Valera Targaryen: The Storm B...

By imhigherthansnoop

303K 10.1K 504

Princess Valera Targaryen, is the first child of Viserys Targaryen and Aemma Arryn. Valera was born during o... More



4.1K 137 9
By imhigherthansnoop

106 AC
Time skip.... still in Dorne

As the next two moons passed and a new year graced the kingdoms, tensions in the Dornish court began to arise.

Whispers of Daemon and Valeras close relationship began swirling through the halls as well as suspicions of the true nature of Valeras condition. The new estrangement between the betrothed only worsened the situation. Many of King Castos advisors suggested that the engagement between the Prince and Princess be annulled, fearing that the ruling Dornish line could be ended if Valera were to birth a full blooded Targaryen. The royal court pushed even harder for the split of the two once the gossip seeped out of the palace walls and into the mouths of the common folk.

The Targaryens and Martells tried to live together in harmony, but the fiery relationship between uncle and niece only created turmoil between the two families, especially the men. Arguments began to spark between the royals, Valera having to seperate Daemon and Qoren at times in fear of what they may do to one another.

The Princess recalled the most recent quarrel, it occurred a few night prior at dinner when Qoren invited her to dance with him. The song that was playing when Valera and Qoren first met the many moons prior in Kings Landing began playing. Hearing the song caused a nostalgic king of happiness to sweep over the dark haired-tan male. At the suggestion, Daemon Targaryen felt insulted and angered at the idea of anyone even thinking about touching what was his and the audacity of him to mention it in front of him. Prince Daemon instantly stood from his place next to Valera, drawing Dark Sister from his belt with a hiss and pointing it across the table at Qoren Martell.

Valera quickly removed her lover from the room, scolding him for his actions and reminding him that she was still betrothed to Qoren. Seeing Valera defend the Martel man propelled him into a state of uncontrollable fury. Daemon stormed from the castle, mounted Caraxes and flew from the Water Gardens of Dorne; not yet having returned.

The silver haired Princess stood in front of the vibrant purple egg that lay atop hot coals, staring in to the hatching bed as if in a trance. Her eyes were brimmed with tears as she gazed into the fiery bowl and her arms wrapped themselves around her growing bump. The girls mind was scattered, trying to remember the last time she felt the child within her, move.

An intense anxiety plagued the girl from the moment she awoke from her coma and a deep fear nested itself into her gut over the fate of the child she held within.

Finally breaking Valera away from her thoughts, Ser Erryk announced the arrival of Princes Arianna. She quickly wiped her eyes with the sleeves of her silk dress, blinking rapidly in hopes of looking like she hadn't just been on the edge of tears.

Arianna smiled widely at her friend, rushing to give her a hug as she was allowed in to the room. The bright and contagious smile of the Martel girl always seemed to bring comfort to Valera, causing a smile to appear upon her own lips even when she was in the sourest of moods.

"You've been cooped up in here all day," Arianna sighed, reaching for her friends swollen belly after hugging her friend, "is he making you unwell?" The brunette asked softly, again voicing her opinion on the babes gender.

A fortnight prior, the two girls had participated in a Dornish ritual that is said to accurately predict a child's gender. The mother drinks a tea that is brewed from a strong herb that induces a sort of hypnotic state where she will see a glimpse of her future child, allowing them to know if it is a girl or boy they are having. The tea is said to be infused with ancient

After Valera took the tea, it took her 15 minutes to fall into the dream like state and what she saw terrified her. The vision was hardly a few seconds but what she saw was etched into her memory.

Valera shook her head in response to her question, "Se rus dīnagon daor," the babe does not move, the Princess admitted in her mother tongue, knowing her friend is not yet skilled enough in the language to know what she said.

"I don't know what you said," Arianna sighed in dismay, knowing that her friend is only being difficult because Daemon had to leave for Dragon Stone a few days before.

"The babe does not bother," Valera lied to her friend, turning back to stare at the egg that gleamed like amethyst in the sun, even when Dorne is covered in rain clouds. "Any word from Daemon?"

"No," Arianna responded, going to stand next to her friend. Arianna wrapped her arm around the shoulders of Valera, pulling her into a side hug. "I'm sure he will return to you soon."

Valera pressed her lips together into a thin line and gave a small nod, wanting to believe what her friend said. A part of her felt as though Daemon wouldn't return but she needed to believe that he would once he had time to ease his mind.

A few moments of silence passed between the two girls as they watched the rain fall from the heavens, drenching the earth beneath them. Finally, Arianna broke the silence, hoping to raise the girls spirits with the information she was about to share.

"We got a new shipment of books from Essos and Asshai..."

This statement brought a sense of excitement over the two girls. After their first month living together, Valera entrusted Arianna with one of her deepest secrets. That of which is, her deep fascination with magic, especially the ancient magic seen is Asshai and Old Valyria.

Ever since, Arianna would help Valera scower their library from top to bottom looking for every possible entry about the magic their world possessed. The Martell girl had become infatuated herself and the two even began secretly practicing minor spells together in the cover of darkness.

The two vowed to keep their extracurricular activities secret, only discussing it between one another for they did not wishing any gossip to come from their shared interests.


"Princess Valera, a raven from Kings Landing has arrived," Maester Alton told the silver haired girl who was curled up on the sofa of the library, reading.

"Thank you," Valera responded, reach out to take the  rolled piece of parchment from the aging man.

"How is the child?" He inquired, hands going to clasp behind his back in a professional stance.

Valera shrugged, looking away from the maester. When she spoke, her voice came out in a whisper, "he does not move much."

"Well..." the maester sighed, pondering his thoughts for a moment before, "there could be a few reasons for that, Princess. You have been in much emotional duress this past sennight which could pass on to the child. I could make a tea to stir the child if you please."

Valera nodded rapidly in agreement, thanking the maester one more time before dismissing him.

Alone once more; Valera broken open the red Targaryen seal that starkly contrasted the yellow-white parchment. Unrolling the scroll, Valeras eyes quickly darted across the letter, absorbing the information it held in a haste.

As the words registered in her mind, the girls chest began to rise and fall rapidly and warm tears pricked her lilac eyes. Her hands trembled as she rose from the seat and walked towards the fire. Valera crumpled the paper in her hands, a light sob escaping her lips as she tossed the letter into the crackling flames.

"He can't."

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