Valera Targaryen: The Storm B...

By imhigherthansnoop

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Princess Valera Targaryen, is the first child of Viserys Targaryen and Aemma Arryn. Valera was born during o... More



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By imhigherthansnoop

105 AC

The moment Daemon Targaryen held his niece in his arms once more, he swore no one would ever take her away from him again. Not as long as he was alive.

The three months away from his lover felt like a living hell. The man was distraught and distracted. He couldn't think of anything but her and he felt as though he was beginning to go mad without her. Everything that went through his mind was disorganized except for one thought. He needed Valera back. During their separation, many of the rooms in castle at DragonStone had been periodically destroyed during multiple different rampages gifted by the rouge Prince.

Without Valera, Daemon Targaryen was a feral man who's emotions silently consumed him. When it came to Valera, the Rouge Prince would burn down the entire world to have her safe in his arms. The Princess was the only person who could quench the man's thirst for chaos and she was the only person who could nic him with a blade and still be alive.

Without Daemon in Valeras life, the Princess was a force to be reckoned with. She was equipped with a sharp tongued and was often disagreeable which would only worsen without the company of her life long companion.

Dorne was the first time Valera was even slightly content when being away from her uncle. Even then, every thought she had was about him. Every meal she took with Prince Qoren reminded her of the thousands of times she sat next to or across from her best friend while shared meals together.  When she read about the culture and history in Dorne, she thought about how interested Daemon would be in it. The first time she tasted her now favorite fruit, pineapple, she believed that Daemon may even love it more than herself.

As the Targaryen Prince held the small body of his niece in his arms, he inhaled deeply; now surprised by the new scent his lover seemed to carry. She smelled like lilacs and lemon and as she ran towards Daemon, he realized how tan she had gotten in the dornish sun during their time separated. She felt small and fragile in his arms and he couldn't help but squeeze her so tightly he felt like she may crumble from his touch.

Valera felt like she was dreaming being in Daemons arms once more after so long away from each other. The way he held her felt like the softest of blankets yet at the same time he held her so tightly she felt as if they were fused together.

"Issa jorraelagon," My love, the Prince muttered into the now almost white hair of his niece. Daemon could hear the small whimpers of happiness that escaped the pink lips of the Princess he held in his arms as well as the tears that dampened his hair and fell on to the exposed skin of his neck.

"Ao āstan syt nyke," you came for me, the girl gasped out. Valera let every feeling she had kept in the past month spill out at of her body the moment she began crying. She shook in Daemons arms and her chest heaved as she cried and gasped for air.

The Prince moved his hands to both sides of Valeras face and he pressed their lips together passionately. Their lips danced together thoughtlessly, moving like it was second nature.

Intoxicated by each other's presence, the two Targaryens hadn't noticed the wave of guards that had begun to surround them. Spear in hand, the palace guards began shouting at the Targaryen Prince as they slowly moved in on the two lovers embracing.

Caraxes cried out, spewing fire into the air above the men who surrounded his mount, warning them to stay back. This caused both Valera and Daemon to stop and look around while still holding each other.

"Lykiri," be calm, Daemon Targaryen commanded his Caraxes who only whined in return but never the less retreated from the threatening position he had taken. Still though, the blood wyrm kept one of his wings around the couple to protect them from behind.

"Please put down your weapons, he means no harm," Valera told the guards who had become well acquainted with, as well as fond of the 'silver princess'.

"Henujagon rūsīr issa," leave with me, the Targaryen Prince whispers huskily into his lovers ear. Daemons grip on Valeras silk covered hips tightened as they stared at the hoard of men who had gathered in front of them.

"Caraxes kostagon ossēnagon zirȳ ry isse byka jēda se ao'd sagon dāez," Caraxes could kill them all in seconds and you'd be free, the man continued. His violet eyes darkening as he watched Prince Qoren and Princess Arianna appear from the crowd of lightly armored guards.

"Nyke pōja ozgūroty daor," I am not their Prisoner, Valera responded softly in her mother language, "Se kesā daor ōdrikagon zirȳ," and you will not harm them.

"Valera," Prince Qoren called out towards his betrothed. His voice was stiff and authoritative as he stared at the man who held his fiancée so tightly. Qorens jaw was clenched and one of his hands rested on the sword that was bound to his hip while the other was held out towards the Princess, palm up in a beckon to come towards him.

When Daemon heard the dark haired man call out for his niece like a demand, a flame inside of him ignited. Daemon broke his hold on Valera and drew dark sister from his belt. Daemon clutched the Valyrian steel blade tightly in his hand as he marched towards the younger Prince.

In return, Qoren also drew his sword, which was named Deaths Breath. This was because of the poison Qoren was known for coating the blade in. When cut, the poison would soak into its victims bloodstream and slowly rot them from the inside out. The first symptom of the poison is a horrendous smell that begins to seep from the pours and crevices of the body. Eventually, the victims body would completely fail and the skin would begin to fall of the bones by the time most people took their last breath.

