One Night Stand

Door Queeeenxox

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26 year old Alani Harris has just walked away from an eight year relationship with her high school sweetheart... Meer

Ch. I
Ch. II
Ch. IV
Ch. V
Ch. VI
Ch. VIII (Pt. I)
IX (Pt. II)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Book Recommendations 🫶🏽
Life update 🫶🏽🫶🏽


2.3K 78 46
Door Queeeenxox

I really just love y'all. Enjoyyy 🤞🏽💕

May 17, 2023

"Lani, you and Marcus had the most beautiful baby girls." Janae gushed as she held Milani. We were currently out having lunch since she had the day off.

"Thank you. They look just like his ass and it pisses me off." I said as I pushed the stroller back and forth as Ariyah looked up at me.

"The spitting image of him." She laughed. "How are things going between you two though? Are you guys official yet?" She asked.

"It's going good so far. And yes ma'am, we made it official on Mother's Day." I smiled.

"I hear wedding bells in the future." She smiled.

"His mom said the same thing." I laughed. "But honestly I'm not even thinking about that right now. We haven't even known each other a full year yet, next month will make a year since we met." I said to her. She nodded.

"How did you guys meet? I don't think you ever told me." She said.

"Whew chile." I said as we laughed. "We met at the club of all places. I don't even go to the club like that and I usually wouldn't even entertain a guy I meet at the club, but he caught my eye and for the rest of the night he had my attention, and the rest is history." I sighed dreamily.

"A ghetto love story." She said as we laughed.

"Girl not too much." I joked. She laughed as she handed Milani back to me and she took Ariyah from the stroller.

"I'm not trying to get into either of you guys' business but something really bad must have happened because Marcus is not the club type. Like that is not his scene." She said. "However, I am glad that he went out that night because you're perfect for him. I know me and him are best friends who share a set of twins, but I didn't know how to talk to him about Mia without overstepping boundaries and I didn't want it to come off like I was jealous." She admitted.

"Marcus is so understanding though, I don't think he would have thought you were being jealous if you had said anything. You both have reiterated over and over again that there were never any romantic feelings involved between you two, so there shouldn't have been a problem. But I definitely understand your side as well." I said to her.

"You have a point. But it's too late now, Mia is history." She said. I laughed as I nodded.

"I'll drink to that." I said as we clinked our glasses together and threw our shots back. "Oh yeah, I have to tell you what I'm doing for Marcus for his birthday. Its next Wednesday, but I'm gonna try to pull something off." I said to her. For the rest of lunch we sat and talked about my plans for Marcus' birthday and just caught each other up on our lives.

"We have to get together more often. We should go on a double date." She smiled as we walked to my car.

"We do and we should. I'm almost ready to let people watch them for me." I said as I laughed as we approached my car.

"Girl, when did you get this car?" She gasped as she looked at it. I smiled as I looked at her. "Shut the fuck up." She said as she pushed my shoulder and smiled wide.

"Yes girl, our baby daddy got it for me for Mother's Day." I laughed. She threw her head back and laughed.

"Our baby daddy is crazy." She laughed. "I'm so happy that he's happy though, and I'm glad that me and you can hang out with no bad blood between us." She said.

"Me too. I tell Marcus all the time that I love the bond that you guys share as coparents, and I'm happy that we get along." I said as my phone started ringing. I took it out of my purse and smiled as I rolled my eyes. "Speaking of the devil." I laughed as I showed her my screen to show an incoming FaceTime from Marcus. She laughed as she held her hand out and I handed it to her.

"Baby daddy." She answered. I heard him laugh and they talked while I put Milani in her car seat. I made sure she was strapped in and secured all the way before going to put Ariyah in hers. I double checked hers as well before me and Janae got in the car. "You better take care of my boo." She said to him. He kissed his teeth.

"Bye Janae. Where's my baby at? I did not call to talk to you. If I wanted to talk to you, I would have called your phone." Marcus said as he laughed.

