a goal before retiring.

I wanted to make at least two or three movies, series and dramas. Maybe host a show or something before going back to do what I'm very good at...which is designing. I know things dont always work according to our plan but...what can I do when hings are like this. I don't feel the excitement I felt before starting in this industry, I'm not as thick skinned ad Yibo looks like.

There are some things that had happened that I still haven't told Yibo. I was blamed for the ratings of a drama once, I was accused of sleeping with the production manager and...I was gossiped at work about things that I don't even know about. (Sigh) I don't know..maybe I'm just tired of having to explain myself to the world.y fans are great, I cannot lie...and they're the ones who makes me want to keep going no matter what.

But it doesn't change a thing cause at the end of the day...I still have a life to live except from them. I don't want to sound insensitive but they sometimes are the reason for the pressure I feel. They see me like some kind of God who doesn't make mistakes and who has no life to life apart from the life they see me from dramas. Back then...I was forced to change my opinions about life all because of them, I just don't want to dissapoint them, that's all.

So unknowingly....I ended up living this fake life, and I sometimes feel like I've stolen something or feel like I'm doing something wrong as long as it was apart from what my fans see and expect from me. I don't want to live like that anymore, I'm tired of all this."

Zhan finished talking and took another sip of his tea before turning to look at Baba with a pained smile on his face. Baba had been listening to Zhan the whole time and he didn't know that things were like that, not only to him, but to other actors as well. He thought about it as Zhan spoke and it made sense to him that Zhan and other people change themselves unknowingly or knowingly sometimes because of their fans or the work they get to do. He sipped his coffee and kept quite for a minute before he said..

"I didn't know..I'm sorry that you have to live that kind of life. Is that why you refused to leave the mansion and go out to catch movies or accompany boss to his meetings last week...?"

"Yes...if my fans see me there..and they see Yibo...they will start assuming things...and even though those things would be true...I still want it to be a secret because it is my private life afterall. I also don't want created any problems for Yibo, his fans a mostly women and I know how many of them feel about him.

I had to listen to them talk about him in a way that I sometimes felt jealous...(chuckle) it's really embarrassing to get jealous over that. But the thing is...sometimes...these people fantasize him in an intimate way and those levels vary. Not only people from work but also our fans.

Since our drama had released a month ago, my phone hasn't stopped receiving emails and I guess the phone calls and other emails were recieved by Li jie. Now that she's been arrested...I don't know if I can get ahold of them. Our fans had even went as far as creating a fan club for Yibo and I. There are many of them and if you could see the thighs some of those fans post...if you could read the stories they wrote about us...(laugh) I mean...some of them are true but ...some are just wild.

To me...that is not a big of a problem, as a designer I know being creative needs a little of imagination to succeed. They're just stories, but I just hope they done invade too much of my privacy. I know many of them done know me...but even so...I'm a living person who has feelings just like them. So...whatever they write or edit...they should be respectful about it, even for Yibo as well. I don't want him to face any problems because of their carelessness.

The things is some fans might read them and just a fan fiction, but there are those who might not understand that and end up stalking us just like they did once. I just don't want that."

Zhan became sad and Baba didn't know what to say to him, he wanted to comfort him but it was difficult sometimes to comfort someone when you also have your own problems. If it was possible..Baba would give Zhan a hug, but his boss had made it clear that they shouldn't touch Zhan at all. He even went as far as measuring the distance between Zhan and others and if it was too close...he would look simply tell them to move away a little.

Baba thought for a little and then decided to unload his heavy heart aswell. He also needed someone to talk to about his problems and he realised that Zhan was the only one who understands him well. Even though he had Jake as a friend, he still couldn't tell him everything because there were some things about their mission and about Yibo that they had to keep a secret at all cost. Just like his he brought Jake to the mansion the first time. So..he started and said...

