Valera Targaryen: The Storm B...

By imhigherthansnoop

232K 7.8K 337

Princess Valera Targaryen, is the first child of Viserys Targaryen and Aemma Arryn. Valera was born during o... More



3.5K 129 4
By imhigherthansnoop

Dress as described later^^ (different belt)

105 AC

As the Valyrian God's blessed child fell in to darkness, so did the entirety of Dorne. The sun was devoured by ash colored clouds that drowned the realm in a sense of dread. The longer Valera slept, the further the darkness spread. In Kings Landing the sky was a swirl of black and grey and the waters were the roughest of the season, sending many back to shore or down into the unforgiving waves.

Only when Princess Valera Targaryen opened her eyes, did the first ray of sunlight break through the lead colored sky.

"Careful V," Arianna coaxed her friend as she helped her dress.

Ever since Valera awoke, Maester Alton had been administering the treatment for Nightshade twice a day. It was a thick, muddy yellow substance that had a salty smell and acidic taste.

As much as Valera hated taking the medication, she greatly appreciated its affects.

Soon after the Princess woke from her coma, the distressing symptoms from the Nightshade poisoning began making themselves known. At first, she was extremely irritable, her vision was blurred and she was very confused.

As the time passed while the Maesters made a new batch of medication for the Princess, her symptoms began to worsen. Her temperature would rise and drop rapidly, sending her from shivering to sweating in minutes. The confusion turned to full on delusion and hallucinations, greatly upsetting the girl and everyone around her.

The first thing she saw was her mother. Aemma Arryn appeared in front of Valera at the foot of her bed. Her skin was melting away from the bone and her white laboring gown was drenched in blood. Just like the last time Valera saw her mother. The sight sent the Princess into a frenzy. She screamed so loud that King Castos could hear her in his chambers. When he heard the girl screaming, his first reaction was to grab his sword and rush to the hall, half expecting to see his palace being silently sieged. Instead, he saw the palace knights all running together towards where the scream originated from.

At the time, Prince Daemon had gone to bathe but as soon as he heard Valeras screams, he ran from the wash room to her chambers completely drenched with only trousers on.

He saw Valera standing in the corner of her room, trying to melt into the wall. Her eyes were screwed shut yet tears still fell from them. When the Prince reached out for his niece, she flinched at his touch, believing it was her dead mother reaching out for her.

Not long after, the Princess insisted that she could hear a baby crying and searched the entire palace looking for it. The entire time, Arianna and Daemon had heard nothing, though did not wish to upset Valera more than she already was so they helped her 'look' for the child.

Once Valera was given her first proper dose of the antidote, the symptoms slowly began dying down and going away. Now, for the most part, Valeras only symptom was her fever.

"I am not glass," Valera teased her overly cautious friend. Valera wore a cream colored silk slip that was covered over with a thin almost translucent fabric that was the same color. The dress was fitted to her body with a white braided twine.

"You may as well be," Arianna smiled warmly at the silver haired girl which she returned. "I am very happy that you did not..."

"Me to."


Daemon Targaryen held Valeras hand tightly in his own as he lead her up towards the hill where Caraxes and Silverwing had nested.

"Why are you so excited," Valera laughed at her overly giddy lover. They see their Dragons often and not once had Daemon acted in such a way.

"You will see," Daemon teased Valera, a mischievous smirk playing upon his lips.

Valera smiled excitedly, amused with Daemons secrecy. She liked being outside of the palace walls and away from all the guards, having been in the company of at least one person for the past sennight.

Most of her time was spent inside, away from the ever changing weather. For the past weeks, every day was quite different from the other. One day it would be so hot that a horse could die of heat out in the desert. The next day Dorne would be devoured by a continuous rain cloud and the next a sand storm may sweep through the Kingdom of Dorne.

Today was one of the rare days that Valera felt well, and so did Dorne.

As the Targaryens came over the top of the grassy hill, Valera saw an entanglement of red and silver laying atop a piled of charred bones.

The Dragons raised their heads, grunting a hello at their mounts before slowly pulling themselves up from where they lay together.

As the two large creatures stood, Valeras eyes were drawn to what lay in the middle of the ash filled nest. A singular egg lay in the nest. The scales were a shining amethyst purple and underneath a golden color shown threw.

The Princess gasped in surprise and delight, jumping in excitement and turning to her lover, wanting to see his reaction as well.

Daemon stared lovingly at Valera, a content smile on his lips, "for our child."

Valera threw her arms around Daemon and squeezed him tightly, "I can't believe it," she breathed out into Daemons ear. A large pit formed in the bottom of Valeras gut as she thought about their child.

The Maesters said that the pregnancy seems to be healthy and progressing due to the continuation of her symptoms but she couldn't help the terrible feeling that she felt whenever she talked about or thought about her unborn child.

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