"Niggas get a bomb ass girlfriend and don't know how to act." She mumbled under her breath as she handed me the phone. I laughed as I grabbed it from her and looked at the screen.

"Hi baby." I said as I smiled.

"Beautiful ass. How was lunch mama?" He asked as he smiled at me.

"It was good. We just got in the car. What are you up to? Have you did a lot of tattoos or piercings today?" I asked him. He nodded.

"Yeah, we've been busy as hell today. Wednesdays are our half off piercing days, and because most people are usually off on Saturdays, Wednesday's and Saturdays are always our busiest days." He said as he shook his head. "I'm hiding out in my office right now to talk to you without any interruptions." He laughed.

"You're so silly." I laughed. "What time are you getting off today?" I asked him.

"I'm not even sure mama. Maybe around 11, 11:30." He said. I nodded as I looked at the time on my dashboard. It's currently 3:45 and I haven't seen him since this morning.

"Okay. Well we're about to get out of here. I have some errands to run and I need to go by the mall so we'll see you later." I said to him.

"Alright. Please be careful baby, and kiss my princesses for me." He said. I nodded as I looked at him.

"I will. See you later." I said before we hung up.

"He's so aggy." Janae said as she texted on her phone before looking at me. I laughed as I shook my head. "But imma get out of here mama, I have some errands of my own that I have to go take care of." She said. I nodded as we gave each other a hug.

"Okay, see you later. Love you." I said.

"Love you boo. Please let me know when I can baby sit, I'm having baby fever." She said. I laughed as I nodded.

"I got you." I said. She laughed as she got out of my car and waved before walking to her car. I locked my doors and pulled out of my parking space and made my way to the mall. Hopefully the mall isn't crowded, I'm trying to be in and out.

Once I got to the mall, I went into Victoria's Secret, Janie and Jack, and Pandora before leaving. I'm thankful there weren't alot of people in the mall because I probably would have been in there for a good two hours versus the 45 minutes that I actually did spend in there. After we left the mall I stopped by the grocery store to get more diapers, wipes, bath soap and lotion for Milani and Ariyah, and other hygiene items for me and Marcus before going home. I got the girls in the house and I put them in their swings in the living room and turned The Princess and The Frog on for them before I put everything away. Once I was done I sat on the couch and called my mom on FaceTime. "Hey princess." She answered

"Hey mommy. Are you busy?" I asked her. She shook her head.

"Not really. Just ordering some things for the house. What's up?" She asked.

"I was wondering if you could wat-" I started to say before she cut me off.

"Of course! Do you want me to come over or do you want to drop them off?" She asked.

"Do you think you can come pick them up and drop me off at Marcus' tattoo shop?" I asked her. She nodded.

"Of course. I'll be there in ten minutes." She said. I nodded.

"Thanks mama." I said before we hung up. I stood up and went to go pack some bottles and restock their diaper bag. Once I finished that I went and changed both of their diapers and outfits before sitting on the couch with them. "You guys are my biggest blessings this year." I said to them as I looked at them both. Ariyah stuck her hand in her mouth as Milani looked up at me. I bit my lip as my eyes watered, I'm really a whole mama out here and these girls don't know how much they've changed my life from the day I found out I was pregnant with them.

"Ahhh!" They squealed in sync. I giggled as they started making noises while looking at me and stretching themselves out.

"You guys are so silly." I smiled. Milani yawned as she stretched and balled her fists up. "Girl you're yawning and stretching like you just worked a nine to five." I said. She looked at me and blew bubbles. "Rude." I mumbled as I heard my doorbell ring. "That's probably your grandma." I said as I grabbed my phone and looked at my security cameras. I frowned as I saw a man dropping a box off at my door before walking away. Once he got in his car and left, my mom called me a few seconds later.

"I'm outside. I'm on my way to the door." She said after I answered.

"Okay, just use your key. We're right here in the living room." I said.

"Okay." She said before we hung up. A few seconds later I heard the front door opening. "Hey love. This package was outside for you." She said as she walked in and closed the door behind her. I nodded as she sat it on the table before going in the kitchen to wash her hands. She then came back and grabbed Milani and Ariyah from me.

