AWAKENED HEART (The first he...

By unilover85

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Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo met years before their first drama together "THE UNTAMED" They had met on Daytoy year... More

๐Ÿ”ž๐Ÿ”žCHAPTER 22 ๐Ÿ”ž๐Ÿ”ž
CHAPTER 42โ™ฅ๏ธ
Announcement โฃ๏ธโฃ๏ธ
CHAPTER 54 the


163 13 10
By unilover85

In deed...Yibo was just four minutes away from where Larry and Zhan, Barry made sure to overtake every car that was on their way but just before the intersection where Larry was supposed to park their car...there was a huge truck that looked impossible to overtake. It was a car dealer truck that seemed to be transporting brand new cars to the dealership and Barry knew it wasn't safe to overtake such a huge truck. So...he drove at a normal speed for almost two minutes until the the truck took another lane and that was the lane where Barry was supposed to get off the highway to park near Larry and Zhan.

He wasn't patient but it's not like there was something he could do even when the truck flickered it's emergency flashers. Clearly indicating that the truck had n emergency problem...Barry couldn't drive past it even if he wanted to. Yibo was so impatient even though he was just a few seconds away. He was so close but yet so far and he felt as if he could get out of the car and run to Zhan. It was something he should have done if it was possible, because the second they reached Zhan and Larry's car and parked on the side behind it and got off the car and went to Larry and Zhan's was too late. Yes...both Larry and Zhan were gone and there was no sigh of them around except for fleet of cars and trucks that were racing to their destinations.

Yibo felt himself going crazy.... literally, he had a bad feeling about it and not even Barry could say anything to calm him down when he saw that it was time to tell his boss his plan. It was clear by the signs of struggle in the car that they were taken. All the doors were open, the emergency lights weren't flickering like they should have been,  and the car keys were on the grass outside the driver side. Yibo saw a mess but Barry saw a clue, he checked the car again and looked inside and outside to check the sigh which only he himself knew about. He looked to have found it cause right on the brake pad was a piece of paper which looked to be a candy wrapper. It had missing letters which seemed to be poked by something a car key or something and the words left on the wrapper spelled some words which Barry took a few minutes to think what they meant.

As soon as he figured it out...he looked at Yibo who was at the time trying to call Larry's phone and not Zhan's. He knew they were taken because that person wanted Zhan and he didn't want him to get hurt all because calling Zhan could anger the one who took the and also make them trace his number. But calling Larry would make the kidnappers think that Larry was being called by his colleagues or his wife or something. It was a great strategy Yibo adopted all the years and Barry thought it to be great idea. Things like being kidnapped was a usual thing for his bodyguards, they had gone through quite a few where two times they were kidnapped by Yibo's business rivals and they caught one of them off guard and many times they planned to be kidnapped.

Yes..they would set traps for themselves to get kidnapped on purpose because they knew they had the ability to "unkidnap" themselves...(if you know what mean) Barry realised that the current situation was the same but it didn't mean Zhan was only meant that Larry acted stupid to be also take by those that took Zhan. He was a master at acting stupid when in truth he was the best tracker, hacker and computer expert that no one has ever known. He could send a message to a phone remotely using a calculator or  a watch, he could take thousands of prices of a phone or any kind of gadget map and use it without one noticing. All in all...he was the best at what he does, but Yibo mostly didn't feel at ease when Larry got kidnapped because he was the tracker...

Loosing Larry meant they had a delay of up to three hours before finding him, which was whe he grabs a hold of any device to send them a location secretly. Barry turned to Yibo whose tears were on the verge of his kids and looked at him before he said...

"Boss...Im sorry about Zhan...Larry did this without any notice even though it was planned now it–"

Those few words were enough for Yibo to catch what he never thought he could hear. He felt like he was sitting right next to the furnace as he felt his temper raise making his while body heat up in an instant. He traced back the words Barry said in anger as he was fuming mad and said...

"What do you mean...'planned'..? Gē could you even think of doing something like this..? How could you be this careless...? Do you know what you have done...? You gave a monster someone to terrorise and that is my Zhan ..!!! How could you be so careless...??"(angry)

"I'm sorry boss, we didn't want to tell you yet cause them you would want us to change our route and they would have realised that we know about them."