"You know...that's what I didn't want Larry. I lied to him last night when he asked why I sleep with Alex. I don't think he should know that I did it to protect him. He doesn't understand how difficult it was and how uncomfortable it was for me to do what I did with Alex. I felt disgusted but his life was on the line so I had to save him. Now...when I look at him looking at me, I see his disgusted he is with me. I mean ..I expected others to not understand, but him....? He was supposed to get it from the start but you even beat him to it. I don't know...maybe I'm just hoping for too much."

Zhan diced his postures.d with his mouth open to an oh! His eyebrows arched trying to understand what Baba had just said.

"Ba gē...what do you mean..? Ar- are you telling me that someone Alex wanted to kill Lar gē...?"

"(Painful chuckle) after all...I'm just not that loyal to him to even think of other possibilities. So...I don't want him to know, I wanted him to trust me and he...he-"

"But Ba gē, you need to tell me what happened that day. What really happened to us..? Please..I need to hear your part of the story."

"My story is not important, you alre-"

"For me....your story is the one that I want to listen to, please..."

Zhan's eyes held pain and Baba knew he couldn't let him feel that guilty for ruining his relationship. He knew he atleast owed Zhan a story of how he saved them...the real story. He was about to talk when a WeChat sounded in Zhan's phone, it was Yibo asking where he was. He told Baba to hold on for a moment and that he needed to reply Yibo. The message was like this..

" Are you downstairs..?"


"Ok.. come upstairs, we need to discuss something"

"Give me thirty minutes...I'm busy now...
- don't come downstairs...
-tell your men not to come in either, I'm with Ba gē right now."

"Something wrong..?"

"I don't know...
- about to find out "

Yibo didn't text back and Zhan also exited his WeChat and he fiddled with his phone before outing it in silence and placed it on the table to show Baba that he had his undivided attention. Baba continued..

"That day...the first day of my mission, I went straight to the bar which Alex owned. I sat at the corner alone...looking at him and trying to study him. I didn't know that the majority of people in there were his people. I just ordered a glass of martini and studied him unknown to me that his men were also studying me. The next thing I know was that he was standing right infornt of me with a glass of whiskey in his hand and with a bright smile on his face.

He asked me why I was looking at him like that and my spy brain kicked in and I simply told him that it was because I liked him. He immediately sat down with me and I could see by the way he smiled that he liked me aswell.

We spoke for eight hours straight before I too him I needed to go. I told him I was looking for a place to stay for a month before he insisted I stay with him. He had an apartment near the bar and we went there. The first day was the hardest because he expected me to sleep with him, I had to come up with excuses to not do thay with him.

I felt off, I had already known that our positions were similar when I first saw him and when he came next to brain screamed disgust. But..for the mission...I endured it and made out with him. It went in up until the day you were kidnapped. On the third day, I heard him talk to his men as they reported that his uncle had kidnapped someone on the highway. That that someone was very important to his uncle to a point where he himself even led the mission and that he was in the car they put you in after taking you.

I remembered that Larry was with you cause he was your driver at the time, so...I tried to call him but his phone was off. I was trying his phone for a while when Alex saw me trying to get ahold of someone and with a blink of my eye he was next to me asking me questions. He asked me why I was acting strange and I told him that I recieved a call from my brother's boss that he has to come to work for a few days. He saw the worry I had in my face, it wasn't he wasn't able to tell anything.

He asked who my brother was and I showed him a picture of Larry. Within a few seconds he called his men over and showed them the picture in my phone and told them to look for him. His men left and I was left with only him in his apartment. I needed to find ways to gain entry to his uncle's house and I had to come up with ways to do that. Luckily...he hated his uncle and it was easy to manipulate him into blaming his uncle for everything.

I told his that he needed to be next to his uncle so that he sees his weak spot for him to attack. We planned it so well Md he agreed to everything because I told him I was going to be there with him to make sure that the mission succeeded.

It was later in the afternoon when we went to his uncle's house. When we entered...he was in a relatively good mood and I didn't know why until I remembered what Alex's men said about his uncle kidnapping someone. My brain went straight to the cause and confirmed my suspicions about Larry and Zhan being kidnapped. I just prayed that he wasn't hurt or killed because he wanted you...not Larry. So there was a chance if him killing Larry just for fun.