"I'll be right back mama." I said. She nodded as she sat on the couch while I went upstairs. I went in my bathroom and touched up my hair and makeup before spraying some perfume on. I made sure I looked decent before going back downstairs. "I'm ready." I said to my mom. She nodded as I grabbed Milani from her. I grabbed my purse and their diaper bag before we walked out the front door.

"How have you been? How are you enjoying motherhood?" My mom asked as we made our way to Marcus' tattoo shop. I smiled as I looked at her.

"I've been good, and motherhood is amazing. I love it. They're my biggest blessings this year, I'm so thankful that I get to experience being a mom because most women don't." I said to her.

"I'm so proud of you." She smiled. "How are things with Marcus?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Things are good. We're just taking everything a day at a time." I said. "But he's the best dad to them and the best partner. There are days where I don't even have to lift a finger, like he does everything. I'm not surprised that he's so helpful though because I know how much he loves his kids, but it's refreshing to see because there aren't many men out there who would be as active in their kids lives as he is, even though they're only a little a over two months old." I admitted.

"I love you two together. He's a breath of fresh air from your ex." She said. I laughed as I nodded.

"He really is. He's gonna be so shocked that I asked you to watch the girls for a while." I laughed.

"Hell I was shocked that you asked me." She laughed. "Well started to ask me because I already knew what you were about to ask before you even finished your sentence." She said as she pulled into the plaza where the tattoo shop is. She pulled around and stopped in front of the front door. "See you later." She said. I smiled as I kissed her cheek.

"See you later mama, thank you. I'll call you when we're on our way." I said as I got out and kissed Milani and Ariyah's cheeks.

"Okay." She said before I closed the door. She pulled away from the curb and I made my way to Marcus' shop where I heard the music playing from his speakers inside. I walked in and the smell of weed hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Damn." I mumbled. I walked over to the front desk and Saniya smiled when she saw me.

"Hey mama. You look sexy!" She said as she looked me up and down before giving me a hug. I laughed as we pulled away.

"Thank you. Where's my baby at?" I asked her. Before she could answer somebody walked over and interrupted us.

"Well damn I must have died and went to heaven because you look like an Angel." I heard somebody say a corny pickup line. I looked to my left and saw a black guy standing next to me. I won't lie and say that he was ugly because he's far from it. That pickup line was not it and he's trying to hit on me in my man's shop. Now he doesn't know that I have a man, but I'm not letting that shit slide.

"I'm an Angel for my man and my man only." I said. Saniya laughed as she looked at the guy.

"Niko I suggest you leave her alone." She warned him.

"Her man must be dumb stupid to let her walk out the house alone while she looks like this." He continued as he looked me up and down while licking his lips.

"Niko-" Saniya started to say before he cut her off.

"Saniya please." He said as he looked at her. "So what do you say beautiful, you gonna let me take you out and show you off?" He asked as he smiled at me. I scrunched my face up.

"First of all, I have a man. Second, I'm not some damn trophy for you to be trying to show off. Third, I have a man and he wouldn't appreciate you trying to hit on me when you've been warned more than once." I said to him.

"What's your man gonna do to me?" He laughed.

"I'll make it to where you'll be in heaven and seeing angels permanently if you don't stop talking to my woman." I heard Marcus say from behind him. The guys eyes widened and so did mine as I licked my lips and bit my bottom lip softly. He was wearing a black fitted tank top that had all of his arm tattoos and part of his chest tattoos on display, a pair of gray sweatpants, and a pair of Gucci slides with some black socks. Even though he looks like walking sex, I also lowkey want to fuck him up because who does he think he is coming out the house looking like that?

"This you?" The guy asked Marcus as he approached me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"All day. Get the fuck outta her face." Marcus said to him.

"My fault." The guy said as he backed away with his hands up. He took one last glance at me before turning around and walking back over to where he came from.

"Wassup baby?" Marcus said as he smiled at me before leaning down to kiss me. I laughed as I kissed him back.

