By rndlie

5.7K 313 319

" 𝒍𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒌𝒚 𝒇𝒂𝒍𝒍, 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒊𝒕 𝒄𝒓𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒍𝒆𝒔 " " 𝒘𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒍, 𝒇𝒂�... More



97 5 3
By rndlie

sad maxy ☹️

soy milk is milk introducing themselves in spanish




be mean sady maxy
attachment: 2 images

my cutest little ones ever!!!

make them fairies next time

i tried
they don't fit
only boo fits in it
jello fits in bumblebee

i love her

lil bb
come over

i'm busy

for me? 😤😤

i work el

ok fine
but i've been lonely
and sad
and betrayed like 🔪
me so sad
i might jump off the building

don't do that

uhoh i might

you'd be a bad dolly

ok fine
come over wanna talk

bout what

how mike tried to get me arrested and i'm all sad

what the fuvk
you didn't tell me that

yeah cuz i was sad

i'm going to kill him

i would've already

give me an hour
i'm across town

i play w my animals

i'm gonna fucking kill him

not yet 🥰🥰

read 3:23pm

contact changed to angry sad maxy

ding dong.

el stopped what she was doing, which was brushing boo-boo's fur and instantly walked to the front door with a large smile.


max held up a cutter. "this can cause deep wounds for him,"

el gasped in delight and covered her mouth with the warmest smile. "i missed you, maxy!"

max began to smile. "me too," she walked in when el moved to the side for her and the three rottweilers instantly went to greet her.

"no one's home except for grace,"

"who's grace?"

el sighed dramatically. "some nurse dante hired for me. he thinks i can't be alone," her eyes rolled and she placed her hands on her hips.

max made a face but then smiled. "that's nice of him but it gives me deja vu." she looked around the house as el walked to the stairs. "let's go my room,"

max bent and gave the dogs another pet before motioning for them to follow her upstairs.

el jumped on her bed with a yawn, max following before el furrowed her brows when she heard a squeal.

turning her head, she saw boo-boo waddle out of her bathroom with a towel on his head and el snickered before bursting out into laughter.

"c'mere, boo," she leaned down to assist him before bringing him onto the bed.

max did the same with the rottweilers and then el turned on the tv in her room. "hey, no movies to distract you. tell me what happened,"

el gave a shrug, giggling when she rubbed boo-boo's stomach, tickling him with kisses.


she shrugged again and turned her head. "a lot happened. i don't know where to begin,"

"okay, let's start with why you're sad and why i shouldn't chop his dick off?"

"hey, he has a nice dick."

"don't feel sad for him, el,"

"but he was tricked too... even if he tricked me,"

max glared harder.

"you know he lost his memories right..."

max nodded silently.

"well he did. remember when they used to shock us when we were bad?" she asked and max nodded. "yes, but i never was bad enough to get punished,"

el rolled her eyes. "okay, max,"

she sighed before continuing and gently scratched boo-boo's head. "basically they overdid it and he lost his memories. he thought he was in a car accident though,"

"anyways, i was really happy to see him again but after a few times... i felt something was off. but i'm cuckoo so i just wanted his company still... but dante found out that the hospital did it on purpose. when he woke up, they told him it was a car accident and that he worked for some organisation. i don't know, max, they were using him to get to me."

"get to you? as in bring you back to the insane asylum?"

el shook her head, head dipped down. "i... i kill people... evils... he was... i thought it was weird how he didn't run away from me. how he wanted to come to my house. how he asked so many questions. i caught him in dante's office twice. he wanted to get us arrested,"

max remained still at the information, her expression frozen.

"but we knew so we planted fake information. i guess i don't feel as sad because i already knew we wouldn't last. i still am sad though... but he was tricked too. he didn't know what happened. they used him,"

"who'd you kill?"

"people who did us wrong. it started with... my mama. then my first boyfriend after mike. his friends too. and the people who hurt dante's sister. but then i realised more evils like them were out there... i wanted to stop them and make the world better so i continued. IM HELPING THE WORLD! WHY AM I THE EVIL ONE!?"

"because killing is a crime. that's all they care about, el,"

el sniffled and rubbed her nose. "i guess. i think i'm crazy because even if i knew he only was with me to hurt me, i still wanted to stay. just so we could spend more time together. am i crazy? i am, aren't i?"

"you aren't, el. you loved him,"

el's gaze softened. "i did. i miss him... i wonder what he's doing now..."

punching a punching bag was what he was doing.

"fuck off," he snarled, continuing his rage filled hits on the bag. "i'm not coming back,"

"mike, i know you're—"

"all you've done is fucking lie. for six years! i'm done with this shit,"

"you cant quit over that girl,"

"she's not just a fucking girl!" he screamed, turning to face him. "and i'm not quitting because of her. i'm quitting because i've never known what i wanted. i woke up, you were there. i lost everything and only you were there to tell me what to fucking do. and not to mention, you ruined everything for me!"

"ruined!? i saved you! you would be in a fucking jail for—"

"i didn't do shit."

"and how would you know? you don't remember,"

mike chuckled with a smile, shaking his head at him. "my father didn't die." he looked back. "you may leave. don't come back here again,"

"you'll regret this one day, mike. you're throwing everything away for a girl that will rot in a fucking prison for her crimes." he turned his body and headed for the door.

"you're not the police, liam. what protection do you have?" mike turned back and continued his punches.

liam stopped with his hand on the handle. "and why would i need protection?"

