The Alpha's Little Omega (Seq...

By Blue_Flame24

554K 19K 705


The Alpha's Little Omega (Sequel to TALPT)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45: Epilogue

Chapter 20

12.6K 445 13
By Blue_Flame24

Chapter 20-

Courtland's POV:

The pain...I could not bare another second of it. I was hungry and thirsty but I could barely lift my head. I barely slept. I kept waking up in even more pain. The captor came back every once in a while to make sure I was alive so he could hit me. Finally I gathered the strength to ask my mom something.

"Where is Dimitri?" I asked softly.

"We will go get him." She assured. They left and I believe I passed out because I opened my eyes to someone shaking me. I looked at an unfamiliar figure but then looked into his eyes and instantly knew who he was. This boy was angry and sad but I knew it was Dimitri...Although he didn't have black hair anymore and he got a bit tanned. He looked like...Thomas. Thomas...Thomas was a Kolev. I heard of some people changing on their eighteenth birthdays. It was mostly boys though. I didn't change.


"Courtland..." He said sadly. He reached through the bars and placed his hand on my arm. My arm was broken and he lightly touched the disfigurement and growled.

"The next bastard that comes through that door to hurt you is dead." He promised angrily.

"Dimitri. Don't." I said grabbing his arm with the little strength I had. He stared at my hand then at my eyes.

"If you do that then you will just be put in here and it will be even more harder to get you out. I don't even know if my trial will pass tomorrow."

"It will C. That guy...Emanuel Drozdov. He set this all up. I heard him speaking to two other royal packs. They are just pissed off because they are not high up enough to be king or the next Lord." He explained.

"That's what they are pissed off about. When I spoke to Charles Uriel he said that the others would be angry because people believe I will be chosen to be the Lady."

"The Lady? We never had one before." He said curiously.

"No. That's why they are upset because they don't want a woman to overlook everyone. The Lord thought he could keep me from slipping into that coma. He would of probably tried to have killed me while I was in it but I was always under watch."

"You think he honestly would have tried to kill you? How do you even know if you will be come the next...Lady." He said.

"The werewolf Gods decide that. A new Lord has not been assigned in our generation so I have no idea how it goes. All I know it that my father said it involved the Gods."

"That sounds like it would involve...magic." He said.

"Probably. I think mages have something to do with it. But I don't think it would happen until the dark Angels are gone."

"See? This is why the trial will let you free. You're the only one that can kill them."

"But council members are stubborn and they want tradition. Not change."

"Well then their pack members are going to be killed by them. My father knows this and some others do....I wish I could give you a positive statement on what will happen...But I can't." I felt sad when he said this. I rubbed his hand lightly and smiled weakly.

"I know. Trust me I believe you would kill every person here just to see me free. But what happens happens."

"So if they sentence you here and you die? You're okay with that?" He asked disbelieved.

"I will be scared. I don't want to be here. I didn't want any of this to happen. I want to still be at school playing hockey and not worrying about any of this. But, if they do kill me...the Gods will judge them or they will be swept away by dark angels."

"Don't say that Courtland. You're getting out of here." Just as he said that the door opened and he growled.

"Go. I don't want you to see this."

"Courtland..." He started to say angrily.

"Dimitri. Go!" I growled. He looked at me angrily but got up and walked away as my captor walked in.

"One more round before you go up on stage." He smirked. I said nothing and he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.


Nick's POV:

We stood in the council room ready to start the trial. Everyone wore suits and women wore blazers and pencil skirts. Everyone looked formal and ready to start this thing. I sat inbetween Jeremy and Mitch. We had to sit according to age. Pops sat at the head with dad and mom sat behind him with us on the back wall.

The trial room was a circle shape. Representatives from each royal pack sat in two rows. The first row was for more important royals then the one's behind them.

The middle was opened where the accused would be.


Dad stood at the large podium with pops at his side.

"Now. Please keep this as peaceful as possible. The last thing we need is someone killing someone." Pops said. Emanuel Drozdov scoffed loudly.

"The boy needs someone to speak for him. Perfect man for our king."

"Last time I checked Emanuel the vampire threat ended when Nirvana and I took the throne." Dad said. Emanuel rolled his eyes.

"Now we are here today discussing the trial of Courtland Carter. Accused of murdering Lord Uriel and his predecessors Craven Uriel and Christopher Uriel." Dad said. On cue the large captor came in with Courtland's body over his shoulder. He took her for another round...I thought he wasn't supposed to.

The cuts on her back weren't even healed. Her clothes were torn and she was bruised from head to toe and bleeding. He tossed her on the ground and she slumped down. All the women gasped.

"Such a horrible thing to do."

"She's just a child!"

"That is a sin."

All these quotes came from different packs. Hopefully we will have enough to get her out of Aeonar. The captor hauled her up to her feet and she slouched with no energy.

"Courtland Carter. You are accused of murder of the Lord and his predecessors Christopher and Craven Uriel. What do you have to say?" The assembly lord asked. The assembly lord gave the final call on everything. He kept peace in the court room.