"What are you talking about...? Who's they..?"

"Zhan and Larry's car had been followed by an unknown and unmarked van from the first day which was Monday. It followed when we took you to work and when we came back as well, Larry traced it and found out that it was that man and he had sent his man in disguise of that beat down van to trace Zhan's movement. We planned for this since Monday and we also talked about what to do when this day comes. I have a team that I had been working on bringing from Korea from last year for my retirement –"

"You're retiring...? What kind of boss  am I who's bodyguards keeps things from...? I know I'm younger than all of you and I know I might not respect you guys the way I should especially when I'm upset but why am I always the last to know about things...why...??"(hurt)

"You're the kind of boss who is like our younger brother and we would protect with our lives. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my plan to retire, I wanted to find capable people first who would be able to protect always when I'm not here. But when I found them...I couldn't see myself leaving you, I was planning to go back to Korea and help my brother run our parents's company but at the very last minute I found out that it was hard leaving you. I didn't tell you because I had already changed my mind about it, I can't leave you...I just won't ...I want to be here to see you archive every goal possible you want in your life and I will continue to be here even when you grow old with Zhan...I'm not leaving you. Now boss...please...focus...!!"

Barry was on point with his words that finally made Yibo shed tears looking at Barry with no words registering what to say in his busy and distracted brain. Even though he was distracted...he heard every word Barry said and before he could react...Barry tapped his arms and pointed to their car. He opened the door for Yibo to get in and he got in aswell. He knew Yibo was too exposed to be outside like that, not only would the kidnappers watching but his fans too. He had to be out of sight and he was as Barry got in the car and started the engine. His drive to work and Yibo couldn't understand it, Barry told Yibo to change his clothes so that if his fans had snapped some photos of him on the highway...they could disclaim them by date or just mistaken identity.

He always had spare clothes in the car for any occasion, courtesy from Barry...the man of many talents. Well... Yibo did change but he did t want to go to work of which Barry had to convince him that he had to in morder to throw off the tail of those that had been tailing Zhan for the past two days. He wasn't sore if Yibo was also tailed but he didn't want to make any suspicions possible for the kidnappers. If they knew that Yibo and Zhan got in touch more than they should've been...which was for work purposes...they would leak the information to make Yibo back of from them. Barry simply couldn't take any chances, Yibo had to go to work and along the way...he told him their plan for the past year and for Zhan's kidnapping. It wasn't much...he just told him that the less he knew the better and just told him they would deal with it

"Boss...I have put together a team with the help of Larry a year ago for my retirement as I consists of six highly trained men and women. It's a total of four men and two women who were ex military forces, ex CIA like Baba, ex special forces ...two of them are still on active duty in the special armed forces...we have been training privately for future missions which we didn't know about and the three active special armed forces trace information for us using their private work database...that is how we're going to find Larry and Zhan. I know you get worried when Larry is taken because he knows more about finding someone's location in less than a minute and that is why we decided to find those that can help.

I know where Zhan is and I don't want you to get involved. You will go to work and do your job and leave that stuff to us. We'll bring them home by a promise from a gē gē to his Dìdì, the less you know...the better. "

"What ..? Barry Gē...I'm still the boss here... Why do I have a feeling that you're acting as my boss..?"

"Of course you're my boss...but not today...I can't let you take steps that will jeopardize yours and Zhan's safety. This mission is very private and w couldn't let this keep on until we go back to the mansion because then people will know your private home. Look...I know I'm not giving you  much to hold on to...but trust this gē gē okay...?Like I said ..the less you know ..the better.!!"

In less than an hour Barry reached the agency where he dropped off Yibo and went in to find Zhan and Larry with the help of his new team. Yibo spent the rest of the day hearing people in their agency talk about how Zhan had fainted from exhaustion that morning. That information was fed to them by Zhan's manager and Yibo couldn't help but think how Zhan's manager came up with such a brilliant excuse cause then it meant that Zhan had to be given a week or two max to stay home and rest. He smiled painfully as he looked at his everyone felt sorry for Zhan while they kept calling him a hard worker. They knew he wouldn't just not appear to work because he was a responsible person who wouldn't just not show up. And for his manager...well...Yibo couldn't ask her even if he wanted to about Zhan.