"Rude as fuck to everyone else, and a softy for me. I love to see it." I said. He rolled his eyes and smirked.

"We tried to warn him boss." Saniya laughed.

"She really tried to tell his weird ass twice to leave me alone." I said as I laughed. "Who is that anyways?" I asked.

"One of the other artists friends. He was waiting to get his tattoo done." Saniya said. I nodded as Marcus looked down at me.

"Be back." I said to Saniya as me and Marcus walked to his office. He let me walk in first before he walked in and closed the door behind him. I walked over to his desk and sat on top of it.

"Is this what you wore to lunch?" He asked as he locked his office door before walking over to me and standing between my legs.

"I did. Do you like it?" I asked him as I stood up and did a little twirl. I had on a white low cut shirt, a denim wrap skort, some brown heels and my Louis Vuitton Monogram Petite purse.

"You look good mama." He said as he grabbed my hand and twirled me around again before gently pulling me to his chest. He looked down at me and held my chin in his hand as we stared at each other. The butterflies in my stomach started going crazy. I've never been one to hold eye contact like this because it always made me feel weird, but it's different with Marcus. It makes me feel weird and nervous in a good way. Without saying a word, Marcus leaned down and kissed me and I moaned softly as I felt myself start to get wet. Marcus picked me up and sat me on his desk and spread my legs. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he unbuttoned my skort and pulled it down along with my panties. He took his fingers and softly rubbed them around on my treasure.

"Stop teasing me." I mumbled against his lips. He smirked as he pulled away and licked his lips. He put his arms underneath the back of my knees and pulled me to the edge of the desk. He leaned down to kiss me on the lips before pulling away and kissing down my neck until he got to my treasure. I sucked in a breath as he flicked my clit with his tongue a few times before sucking on it softly. "Baby." I whimpered softly as he spread my legs even further and put them on his shoulders.

"Lay back a little bit mama." He said. I nodded as I did what he told me to do. I sat up on my elbows and leaned my head back and gripped the back of his head as he started feasting on me.

"Shit baby, just like that." I moaned as I pushed his head deeper. He groaned as he smacked my thighs before slipping three fingers in me. "Oh my God." I breathed as I looked down at him. He diverted his eyes up at him and we held eye contact as he continued to please me. He finger fucked me like his life was on the line and I was so close to cuming. "Baby, I'm gonna cum." I moaned softly before there was a knock on the door.

"Ignore it." He said as he continued feasting on me. I moaned as he curved his fingers in a come here motion. "Cum for me beautiful." He mumbled. I threw my head back and moaned quietly as I let it go. Marcus licked and sucked every last drop before pulling away. My mouth watered at the sight of my juices on his face. "So damn good." He mumbled as he kissed back up my body before kissing my lips. I moaned as I grabbed his face as he pulled his sweats and boxers down before he lined himself up at my entrance.

"Marcus, no." I moaned as I pulled away. "You need a condom baby." I said as he looked down at me.

"You trust me?" He asked.

"Not at all." I laughed. "You just made a joke the other day about putting two more babies in me." I said as I gently pushed him away from me and stood up. He kissed his teeth as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Come on baby." He pleaded as he kissed my neck. I closed my eyes and moaned, he knows that I'm damn near putty in his hands and will do anything he asks when he kisses my neck. But I had to stand my ground with this decision.

"Baby, no. I got you tonight." I said as I pulled away from him and pulled my panties and skort back on. He kissed his teeth and mumbled under his breath as he pulled his boxers and sweats back up. "Grow the hell up Marcus." I rolled my eyes.

"I told you that was a joke the other day." He said as he wrapped his arm around my waist and looked down at me.

"There's always a little truth behind every joke." I said.

"Now who told you some dumbass shit like that?" He asked as I laughed. "Anyways. Let me go wash my face and brush my teeth so I can see who was at the door." He said. I nodded as I sat in one of the chairs as he walked to the bathroom in his office and handled his business before coming back out. "Come on mama." He said. I stood up and grabbed my purse and walked over to him. "Got me on brick walking through my damn shop." He said as he held my waist and made me walk in front of him. I laughed as I rolled my eyes and damn near moaned because I could feel him poking my ass.

