
By kuwebby2

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An Azur Lane high school AU of sorts with me and Alex as self-inserts More

Chapter 1: Meeting
Chapter 2: Fighting
Chapter 3: A 'normal' Saturday
Chapter 4: Going on a mission
Chapter 5: Battle for the Cuddles
Chapter 6(Kansen Arc start): Vessel?
Chapter 7: Attempted Murder
Chapter 8: Saving Titanic
Chapter 9: Operation: Yamato
Chapter 10: Time Traveling Motherfucker
Chapter 11: Getting bullied and getting revenge
Chapter 12(Kansen Arc Finale): Big Reveal
Chapter 13(Intermission): Prove your worth
Chapter 15: Drifting Home
Chapter 16: Drifting Home Pt. 2
Chapter 17: Drifting Home Pt 3
Chapter 18: Prepping gone wrong
Chapter 19: Commence Operation
Chapter 20: Finishing Prep Work
Chapter 21: Give My Cousin Back
Chapter 22: Adventures in the Back...lines
Chapter 23: Failed Termination
Chapter 24: Misunderstanding and Loss
Chapter 25: Meeting the Empress
Chapter 26: Fighting the Empress
Chapter 27(War Arc Finale): Defeating Empress
Chapter 28(Pirate Arc): Waking up
Chapter 29: Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life For Me
Chapter 30: Familiar Face
Chapter 31: Spilling the Beans
Chapter 32(Semi-Finale): Death to the King
Chapter 33(Arc Finale): Home and a New Year
Chapter 34(Multiversal Arc): First sortie of 2027[1/4]
Chapter 35: Hunter meet Hunted[2/4]
Chapter 36: Get in and Grab [3/4]
Chapter 37: Done with Hurricanes? Have a Typhoon (4/4)
Chapter 38: Speaking with the Dead
Chapter 39: War of the Pranks
Chapter 40: Diplomatic Mission to China
Chapter 41: Arriving in China
Chapter 42: The Sea Shepherd Caper (1/3)
Chapter 43: The Sea Shepherd Caper (2/3)
Chapter 44: The Sea Shepherd Caper (3/3)
Chapter 45: Unexpected Encounter
Chapter 46: Chinese Human Trafficking

Chapter 14(War Arc Start): To Japan!

61 4 55
By kuwebby2

General POV

It was 2:00 AM on Sunday July 2nd, Andy and his fleet linked up with Hiroshi, Rex, Ady, and all their fleets for the latter trio's trip back to Yokosuka.

The Nishin Maru and the Shonan Maru were still damaged from the skirmish from before and from what Irwin told Andy, they were annoyed at this.

Rex: "I still don't see why we have to be escorted." he whined as Andy docked.

Ady Gil: "Well unfortunately, other than the Admirals and Lieutenants back inside, no one's faced Siren Armadas like the one that ambushed us a few days ago other than Andy." she explained, "And we're going into the area with the most Siren Activity in the world."

Hiroshi: "Still, I'd rather Admiral Emily over that dickwad." he stated, turning to face the Irwin.

However Hiroshi proceeded to jolt backwards as Andy was standing right there smiling with his eyes closed menacingly.

Andy: "You wanna repeat all that shit-talking to my face?" he asked, still smiling.

Hiroshi: "N-nope, I'm good." he said, fearfully.

In between last chapter and this one was around a week, in that time Andy had beat the shit out of anyone and everyone who challenged him and his fleet...sans Alex who still kicked his ass.

Andy: "That's what I thought..." he growled, opening his glowing eyes and glaring before turning to get ready for the journey.

Hiroshi fearfully peaked from behind Ady.

Hiroshi: "How is someone that menacing so...well..." he started asking.

Alex: "Hey kweebs!" he greeted, jogging around

Andy: "Sup dH." he greeted back in a completely different tune, "What's new?"

Alex: "Not much, you?" he replied.

Andy: "Just getting ready for the hop to Japan." he added, lifting a massive crate of provisions with a single hand and 10x 18 inch shells in another, "Well, I'm off in a bit, you and Belle be careful on your way to Russia in a few days, and no bombing Moscow!"

Alex: "No promises!" he said as Andy left.

Andy hopped onto Georgia and helped load the ammo and provisions.

Rex: "Helpful I think is the word you're looking for..." he said.

Hiroshi: "Yeah..." he nodded.

Ady Gil: "Simple, not everyone here is like you." she smugly replied, walking off to her fleet.

Hiroshi would keep a wide berth between himself and Andy while Rex started thinking about his personality for the rest of the trip. Andy on the other hand just continued helping prepare his fleet for war...excessively.

Cleveland: "That should be everything, thanks Commander!" she thanks cheerfully.

