The Alpha's Little Omega (Seq...

By Blue_Flame24

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The Alpha's Little Omega (Sequel to TALPT)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45: Epilogue

Chapter 21

12.9K 461 44
By Blue_Flame24

Chapter 21-

Courtland's POV:

After I ate a meal my bones and cuts began to heal, but I had scars. I was back to my regular self and preparing an attack against the dark angels.

"Where is their base?" Austin asked as we scouted over the different realms on the map.

"Here." I said circling the Forbidden City. The Forbidden city was home to the dark angels. They ruled it and it was the only place where I could end this.

"The Forbidden City?" Mitch asked.

"Yes. I will go and start my attack." I sighed tightening the sash around my robe. I had all my weapons and everything I needed.

"Alone? You will be killed!" My mom exclaimed.

"Mom I am the only one who can see the dark angels." I said.

"Well there is a way we could gather an army. It's risky but it doesn't involve Courtland going in alone." Jeremy started.

"What?" My mom asked.

"Well dark angels appear when they are hurt. The first time they appeared Court swung fire near them. They hate fire. They are surrounded by a forest. If we set the forest on fire we burn the whole city along with them and we attack with different packs. It will be easier and much quicker." Jeremy said.

"That's a good idea Jer. We will need to call the packs who are willing to help." I said. They all nodded and I began preparing the battle plan with Tyler.

"Well if we set up the packs to fight the dark angels trying to escape we could go in and begin killing the ones inside." I said.

"So we need a small group. Probably us because mom has the shield to protect us."

"Exactly. This is the plan we will use." I said.

"Well we still have time before any of the royals get here." He said.

"I just want to get this over and done with." I sighed.


"Your dad told us the plan. You're going in with your family. But Nirvana is at the back with the shield." Dimitri said as everyone was in the royal palace hall planning and saying goodbye to loved ones.

"Yes, and you will be attacking in the forest."

"I really wish you weren't doing this." Dimitri sighed running a hand through his brown hair.

"Why? This is the path I must take. I have to save our race."

"So much weight on one girls' shoulders."

"No. I have all these packs here to help. I'm not alone in this." I said.

"Just don't die on me, k? We still got prom to get to." He smiled.

"I don't plan on dying." I smiled. My hood was up and I stared at his blue eyes.

"Good or else I will kick your ass." He smirked.

"I'd like to see you try." He then took my face in his hands and kissed me. This was the fifth time he has kissed me. I have been counting. But this one had meaning. The other ones were nice but this one said to come back and don't leave. He then stopped and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"I never got to mention. You now look like a old relative."

"Who?" He asked.

"Thomas Kolev. Married Eliza Carter. Who looked like me." I said.

"That's ironic." He smiled. Soon he was called off and we were ready to start this plan.


We entered into the Forbidden city in wolf form. Some were in human form because they had to light the forest on fire. As I stepped closer to the foggy dark forest I felt uneasy. I couldn't let my family come with me. Something was telling me that they would get hurt.

"You can't come with me." I said turning to my parent's and brothers.

"Courtland. I am not letting you go in there by yourself." My mom said.

"I have a bad feeling. You're staying here." I said a bit harshly.

"Court. You might get yourself killed." Tyler said.

"I won't. Stay here...It's safer." I said again a bit more aggressively.

"Court-" My mom was cut off by pops.

"Nirvana. Let her go. She will come back." He said having faith in me. I nodded putting up my hood but Jeremy stopped me.

"Take this. It will let us know when you want us to signal the fire." Jeremy said handing me a small ear piece. I nodded and stuck it in my ear and clicked it on and then I bolted off. The forest was not long but it was dark and hard to see.

Soon I came to a clearing where a large abandoned building stood. It looked old and no longer in use but this was their main lair. There was dark angels everywhere.

"Jeremy?" I said quietly into the ear piece.

"Ready?" He answered back.

"Go." I crept around to the back and I soon began smelling smoke and the dark angels began to shriek. They all ran to the forest preparing for battle. There was a lot of them but they were visible to everyone else.

I ran to the house latching on to an old window and climbing upwards. I reached an old window in a dark room. I smashed the window open and climbed in landing quietly on my feet. I looked around cautiously and realized I was in a small closet.