"Bruh, just think about Mia or Tara and that shit will go down." I said.

"In an instant. Thank you baby." He said as he kissed my cheek. I laughed as I glanced down at his pants and saw that he indeed did go down.

"So damn goofy." I laughed.

"Did you knock on my door Saniya?" Marcus asked her once we got back up front. She nodded as she looked behind us.

"Yeah, that gentleman over there wanted to get a tattoo but he requested you specifically." She said. We turned around and my blood ran cold as I saw Kendrick sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone.

"Hell no." I spat as I locked eyes with Kendrick. "Absolutely fucking not Marcus." I said as Kendrick and I kept eye contact.

"Baby, chill." Marcus said as he grabbed my chin and turned my face towards him. I looked up at him and frowned.

"Are you kidding me?" I questioned quietly.

"Yeah baby, chill." Kendrick mocked. "I just want a tattoo by one of the best in the city." He said as he held his hands up in surrender.

"Marcus, you can't be serious baby. You're really gonna do a tattoo for him?" I questioned.

"It doesn't look very good for you to be arguing with your.." Kendrick trailed off. "Baby mama in front of customers." He finished. I bit my lip as I looked at Marcus, this cheating ass fucker is trying to get a reaction out of me and I'm two seconds from slapping the shit outta him.

"Nigga shut the fuck up." Marcus snapped. "Ain't no damn body else in the waiting area but you since everybody else is getting their tattoos and piercings done." He said to him.

"Are you gonna do my tattoo or are you gonna let Alani ruin your business and clientele like she ruined your marriage? Seems like married men are all that you attract and that you're attracted to." Kendrick said as he laughed. I chuckled as I nodded. "I'll fuck this place up too. Don't sit here and play in my face." He said.

"Nigga let's not sit here and act like we didn't meet during our sophomore year of high school and started dating our senior year. You're the dumbass who went and got married behind my back and I had no idea about it because you kept that shit under wraps real fucking good." I snapped. "Trying to make it seem like I'm just out here ruining marriages and shit." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Nah you gotta get the fuck up outta here. I'm not about to let you sit here and disrespect my woman, and then you think I'm still gonna tat you up. You got me fucked up." Marcus said to Kendrick as he walked over to him.

"Discrimination." Kendrick laughed as he stood up. "You have a lawsuit on your hands now my nigga." Kendrick said.

"Do what the fuck you gotta do. But I'm not servicing you when you've been nothing but disrespectful since we came up here." Marcus said. "And you threatened to fuck this place up, that's reason enough for me to deny any service for you because now you're putting my employees and my customers safety in danger because that's an open threat to all of us in here." Marcus explained to him.

"This isn't the last you'll be seeing of me, and I hope you like the gift that was delivered to you today." Kendrick laughed as he walked out of the shop. I took a deep breath and shook my head. Before I could say anything I felt my phone vibrate in my hand. I rolled my eyes as I unlocked it and went to my messages.

I want a DNA test done on your twins. I feel like they're both mine, or at least one of them, is mine and you're being a petty bitch about our breakup and don't want me to be in their lives. - 4079657123

I bit my lip and rolled my eyes. I knew this day would come eventually. "What gift is he talking about?" I heard Marcus ask.

"Somebody dropped some package off at the house before I came here. I didn't open it yet because my mom had got there right after it was delivered." I said.

"Why didn't you mention the package?" He asked me. I jerked my head back as he questioned me.

"Lets go outside or to your office." I said. He nodded as we walked to his office. He let me walk in first before he closed and locked the door behind him. "I had every intention on mentioning the package, but I got side tracked with your outfit first of all. Second, that weirdo ass guy earlier threw me off too. It's not like I wanted to keep it from you." I said to him as I sat on his desk.

"You know you could have called and mentioned it to me though, right?" He asked me.