Zhan's POV

I felt my head ring while my body felt cold, too cold as if it was winter already. My mind couldn't register what had happened before it woke up and the ring in my head didn't help much either. I tried to reach for my aching head when I felt my arms were unable to move. 'how could that be..?'.. I asked myself and my head started aching more, making me hiss in pain before I tried to open my eyes. I couldn't fully open my eyes since the room I was in was very bright for my eyes to get used to in an instant. I had to slowly open my eyes and when I did, I found myself lying on what felt like a bed in a very bright room, too bright as if there were thousands of lights lit in just that standard room.

I tried to get up but I couldn't , my hands felt tight and I started to used my feet to get up thinking that maybe my hands were too tired to help me up but then I found out that I couldn't move my legs either. That's when panick started to settle in very quickly, I tried to fully openy eyes and see what was going on when I found myself chained to the bed I was sleeping on. The room was very neat and white and the door was to my left side, I tried to pull my hands but I couldn't and I somehow hurt myself in the process making me hiss as my wrist felt as if they were about to snap. I heard the door open and two men came in wearing black suits followed by the other who was wearing the same black suit but with a red tie which made him look quite elegant and important. The suit looked to be expensive too.

I felt uncomfortable which made me look at my clothes, I knew it was inappropriate for me to be in a room with men other than my own, let alone three of them...I had to look at my descency for a minute and I found myself still wearing my clothes. I felt kind of relived for a second until the man with a red tie spoke...and all the chills came over my entire body. The man said....

"I finally found pretty you know how long I have been looking for you..? I couldn't rest I till I found you and I must team didn't dissapoint me this time around. You know...when they told me they had you last week...and they they came back and said they lost you...I felt like I could kill someone...well...lucky for them all my focus was on finding you, so I decided to give him a lighter punishment. Anyway...let's get into business shall we...? How are you feeling my pretty boy...? I hope you're not mad at me for having to handcuff you, I mean...I don't want any surprises. You have no idea how long I have waited for this moment."

That man came very close to me...I mean very very close and touched my clothed manhood with his two fingers before he grabbed it but not to hurt me. Just enough to make my groin stiffen from the sudden touch, making him smile at the process. My little boy down there wasn't up, he could get up. I mean...only Yibo could get it to get up and even dance around while pulsating a little...oh...I better stop thinking about Yibo cause then I might start getting hard and with the kind of situation I'm won't be good for me. I was frightened at his actions but I didn't give him a reaction, I just looked to the side as I felt disgusted by a man who wasn't my own touching me inappropriately like he owned me. I had to say something to stop him from constantly rubbing his hands back and forth my privates, so I said...

"Who are you...? What do you want from me..?"

He at least stoped moveing his hand on my groin and he touched my cheek and got his face he was about to kiss me and he said....

"You don't know me...? Well...I don't believe it, you see...the way you're asking me that question is quite questionable...don't you think.? There isn't any sigh of defensiveness either in your voice or your movements. You see...I studied human psychology and I can tell that you know who I am and why you're here. He~he~he..(chuckle) aah! My pretty boy...we have business to attend to. The first time, my group of incapable doctors managed to surgically cut and seal of part of each of your vas deferens, typically as a means of sterilization. That procedure... vasectomy...makes you unable to get a woman pregnant. But...because of your case... I mean..that wouldn't be a problem cause you get to have a baby inside you. (Chuckle)...

How lucky am I to find such a pretty man who can give me kids...? I's a rare thing to have such  a man. Then...we met again the second time where those useless things called doctors had to remove your tesficles...I's not that hard right...? They said they knew his to do it but then they claimed to have misheard me and said they don't know how to do it. (Sigh) I had to take matters into my own hands and try to perform that surgery. I mean...I was medical student before acquiring my current business so I figured...why not do it myself...? And I was about to,  but...your parents came in and made such a scene and took you away from me. I could have just killed them you know...but I couldn't cause I mean...who is going to marry us when I kill them...? They're my in-laws therefore I have to tolerate them just until you and I tie the knot...

