By rndlie

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" 𝒍𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒌𝒚 𝒇𝒂𝒍𝒍, 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒊𝒕 𝒄𝒓𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒍𝒆𝒔 " " 𝒘𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒍, 𝒇𝒂�... More



127 6 0
By rndlie

mike: where are you, devil?

el growled, trying to push dustin away as he put a beanie on her. "go away!" she let out a bark to scare him off before her expression turned and she smiled down at her phone.

"stop texting," lucas told her and slid over the remaining plate of lunch to her. "eat,"

she placed a finger to her lips. "shh!"

el: eating

el: join us

mike: us?

el: ugh mike our old friends! they'd love to see you

mike: nah i shouldn't, i don't remember them. it'll be too awkward.

el: 🙄😤 you're too awkward.

mike: don't full stop me.

el: .

el: we're at the italian place if you want to come

she put her phone down and then picked up a piece of bread, turning to max to shove it in her mouth. "yummy,"

max tried to soften her glare as she grunted.

"when can we see the new house?" dustin asked as will gave him a shove. "dustin, you can't just self invite to peoples house,"

"i was just asking—"

"you can all come later!" she looked down at her phone when she felt a buzz and then smiled. "mike is coming too! but, he doesn't remember so it's not you. it's him," she then covered one side of her mouth as she whispered. "he gets moody,"

"how moody?" lucas asked. "he was always moody,"

"no! he wasn't moody!" el exclaimed loudly with a huff. "he was a very nice man,"

dustin rolled his eyes dramatically to prove his point. "he kept to his own room all the time," he pointed out. "only you could stand him, el,"

el glared at him. "not everyone can be social like you, dustin. we don't befriend the people who put us away,"

"i didn't befriend—"

"shut up, dustin," lucas gave him a shove. "el, finish your food and let's go,"

el turned to max and made a mocking face. "how you live with them is a mystery to me,"

max nodded in agreement and held el's hand. "i agree, el," she pointed at the dish in front of el which made her pick up her fork.

after she finished there several bites left, she gave a nod and gathered her things, them calling the waiter over to pay the bill.

"where's your new house?" lucas asked as el hummed. "um... i dunno the address. it's like close but far,"

"wow, thanks. i know exactly where that is,"

she raised her middle finger. "you are so mean," she gave her portion of cash to max who paid. "let's go! we can walk there!"

"but you said it was far," max pointed out and el tilted her head and tapped her chin. "it's not that far,"

she turned back, making sure everyone was ready to leave before they exited the restaurant.

"is mike going to your house?" will asked and el shrugged. "i dunno," she looked down to her phone to text him.

el: not going?

mike: stop that frown and look up, darling

she instantly tipped her head up and gasped when she saw mike exiting his car, pulling off his sunglasses before fixing the cuffs of his suit.

her face softened and she smiled when her heart melted at the sight of him.

something she could never stop from happening.

her legs removed robotically, running towards him and jumping into his grasp as she grabbed onto him tightly.

he held her with one arm as she wrapped her legs around his waist, her arms wrapped around his neck as her face hid into the crook of his shoulder.

his free hand closed his car door as he smiled and kissed her temple. "it seems you have missed me, little devil,"

she nodded twice and pulled back to capture his lips with hers. "hihi," she smiled from ear to ear and that made him grin. "hi,"

she dropped down from his grasp. "mike, come meet them. they wanna see you,"

he held her chin between his fingers and then gently squeezed. "do i, though?"

she glared at him and shoved his chest. "be nice! mike, please. just be nice. they're coming to my house and you can too! please?"

he let out a dramatic sigh. "if you had told me that plan, i wouldn't be here,"

a pout began to form and she pressed her forehead to his chest. "i hate you."

"don't do that,"

she looked up. "is that a yes?"

his eyes rolled and he exhaled. "fine. i don't want to social though so turn your annoying chatter on,"

her brows furrowed and her nose flared as she stomped her feet. "IM NOT ANNOYING,"

"aren't they so cute?" max asked from afar as lucas turned to her weirdly. "cute?"

max shrugged as mike placed a finger to el's lips. "quiet. just— i'm not socialising. now can we go?" he went to hold her hand and she instantly brightened with a nod.

dragging him over to the group, she giggled happily as an annoyed frown settled on mikes face.

"hey! smile!" el scolded him and he let out a fake smile.

"huh," dustin hummed. "still moody,"

mike narrowed his gaze. "thanks,"

el gave dustin a shove. "be nice." she glared at him and dustin raised his hands and stepped back. "well, you can't remember so that is will, dustin, lucas and then max."

"okay," mike nodded and el frowned with a huff. "i said to be nice. you're being a bad dolly right now so you will drive us as punishment."

