Lost // AnakinSkywalker X Rea...

By starkiller419

20.3K 526 184

In a galaxy far far away you become 21-year-old Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker's padawan, a dream come true. Ri... More

beat by a girl.
we're Jedi, we share.
classic skywalker.
first mission.
welcome to naboo.
my past.
girl stuff.
we have a code to follow.
you shouldn't be here.
piece of the puzzle.
invisible hand.
dark side.
we need to talk.
I trust him.
blue-eyed boy.
I don't dance.
'mommy issues'.
bad dream.
uncle ben.
on my mothers grave.
two suns.
I killed them all.
I love you too.*
I'm leaving the order.*


579 13 14
By starkiller419

2.8k Words

A/n - hi everyone! long time no see lol. this has been sitting here for a few weeks now, i've been debating on whether or not i like where this story is headed, but i really truly love it. 

that said, this chapter makes me nervous. like real nervous. and IM THE ONE WRITING IT. safe to say, there is a LOT in store for these two. despite the word count, this is just filler compared to whats coming. 


(Y/n)'s POV:

I was awoken the next morning by Anakin's soft breathing. My head rested against his chest and his arms were wrapped around me tightly.

It took me a moment to remember where I was and what had happened last night, but it all came flooding back to me.

I felt embarrassed almost instantaneously at the fact that I had allowed myself to indulge in this forbidden contact with him, and I knew I should probably get up and leave his room. But after the kindness he showed me last night, I saw him in a different light. As I said to him at the bar, he was more human than he had ever been with me before. Everything that happened afterward I just chalked up to the vulnerable and intoxicated state he was in.

The words he spoke to me before I fell asleep last night played over and over in my head like a mantra. 

You make things better.

I didn't want to think too much about it, but I found butterflies forming in my stomach as I thought of how he kissed my forehead after he spoke. I sighed softly as I nuzzled my head closer to his chest, closing my eyes and opting to stay here just for a little while longer. I felt his arms tighten his hold on me and I was lulled back into sleep by each rising and falling action of his chest. 

I woke up later in the day in Anakin's bed, which now only held me. The clock on the wall told me it was late in the afternoon, almost dinnertime. I slept all day. I sat up while yawning and stretching my arms, feeling a faint rumble in my stomach telling me it was time to eat something. I looked around the room expecting to see him somewhere, but to my dismay he was gone. I noticed my Jedi attire folded neatly on his desk, with a piece of paper on top. 

I made my way out of his bed and picked up the piece of paper,

Take the day off. Meet me in the dining hall tomorrow morning at 8 AM sharp.

- a

I smiled slightly at his messy cursive and the way he underlined 'sharp', almost as if he wanted to convey his tough exterior through the paper message. I slipped off the clothes he had given me last night and put my proper attire on, before slinking out of his room and beelining for the dining hall. My stomach was growling louder than it ever has before and I needed to eat something, like right now. Unfortunately, my journey was cut short as I heard someone calling my name. 

I turned around and saw Max standing near Anakin and I's bedrooms. His face in shock and confusion. 

Did he see me?

"What were you doing in Master Skywalker's room?" He asks sternly as he makes his way closer to me. I felt a pit of unease grow in my stomach as his expression turned quickly from shock to anger.

"I was just returning something of his. That's all." I said as I shrugged my shoulders and turned to resume my journey. 

I was stopped by his hand on my shoulder which spun me around to face him, his grip was uncomfortable and tight. 

"You weren't here last night, and I didn't see you this morning." His voice was stern but all the while staying monotone, as if he didn't want to expose any of his emotions. 

"And how would you know that?" I asked him, anger slightly lacing my words. 

"I came by your room last night to see if you wanted to go to the library with me, and then this morning I wanted to ask if you'd like to eat together." 

"Well that's very kind of you Max, but I must've been asleep. I tried a new tea Master Yoda gave me to help with my sleeping problems, must've knocked me out like a baby." I lied through a slight grin and chuckle, but he didn't seem to buy it. 

"Oh really? That's odd, because I could've sworn last night I saw you and Skywalker walking through the halls together just after curfew, and then you left the temple together." he said maliciously. Was he following me? How the hell else would he know this, I doubt he was simply just passing by on a late night stroll.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said as I narrowed my eyes at him, "Take your hand off me Max, now." My tone was now just as malicious as his, if not more so. 

He abruptly removed his hand and eyed me for a moment, before sighing deeply and saying, "It would be a shame if Master Yoda was to hear about the late night travels shared between the precious chosen one and his padawan." His tone held jealousy and anger, but his face remained neutral as he spoke. 