I get exited just thinking about it, so now...we need to complete the procedure of completely turning you into a pretty woman. Your testicles need to be removed and after will be perfect...just the way I like. You see...I always knew I liked men and not women. But when I saw you when you were little...I couldn't help but like that pretty face of yours. I gave your father an opportunity to raise you for me with the amount of money I gave him and I must say....he did a great job. When you grew turned out to be more pretty and for the first time...I started to have feelings for women as well. That was until I tried to sleep with one of them did it hit me....I had feelings for you as a woman and a man. You have what I would want in a woman...the ability to bear me children and a man who I love and will continue to do so for such a long time...well...because there's no one else like you, it's not like I would cheat or anything...

Anyway...the doctors will get here soon so please...just relax okay... You need to get ready for surgery... Let me leave you to rest okay..?"

"Where's my driver...!! You took my driver ....where is he..? I need to know he's fine or I won't do anything you'd rather kill me instead.!!"

"Well...killing you is my second option anyway...I mean...if I cannot have one will...but don't worry yourself for now...he's fine, he's in the room next door. I planned to deal with him right after your surgery, I couldn't have you become too emotional before the procedure is done. You might beome soft like a woman and I can't have that. He's fine...for now.!"

He turned around and left, I wanted to know what had happened to Larry gē, I knew I was with him before I fell unconscious. But my mind can't stop screaming Yibo's name, thinking about how restless he was at that time and I bet he's out there looking under every rock to find me. I always disputed everything he said and did when it came to my safety and it's wasn't until that exact moment did I realise that he was right all along. I wished I could turn back time and appreciate him for always thinking about my safety. I started to get emotional thinkimg about how I would never see him again. The chances of finding me without Larry gē were pretty slim since I only saw him operate computers.

I couldn't stop thinking about my parents, my mother...his she would be devastated if she knew I was kidnapped, my father who would blame himself for taking that man's money and taking me to his house. To be honest...I was still upset at my father for what he did, his inability to protect me as his only son really made me want to never speak to him again...but...he was my father afterall and I know he wants what's best for me and just don't know what to do sometimes. My mind went back to his words about how perfect of a man I was for he wanted to marry me...over my dead body would I marry such a monster. I wanted to marry Yibo...the only man who was successful in getting my boy down there up and working for hours. He was the only one I wanted to be with, the only person made for me was him and no one else.

My eyes got heavier as my tears kept welling up and I didn't care. The thought of having to be removed what makes me me, was so scary for me that I had the sudden urge to vomit...maybe it was because I didn't eat anything that morning and by the white clock on the white wall right infornt of was already two hours after lunchtime. I knew I wouldn't have anything to eat since that monster told me I was going to have surgery. My heart began to ache uncontrollably the more I thought about my lived ones...more especially Yibo but there was nothing I could do but cry while being tied up. I heard the door open and I saw four men come in wearing surgical clothes and my heart sank to my stomach...I didn't take that man's words seriously until I saw those doctors come inside the room pushing a tray of scissors, scalpels and whatever was needed to remove the remaining thing that still made me a man.

The smell of disinfectants was so strong as they scrubbed each and every tool they brought while two of the doctors were busy taking my clothes off. I was crying...screaming for them to stop, when the urge to vomit suddenly rose up again and the next thing I knew...i was throwing up on one of the doctors who seemed to widen his eyes and smrushed out of the room. One of the other two doctors stuck a needle inside my arm and the last thing I saw was the doctor who injected me get his face closer to my face.

Larry's POV
I was tied on a chair and all I could hear was Zhan scream in the other room. Right at that exact moment I knew there was n way for me to survive this. I calculated my life as I thought that if the people who took us don't kill me...then boss will surely kill me if anything happened to Zhan. I heard that the man who took us was crazy...but I didn't know he was this crazy to actually kidnap someone only because he liked that person and wanted to turn him to be who he wanted him to be.  I got so pissd off as I thought about how slow Barry was with the rescue mission. I mean...we had gone through this over and over again, I even told five the sighs he should look for so that he gets who took us.