I felt around in the dark and found a door and opened it slowly. I looked out in the hall and no one was there. See this is the difficult part because I had no clue who the leader was.

"Way to go Court...great planning." I muttered quietly to myself. I walked down the hallway keeping my back to it and walking slowly and quietly as can be. As I passed the last door before going downstairs I heard a groan. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to the door. I heard another groan and opened it.

Inside was a human girl on the bed. I knew she was human because human blood smells different...well to me anyways.

Her stomach was petruding out and moving making me want to get sick. Suddenly a dark angel slipped out in full form.

"What the fuck...?" I said confused.It looked at me and went to screech to signal the others but I silenced it quickly and tossed it to the ground. I walked over to the girl. She was diseased or something. Her eyes were normal but instead of red lines in them the lines were black. Her mouth was dripping black ooze and her teeth were sharp.

"You can't stop us." She said sickly smiling at me.

I took out my knife and plunged it into her chest and she gurgled a scream.

"I can try." I mumured before walking out. If that was the breeding mother then hopefully the rest will be easy.

I walked downstairs to the main floor and right when I was about to go to the main hall where the leader was...hopefully. I was picked up and thrown against the wall so hard the wall cratered in.

"You destroyed my children, you destroyed their mother." A man said. This man was diseased too; his eyes were like the girls but his mouth did not have the pointed teeth. In fact he looked normal except for the eyes and this big ass scar he had running down his face.

He came over and took off my hood.

"Courtland Carter. The prophecy who would destroy me and my children. I guess all those werewolf tales are not true, hmm?" He asked.

"What is your name?" I asked.

"Why?" He asked curiously.

"So I can come back from the dead myself and kill you." I snarled baring my canines. He chuckled and then bent down to me.

"Damien. Good luck finding me. You are going to be burned down with the rest of this place." He said.

"Not before my pack gets you." I said struggling to get up but he clenched his hand down on my shoulder.

"My house is sealed off. I am leaving. This place is being blown to pieces." My eyes popped out of my head.

"You're going to bomb it?" I asked.

"Of course. Well I have to leave. This place is set to blow...Farewell." He said before walking out with two dark angels following him.

"Jeremy?" I yelled into the ear piece.

"Yea, Court?" He said happily and breathlessly.

"Get everyone out. Now."

"Why?" He asked confused.

"Jeremy this place is going to blow. Go!" I yelled struggling to get up.

"What about you?"

"Just go, I'm coming." I said. He didn't answer and I began running towards the exit wherever it was. I didn't even have a timer so I had no clue how much time I had left. I cracked my back and it hurt and I winced.

I shook it off and looked around for an exit. I found the main door and opened it. I sprinted as fast as I could into the forest.

"Court, we're all out. Where are you?" Jeremy asked.

"Coming." I answered breathlessly. As I ran I was suddenly grabbed and I turned and two dark angels held onto my robe. I got out my knife and lashed out at both of them killing them swiftly.

My head began to hurt...

Oh no...No not the blood rage. I probably needed the tear of blood to help heal but I had none. I pushed it out of my mind the best I could do and I kept running.

Nick's POV:

"Jeremy where is she?" Mom demanded.

"She said the city was going to explode." Jeremy answered.

"What!?" Mom yelled. We had defeated the dark angels, setting the forest on fire was good we were able to see them and beat them more easily.

"I'm going to get her." She said determined walking to the hazy portal that led to the city.

"Vana no." Dad said holding her arm.

"Ashton. I am not leaving my daughter to be blown to bi-" Suddenly a big explosion came from the portal and everyone went dead silent. Mom brought a hand to her mouth to cry until Courtland flew from the portal at top speed, landing on her face before it shut close.

Everyone rushed over and around her as dad rolled her over.

"Court?" Mom asked. The left side of her face had to be shattered. It slumped...kind of. She blinked open dazily.

"Damien." She said.

"Damien?" Dad asked curiously.

"He's...the leader. He left. We have to...stop...him." She said breathlessly.

"Bring her back to the palace. Everyone return home for further information." Dad said. Everyone left in a flash as we went to the palace.

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