Alex introduced us and he seemed to like what I was selling. I mean..I could see it in his eyes that he knew  which position I took. His creepy look brought shivers to my spine and later I told Alex about it, he told me the whole story...his whole story about how he got in his uncle's house. I felt sorry for him and I sympathized with him but I was afraid that his uncle would force himself on me. So..I persuaded Alex into asking his uncle's men in the mansion to look at Larry's picture and ask if he was in the there

Sure suspicions were one hundred percent confirmed when one of the men pointed out to the direction where they kept you and Larry and said they looked the same. I also him to help me get in there and he refused saying that if his uncle caught us we would be in big trouble. I didn't care about that, I knew Yibo was going more crazy than I was because he didn't know where you were, at least I knew so I wasn't that much scared for then as much as I was scared for myself.

That day,in the evening...I asked him to help me again and he still didn't want to do anything to anger his uncle. I couldn't get how much of a coward he was, I mean...we went there to plan to take his uncle down..or that was my plan, but his...was to sabotage his uncle's connections since he knew a lot about them. But even so...he in shivers when I mentioned it to him later on and he blocked my mouth. So I knew time was running out and I had to come up with a plan for him to help me save my 'brother'.

So...I acted upset and he knew I had to be. What kind of a boyfriend was if he didn't help me save him. I went to the bathroom and took a shower, and just as I had guessed...he followed me. Him being the biggest seducer he was, tried to seduce me, but I wasn't turned on because of our position. That was a good thing cause I wasn't moved at all, I let him touch me so that he became much more turned on than he was and he realised that I wasn't up.

He looked into my eyes, warm water in our faces and him holding my shoulders and I could see the dissapointment in his eyes. I mean...he fell for it cause he held my head in place and looked in my eyes and told me he was going to help me rescue my 'brother'. I was so happy he decided to do that and because we were in a shower...naked..I could see how turned in he was.

It wasn't only that day, everytime I came up with excuses to not sleep with him he would rush to the bathroom and I already knew what he was doing in the bathroom. I felt sorry for him you know, he was a good guy who had it tough in life. We were making out when his phone rang, he had wanted to ignore it thinking that I would go on with our sessions and take him. But I convinced him that he needed to take the call and that it might be important. He was adamant but he went on and picked up the call.

It was his men who had went out looking for Larry and they told him something that made him so angry that he came in the bathroom again and dragged me out of the running shower back into the bedroom. By then..I could see that the look he had in his eyes had changed when he looked at me. I asked him what was the reason for his sudden action when he went out and blankly told me that I lied to him.

I was so scared that he had found my mission out, how was I going to help you them cause it meant I would die with Larry there and you will remain with that monster. I couldn't think straight until he told me that his men had found out information that I was in a relationship with Larry. It was a relief to me that at least they hadn't found out my mission.

I knew how to handle that so I just smiled and blankly asked him if I had to tell him to save my ex boyfriend from the hands of his uncle. He let go of my hand which he had tightly grabbed and he  sat down on the bed with a defeated look on his face. He was hurt, I could see it. It wasn't because he found out that Larry was my ex, but because I lie to him. To him...honesty was everything and him being a good guy he was, didn't deserved a liar such as me in his life as a boyfriend .

We sat down and we talked, I told him everything I cooked up except the part that I knew you, and the part that Larry and I were still in a relationship. I asked him how he would feel if he saw his ex die infront of him and he had a chance to save him and he didn't. Well...him being a good and sensitive guy he was saw my point and told me that he would help me save both of you. I was so happy to hear him says that, but my happiness was short lived as his man called again and told him that his uncle had ordered for the hindrance to be killed.

