Junoon | Obsession

Por barnes_dornan

8.2K 498 58

A RishBala fanfic, taking inspiration from the show but with my flare =D Más



225 16 7
Por barnes_dornan

As the whole day went on by, Madhu felt a bit bothered. Several people in the chawl had asked about what they had seen in the newspaper to her and her family, but the confusion was quickly cleared. However, Madhu was sure that there would be many people out there who was wondering the same, especially that of her coworkers. She had even gotten texts from Navisa, Neha, and other crew members, asking her about the situation, and she had to give them all the same explanation.

Just this alone has me so stressed out, she thought to herself. I can't even imagine what it must be like from RK's position, having everyone in the media reaching out and questioning, not to mention his fans. All those people being so invasive... it must suck.



She snapped out of her thoughts and looked up at her mother.

"Are you okay?"

Madhu quickly nodded. "I'm fine, Ma."

"Are you sure-?"

"I'm totally fine, you don't need to worry."

Madhu quickly turned on the TV to distract herself and stop Padmini's questioning. The others had gone out, Trishna and Roma shopping while Malik got some things for the house.

I wonder how he's dealing with it, she wondered as she scrolled through the channels. RK must have a lot of patience- then again he explodes like a short fuse. But maybe in these kind of situations.... The paparazzi are always on his case, so at some point he must've gotten used to it, but... gosh, why do they have to be so invasive-?

"This just in, our camera crew and reporter have finally got sight of RK," the reporter on TV said.

Madhu's attention quickly went to the screen, as did Padmini's.

"Sources had claimed that RK would be at Fratelli tonight and he's showed up! Let's see if we can get a comment from him!"

It quickly cut to a live feed, where RK was being hounded by the media, bombarded with questions. Madhu watched as Bittuji and his security tried to keep them at a distance, but they were persistent.

"RK do you have any comments on who that girl is," one reporter asked.

"RK, do you have a girlfriend," another asked.

"How long have you been with that girl, RK?"

"Are you going to marry her?"

"Do you love her RK?"

"Enough," RK said, silencing everyone around them.

Hearing the edge in his voice, Madhu's eyes slightly widened.

Is he going to get angry? Hai Ganpati Bappa, please don't have him breaking a camera on someone's head or something stupid along those lines!

RK looked at the last reporter sternly, his nostrils flared as he arched his brow at him. "You media people have taken one small incident have turned it into a whole movie! You haven't even thought of what your actions could lead to!"

"RK, that woman was in your arms," a reporter said. "So naturally-"

"Sweetheart, if you watched the clip carefully, then you'd see that she was tripping over and I stopped her from being face-planted on the ground."

Thank goodness he did.

"Could you imagine the embarrassment she would've felt if that had happened in front of me," he smirked lightly.

Madhu immediately gaped at the screen.

"I love my fans, and I never want them to be in odd, uncomfortable situations."

"As if I'd ever be your fan," Madhu yelled at the TV.

"Madhu," Padmini scolded lightly, though she found her daughter's irritation to be funny.

"Ma, he's such a liar! He knows I'm not a fan of his!"

"Does he now? And how's that?"

But before Madhu could answer, one of the reporters spoke.

"Sources tell us she works in the studio?"

"So can't my fellow crew workers not be fans of mine," he said arrogantly.

Madhu looked away with annoyance.

"I simply helped a crew worker out. I didn't need them hitting the floor and breaking bones or something. The film I'm working on is currently progressing just fine; I don't need anyone ruining it."

"Why, you-!"

"Anyways, next time you guys decide to run a story on me, do a little research. Not to mention, take into the consideration of the people you're dragging down with you. For RK, this is just another headline, but for her? You could be affecting her personal life for all you know."

With that, RK left, heading into the restaurant. The live feed cut away back to the reporter in the studio.

"Well, would you look at that," the reporter said. "It's not often RK shows concern for anyone else except, well, RK."