"I know that Marcus. But like I said, I had every intention on mentioning it to you when I saw you." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Why are you getting defensive?" He asked.

"Because you're sitting here questioning me on something that I keep telling you I was gonna mention to you." I said.

"Alani, do you not realize that we have daughters now? Who knows what the hell was in that package?" He asked. I bit my lip as I finally realized why he was questioning me. Worried about mine and the girls safety.

"I'm sorry, I get why you're questioning me about it. I just didn't think much of it because I knew it was some bullshit from him. I know it's either jewelry or some sort of gift to bribe me with an apology." I said. "Since we're on the subject of him, he just texted me from a different number and told me that he wants a DNA test because he feels like he's the father to at least one of the girls." I said as I bit my lip and my eyes watered.

"Don't even worry about shit he says. He's full of empty threats, nothing he says scares me and it shouldn't scare you either." He said as he walked over to me and wiped my tears. "Now stop crying over that nigga. I thought you got all your tears out behind him last year." He joked. I laughed as I rolled my eyes and he wiped more of my tears.

"I'm not crying over his dumbass. I'm crying at the thought of him actually being one or both of their dads. I do not want him in my life anymore. It's bad enough that we share the same planet with him." I said. He laughed as he nodded.

"Felt that. But like I said, he's full of empty threats. Just like that whole lawsuit thing, he knows damn well he was in the wrong first so he's not gonna do anything." He said. I nodded.

"I think I need to stay from up here. It's always some bullshit with me and somebody every time I come up here." I laughed.

"I like how you go into protective mode over me. I'm not used to anybody being like that for me." He said as he gripped my thighs and pulled me towards him.

"You're my baby, that's why I do it. I know you'd do the same for me." I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He smirked as he leaned in and kissed me before pulling away. "I've had your attention for like two hours now. You don't want to go and do any tattoos?" I asked as I looked at him.

"Not really. I missed your beautiful ass all day, I'm enjoying my time with you right now." He said as he kissed my neck. I closed my eyes and moaned softly.

"Mhm. I have a bone to pick with you though." I said. He kissed his teeth as he pulled away.

"What is it?" He asked with a bored look on his face.

"Chill out." I laughed as I rolled my eyes. "But who the fuck told you to walk out the house dressed like that?" I asked him as I raised my eyebrow.

"On second thought, let me go do a few more tattoos before I leave for the day." He said as he tried to walk away.

"You got me fucked up." I said as I gripped his tank top and pulled him back to me.

"Damn baby, I was just playing. Chill out." He said as he tried to remove my hand from his shirt. "I didn't think anything of it when I got dressed mama. I just wanted to be comfortable since I knew I would be here all day." He said.

"You look a little too damn comfortable." I said as I let his shirt go.

"Since we're talking about outfits, let's talk about yours. Who told you to come out the house with no damn clothes on?" He asked.

"Marcus, please. You're being so dramatic right now." I laughed. "I'm wearing clothes baby." I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him to me.

"Barely." He said. We looked at each other and started laughing as he mocked the girls voice from that legally blind video from years ago.

"Stupid." I laughed. We locked eyes and the butterflies instantly started going crazy in my stomach. I feel like I'm slowly falling in love with this man and I'm terrified because I don't want him to break my heart.

"I'm not gonna break your heart." He said as he looked into my eyes. It felt like he was staring into my soul.

"How did you know that's what I was thinking?" I asked softly.

"I can practically feel the nervousness oozing out of you while we were looking at each other. Plus you've been hurt before, I know you don't want to be hurt again and like I said, I'm not gonna break your heart. I can promise you that." He said as he kissed me softly. I bit his bottom lip softly as he gripped my waist. "I'm surprised you left the girls for a while to come up here." He said once we pulled away.

"I missed you and I needed a break to just think and clear my head. I know they're only two months old, but I can slowly feel myself becoming so consumed in becoming a mom I won't know what is what anymore." I admitted. "I do miss them though." I pouted as I laughed softly.