The hindrance was Chen's AKA brother as known by Alex's men and ex boyfriend known by Alex and Bǎobèi known by me. He panicked and for the first time..he wanted to face his uncle, for me. For me..he decide to go to his uncle and tel him that he can have him for the night if only he gave him Larry as his bodyguard. His uncle was tempted at first, he didn't see me hiding behind the stairs as he told Alex that he was damaged goods and that I won't even give him what he needed. He kicked him by saying that he was hot and that he missed his member inside him because his boyfriend couldn't because our positions collided.

That was a hard blow for Alex and I knew I had to step out from hiding and do something before it's too late. I went to them and greeted his uncle, luckily...they didn't realise that I heard what they were talking about as I had pretended but I spoke according to the look I saw in Alex's face and I asked him what was the problem.

He pretended infornt of his uncle and said he was fine, but I knew, cause I heard and told him I could see he wasn't ok. He still refused to speak, this was the second time I had seen him like that. The first being when I told him who Larry was to me and a lie about who Chen AKA me...was. I hugged him and kissed him on his forehead and he still didn't calm down. I didn't all that infront of his uncle, so that he could see that I was capable of satisfying Alex.

I don't know how he knew my position but I was adamant to prove him wrong infront right at that time. Well...I know I'm pretty but that old man isn't my type. I knew by the way he looked at me when we arrived in his mansion that he was sizing me up. Him being infront of me made my skin crawl and I seized that opportunity to make him back away from whatever he was thinking about me.

I passionately kissed Alex and within a minute he was breathless when I held him by the hand and dragged him upstairs to his bedroom. I somehow knew that he was going to listen in on us and I made sure to make Alex scream my name as I did things that his uncle had never done to him before.

And I was right, he followed shortly after and I could see by the shadow down the closed bedroom door that he was standing outside when I did things to his nephew. I was satisfied everytime he moaned my name and I whisper in his ears to moan louder, to scream my name louder and not hold anything back. I was happy that he didn't dissapoint me and that he was over his uncle. I had already sized his uncle up as well the time I shook hands with him when we first met. He was just like us, his position I mean...was just like ours but he was hiding it from everyone.

He wanted power and to him, he didn't want to be considered weak and he thought being a bottom was being weak when it actually means we're stronger than those who top us. We are able to handle that much pain and if the positions were to be reversed or if tops agreed to feel what it's like...I don't think they would be able to take it. That's why I always got mad when Larry punished me like that, causs he just doesn't understand the pain we feel when we are treated like that.

His uncle must have wanted the same thing casus the next morning he looked different than how I met him and his he was the previous night. His eyes were softer and kinder, I think he must have embraced his position in his sexuality but...he still didn't want to let you go. I think he wanted you to make him dominant infront of his peers...I don't know. But he was content, and looked more of a bottom that morning and I told Alex who told me about the rumour about his uncle and his personal bodyguard.

Well...the rest you heard I the recording, even the reason why Alex decided to kill his uncle's personal guard was to make sure he's left with no one who loved him. No one to trust and no family.

I felt grateful for Alex to want to help me save you two, especially Larry who was going to be killed by risking his own safety. He had told me how much his uncle tortured me when he always came into his room for sex and I was shocked that he wanted that just to save my ex from being killed.

I didn't stop until I saw that he was gone from the door, and that took atleast two hours. When he left, I stoped and I even faked a cum when he had done it several times already. It was enough for me, me sleeping with him wasn't about satisfying me in the first place so I didn't feel brother because my mind had already been trained by Larry . Our activities during our intimate moments can only be sparked by him on my side. This means that I might get turned on as I was with Alex by my own actions, but I wasn't satisfied because my body what was supposed to happen so that I can release. I don't know if you understand me Zhan."

After minutes of listening to Baba, Zhan had heard what he needed to hear. He smiled and looked Baba in the eyes so that he could carefully and gratefully really the message he was bout to give. He placed his hand on top of Baba's on the kitchen counter and squeezed it a little and said...

"Ba gē...I did not know how much you went through just to save us. Gē gē, thank you for saving my life. I will forever remain grateful to you for that day and for many other that have passed. Thank you."

