AWAKENED HEART (The first he...

By unilover85

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Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo met years before their first drama together "THE UNTAMED" They had met on Daytoy year... More

🔞🔞CHAPTER 22 🔞🔞
Announcement ❣️❣️
CHAPTER 54 the


191 21 17
By unilover85

Barry gē....please tell the maids to pack my clothes for this evening and prepare the well cause I'm. Going to work. I have spare clothes in the office so I will take from there if needed to. And where are we with the number that called Zhan gē and his manager...?"

"Well....that's the thing....we didn't want to tell you this this but..."

"What is it...?"

"Well...boss...there was a suspicious number that called Zhan's manager last week. It was the first time it ever called and the call lasted for about five minutes long, the number never called again but when I checked the IP traced back to the number that sent that email. It could be nothing you know...I could be wrong but I think Zhan's manager might know something about the schedule changes"

"What...??? Larry gē gē...I respect you, but if you're gonna stand there and accuse my manager then I'm not sure I will be able to take it. She had been with me through thick and thin...since she had worked for me I haven't had any single problem whatsoever and she always makes sure I don't overwork myself. She doesn't care about the money cause she wouldn't have been able to take it when I rejected so many jobs in the previous years. can blame whomever you want...but leave her out of this.!!"

"Larry gē...what makes you think she might be involved...? If she isn't doing it for money...can you find out what she could do it for...??"

"Yibo...!!! Are you not listening to me...?? I said leave her out of it...!!"

"Larry gē go on...find out what she knows...and find out everything about her."

"Wang Yibo...!!! Stop doing this or I swear I will never forgive you...!!! I mean it...!!"

Yibo stopped talking and looked at Zhan, he had this unknown expression on his face that no one could tell what he was thinking or about to say. He let out a heavy sigh and right after that sigh everyone in the room saw how unhappy he was with the words Zhan had spoken. His eyes were focused on Zhan and it was like he was stopping himself from saying something when all of a sudden words came out of his mouth. He didn't know the outcome of his words but he didn't care at that time as long as those words reached Zhan's ears. Zhan was no impressed upon hearing them and he saw that he couldn't push the conversation any further if he wanted to ever talk to Yibo in the future. Zhan was a very patient man but it depends on what it was he was being patient about, one thing was for sure that he was not patient enough to Yibo's plans or the way he handled things.

"Zhan gē , what is wrong with you...? How can you talk about not forgiving me when I'm doing all this for you...? Do you know how much danger you are in...? Do you understand who is after you...? Do you know that know...I'm beginning to think twice about this whole thing. Did you tell me the whole truth about this man...? Why did he target you out of all people...? Where did he see you first to even want to do that to you...? Come on...enlighten me please cause I can see you don't take this situation seriously the way I do. I can't keep playing that game with you of two steps forward and three steps backwards. You need to tell me everything or so help me you will regret ever meeting me.!!"

"What....Y..Yibo...are you threatening me...? What are you saying really ...?"

"You heard me right Zhan gē, and's not a threat...I don't make I'm going upstairs and you better follow me to tell me the whole truth or I don't think you will like what I will do to you.!!"

"Yibo wait...please don't go upstairs...let's go to my parent's house first. Please...!!"

"I said you need to tell me the truth and now you're telling me we should go, what is wrong with you..? Are you avoiding the truth that much...?"

"It's not parents know the reason for the question you asked me, I don't know but I realised something after I came back that proved to me that they knew something about this. They had refused to tell me saying they don't know anything. I also need answers... so please...let's go and ask them what you want to know. Please Yibo... believe me and don't make me go upstairs...I need to go to work tomorrow"

"Barry gē...make arrangements to leave soon.  Larry gē...get on it...hack her phone am the number that called Zhan gē in Guizhou....I need answers by tomorrow evening. Baba gē...get ready for you mission for tomorrow, make sure you spend only six day there and you must come back no matter what you find ok...? And tell the maids to prepare my clothes for work for these coming three days. Barry gē...the elevator must be installed in the west wing and south wing and not in the north wing...Zhan gē and I can use stairs. Tell the maids to prepare the room in the south wing for Zhan gē's parent, get some others for Zhan gē aswell, you can take my card and please also buy whatever you think would be necessary and even the food, take Mrs Anna with you to buy food cause she would know what to buy and how long it will last. We will be too busy this week so I suggest you get all thing done and stock as much food as possible. You can leave now, let's meet at the front entrance in twenty minutes.