But then it hit me...if Barry doesn't et here on time then it will be too late for me and for Zhan. I heard him stop screaming and I smelled disinfectant then I knew, they had started performing surgery like I had heard them say next door in the room they kept Zhan. The walls of the rooms must have been too thin because I heard everything that man said to Zhan that left me in awe. Not hearing Zhan's voice got me in panick as I tried to get myself free form the rope tied around my wrists together as well as my legs to the chair. I wriggled around on the chair and until I fell to the floor with the chair still stuck to me and I felt my head bang the concrete floor. I didn't hiss cause I didn't feel pain, but I saw blood on the floor where I had hit my head onto.

I realised that I must have hit my head too hard because I started to feel a little dizzy, I tried to lay in a comfortable position cause I was starting to get in get too cold. I knew I couldn't help myself up to sit back straight and I didn't even think of trying. I don't know what happened to me cause  seconds later I lost consciousness and the last thing I heard was the door bang behind me as my body felt numb. Maybe the numbness was because I was laying on the cold floor or that my hands and feet had been tied for too long. Before my mind completely shut down, it went back to thinking about my devastated he was and how worried he was for both of us and mind went completely blank.

Yibo's POV
My day was the hardest even, I didn't feel like myself as I was changing into different kinds of clothes for the photoshoot the entire day. I honestly loved trying on new clothes cause I like comfortable clothes, from the fabrics to the design because I spent most of my time doing extreme sports and I need to have comfortable clothes on for that. But today...I don't want to do anything but stress about my Zhan gē . I felt absent from my work throughout the day , like my body was there but my consciousness was somewhere else. I cannot seem to concentrate and I haven't even had anything to eat since last night. My mind remembered this morning when Zhan gē told me to sit down on the chair by the kitchen counter so he could prepare us breakfast and I refused.

We were late and he didn't want to see me go to work without even just a cup of coffee to warm myself but he woke up late cause he was tired. I kept waking him up and he would tell me 'two minutes' until we were like forty minutes late. Today...I didn't even get a chance to kiss him good luck for work, I didn't look at what he was wearing like I always did, I didn't even admire his handsomeness and cuteness as he looked at himself in the mirror while fixing his hair. I don't even remember hugging him, not only today...but last night either. Oh my goodness...I just miss him so much, I'm also used to seeing him from afar as we went up and down at work doing our work. We didn't always stay in the same building for work even though we worked in the same studio, but my heart would always pump so out of control as I saw him passing by and I would say to myself
...'this angel right here is all mine' .

You have no idea the sense of pride I have just to know that Zhan gē is my boyfriend. I knew I was the luckiest in the world to have such a person be mine, I must have done good deeds in my previous life to be gifted such a man. The day went in like that and I was woken from my deep thoughts by my phone ringing and I finally saw who was calling. I had been distracting myself the entire day from calling him to hear how if he had already located my people. Atleast I was successful in that because it was already a little after six PM and everyone was starting to pack their stuff to go home when some were already gone. I picked up the phone quickly and out it to my ear without saying a word. I didn't want to sound so broken hearted, desperate and worried like I was over the phone so I decided not to say anything.

On the other end I heard Barry gē say he was on my his way to pick me up and that I should wait for him at the front cause there isn't enough time left. I didn't even show any sigh of understanding him cause I was scared he would say he hasn't found Zhan gē and Larry gē so I just hung up after his message. It was like I was living in a dream 9r something. I could see myself move but I didn't know what drove me as I suddenly saw myself at the front of our studio with my backpack and all. A few seconds later...I saw my car pull up and Barry gē got out to open the door for me but I couldn't wait for him to come all the way to me just to open the door so...I opened the door and got in. He turned back to look at me getting inside the car before he went back to his driver's side, opened the door and got inside. He drove off and I was waiting for him to say something along the way, but he didn't.

I got so impatient on waiting for him since morning and till that late he hasn't called me to update me on his far he was in finding them. Now here he was looking at me through the rear view mirror and not really saying anything except for stealing glances at me.

"Gē...I think I had been patieny enough...where's my Zhan gē and Larry gē...? Did you find them or not...? Why have you not said anything the entire day...?"