"because she will come for you. for touching her and most importantly, her brother."

"he will go down too—"

"and for what? owning a security company? you should watch out, liam... she is going to come for you first,"

a smirk made its way to mikes face as he licked his lips. "you should lock your doors, liam,"

a scowl made its way to his face and he gripped onto the handle before leaving and making sure he slammed the door close.

with one last punch to the bag, mike pulled back and took off his gloves, throwing them aside before running a hand through his wet hair.

walking over to the bench, he reached over for his phone and dialled it, putting it on speaker.

"mike wheeler, kill yourself,"

he smiled from ear to ear. "hi, little devil,"

"kill. your. self." she sneered.

"why did you answer again?"

"because it will keep ringing,"

"then you should have just declined,"


"come out for a drink?"

"no. like i said; kill—"

"myself? i wish, el. i have a surprise for you,"

"what is it? you gon' trick me and then—"

"i won't. you'll love it. come and find out." he grinned, grabbing a towel to wipe his sweat. "benny's. in an hour,"

"michael fucking wheel—"

"see you, little devil," he hung up on her before her string of cuss words came through and he held back a snicker before walking out of the gym room, back into his house.

she sat down aggressively across from him, a glare on her face as he gave the softest smile in return. "you look pretty,"

"shut up," she mumbled but still blushed, playing with the ends of her hair.

he slid the menu over to her and she looked down before looking up at him again. "i'm not here to eat, mike. i may want to slice you open and eat you but no,"

"how kinky,"

her eyes rolled and that made him grin.

"you said you had a surprise,"

he went ahead and changed the topic. "where's boo and the three dogs? i bet jello misses me,"

"stop changing the fucking subject,"

he straightened up, folding his arms on the table. "after lunch. i'll tell you,"

that made her glare more and for a growl to escape her. "i hate you so fucking much right now. i hope you know that,"

he reached over and grabbed her hand, kissing the back of her palm as she looked at him with disgust. "order me something,"

"my pleasure, little devil,"

her gaze softened, eyes running over him with furrowed brows. "something is up with you,"

his head tilted and he smiled. "is there?"

she stared at him, looking down at his hand in hers before looking back up for their gaze to meet. "you remember," her voice was quiet. "you remember," she stated a little louder with a growing smile.

he tapped his chin and smirked. "oh, do i now?"

a little squeal escaped her and he leaned over, wrapping his fingers around her chin to pull her in for a kiss.

she melted as their lips connected, eyes closing as she deepened the kiss.

but the she pulled back and put a hand up in between them. "wait... are you lying?" she began to frown and his smile dropped a little.

"remember that one time you snuck into my room late at night and you tried to scare me? and the whole hospital tried to find you but you were hidden under my bed till the next morning because you fell asleep before you even scared me?"

a giggle escaped her lips and she nodded. "yes, yes, i remember that. i was punished!"

"yes, then you came back again and we fucked,"

"oooh, we did. then we had another sleepover in your room because you never leave your room."

"i hate talking to people,"

her eyes twinkled and she leaned forward a little. "you really do remember."

"i did."

"how? when?"

"it slowly came back to me last week. it was weird, it felt like a dream. but then i realised i wasn't... maybe i don't remember all of it but i remember enough,"

"like how we met in there?"

"you insisted my room was yours till proven wrong. you were pretty cute,"

"aww! you do remember! i liked that because you came out naked when i laid on the bed,"

his eyes rolled. "that was not a good first impression,"

"i'm happy you remember everything now," she reached over and touched his hair. "but i'm still mad at you,"

"hey, i'm mad too. i remember how they strapped me down and fucking shocked me to death,"

she glared. "fucking cunts,"

"i quit my job though,"

"what job? it was barely a job, mike,"

"hey, i was paid a lot,"

"and? hanging out with me is fun," she looked down at her phone.

"who you texting?"

"dante. he's outside," she told him just as the door jingled when it opened and dante walked into the restaurant and sat down next to el.

"he remembers,"

"so you've said in your text," dante remarked but his scowl remained. "and how do we know he's not faking it?"

"he remembers the naughty things only we know,"

dante hummed and looked over mike. "you quit your job?"


"and they don't care?"

"yeah, they do. who said they didn't?" mike shrugged. "speaking of they're coming for you by the end of the week,"

el began to smile.

"i know you have a plan though,"

el furrowed her brows. "and you don't care anymore? you seemed..." she looked over at dante to find the word.

"that was before i remembered what they fucking did to me," he glared. "or what my father did to my mother,"

"don't worry, mike. he will die soon,"

he remained emotionless. "i'll handle it." he checked the time on his watch. "i need to visit my mom,"

"in hawkins?" she whispered. "but that's far,"

"i'll be back by friday."

"and you're staying away?"

"el," dante interjected. "that's a good thing. so he doesn't fuck things up,"

"i'll have you know i saved your ass,"

dante stood. "you were just an idiot to take files that were named the boo-boo project without looking,"

el let out a giggle and leaned over to kiss mikes cheek. "you'll be excited when you're back,"

"boo-boo project," she laughed to herself before standing, giving mike a wave by the fingers before following dante out.

"wait till he hears about the espresso project," dante murmured to her and she bursted out into laughter before entering the car where he held the door open for her.

her laughter died down into fits of giggles and she looked down at her phone before going to text max.

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