About the cars...don't take the car that you usually take me to work with, change it and also take another one for when you take Zhan gē to work which has dark tinted windows. So we will use two cars and after three I will share a car with Zhan gē so that his parents can use the other one. Take the sticker out of the dark tinted windows,I don't want it to cause problems for Zhan gē. Okay....everything is covered I think...let's meet in twenty."

The three bodyguards went out and made all the necessary arrangements, Yibo went upstairs and packed his backpack. He didn't even bother looking back to see if Zhan was coming or not, Zhan wanted to go pack his backpack also but he was scared of following Yibo not knowing what might happen to him. He decided to out his fear aside and went ahead and followed Yibo up to his room. Yibo opened the door and unplugged his laptop from the office in the bedroom and also his phone charger and put them inside the bag. By the time Zhan reached up in the room...Yibo was busy sending emails on his phone sitting in his bed. He didn't know what to say to Yibo but he knew they had to talk so that they don't make things too awkward for them when they reach his home.

He still didn't know how he was going to convince his parents to leave their house and follow him to live together with Yibo. He was upset that the matter which his parents kept from him ended up being the reason for their fight when his parents should have came clean and told him everything before when he had first asked them. Even though he was didn't change the fact that he was still worried about them having to get into trouble or being forced to give him up in exchange for their lives. Zhan didn't know anything and he swore to get answers by the time they reach his home. But at that exact time...he had to talk to Yibo to calm him down because he had a right to get angry because he had saved him from a bad thing that was about to happen to him again.

He went inside and packed his backpack in silence while glancing back and forth at Yibo to see if he was maybe looking at him or not. He saw that Yibo was so busy with his phone and didn't even spare him a glance, he got upset while his mind was playing games with him, telling him that Yibo didn't care much for him after what he had said to him. He refused to believe it, he didn't want to feel the he had felt many years back when his girlfriend broke up with him. He felt unwanted and unimportant that he stopped taking care of himself. But at that time...Yibo meant a lot to him than anything he had ever imagined and he told himself that he would do whatever it takes to get Yibo's attention back to him. He went over to Yibo after packing the backpack and stood right infront of him and straddled his feet.

Yibo looked up at Zhan and he saw that Zhan did wanted to gain his attention so he ignored him for a few minutes before Zhan got agitated and sat in his lap and parted his hands while he took Yibo's phone out of his hands and put it on the bed behind him. He wanted to catch Yibo's attention and it didn't matter to him what he did as long as Yibo looked at him like he always did and not with anger. Zhan didn't realise that he had started to look into Yibo to find his own happiness since they were in Guizhou. He was trully depending on Yibo for happiness and he didn't want Yibo to stop giving him that attention he was giving because he believed that if he didn't give him then it meant Yibo was done with him just like his ex girlfriend.

Zhan laced his hands around Yibo's neck and looked into his eyes, Yibo looked into his and Zhan didn't stopped when he thought he didn't see the spark he always saw in Yibo's eyes. That spark was everything to him and then it was gone, which meant Yibo's feeling for him had changed. He unpaved his hands and stood up from Yibo's lap while Yibo was still looking at him and he picked his backpack from the bed and wanted to exit the room. His eyes were getting wet as tears were about to fall from him eyes when Yibo saw that and quickly stood up from the bed. He held Zhan's hand and pulled him towards him before he smashed their lips together, placing his hand at the back of Zhan's head and the other hand in Zhan's waist and deepened the kiss.

They kissed while Zhan's silent sobs muffled against Yibo's mouth causing him to moan so seductively that Yibo growled between the kiss. He felt Zhan getting weaker as he held him too tight and he let go of his lips to let him breath a little and looked deep into Zhan's eyes which were teary and red with fear of Yibo loosing a spark for him. The truth was that Yibo had seen the look in Zhan's eyes and he saw dissapointment and pain in them. He knew it was easy for Zhan to mistaken the anger he felt for a change of feelings because he was indeed very angry at that time. He saw Zhan was about to cry and right at that time...nothing mattered to him but Zhan's feelings. Not his anger and certainly not what he wanted was more important than Zhan's feelings. He couldn't let the love if his life bear all those feelings alone while he was the reason for such a misunderstanding.

He didn't know that Zhan's was going to misunderstand him like that to a point were he doubted his love but he knew it was nit time to talk about it yet. At that time he wanted to assure him that he was still and will always be more important to him and nothing else. Zhan felt the love he always get from Yibo again and he hugged him. He hugged him so tight that it seemed as if he was scared of letting go. He was about to say something when Yibo's phone rang and it was his bodyguards telling him that everything was ready and that they should leave. After the call...Yibo looked at Zhan and picked his backpack and told Zhan that it was time to leave when Zhan picked up his own backpack and went out the room.