"I'm sorry sir...I didn't have time to give you an update cause we were too busy trying to find them. I'm sorry sir...were still trying to find them and I'm already halfway in deciphering the secret message on the piece of paper we found on the floor on next to their car. I'm sorry boss.."

"You're telling me you haven't found even a lead of who hiw they must have been taken on that highway...? Gē...what kind of rubbish is this..? I can do a better job than you if I could.! How can you sit there and telle you haven't found them when I had been waiting for your call the entire day...? Now here you are telling me you still haven't found them...what have you really been doing huh...? Gē...are you telling me that without Larry gē then things cannot be done...? Gē...please...please...I can't hold on any longer...I want my Zhan gē back...please bring him back...!"

I felt so emotional and tear began to fall down my cheeks, I had been strong for the whole fucking day and kept comforting myself that my Zhan gē will be found by evening. I didn't expect him to still be missing. I dread to know what that man is doing to him at that time, he must be touching what's mine in a way I should be touching him. I pray that he doesn't do more than that, but my mind kept bringing the scene where that man is ontop of him hurting him or pleasuring him...I was loosing my mind...and fast. I couldn't help myself but cry myself to sleep in the car and the next thing I knew...I was being woken up and I saw that I was at the mansion. I turned to look at Barry gē as to what we were doing there when we should be at Zhan gē's home with his parents.

"Barry gē....what are we doing here...? We should be at Zhan gē's house protection his parents ...why are we here...? When he comes back he won't know were here..he doesn't know the way here and he will get lost. Take me back, aunty must be worried sick that we haven't came back from work...!"

I was in panick and couldn't even understand what Barry gē must have been thinking when he brought me to my house when Zhan gē wasn't the only one who was needed to be protected at the time. As I was still shouting at Barry gē I heard a voice behind him and it said...

"don't worry about us need to calm down...Come on..get off and we will talk about everything over a meal ok..."

It was aunty...I didnt know how they got there but I was relived they were there...with I got off the car and went inside, Mr Xiao was standing in the hall way as we entered and his eyes showed total concern for his son. He had to be worried and of course blaming himself for loosing his son again, it couldn't be was when tragedy strikes that we wisked we could have done things differently. Aunty kept holding my hand like she did when she helped me out the car and led me to the kitchen and sat me by the kitchen counter and went to the oven and took out a plate of food and out it next to me. I honestly didn't feel like eating anything so I respectfully declined but she didn't even let me finish my sentence when she sat down next to me and said...

" need to take care of yourself, you lost Zhan Zhan this morning and as a mother I know you haven't eaten anything since then. If you want to find my son then you have to be strong ...strong enough to protect him... strong enough to comfort him when you find him. You have to eat something cause if you don' body will only weaken to a point where you won't be able to make rational decisions to save him from the monster that took him. Come on son...he must be waiting for you to find him, something first and then we will think together on what to do next... please...!"

I didn't answer her cause I knew she was telling the truth, I was not hungry but I forced myself to eat that food which tasted like my mom's cooking. Without notice...tears started to fall down my face as I missed my mom and my Zhan gē so much. The food remained me of how she used to comforte when things don't go the way I planned. She would say...

' Bobo... listen...if you fall then it means you're not strong enough for the next should prepare your mind and your body to be able to stand strong and do whatever it is that you want to do. Falling is not's simply a preparation, just like how every level is simple to hard. From keeps on getting harder until you see yourself not being able to achieve it. But son...if you reach that stage where you feel that it's hard and you can't keep going then you are  othing but a quitter and trust will give in everything your whole life. Your should always prepare yourself mentally and physically for anything and every challenge. Of you look at a mountain and say it's too high then why are you standing next to it...? It means you want to explore what could be at the top of that mountain right son..? Then do what no body thought of doing and use your own way to climb that mountain to explore it. It doesn't matter if you hike to the top, or dig you way to the top of even if you build a device to take you up there...cause you have already made it to the top..then you'll always reach the top in everything you do in life.'