"Max, like I said before, I don't know what your talking about and I certainly do not appreciate how you're speaking to me. Learn your place, and stay there." I said harshly before turning and speed-walking towards the dining hall. 

I let out a long sigh to myself as I felt an overbearing weight on my shoulders. 

I was afraid that Max would tell the Grand Master about Anakin and I's late night rendezvous outside the temple grounds. And while I wasn't fearful of whatever punishment he would come up with for our ignorance regarding the curfew, I was afraid of what he would say about us spending the night together. 

It was an innocent act of ignorance, if anything. But I knew with what I told Yoda about my visions, and the future I saw including me and Anakin, he would jump to some sort of bizzare conclusion. 

And that was terrifying, because I knew I wouldn't be able to deny it to him. 

I wasn't ready to face it myself, and I kept pushing it away anytime the thought graced my mind even for a millisecond. But Master Yoda would see through any effort of deception if he were to become suspicious of anything, no matter how microscopic. 


Anakin's POV:

When I felt her fall back asleep this morning, I felt safe enough to get up from bed and exit my room. 

I needed space to myself, for a multitude of reasons. I had been overcome by a feeling of guilt and regret, both feelings being coated in a thick layer of anger. I was angry at myself, and only myself, for allowing myself to get that close to her. I told myself that after the one night on Naboo I wouldn't allow myself to get that close to her again, despite the unwanted desire to.

I felt guilty for endangering her in so many ways. By feeling what I was feeling, and thinking how I was thinking, I was risking her future in the Jedi order. I had let my feelings get in the way of her training multiple times, enough to get her yelled at by Windu. I had endangered her by brining her to that club, and while my intentions were pure and nothing terrible happened, I probably disfigured that mans face for life. 

And I still didn't care. I felt no guilt for my actions and I certainly didn't feel remorse towards the man. I would do it over and over again if I had to, just to get my point across.

But what exactly was my point? 

I still didn't know. I had a suspicion, but I refused to even entertain that possibility. It couldn't happen, and as far as I was concerned it never would.


I made my way out of the temple and towards the Senate Building to speak with the Chancellor about my padawans concerns. I entered his private office and found him sitting at his desk, his face twisted deep in thought. I cleared my throat and he looked up at me with a large smile stretching across his features. 

"Ah Master Skywalker! I've been waiting for you to drop by." He always called me that, no matter how many times I've told him the council has yet to grant me the rank of master. I swear, sometimes it's almost like he does it to purposely tick me off. 

"Hello Chancellor, and please call me Anakin, you know how I feel about that word." I grimaced as I walked to sit in the chair across from him. "I've come with some questions regarding your capture, a few things just aren't adding up and I'd like some clarification." 

"Ah yes, my capture." He refused to meet my eyes, instead looking down towards the papers on his desk, arranging them neatly in a stack before placing them in a drawer. 

"Yes. Do you recall ever running into another individual aboard the ship?" I asked, trying to search him through the force and get a sense for what he was thinking, but I couldn't. It was almost like he had shields up. But of course, that wasn't a possibility, the Chancellor wasn't force-sensitive. I would know it if he was.

"Hmm,  I don't recall seeing anyone besides Dooku, and of course Master Kenobi and yourself." He said with his hand placed on his chin, signaling he was deep in thought. As he brought up the former Sith lord, I felt a pang in my chest connected to a recent memory I was trying to suppress.

"Why do you ask Anakin?" 

"I'm just trying to get a clear picture is all. Do you know how many days you were gone?" 

"No dear boy, unfortunately I believe I was sedated for the majority of my capture. All I remember is leaving this very building, and then wakng up a mere few hours before you came to my rescue." He said, placing his hands on top of eachother on the desk.

"I have yet to thank you properly by the way. You must allow me to take you out sometime, to dinner or even a show. I hear the Mon Calamari will be putting on a production of Squid Lake in the near future." He said and something flashed through his eyes, although it was gone too soon before I could fully grasp what it was.

I shook my head, "That is not nescesary Chancellor, I was simply doing my duty. I am glad to see you safe." I said with a small smile.

"I insist Anakin, you must allow me to repay you." His tone told me there was no way I could escape, and although I enjoyed the Chancellors company, I despised the ballet. It was so slow and boring, the music hurt my head, and everyone who attended was always rich and snobby. 

I'd rather spend my time on Hoth in a cave full of Wampas. 

"If you insist, Chancellor." I reluctantly agreed to his demands and stood to exit the room. 

"Is that all you came to ask me Anakin?" He said, staring up at me with intrigue. "I may not be force-sensitive, but I am a very perceptive person. I can tell something else is on your mind." 