Outside...Baba suggested that they go in different cars and that Zhan should ride with him. No one asked why but no one objected either, was like that. Yibo was driven by Barry while Larry and Baba were driving Zhan who was at the backseat at the time. everyone else...wondered why Baba wanted Zhan to be in a different car when he finally got the answer a few minutes after leaving the mansion. Zhan's car was at the front of Yibo's and Yibo and Barry didn't have time for anything else but to look at the road to see if there wasn't any threats or if someone was following them. Baba took his chance and spoke to Zhan in concern for both him and Yibo and said...

" you really love Yibo...?"

"Excuse me...? Baba gē...what kind of question is that...?"

"I have to ask, you know why...? Cause you seem to misunderstand Yibo in everything he tries to do for you. It's like you want to be right all the time maybe because you're older than him...?"

"What does age have anything to do with any of this...? Look...I respect you... I really do. So please don't change my opinion about you."

"I fit really care what you think of me, but if you can't see Yibo's efforts and have to question everything he dies for you then it makes me wonder how deep is your love for him. He has been through so much and yet you don't seem to care about that or having any interest to know more about him. You don't understand him cause you dont know him, why can't you take your time to study him and see what kind of person he is. He loves so much that he doesn't care about about himself or us safety as long as you're safe and here you are throwing tantrums and telling him you will never forgive him if he doesn't stop investigating your manager. You don't really know what kinds of demons are in this industry because they are all wearing sheep skin and pretend as if they have the best I interest at heart for you when they really can sell you off for a meal.

Do you realise the danger you were really in when we came and rescued you..? Do you really know what that man is really capable of...? I only heard a little about him and I know he won't hasitate to kill Yibo if he finds out he's in his way. You need to set your priorities straight cause I won't be going undercover and risking my life for someone who doesn't even appreciate what someone is doing whether in his knowledge or secretly to protect him. I'm willing to risk my life and Yibo also knows how dangerous this task really is but because we don't have a choice I have to go and only pray that 8 font get caught. So...take your time to get to know Yibo for who he really is and I promise will find a different person than the one you expect. Stop acting as if the world has wronged you and embrace the man who only knows looks at you like you're his life or breath.!!"

"Baba... bǎobè you really have to be that rude...calm down baby please...!!"

"No..! I will not calm down know what Yibo has been doing since he saw him the first time. You know how much he almost risked his life to save him and he doesn't even know about some of that and now...he had the nerve to stand there and threaten boss about forgiveness...? Fuck....what does forgiveness have to do with all that...? I'm merely asking him to get to know him, he thinks Yibo does all that cause he wants to show off or because he's possessive...? Of course he is possessive and who can blame him when he only found his soulmate not long ago after struggling for so long. I'm telling you better stop acting like a wife who was wronged and appreciate that young man for who he is and what he does. It's bad enough that I can't tell him anything because he's my boss, but I'm telling you so that you know...he has risked so much for you up until now and some of those things you don't even I'm asking you...get to know who he really is case it's clear you fit know him, and stop threatening him with your love.!!!"

"I'm sorry I caused so much trouble for all of you...I didn't think things like that...I know I sounded ungrateful earlier and I know what I said to.Yibo was wrong. I'm won't happen again, maybe it's best if I stay out of his life so that he could have a peace of mind and so will all of you...(worried)"

"Whoa...! Don't even think about that...boss won't have that and he will go back to his old cold self again or he might even do something stupid. can't leave him...that day we came to rescue you...he didn't know about it cause he read your text and left him phone with me and went to sleep. He said he was tired but I saw as if life was being sucked out of his can't leave's too late for that and you must never mention what I said in here to him or anyone...!!"

"Bǎobèi...please stop acting like villan, if boss finds out what you said here then I won't be able to speak for you. You know how he feels about Zhan, stop acting creepy... we've reached Zhan's house already. Zhan...please don't tell boss about what he said, I don't want to loose this fool here cause no matter what..I love him more than my life. Boss will definitely hurt him if he finds out, please...don't tell our boss."

"I won't tell him anything don't worry about it. (Sad smile) I think Baba gē is right...I still don't know Yibo that well."