"there's six of us, el—"

"we will fit in your big car," she nodded and then smiled widely. "go, mike. march,"

his head dipped down and his lips brushed over her ear. "you will regret that tone later, little devil,"

her eyes grew large and then her cheeks flushed whilst he turned and headed to the car.

"he is a bit moody today but it's okay," el shrugged happily and then skipped to the car with a smile.

mike gave her a look. "you in the front, they can squeeze in the back,"

her head shook. "but i'm the tiniest,"

"i don't care. you in the front," he told her and opened the passenger door for her. "it's safer,"

"hey, that's mean," max pointed out as el nodded in agreement. "yes," but she got into the front seat anyways.

mike smiled softly and gave her a small nod as he helped buckle her in before shutting the door for her.

he turned to face the group. "well go on,"

dustin leaned into will as mike walks back to the drivers seat. "he is definitely not the mike we know,"

will nodded in agreement but walked towards the car anyways.

"this? is your new house?" mike looked around the house in utter confusion. "what the hell?"

el gasped when boo-boo came running to her and then her arms opened for him to jump into them. "isn't it so pretty? we haven't decorated yet though so... anyways, dante is moving everything by the weekend and then i'll decorate,"

"and the raccoon is back," mike muttered as boo-boo tried to get his attention. "where are the pups?"

"oh yes! i miss the puppies!" max exclaimed, not even fazed about the raccoon in el's arms.

letting out a whistle, el waited for the three rottweilers to run into the foyer with the happiest barks and smiles. "hi babies! hi! say hi to my friends!"

the rottweilers circled their legs happily with jumps and twirls, max smiling and giving them pets whilst jello sniffed on mikes legs, begging for his hold.

"hey there," mike picked him up as el walked over to the living room. "let's play mario karts!"

"now?" will asked and el nodded, giving boo-boo a rub on his back. "why not? there's nothing to do. or we can get into the pool!"

"the pool?" lucas exclaimed. "no way, we are not about to get into the fucking pool,"

mike gave el a look and she shrugged innocently. "it's a fun pool," she let boo-boo down and stood.

"i'm in," dustin continued to look around, fascinated by the chandelier. "this house is huge—"

"oh! we have drinks in the fridge too!" she grabbed mikes hand and then skipped to the kitchen as they all followed. "i like how all rooms are connected. it's easier." she then gasped and turned. "who wants to hear a secret?"

they tilted their heads.

"there's an indoor pool," she gasped for a dramatic effect. "but it's smaller. it's more like a large bathtub for when you're sad,"

"okay, that is cool. what the fuck does dante do anyways?" max asked as el shrugged. "dunno," she smiled widely. "you can borrow one of my swimsuits! the rest of you can just get in,"

el then turned to mike and tapped his chest. "smile and have fun,"

he bent his head down to whisper. "i don't want to have fun, el. don't leave me here,"

she cupped his face. "smile." she then gave him a kiss. "we go change," she dragged max away and upstairs with a giggle.

"mike really has changed a lot," max said as el shut her bedroom door and walked over to her closet. "but he's still really... i don't know... lonely?"

el threw a bikini at her face. "i don't think mike has friends honestly. he hates people too much,"

max chuckled and stood, seeing el throw more options on the bed. "but mike seems to like you... i'd say you guys are soulmates," she sang and el gasped, covering her mouth. "you think!?"

"you two are inseparable," max pointed out. "pretty cute," she picked up a bikini. "why do you need so many options?"

el frowned and sunk down. "i panic shop... i never wore half of these,"

a snicker escaped max and then she threw one at el's face. "you wear this one,"

"oh, i do like this one! it's cute!" she giggled at the sage green bikini. "very cute!" she turned and stared herself in the mirror.

"what's wrong?"

el shrugged. "nothing. i don't even feel anything about my scars actually." she stripped off her skirt. "isn't it weird?"

max laid comfortably on her bed. "nope," she let out a sigh. "remember when they forced us to strip naked in a room full of people?" she began to change as well as el nodded. "maybe that's why... i mean, it's not my fault i'm sad."

"exactly," max grumbled. "like did we ask to be sick?" she scoffed and stood up when she was done, fixing her hair.

el fixed the bandage on her arm. "it's okay. we can avenge," she giggled and looked to the door when she heard some clawing on it.

so she went to open the door and espresso instantly jumped in happily, wandering around the room before laying flat on the ground with her paws in the air.

"look how adorable," el gave her the biggest rubs on the stomach and then stood up straight. "i can't believe your swimsuits actually fit me,"

el tilted her head with furrowed brows. "why wouldn't it?"

max just shrugged and el followed espresso out of her room, seeing the puppy run down the stairs.

mike walked up to her, frowning down at her as her head tilted in confusion. "what?" she asked quietly.

he met her gaze. "your swimsuit..." he muttered. "it's tiny,"

her expression relaxed and she smiled. "no, it's not. but don't you love it, mike?"