Zhan was very sincere and even Baba could feel it, and by the time everyone started to gather in the kitchen for breakfast. Larry and Barry came inside and greeted them. Followed by Yibo who came downstairs with his eyes on Zhan. He smiled as he reached where they were and hung his hand in his shoulder before pecking Zhan's cheek. They all heard what Zhan had said and within that slip of a second...Larry realised the mistake he made.

He realised that he had since blamed Baba for what he did to him and never took his time to consider what Baba did for him. Placed his hand ontop of Baba's head, just like he always liked to do and when Baba looked up at him standing besides him, Larry smiled and said...

"Bǎobèi...thank you for saving us that day, if you weren't there...I don't know what would have happened. I'm grateful for everything and ..."

Larry hesitated for a second and looked at everyone standing there. He looked ambarassed to say what he wanted to say when Zhan said to him..

"Gē...we all make mistakes sometimes."

That was all Zhan had to say for Larry to say what he stopped himself from saying...

"Bǎobèi...I'm sorry for the things I said and done, I'm sorry...I guess I needed to so much to know that you still loved me that I forgot what's important. I'm sorry about that, I will try to think passed what I was so angry about, I promise that I will talk to you again once my heart is content."

Zhan immediately added..

"You dot have to wait too long, here..."

Zham handed his phone to Larry who looked at Yibo and back at Zhan again. He didn't understand what Zhan meant by his actions and he didn't ask until Zhan spoke again..

"Ba gē..I'm sorry... I recorded your side of the story cause I knew you wouldn't tell it to anyone. But it needs to be heard by the one who you were supposed to share with also. Lar gē was mad at you and you had the key to making him understand and you kept it from him.

Now I and Lar gē are just stubborn and always want to make each other to guess how you feel about each other. Just like Lar gē, if you were not sure anymore that Ba gē loved you then why didn't you also him instead of being angry with him and stealing glances at him. And you...Ba gē... you shouldn't confess your mistake like that out of the blue and expect Lar gē to understand it because you want him to trusts you. I'm sorry but you guys are being childish..!!"(humph)

Two very louder laugjters sounded in the kitchen, Yibo and Barry were laughing at what Zhan had said. And now that it had been said,the two thought about it for a second before chuckling in embarrassment. They knew it was true but they didn't realise it at first I til it was limited out to them. Barry couldn't help himself and laughed so hard that he held his stomach, and Yibo...well...even his men had never heard Yibo laugh that hard and that loud.

Zhan was still pouting and he made Yibo have all kinds of feelings looking at his pouted lips and he wished they were in the bedroom at that moment. Everyone had breakfast and throughout the meal, bursts of laughter escaped Barry's lips. He has tried so hard to contain them but when he looked at Zhan's pouted lips he couldn't stop himself from thinking about the advice Zhan had given to his two gēgē 's and that amused him.

Yibo only looked at him and smiled , containing his laughter cause if he even  chuckled, Zhan would be upset at him and he couldn't have that. As for the two who were told off by someone younger that them, they were embarrassed to a point that their eyes only focused on their played of food and nothing else. Zhan's phone was in Larry's pocket and he wanted to finish his breakfast so he could go and listen what baba said about him.

Even so....he couldn't show it because it felt as if Zhan could read their minds or see what even they couldn't see about themselves, so...he just acted as if he wasn't in a rush to do it.  He had tried giving Zhan back his phone but Zhan refused and said he had to listen.

The day went well for everyone, Larry was in their room listening to the recording. Baba was in the security room with Barry. Yibo and Zham were upstairs discussing about work. Yibo had told Zhan that he needed to find a manager before they went back to work the following week or he would have to take some measures.

Zhan didn't know where to start but he knew it was something he had to do before the end if the week. Yibo continued with the orphanage projects and sport activities where Zhan was replying the emails which were originally in Li jie's phone. Yes..
Larry had hacked her switched off phone in the prison cabinet and retrieved every information concerning Zhan and his work.

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