I took a breath and exhaled slowly, I found myself nervous to even ask him this. The Chancellor has been someone I consider my family for a long time now, almost 12 years of my life. I felt like I was betraying him by even entertaining some padawan's fears and irrational theories.

But then again, she wasn't just some padawan.

"Actually Chancellor Palpatine, there is one other thing I wanted to ask you. Have you ever met (Y/n)?" I asked, trying to read his emotions through the force.

"Yes actually, just once and very briefly. She's a kind girl, I've heard she shows great promise. I can only imagine how strong she will become under your protection and guidance." he said solemnly as I averted his gaze and stared at the floor.

"Thank you." I said before taking another deep breath, "She told me she had heard you speaking to her during her time on the Invisible Hand. She mentioned to me you had said something about 'the time is upon us.' as well as threatening her for calling to me through the force." I finished as I looked up to meet his eyes. 

Something flashed through them, but as soon as it came it had disappeared. 

"My dear boy, I wish I knew what she meant by that, and I wish I could help, truly. But I had never met the girl until yesterday during our brief interaction at the temple. As for what she told you, I heard through the grapevine she has been experiencing nightmares. Is it possible this is just a scene conjured from her unconscious?" He said, and his tone was sincere, but it failed to meet his eyes. 

For the first time, maybe ever, I had a hard time trusting the man sitting in front of me. 

"It is possible, she does dream os absurd things." I muttered, almost to myself.

"Such as?" He asks, prompting me to continue.

"I shouldn't say. It is not my place to discuss." I tried to defend my padawan, but the Chancellor was becoming very persistent.

"I may be able to help you know. After all, I did help with your nightmares, did I not?" 

He did, for a while. He allowed me to confide in him about what I had done after my mother passed, but the nightmares only stopped for a couple of weeks. I never told him they'd returned. 

I sighed, unwilling to admit the truth to him, and shook my head. "She says she meets the same masked man in each nightmare, she describes him as dark and tall wearing a black leather suit donned with a long black cape. He carries a red lightsaber, meaning he must be some sort of a Sith lord. She dreams of him killing her, always with a lightsaber to the stomach, and then she wakes up. Occasionally she speaks with him, she told me once the man said he killed me." I continued on listing some things my padawan has relayed to me regarding her conversations with the masked man. 

Once I finished, Chancellor Palpatine sighed deeply, his brows furrowed in thought. 

"Well my boy, from what I can understand, these very well may just be nightmares. Nothing more, nothing less. I'd imagine she's somewhat stressed around this time in her life, what with gaining a new Master and working her way up to Jedi Knight. Stress is known to bring on all sorts of absurdities, especially within the subconcious." He finally said after a few painful silent moments.

"I suppose." I nodded and sighed lightly. Maybe it really was that simple

"I'm glad I could help, but I'm afraid I have a meeting to attend soon. Please, do not be a stranger. If you ever need anything my door is wide open." He says as he stands and gestures for me to exit the room. 

"Thank you Chancellor." I bowed to him before turning to leave the room.


Unknown POV:

As the young boy exited my office and faded out of sight, I grabbed my communicator and contacted a trusted ally of mine. 

"Darth Sidious, to what do I owe this pleasure?" The cyborg's voice rang through my office. 

"The end of the war is near, General. Young Skywalker has proven his faith and loyalty lie with me after he mercilessly ended Darth Tyranus' life. The only thing standing in the way of my new Empire is the young girl he has grown attached to." I said maliciously to my loyal counterpart. 

"Did your plan work my Lord? Were you able to get what you needed during her stay on the ship?" He finished his question with a loud hacking sound coming from deep within his chest. 

"Yes, and so much more." A wicked grin made it's way onto my face and I couldn't help but laugh devilishly. "It seems young (Y/n) has grown suspicious of me, I was just paid a visit by Anakin and he tried to sense me out and see if his padawan was correct in her suspicions." 

I counted on this, of course. I managed to manipulate her dream realm through the force the other night and encouraged her suppressed memories to resurface faster. Meeting her the same day in the hallway was just a coincidence, but everything worked out fine in the end. 

She confided in Anakin, and due to his pure idolization of me, he doesn't believe her. But I know the boy well enough to understand he trusts her, maybe even more than he trusts himself. So he did what he could to protect her, without risking compromising himself and his newfound unknown feelings.

He wouldn't be able to face the truth of their relationship for the forseeable future, but the moment he does, and the moment he realizes what has transpired between the two of them, 

My plan will fall perfectly into place. 

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