"You're such an amazing mom to them, baby. Thank you for being you." He said as he leaned down to kiss me. "But on some real shit, when I say that I wanna put two more babies in you don't take that shit serious. Eventually I do, but we don't need any extra stress or anything else added onto our plates right now. Maybe in about four or five years I'll ask you for more, but you have absolutely nothing to worry about right now." He said.

"I appreciate that baby. But that doesn't mean you're about to be sliding in raw. I got pregnant with those two the first time we had sex and we had a condom, I'm not taking any chances with us not using one." I said. He kissed his teeth.

"Yeah okay, that's what you think." He laughed. "But come on, let's get out of here." He said. I nodded as he helped me off of his desk and we left his office once again.

"Let me call my mom and let her know that we're in our way." I said as I pulled my phone out of my purse.

"Hold off on calling her for a while, I wanna spend some time with you before we go get them." He said. I nodded as we walked up front. "Do you need anything from me before I leave?" He asked Saniya as we made it to the front desk.

"Nope, I'm good boss." She said.

"Alright. Make sure you lock up and make sure everything is cleaned and put away before you leave." He said to her.

"I've only been working here for four months now." She laughed. I laughed and shook my head as Marcus kissed his teeth. "But I got you." She said.

"Alright, see you tomorrow. Have a good night." He said as he grabbed my hand.

"Have a good night Saniya." I smiled.

"You guys too." She smiled and waved as we walked out the door. We walked over to his Jeep and he helped me in before he got in on the drivers side.

"You hungry?" He asked. I nodded.

"Starving actually." I laughed. He laughed and nodded as we stopped by a pizza place and grabbed a pizza before he drove to the beach. He parked his car and we both got out. He opened the door to the trunk and let the back seat down before we climbed inside and sat down with the pizza and some bottles of water between us.

"I figured we could sit and talk and watch the sunset to clear our minds before we go pick Milani and Ariyah up." Marcus said. I nodded as I grabbed hand sanitizer from my purse and poured some on both of our hands before we started eating.

"I'm sorry again about earlier for not mentioning the package as soon as I got it and for going back and forth with his dumbass at your place of business. His whole existence just irritates me." I said.

"You're good mama. He knew what he was doing when he came up there." He said as he shook his head. "How's Delilah? I haven't heard you mention her in a few days." He said.

"She's good. She was supposed to come to lunch with me and Janae today but she was preoccupied." I laughed. He laughed as he caught on and nodded. "How have things been with Mikey?" I asked him.

"It's been a minute since I talked to him. I think the last time we talked was on Christmas Day to be honest." He said as he grabbed another slice of pizza.

"I'm sorry baby." I said softly as I bit my bottom lip. "If it wasn't for me, you guys would still be friends." I said.

"Alani." He said as he grabbed my chin and made me look at him. "That's not your fault mama. Remember I told you that he wanted to talk to you that night at the club? He's just mad that he didn't get the chance to. That's not your fault or mine. Me and you locked eyes about a whole hour before he even noticed you, so I don't feel bad about how things transpired between us and you shouldn't either." He said. I nodded as I looked at him.

"Okay." I said. He smirked as he leaned in and kissed me and I moaned as he pulled me into his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he slipped his tongue in my mouth and massaged mine with his. Before we could take things to the next level I heard a phone ringing. I sighed as I pulled away and Marcus reached into his pocket to grab his. He unlocked the phone and his eyes scanned over the screen before he furrowed his eyebrows.

"What the fuck?" He mumbled.

"What happened baby?" I asked him. He didn't say anything as he turned his phone towards me and I gasped. On his phone was a picture of Mia's lifeless body laying in a ditch, and she was covered in bruises, scratches and a gunshot wound in the middle of her forehead. "What the fuck?" I said.

Holaaaaa, I bet you guys weren't expecting that ending lol. Lmk your thoughts on the chapter as a whole as well as the ending lol. How do you feel about Mia dying? Do you think she's really dead or nah?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter & I'll try to update again sooon 🤗🥰💕

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