Andy: "No prob." he replied, turning and producing a sword, "Here's your broadsword Warspite, freshly sharpened."

Warspite: "Thanks for that Commander." she said, picking it up from his hands and testing it out.

Andy: "My pleasure. Luna!" he shouted, throwing over a can of war paint.

Antonio Luna: "Salamat Kumander." she said, catching it and putting it on like the rest of the fleet had.

Andy: "Alright, that should be about everything." he said, looking around.

Andy's fleet was ready for war with every ship sporting camouflaged sandbags on their hulls and superstructures, camouflage of various types, RADAR jammers, SONAR jammers (somehow), EMP's, and sharpened melee equipment. The Irwin hadn't been left out either, having been given ASW equipment from Hedgehogs to conventional launchers under the fantail and having gotten its spikes sharpened and slightly extended.

Andy: "You guys ready?" he asked.

Ady Gil: "Yup! Not as ready as you are but we're ready to go home." she said.

Andy: "Good, let's move out!" he ordered.

The massive combined fleet revved up and slowly departed for Yokosuka and took up formation, the 4 Commander driven vessels in the middle in a diamond and their fleets branching out and surrounding them in a perimeter.

Formation (B-F):

Hiroshi's fleet (Fuso, Yamashiro, Taihou, Atago, Takao, Chikuma)
Rex's Fleet-Andy's fleet
Ady's fleet

The trip was a mostly uneventful one as the first couple of days flew by, unbeknownst to the group the Sirens were watching.

Purifier: "Ooh!~ Looks like our target's heading over!~" she said, a few miles in front of the fleet.

Observer A: "Good, our inside man was correct." she said, "This time I won't fail."

Purifier: "Especially now that I'm here!~" she stated, smugly before pouting, "Why aren't we striking now though...?~"

Observer A: "Because they're too close to backup." she said, bringing up a translucent screen, "See here, those blips are other Human ships, regardless of type and submersion if they're running they're here."

Purifier: "Ooh!~" she said, "Pretty!~"

Observer A: "Tester just invented it Yesterday so I don't blame you for not knowing, now if you look you can see that the entire US Navy is on standby alongside every Kansen and Admiral in Pearl Harbor." she explained, "We attack now then our prize gets away."

Purifier: "I have a feeling he will anyway." she muttered.

Observer A: "What was that?" she asked.

Purifier: "Nothing!" she replied, quickly.

Observer A: "Ugh, anyway," she says, drawing a line a few hundred miles away from the Philippine coast, "once that fleet gets to this line we can strike."

Purifier: "Ffffine!" she pouted, "But not a millisecond after! I want some action!"

Observer A: "Fair enough, but why did we not bring our armadas?" she asked.

Purifier: "Yours needs to be completely replaced, mine still needs a few dusters, besides I just wanna play today!~" she replied.

Observer A: "Oh don't remind me of my failure, I caught enough shit with the Empress when I came back with my ass thoroughly beat." she said.

When Empress grabbed a hold of Observer she brought the Siren Commander into her room and......well...let's just say she had PTSD from behind those doors.

Observer A: "Anyway." she said, snapping out of it and glaring upwards, "That Steve Irwin is going down today."

Back with the fleet, Andy sneezed loudly.

Andy: "Who the fuck gave a death threat behind my back?!" he demanded.

Steve Irwin: "No idea hun." she replied.

The fleet continued sailing onwards, uneventfully, until they passed the invisible line at which point Andy felt some kind of tingling.

Andy: "INCOMING INCOMING!!!" he yelled.

The fleet split up as Observer's and Purifier's first salvos landed where Ady and her fleet would've been.

Ady Gil: "HOLY SHIT!! Nice call Andy!" she said.

Andy: "We're not out of the woods yet! RIGGINGS!!" he ordered.

The fleet engaged their riggings and got ready to battle.

Purifier: "How the fuck'd they do that?!" she demanded.

Observer A: "Someone must've heard us fire, welp, no use in stealth." she said, dismissively, before disengaging her cloak and charging.

Purifier: "AW HECK YA!!!~" she cackled, excitedly following Observer's example.

The pair of Siren dove towards the fleet at full speed and got ready to scrap.

Andy: "Break formation!" he ordered, "Be as unpredictable as possible!"

Andy then launched his helicopter before jumping into the fight, using his anchors to get in close to them. He flew right past Alpha heading directly for Purifier.

Purifier: "Let's scrap country boy!~" she said, excitedly going in to meet his challenge.

Andy: "Let's go psycho!" he bantered back, using his cubes to dodge salvos.

Purifier: "Wha-?! Hmph! Meanie!" she said, firing even more shots at him.

Andy and Purifier continued charging at each other like angry bulls before the male suddenly ducked and dove under Purifier before punching her from behind.