They parked the car outside Zhan's house and Zhan's parents came outside to see who had entered their house when they saw Baba open a door Zhan and Zhan came out and went to greet his parents. They hugged while greeting each other as they were happy to see their son whom they had not seen in a long time.Theybwere happy but yer worried because there were two cars outside and Yibo had not yet gotten off the car yet when Zhan told his parents that they had a guest. It was then that Barry got out of the car and went to open for Yibo and as soon as Yibo got off the car he quickly went towards Zhan's parents and bowed his greetings. They greeted him back but there was doubt in their eyes which was asking why he was there and why he was their guest.

Zhan's parents asked them to come in when Yibo turned around and talked to his men, Zhan's parent stood there and listened.

"Gē gē... You can go now, please don't forget to come to pick us up tomorrow morning and Baba gē ...don't forget your mission. Barry gē don't forget about the arrangement at the house and Larry gē...those phone numbers... You know what to do. We will see you tomorrow, Zhan gē...what time...?"

"I leave around four AM for traffic and I suggest you leave at that time also. "

" heard Zhan gē...four AM it is then. Maybe it's better if sleep at the condo until we leave here...there's a parking lot and it's spacious in the building. Here are the keys to the private garage."

"Ok boss...Zhan... we'll see you tomorrow. Nice to meet you elders, we will take our leave now."

The three got into the car and left the Xiao residence, Zhan liked at his parents who looked like they didn't understand what was happening and he said to them...

"Mā...Pa...let's get inside and I will explain everything. Come on...there are too many eyes outside."

Zhan went inside and his parents followed behind him making Yibo to follow behind his parents. He put his backpack on the couch and went to the kitchen and switched on a kettle for making tea. He pulled out chairs on the dining table and asked everyone to sit down. Yibo looked around and his eyes couldn't stop admiring Zhan's home, it was big and spacious. The kitchen was right next to the dining table which was big and could sit about ten people. The design of the house was beautiful and the furniture was placed perfect thinking and it looked beautiful. The design was old but had a lot of charm to it with a woman's touch to prefect it. Every room in the house was carefully decorated and I was very spacious as well as the front porch.

Zhan boiled water and took out a kettle and put tea leaves inside before pouring hot water inside. He took out four mugs and boiled water again after pouring the hit water inside the kettle to brew tea. He out everything in a tray and went to place it on the big table, and went back to get the boiled water and poured Yibo his coffee before pouring his parents tea and then finally he poured his own. His actions didn't go unnoticed by his mother who was watching his every move. He saw how Zhan poured Yibo's tea first and to meant that Yibo meant a lot to him. He saw how Yibo was looking at Zhan the while time while Zhan's attention was on what he was doing. He sat down after and after a couple of sips of tea he started the topic which left his parents stating at each other. They didn't know what to say at that time, they just felt like cold water was poured on them. Yibo on the other hand....well..his eyes darted straight to Zhan's mother before staring at the nothingness on the table as long as he avoided the eyes that were in him.

"Mā... Pa... First of all...Yibo and I are in a relationship. Second....I need you to tell me why that man targeted me when there was so many people he could have took for his sillly project. So...can you tell what we need to know please...?"

Yibo hid his face and looked at the tiled floor to avoid gazes he got from Mr Xiao. He knew he was in big trouble, he had thought Zhan would never tell his parents about them cause he thought he cared too much about his parents feelings than his own. It was like that...but nothing could have prepared Yibo for what Zhan was one knew. His mother started speaking when his father cut in and spoke condemning what Zhan had said about his relationship with Yibo.

Zhan Zhan...honey ...did you really have to–.."

"Over my dead body will I let you be in a relationship with a man. How dare you say such a shameless thing like that...? How can you even think it was ok to tell your father about such a disgusting thing...? I told you before and you denied having anything to do with him, now here you are telling me that you are in....I will not allow it period...!!!!"

"Pa...I wasn't asking for you permission, I was telling you. By the way....I can't marry a woman and have kids with her, that I have to come clean with you and say it straight as it is."

"What has gotten over you Zhan....? How dare you talk back at you father..? I see that this boy has brainwashed you with all this nonsense. my house this instant, I don't want to see you here again do you get it...? I knew you were bad influence for my son...!(shouting)"

"Pa...Yibo is not a boy and he's not going anywhere, why don't you tell me what you need to know. He had done so much to protect me since the first day I met him. Don't even think of pointing fingers at him and call him names cause it's the same as calling me names. He's not a boy, he's a young man who knows what he wants in life and who happens to love me the way I need to be loved. So please Pa... Mind what you say about him cause it's the same as saying it to your own son.!!"