Those words kept ringing at I ate aunty's food while tears fell so uncontrollably down my face. It was until she stood up from her chair and came beside me and hugged me did I realise that I also needed to be comforted. I had been alone most of my life and I had no one to help me or comfort me through out my teenage life cause I was very far from home. I thought I was old enough... strong enough to handle everything on my own...but I was...until I met Zhan gē. He makes me be the person I want to be...but a better version of that person. I know I'm younger than him but when I'm with him I don't feel younger, he makes me feel loved and when I'm with him...I feel like I had everything I need. was aunty ....comforting a man who claimed to protect his pathetic I was...

I didn't realise how Zhan gē being kidnapped affected me u til that exact moment. I cried and cried as I kept thinking what he was doing or wat they were doing to him at that time. I guess I voiced out my thoughts cause then I heard aunty say...

"Son... your love for Zhan Zhan is enough to protect him and I know you're more than capable. Don't allow this situation get the better of you. You can's okay to cry in my arms...crying doesn't make you weak, but it helps you clear you clouded mind and releases pressure in your thoughts from thinking and in your chest for storing so much emotions over time. Those emotions build up and they sometimes build up to a point where they  cloud you judgement and you will feel like you lost the race when that race hasn't even started yet. Now go on and's okay son..."

I are white crying...and I felt so much better cause there was someone there next to me...comforting me and I finally combined her words of wisdom and my mother's words of wisdom and I finally got the clarity I needed. I stopped crying and started eating until I finished my food and went out the kitchen to find Barry gē after thanking aunty for her kindness. I found Barry gē in the tech room with three guys of which I don't know and I barged inside and said...

"What's the latest update...?"

I was calm when I said that and that seemed to bring Barry gē's attention back to cause he stood right besides me and the three stood infornt of me in a salute manner before Barry gē introduced them to    . They were the three guys who were still on active duty from the special forces, I didn't catch their names as long as they told me what I needed to hear. They each tried to tell me about themselves but I didn't have time for that. I need to know where Zhan gē is and fast. They showed me their findings and I must say...they had too much information except for where Zhan gē and Larry gē was. I looked at Barry gē and it was then I saw how much he was also affected by the whole situation and how exhausted he looked. I asked for the pieces of paper he found out the car and other findings I the car. I didn even know it the car had reached home yet when and when I asked...Barry gē told me it was in the garage.

I don't know what it is but there's something that told me to go look inside the car and I did. Barry gē was standing right infornt of me and I went straight to the back seat where Zhan gē was sitting and looked around. And right there...right on the floor at the back of the front seat I saw was Zhan gē's phone. I took it out and I hesitated to unlock it thinking that he had changed his password which he had. I sat there...right where he was sitting when he was taken and I don't know what happened  cause I closed my eyes for a few seconds when suddenly I saw flashes of images in my head. I tried to open my eyes again but I couldn't feel like I was in control. Then the images settled and I felt the sleep paralysis get ahold of me.

Barry gē was there with me in the garage and I don't know if he tired to wake me up or didn't notice me....but I begged to be woken up. The images for clearer and clearer when finally I saw my nightmare. The one I had been having my whole life
I saw that man in black again and he said those same words he used to say in all the years I dreamt of him.

"I have finally found you..."

Then I asked back and we seemed to be having a conversation like it wasn't a dream cause he heard me and I heard him. We answered each other's questions...well he answered mine and I couldn't give him much of what he needed to hear cause I felt it...I felt he was a very bad person so I didn't want to tell him much about me. Things seemed different, like...I wasn't scared of him anymore and I felt confident in my questions throughout our conversation. I asked him two questions I had wanted to ask in my nightmare and said...

"What do you want from me...? And why are you tormenting me...??"

Hey guys...I hope you enjoy reading this chapter and please let me know what you think about it and do t forget to vote😍😍

Tha k you so much for wishing me recovery cause I'm feeling much much better all thanks to your wishes and the inspiration I got from you as I saw your votes and your comments in my books. I now know I have the best friends in the world in you... thank you 🤗🤗🙏🏻🙏🏻

With that being said...
Stay blessed 💞💞
Stay safe 🤗🤗
And remember...
♥️♥️ I love you a GALAXY ♥️♥️

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