"yes, but—"

"yay, problem solved!" she grabbed his hand and dragged him away, sliding the glass door open to head out to the backyard. "now, you take this off off," she pointed at his button up. "so we can swim,"

"i'm not—"

"yes, you are!" she exclaimed angrily. "why won't you have fun!?"

"okay, okay," he gently unbuttoned his shirt and she smiled, bending to give banana some pets.

he looked down at her before putting his clothes inside where his jacket was. "the things i do for you, el,"

"how sweet!" she exclaimed, staring at his naked body as she grabbed max's hand before jumping into the pool, the pups instantly jumping in after then, thinking it was fun.

smiling, el motioned for mike to come join them, max cutting her off with a groan when dustin jumped into the pool.

"dustin!" she scolded as lucas and will followed behind, making max groan even more.

"have fun, mike," el sat up against the edge of the pool before walking to him.

"you," she poked his chest. "aren't fun enough. even i'm having fun!" she exclaimed with a huff as he sighed. "i don't know these people, el,"

"well, you used to. you didn't remember me and now we're together everyday!" she exclaimed and then pouted. "don't be alone,"

his eyes rolled. "fine," he threaded his fingers through hers and she instantly smiled widely and hugged him. "thank you,"

"you won't be thanking me later when i tie you down to the bed,"

she flared and flushed. "you... you—"

"i said you'd pay for your tone later," he raised a brow at her and then smirked mischievously before walking away.

her face scrunched and she stomped a feet before following him.

she stood on her tiptoes and whispered in his ear. "what makes you think you're not the one tied down?" before diving into the pool, swimming away from him.

he sat down by the edge, watching her as she smiled tauntingly at him with a wave by her fingers.

mike placed a finger to el's lips, her chest heaving when she laid flat on her back on her mattress, him hovered over her.

"i will bite your finger off," she taunted with a glare, trying to move but he pinned her down. "will you, now? you've been a tease today,"

her cheeks burned red. "and? what, cant stand me in a bikini?"

he gaze hardened and his jaw twitched. "i warned you today, el,"

she gasped dramatically. "did you!? i must've forgotten then!" she smirked and giggled before pushing forward and turning them around, his eyes widening for a second as to her sudden force.

then he remembered how strong she was.

she pinned his wrists down and then gasped inaudibly innocently. "what was that? you were going to punish me?" her head tilted as she inched closer. "i'll have you know i'm the devil of punishments,"

inches away from his lips, she closed the gap and captured his bottom lip between her teeth. "i like giving punishments,"

he tried to move his hand but she kept his hands pinned down as she used her tongue to slip past his lips. "stop moving, mike,"

he pulled back from the heated kiss. "moving? moving how, little devil? tell me,"

"stop squirming," she scolded and unpinned his wrists for her hands to skim down his body.

she pulled off his button up then reached down to pull off his pants. "you were very mean today, mike. you wouldn't join in,"

"because i hate being social,"

"so being alone is fun? i tried to include you, mike,"

"i didn't need to be included. i just wanted you," his glare hardened. "but you had to tease me with that tiny swimsuit,"

"hey, i didn't even try," her fingers slipped into the waistband of his boxer briefs. "you should have gotten into the pool... could've really helped you," she eyed his crotch before looking up to meet his gaze.

"can i?"

he nodded and then reached down to burry his fingers through her hair.

and her eyes couldn't help but grow wide in shock when she pulled his boxers all the way down.

"what?" he taunted. "scared you can't take it?"

her nose flared and she glared, crawling upwards. "don't test me, michael. you'll be begging for more later, i can assure you," she grabbed his face and squeezed tightly. "you will be begging,"

"doubt it, devil," he leaned back comfortably and watched as she took all of him into her mouth, holding onto his thighs tightly as she gagged.

her eyes trailed up, gazing over his abs before meeting his gaze, making sure she watched him closely when she bobbed her head up and down.

"fuck, el," he breathed out, leaning his head back as he continued to guide her with his hand, grabbing onto her hair tightly.

pulling back with the loudest gasp, she swiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth and let out a tired smile. "i cant take it?" she wrapped her hands around his length and slowly moved her hand up and down to tease him.

"can you, my darling? can you?" she taunted back with a smirk.

"you've made your point, devil," he muttered, exhaling when she leaned down to press a gentle kiss to his tip. "i've missed you,"

she looked up. "your dick. not you," she smirked with a twinkle in her eyes before leaning back down take him in her mouth.

a soft moan escaped her when he rested at the back of her throat, eyes rolling to the back of her head before she pulled back.