"I did kill him yes. But not in this time.I killed a man with a tainted heart. He killed Lucinda Heffern. Charles Uriel's mate and he sent his son to execution. He even hired assassin's to kill assembly members to get his way."

"And how do you know this?" Emanuel asked. She turned shakily stumbling a little bit.

"After I killed a pack of twenty dark angels I slipped into the body of one of my ancestors. Eliza Carter. She was betrothed to a man named Thomas Kolev. Thomas was an assassin. He had his own order. He took contracts from King Uriel and he carried them out. While I was in Eliza Carter's body I had a chance to speak to Charles Uriel in the flesh while he was caged up. He witnessed his fathers actions of killing members of the assembly. Including Emily Drozdov." She said.

"Emily was raped and killed." He said.

"Exactly. Not by Thomas Kolev and his order. By King Uriel's own guards.they took her body; raped her and took a homeless man; killed him and made it look like he had done it. Emily despised King Uriel and she had a group. A conspiracy set in place to make sure King Uriel would not become Lord. But he killed everyone who was involved in it." She explained.

"And I am supposed to believe some eighteen year old student who has not even graduated yet? Last I heard you were also an omega as well." Drozdov countered. Courtland's stare turned ice cold.

"Yes. I am an omega but are you really going to bring that up? I am the only one that can kill the dark angels and you are going to kill me because I am an omega? Mr. Drozdov if you do that then you can already start digging your grave because the dark angels will overrun you." She said icily.

"Look at this. Such wonderful manners for a girl. And people are proposing this as the Lady?" Emanuel said laughing sarcastically.

"Mr.Drozdov my daughter is not an inaminate object. She is a person and has a lot of say on this assembly." Dad said.

"Are you all listening to this? You really want a teenage girl telling us what to do? Ordering us around? Telling us who to fight and what battle tactics to use?" Emanuel asked the assembly.

"Emanuel do you really think a teenage girl will make up a prophecy story?research all these people and know things that King Uriel did?" Someone asked him.

"She didn't like the Lord. She planned it." He said simply.

"The first time I met the Lord was two years ago on the summer solstice. I rarely talked to him. He helped me through all of this but really he was just playing me." She said.

Emanuel laughed.

"You are all listening to a deranged child? One speaking of dead answers?What has this world come to? Putting twenty year olds on the throne...dark angels? A dark angel has never attacked my family. Frankly...I do not believe in them."

"Mr.Drozdov dark angels are not a laughing matter you do-" And just like that Courtland froze staring off into space. One of her spells.

"See? She can't even hold a conversation. Staring off into space like an air cadet." She shook back out of it.

"They are here."

"Who are?" The Lord of the assembly asked.

"The dark angels. There are two by the entrance, one standing behind me and ten lining the walls." She stated simply. People began to look around curiously.

"I don't believe that. There is no one here." Courtland's face looked...odd. I never seen that kind of expression. She was pissed. Like if looks could kill.

She struck out her hand in a flash and a dark angel appeared. Her hand was tightly around it's neck clenching down harshly suffocating it. It's teeth lashed out at her and she just stood giving Drozdov the killing glare. You could see the disfigurements in her arms but she still held on with strength.

With one swift movement the neck of the dark angel was broken and it slumped to the ground.

"There you go. Lock me away exectue me. I really don't care anymore. I just look forward to seeing you fight things you can't see." She said.

"Is that the proof you need Mr. Drozdov? Because there are still numerous dark angels in here." Someone said.

"Kill them. Go on kill them little girl." He said.

"Me? I don't think I can. Why don't you have a go?" She taunted.

"See? There is no compromising with this girl!" He belowed. Some guard laid a sword at her feet and she picked it up and swung it around a few times before beginning to walk around to kill every dark angel in the room.

"Good luck doing that. I will be waiting with the Gods to greet you. Or maybe they will banish you to Oblivion. Which ever I do not care." She said to Emanuel dropping the black dark angel bloodied sword on his desk

"We need Courtland Carter if we want to continue to live." Someone said standing up.

"All those in favour of letting Courtland released to fight the dark angels say aye." Numerous people said aye.

"All those not in favour."

"I will not stand for this!" Emanuel belowed. Courtland's eyes flashed with anger.

"Fine Mr.Drozdov but when dark angels come to attack your land. Do not send word because I will not respond. I hope your pack knows you are all well...basically fucked." She said.

"Swearing at a royal? You little bitch." He slapped her across the face and everyone gasped. Dimitri growled along with all of us and dad was over in a flash.

"You're not leaving Aeonar. Assaulting a higher royal than you. Also my daughter. Have fun here Emanuel because you aren't leaving." Dad growled in his face clenching his hand.

"You can't do this." He said baffled.

"Guards." Dad called. The guards came and wrapped Emanuel's hands in Wolfsbane soaked ropes.

"Then it is decided. Courtland you are free to leave. We are all praying for you and will be waiting when you return victorious." The Lord of the assembly said.Courtland nodded and everyone began to leave.

"Oh Courtland." Mom said hugging her.

"You alright?" Tyler asked.

"I am hungry. I would like to leave immediately. I wish to be rid of this place." She said. We all nodded and walked out returning back home.

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