Purifier: "Agh! Well that wasn't very-?!" she started, only to hear something ticking.

Andy: "Don't watch the mouth, watch the hands." he said, smugly swinging away.

Purifier suddenly felt a bomb go off on her back and get sent flying into Observer who stumbled through the air and missed a chance to end the Nishin Maru as Andy landed and stuck to the side of his helicopter like Spider-Man to the side of a building.

Andy: "Geez, were you really not expecting that?" he asked.

Purifier: "Never scrapped with anyone like you before anomaly.~" she replied, kicking off Observer's face.

Observer A: "Oi!" she yelped.

Andy kicked off his helicopter and drew a sword before clashing with Purifier once again, keeping her busy, praying to God that keeping the Psycho busy was a wise choice and that keeping the tactical mastermind busy would've been suicide.

Meanwhile, the fleets were attempting to land good hits on Observer with minimal success.

Observer A: "Is that really all you got kansen?~ I expected more from the self-proclaimed heroes of humanity.~" she taunted.

Antonio Luna: "She's tougher than Missouri described." she said, having blown through half her ammo, "And the EMP's are ineffective, what the hell?!"

Cleveland: "10 odd year gap between now and Spratly, it's to be expected." she stated, charging back in.

They continue throwing everything they had at Observer who tanked it for the most part, Luna decided to conserve ammo and look at what weaknesses she could find in the siren's defenses. That's when she fired one of her Tomahawks, it flew right through her shields and slammed into her sides.

Observer A: "AGH!!" she yelped, turning to face the Frigate, "Why you little-?!"

She's cut off when one of Arizona's salvos lands a massive blow.

Observer A: "OW!!" she yelped, "What is-?!"

Then Kongo landed a hit.

Ady Gil: "I think I got it, she has to focus on certain points for her shield, so if we attack in random waves..." she trailed off.

Rex: "Then she won't know who to focus on until it's too late since she's defending against someone else!" he finished, "Genius!"

Harekaze: "Did Rex just complement Shikikan?" she asked.

Benson: "I think he just did..." she replied.

Rex: "Let's follow Ady's hypothesis. Group up randomly and attack at random. Go!" he ordered.

The fleets grouped up randomly and started their new strategy which had Observer beat, her guard was down at all the wrong times and her shields were getting weaker.

Meanwhile, Andy and Purifier continued their little dance, with the Kansen getting very close to the Siren who couldn't use her main battery at such close range and was way weaker than Andy in terms of punches.

Andy: 'Gut Punch, Left Uppercut, Right Hook, Left Roundhouse Kick, Kick Away, Anchor, Slice to the Gut, Anchor to the Leg, Rip the Leg off!" he thought, doing the moves before landing on the Ocean.

Purifier: "Fucking hell...this is getting interesting anomaly." she panted, clearly wounded.

Andy: "I can do this all day Siren." he said, holding a blood coated katana in his left hand and a bruised fist as his right.

Purifier: "Well...I can too." she said, charging at him but not thinking too straight.

Andy answered Purifier's charge at full speed before slicing her upper torso and half and grinding to a halt facing the clone.

Purifier: "Damn..." she coughed, "...whoever taught you was real fucking thorough..."

That was all she said before her rigging collapsed on itself and she sank to the depths, dead. Andy cleaned his sword, sheathed it, and then raced to join the fight against Observer.

Speaking of which, it was actually almost over, the final blow being imminent.

Georgia: "C'mon ladies! Last hit!" she yelled.

Yamashiro: "I've got it!" she yelled.

Ady Gil: "No, I've got it!" she shouted.

The drag racer-esque design of the Ady Gil sliced through Observer's chest and destroyed her cube thus claiming her first humanoid siren kill as Andy claimed his second.

Cutting to the Medical Ward described in Chapter 12 Purifier and Observer emerge from 2 pods and gasp for air.

Tester B: "Seriously? Bringing Purifier didn't help?" she questioned.

Observer A: "We were fighting a Goddamn Armada of Kansen." she growled.

Purifier: "Rookie Kansen, yet they found out your weakness!~" she sang.

Observer growled as Tester chuckled.

Tester B: "Maker that one kid is giving you girls a run." she said, "But, I did some digging as per your request and it turns out we do have something on him."

Tester produced a picture.

Tester B: "Andy Yan, Born August the 29th of the Earth Year 2007 in our first wave of attacks his immediate family would be slaughtered near the island of Palawan." she read, "He would be deported to Hawaii like so many others with the rest of his family being killed when the Airport was Carpet Bombed. He was actually on the very last flight out."

Purifier: "Huh, tough luck for him." she giggled.

Observer A: "Can we bribe him?" she asked.