Knowing Prince Qorens dirty trick, Valera cried out for Daemon as the two men quickly began exchanging blows. The girl screamed at the men to stop, scared for her lovers safety. Valera didn't doubt Daemons skills but she knew that Qoren only needed one small cut to kill him.

From the moment Daemon Targaryen met Qoren Martell, he was filled with hatred for him. In ways, Qoren reminded the Targaryen of himself. They were both arrogant, skilled and sought after by many. Both men were raised in the palace with the finest things money could buy. But it was the fact they were so similar that bothered the Prince.

Daemon suddenly felt as though he was replaceable to Valera.

By the way Qoren looked at and called for Valera, Daemon knew that there was now something between the two royals and the thought of anyone else touching his niece enraged the Prince. So much so it made him murderous.

"Please stop!!!" Valera shrieked at the men, the sound of clashing metal ringing in her ears. As the girl screamed, a bellowing sound rang through the hair.

Coming from the nearby hills, Silverwing, sparkling like ice flew over the palace walls. She spewed white fire into the air where a flock of birds flew, causing them to drop instantly into one of the fountains they flew above.

Caraxes sung up to the she dragon, watching her with delight as she flew towards the scene.

Silverwings entrance startled Prince Qoren, breaking his attention from his opponent. This allowed Prince Daemon to strike Qorens hand with Dark Sister, making Qoren drop his blade. Daemon then kicked the younger man square in his chest, knocking him to the ground. Once Qoren was down, Daemon kicked Deaths Breath away before placing his foot on Qorens chest and the tip of Dark Sister at his jugular.

Valea, changing her attention from her dragon back to the men fighting. Seeing Daemon with a blade at her betrotheds throat cause her breath to catch in her throat. The girl ran over to the men and grabbed the hand her uncle held his sword is.

"Keligon!" Stop, Valera commanded in their made tongue. Her grip was so tight on the back of his hand that her nails dug into her lover.

Daemon grunted and light pushed Valera off of him, "why do you protect him!"

Daemons words weren't a question, but a demand to know where his nieces loyalties lie. Valera looked back at her uncle, a glimmer of pain and betrayal played in the marbled eyes of the princess and her brows knitted together in a mix of confusion and anger.

"I am protecting you!" Valera snapped at the man who stood before you, "they coat their blades, Daemon!" Her hand flew up, gesturing to the guards who stood around, waiting for the word to advance.

As Valera shared this information, Qoren shot her a harsh look. Valera sharing this information took away their advantage. It wasn't public knowledge to anyone except those in Dorne that the wealthy, knights, and royals poisoned their blades.

Off to the left of Valera and the men, Princess Arianna reached down towards her ankle. Beneath her dress, she had a small blade hidden which she retrieved before running towards the unfamiliar blond man who pinned down her brother.

Valera watched as her friend did this and began running towards her. The silver haired girl dove at the brunette, tackling her to the ground.

As the girls body's met, the dagger Arianna held, sliced through the thin fabric that covered Ariannas midsection before cutting into the sensitive skin of her friend. Valera cried out as the knife grazed down her abdomen and so did Silverwing. The two girls landed next to each other but Arianna quickly gathered herself.

The dragon, who had landed on a nearby fountain, began stalking towards her mount and the person that cut her. She screamed at Arianna, crushing trees beneath her massive talons.

Groaning in pain and clutching her side, Valera gritted through her teeth, "daor! Inkot iōrās!" No! Stand back, Valera told her dragon. Silverwing ignored her riders commands and began to spit fire in the air above Arianna, causing the girl to fall back on her feet after having just having found them. She pushed herself backwards on the ground, trying to move away from the approaching beast as much and as fast as she could.

Arianna recalled the lesson in dragon bonding that Valera gave her and she instantly regretting her decision.

After hearing Valera cry out, Daemon Targaryen broke his focus from the Martell Prince and looked towards his niece. When he saw the blood beginning to spill from her, he abandoned all plans for the man beneath him and ran towards his niece.

The Prince placed his sword back into its sheith and kneeled down next to Valera as she yelled strained commands at her incompliant dragon.

"Dokimarvose Silverwing! Rȳbās issa!" Focus Silverwing! Serve me! The Targaryen Princess shouted as the dragon approached her friend, fangs bared viciously, "rāpirī!" be calm!

This time, Silverwing cocked its head at the command, still staring down at Arianna who now had her eyes screwed shut. The dragon covered it's fangs and slowly shrunk back from the girl who was curled in a ball on the ground and went over to where her rider lay in pain.

Silverwing whined at Valera as she neared and as she come to rest next to her rider, every gate to the garden burst open and hundreds of men poured through.

Daemons men, entirely in armor, had finally descended on to the palace and just as they had planned, every guard was distracted by the dragon and prince in the court yard; allowing them to waltz right in, completely undetected.

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