Madhu turned off the TV. "Concern? He literally lied about me being a fan!!"

"Madhu, it's not that serious," Padmini said. "And look, he cleared the air on that whole thing, so now it's a thing of the past."

"But Ma-"

"But nothing! Now come here and help me; Trishna, Roma, and Malik will be home soon enough."

"Fine," Madhu grumbled, and she went into the kitchen to help her mother.

But while she worked away, Madhu kept thinking about what she had just watched on TV.

Egoistic prick! He's so full himself! He knows I'm not a fan of his and now he's said it out loud for the media to hear. Now everyone who hears it will think I'm a fan of his! Of course this will all become yesterday's news eventually, and people will forget, but did he really have to say that out loud for everyone to hear? Ugh! He's so annoying with that smug, smirky face of his! How anyone can be a fan or even like him is beyond me!


When Madhu got back to work on Monday, of course she had become a topic. Navisa and Neha had many questions for her, all of which Madhu had answered, but there was one thing they were stuck on.

"Yaar, Madhu, explain one thing to me," Neha said. "We all know that you're definitely not a RK fan, forget being one of his mini stars..."

Madhu mimicked being nauseas at the mention of his fanbase name.

"Exactly, you're faking yourself getting nauseas- I mean you're very clearly not a fan. Even RK overheard you that day when you were name-calling him - and somehow you haven't been fired for it-"

"Neha," Navisa said lightly.

"What? You know I'm right!"

Navisa said nothing, shaking her head.

"Whatever, going off-topic! My point is even after that, even RK knows you're not a fan of his. So why did he say that you are?"

"Why else," Madhu scowled. "To get a rise out of me!"

"But why?"


But Madhu stopped. Truth be told, even she didn't have an answer for that. Why did RK do that? That is, purposely make something up to irk her - why do that? Why do any of the things that he has so far? Neha was right; RK was known for his anger and firing people left and right without a care, so why didn't he get rid of her? Forget firing, he could've even stopped her from getting hired in the first place just from their first encounter alone - yet here she was, touching up the heroine's makeup as she prepared to film a scene with another co-star. RK was scheduled to come in later, hence him currently not being there, but none of that mattered at the moment.

Neha has a point; why? Why do any of this?

The thought continuously clouded her mind as the day passed. Eventually, RK came on set to film his scenes and Madhu found herself to be looking at him and focusing on him quite often. She just didn't get it. When it came to her, why did RK behave this way? Why make a rise out of her? Why claim her to be a fan when she wasn't?

Why catch her and pulls her into his arms? Not just once, but twice.

Even as the day ended and Madhu was starting to head home, the question of why didn't leave her head. For the life of her, she simply couldn't understand it!

None of it makes any sense! I mean I just can't understand it for the life of me! This man, he's... he's just so complex. I mean his actions alone sometimes makes it feel like he's two different people. Like that day he showed up at the chawl; the way he behaved towards me versus the way he behaved towards the children, he... it was the complete opposite from each other. One was rude and arrogant, while the other was l-

Madhu was instantly taken away from her thoughts as she felt herself being grabbed and pulled away, bringing her back to reality and realizing that she had she not been pulled back then she would've been hit by a car.

"Are you insane?!"

Madhu blinked several items, trying to become aware of her surroundings.

"Have you lost your fucking mind?!"

Madhu blinked once more and looked up at the owner of the yelling voice, only to see that it was none other than RK, who currently - once again - was holding her in his arms.

"Where the hell is your mind at," he barked at her.

But Madhu could only look at him blankly, even as he let her go but gripped onto her arms tightly.

"Do you understand what could've happened if I wasn't here," he yelled, slightly shaking her. "If I hadn't gotten to you in time?"

He's so angry....

"Answer me, dammit!"


Madhu hadn't even thought a single thing, the word just pouring out of her mouth as she continued to blankly stare at him.

"What," RK questioned in return.

"Why," Madhu repeated.