Tester B: "Nope, all his family are long dead, we can't replicate any of them." she replied, "Plus, everyone he's close to are kansen and a close colleague; Alex Orr."

Observer cursed at this.

Purifier: "Cheer up Alpha! I'm sure you'll catch this 59 meter long, 885 ton, Patrol Ship with no weaponry that can barely hit 17 knots." she said, mockingly.

Observer A: " not REMIND ME OF WHAT THAT BASTARD IS!!" she yelled, "I will beat his ass, throw him into that room and assimilate him myself!"

Alpha then stomped out of the room.

With the fleet of Kansen, they continued sailing towards Japan at 17 ish knots.

Andy: "Ok, if my calculations are correct and if we don't encounter more Siren, we'll be in Yokosuka by Tomorrow Morning." he reported.

Hiroshi: "Finally, we can get away from you." he said.

Rex: "The Admiral said he'll stay in Yokosuka for up to a week to make sure Ady doesn't get bullied or anything." he stated, "So we're not quite rid of him yet."

Andy: "Dang right you ain't." he said, "But I did tune into the radio traffic and I think if Rex becomes an example to everyone I don't think I'll need to stay for long."

Warspite: "Yes, good on you lad." she congratulated.

Fuso: "Stopping Bullying even for just a moment is an astonishing achievement." she said.

The radio erupted with congratulations and encouragement to keep his attitude like that.

Rex: "Alright alright, I get it guys." he said, "Guess the advice from the Admirals finally got hammered into my thick head."

Fubuki: "Good, one less nut-job to beat up when we have the time." she joked, earning a chuckle over the radio, sans from Hiroshi.

Ayanami: "I'm guessing this is because of the near death thing." she guessed.

Rex: "Yeah." he replied, "Guess it was."

Andy: "Well, better late than never I suppose." he joked, "Now, let's get to Yokosuka."

Fleet: "Hai!/Yes sir!/You got it!/Jawhol!" they saluted.

The ships powered ahead determined to get to their destination.

Meanwhile in the middle of the afternoon in the flooded wreckage of what used to be Makati City, Sirens crawled about and asserted their control over what remained of the once massive city. One Mass-Produced Destroyer sailed down a street slicing through the water and pushing aside the floating remains of what used to be everything from cars to office supplies.

It mindlessly sailed down the road, passing an old Light Railway line, on top of which was a group of humans sporting C4 and RPG's all of whom were no older than 19 and a vast majority were 15 and 16.

Rebel 1: "Alright, remember the plan." he said.

???: "Yeah yeah yeah, take out its engine and get as much gear as possible." she said, dismissively holding only an M16A1.

Rebel 2: "Watch your tone Buencamino," he said, warningly, "your last squad got killed because of your arrogance."

Buencamino?: "I thought it was still too far!" she yelled.

Rebel 3: "Whatever, let's just get this over with." she said.

The rebels attached the C4 to the bridge and rigged the detonators while loading rockets and magazines before getting into safe spots. The Destroyer on the other hand slowly sailed under the bridge as the Rebels got ready to blow the C4 and fire off their RPG's.

Rebel 7: "Blow the bridge already." she whisper-shouted.

Buencamino?: "Still too far..." she said.

The Destroyer continued, its hull gliding through the water, slowly its superstructure got covered in the bridge's shadow.

Rebel 9: "Now!" he yelled.

Buencamino?: "No no no!" she yelled.

The other rebels didn't listen and slammed down on the detonators, the C4 blew up and sent the bridge crashing down, the Destroyer however wasn't under the bridge yet, a trick of the light had made the bridge's shadow stretch out enough that the Destroyer wasn't even under the bridge when it blew up.

Rebel 9: "Oh shit..." he cussed.

Rebel 1: "OPEN FIRE!!" he ordered.

The Rebels sans the unknown Buencamino charged in to open fire, only to get slaughtered by the Mass Produced Destroyer, the girl only known by her last name ran like the wind as her team was slaughtered behind her.

Jump cut to the middle of the night in an abandoned station the girl from before walked into an abandoned LRT train set, inside said train was a collection of evidence, weaponry, and personal effects with the walls of the train acting as a massive evidence board. She sighed as she collapsed into an untouched seat.

Buencamino?: "Where the hell did you go Andy?" she asked the ceiling.

On the ceiling was one of many selfies she had taken with Andy and a massive group of newspapers, plane tickets, photos of a plane leaving, and relatives all with their eyes crossed out by red marker.

A/N: Boom! Done! Hopefully this one did better than last chapter, I am slowly setting up a big event for later down the road. dieHero it's your turn, Captainrex2177 I am still...unsure how to feel about you but I'm willing to try being friends again, just try not to murder Doc or...y'know, copy shit off of my books and we'll be cool.

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