"you do that shit again? i'll tie you to the fucking bed," he breathed out, breath short when he pulled on her hair.

she giggled and continued to jerk him off. "you're saying it as if i wouldn't like it," she whispered and gave his tip another kiss. "tie me up, baby, i won't mind,"

"yeah?" he edged and guided her head back down. "next time then," he murmured as she bent back down, moving quicker this time as her eyes looked up to see the look on his face.

how he held back an eye roll and how he tilted his head back a little.

when she felt him still, she kept in place with him down her throat as a small gasp and whimper liked moan escaped her when he emptied down her throat.

a second later, she sat up straight and wiped the corner of her mouth tiredly, him sitting up to hold her face. "hey, you okay? el?"

she met his eyes. "i'm okay..." she smiled and he instantly grinned and pulled her into his chest. "i will fuck you next time,"

"tell me that again when you can catch me in bed," she teased and tapped his chest before pushing him town. "no one will be home tonight... don't ask why, i don't remember,"

"is that an invitation?" he raised a brow and she shrugged weakly with a yawn. "yes... stay with me, mike. please..."

he gently kissed her temple. "not so confident now, huh,"

she held a finger up. "don't even right now, i just blew you," she rubbed her head against his bare chest. "hm, i gotta feed the pups soon,"

"it's late anyways—"

"i thought you were going to fuck me?"

he eyed her. "not tonight,"

she groaned loudly and leaned back dramatically. "that's not fair—"

"another time, devil," he told her and went to pull up his pants before standing. "if i'm spending a night, i can't sleep in this,"

she stood up, straightening her oversized shirt. "you can borrow something from dante. he won't mind,"

he nodded slowly as el walked to her connected bathroom. "after i pee, i will get it for you,"

"i'll feed the pups then," he said as she stopped and turned. "you will?" her eyes softened and he nodded. "yeah? where did you put it?"

she stammered over her words. "in... in the room— next to the kitchen. it's a little closet thing for their stuff." she whispered as he pulled her in from the side to give her another kiss on the lips.

"you sure you can—"

"yes, i got it," he cut her off. "it'll be easy, they love me. does boo-boo need feeding too?"

she nodded slowly. "yes but he had proper dinner already. he can have snacks,"


she nodded and smiled before walking closer into the bathroom, not closing the door when she pulled up her shirt and down her panties since she didn't have shorts on.

"you don't close the door?" he reached forward and she shrugged. "it's just you, you've seen me do more than pee,"

his eyes rolled. "again; that is all forgotten. close the door when it's someone else,"

"yesyes," her eyes rolled this time and he let out a small chuckle before walking away, finding the stairs to walk downstairs and to the kitchen.

"dinner time!" he shouted and opened the secret door by the kitchen to take out the dog food.

he filled up their bowls with food and then water, letting out a whistle before the dogs came running to eat.

boo-boo slowly walked, turning to find his food and mike reached into the cabinet for marshmallows. "here's yours, boo-boo," he set them down in front of him and he squealed and whimpered on delight before he ate too.

espresso nudged mike on the ankle, whimpering quietly before he went to his bowl and mike grinned and gave him a pet. "you are welcome, little one."

he stood up straight, looking around the kitchen as he admired the architect above him.

turning to his right, his brow furrowed and looked at an afar room with a crack open in the door.

pushing it open, he walked in, looking around the dark brown office and noticing a fire place to his side.

he walked up to the desk, curiously looking through everything before he realised it was dante's office.

turning again, he walked near the wall, furrowing his brows when he saw a crack and he pushed it gently before his eyes budged at how it opened and showed a secret room with a safe.

"mike!" el yelled for him as she skipped down the stairs. "mike? what are you doing in here?" she asked, walking into dante's office. "not my room," she told him and grabbed his hand to drag him out.

"dante won't like you in there," she said and he gave a small nod, eyes trailing back to the room to scan it. "i was just curious... seemed like a nice room. sorry,"

she giggled and shook her head before giving him a kiss. "it's okay. i like it too! very spooky and beautiful! you can see the whole outdoors! but it's his office so i won't go there,"

"i got you clothes," she shoved him a pair of sweatpants and his brows furrowed. "a pair of pants?"

"yes, in order to sleep, body warmth is needed," she informed innocently and blinked sweetly.

he let out a small snicker before he kissed her forehead. "cute, devil,"

"go put it on then," she pushed him to the guest bathroom downstairs and he looked back. "so will you be naked as well?"

she tapped her chin, bending to give boo-boo a scratch. "that depends how fast you can make it to bed," she smirked and then stood up straight, blowing him a kiss before she headed back upstairs.

and with a taunting smile, she pulled off her shirt and crawled into bed, laying under the covers as she waited for mike to come up to join her.


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