But RK didn't understand her question. "You've lost your freaking mind," and he let her go, reaching into his pocket to get his phone.

"Why," Madhu repeated again.

"You've definitely lost your fucking mind," he said as he punched away on his phone before bringing it to his ear. "Bittuji, get the car here right now," he barked, before hanging up and turning to Madhu. "I'm having you dropped off to your home."

Madhu's brain began to kick back in to gear. "No, that's not necessary-"

"Madhu, you nearly killed yourself by walking towards a speeding car," he scolded.

"I didn't do it on purpose! I was just lost in thought-!"

"Wow," he said sarcastically. "So once you leave you'll get lost in your thoughts again and maybe go walking in front of a truck this time," he grinned fakely.

"You're being ridiculous!"

"And you're being stupid," he glared.

Madhu gaped at him. "I am not stupid! If anything, you're the stupid one!"

"Excuse me-!"

"Why did you tell those reporters I'm a fan of yours? Huh? Why did you lie to them?"

And to Madhu's annoyance, a smirk spread across his lips. "Oh? So you saw that-?"

"Don't you dare display that stupid smirk of yours!"

RK's eyebrows shot up on their own as he looked at her with humor. "Stupid smirk? Sweetheart, this smirk is worth many crores."

"To idiots!"

RK tilted his head, completely entertained. "Really?"

"Yes, really! Only idiots are fans of yours who can come up with the stupid idea that your smirk is worth many crores," she mocked, which only further entertained the superstar before her, pissing her off even more.

"Don't smile," she exclaimed, pointing her finger at him.

RK glanced at her finger before looking back at her.

"And don't you dare smirk that stupid smirk! You and your band of idiots may enjoy it but not me! Don't you dare rope me into that! Me being a fan of yours? Puh-leez!! Let's get one thing straight - I am not a fan of yours you liar! I can't believe you told all those people that I'm a fan of yours! It had people questioning me what movie, photoshoot, ad, or whatever turned me into a fan of yours when there's nothing of the sort!"

"Is that so," RK smirked arrogantly, crossing his arms.

"I thought I told you to not smirk!"

"I don't recall myself telling you that I'd listen to you. Besides, the only person that RK listens to, is RK."

Madhu let out a huff of annoyance. "This - this is the reason why I could never be a fan of yours. You're so... so... arrogant!"

"I believe you've used that word several times already. Shall I have the writer come up with a new one for you," he asked, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips.

"Why bother? It's the perfect one for you! Asshole!"

Once again, RK's brows shot up as he looked at her with pure entertainment, while Madhu looked away with annoyance.

"Me a fan of his - as if! Where's Salman Khan," she said, holding her hands up in the air, "and where's you," she scowled, pointing her hands at him. "Robbed him of both best actor awards," and she looked down at the ground with a pout.

RK suddenly remembered that the Guild Awards would be airing on TV this weekend.

I'm sure she'll be watching it, he smirked to himself.

"Ugh, you're smirking again!"

RK snapped out of his thoughts and looked at her once more.

"I absolutely despise you!"

With a huff, Madhu turned on her heels, her braid whipping around and hitting RK's chest. RK placed his hand where her hair had made contact with him, and watched as Madhu stomped off, heading home.

Well, at least she's paying full-attention now, so she won't get hit by a truck, and he let out a sigh.

It was as if she had heard his thoughts, Madhu turning back around to give him one last scowl before turning away and leaving.

A smirk immediately took over RK's face. "Junglee billee," he said to himself.

The sound of honking filled his ears, bringing his attention to his waiting car. Bittuji stepped out and noticed that RK had his hand over his chest.

"Chief, are you okay? Are you hurt-?"

"I'll be just fine, Bittuji. I can't say the same for others, but I'll be just fine."

"Others, chief?"

RK simply smirked at him then went into the car. As the driver pulled away, RK thought of what had just happened.

She's an absolute wildcat... good, I like it.


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