"Zhan gē...please....calm down...(whisper)"

"Oh come on and calm down you two before I make you regret it. Zhan Zhan dear... I think your father has all the answers to you questions. I think it's time you told him the truth, you made him blame himself for so long...don't you think it's enough...?"

"I cannot tell him now...he still wont understand...let it be...!!"

"What...? You think I'm still young....? His old should I become for you to see me old enough to know things about myself...? Mā can you two hide something from me for so long....? I can't believe this...yet you want to know everything about me...!!(shout)"

"Zhan gē...calm down...please..."

"Yibo don't tell me to calm down...!! How old houod I be to know why such a thing happened to me...? Or did you sell me to that man...did you give him permission to do the things he did to me...?MĀ...TALK TO ME PLEASE CAUSE IM LOOSING MY MIND...!!(shouting and crying)"

Tears ran down Zhan's eyes and Yibo had been staying out the whole time while he was whispering for Zhan to calm down
The minute Yibo saw Zhan's tears he lost it and quickly stood up from his seat and went over to Zhan and hugged him while parting his back and whispering comforting word in his ears. Nothing mattered to Yibo than Zhan, bit even the presence of his parents scared him to back of  from Zhan. Zhan cried in Yibo's arms and his sobs were so painful.for his mother to bear when she shouted at Zhan's father to tell Zhan what he wanted to know. She looked at Yibo and she could see the pain in his eyes all because Zhan was in pain, she saw that Yibo acted out of love and that he had even forgotten that they were there all because he didn't want to see a single tear on Zhan's eye. Zhan's father gave up and started talking.

"I'm sorry son...I'm sorry... you's all my fault, what happened to you is all my fault. I should have never trusted him the way I did, I didn't know what he wanted to do...I thought he was helping you."

"Helping him in what...(Yibo asked with worry in his eyes)"

"I...He said...Uhm..."


"Alright Zhan Zhan...let mommy tell you. You were born different dear, you have parts of a woman in your stomach. Which can fall pregnant when you sleep with a man, I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner. That man met your father when you were nine and it was the first time we found out you were like that. When we found out we were too shocked and we thought you were a boy and that you wanted to live as a boy. Your father asked the Dr if they could do an operation on you and he said it would be risky and we didn't have to rush into it and that we can do it when you're older. He told us we should come for a check up when you were sixteen and check to see if those organs were still functioning normally or if they were weak. He said if they were weak then he can perform surgery on you so that you could live as a boy.."

"Why don't I remember going to the hospital when I was sixteen...?"

"That's because we drugged you before we took you there..."

"You what...??"

"Yes son...we drugged you cause how were we going to tell you that you had parts of women inside of you...? I'm sorry son...I should have sensed he was not a good person."

"What happened after the checkup...?"

"He told us your womb has fully developed and that there was nothing they could do to chance gender, he said there are no known surgeons who can perform that kind of surgery on you. We went home and laid you on the bed and you woke up the next day feeling fine and it was like you didn't notice that you were sleeping for long cause you didn't see anything suspicious. A week passed and we thought it was over but the Dr called us again and this time he said there was a surgeon who wanted to perform the surgery on you and he was willing to give you the gender you needed. We drugged you again the following week and we too you there and somehow the drug wore off you and you woke up in the table.

There was man there, he was not a surgeon but he was the one who called the shot in that room. He told us to wait outside and said that it won't take long. Three hours later we heard you screening and we ran inside to see that man on top of you. He had his clothes in and everything but was laying ontop of you like he wanted know... Your father pulled him off of you and he said he did that because he wanted to see which organs he should remove. To leave you as a man or woman, we didn't believe him ofcourse and that's when he saw you bleeding down there and we told him to stop. There were four doctors in the room and one of them was that he was crying. We saw that there was something that had happened in that room so we took you and left."

"But he kidnapped me again on my way to school one morning and he continued with the operation. I remember feeling numb and then I was unable to scream then I passed out. When I woke up...I found myself at home and I have no idea what had happened to me after that. How did you find me...what happened to me...?"

"That Dr who was scared and crying called us and told us you were kidnapped and that he regretted ever telling anyone about your condition. He was the same Dr who told us you had part of a woman when you were nine and he was there when you were sixteen and told us we shouldn't change your anything. We rushed to the location he told us and we found you lying there about to be operated on and we stopped them and told them we called the police before we came there. The other doctors were scared to loose their licences so they ran and that man was the only one left in the room so he had no choice but to let us take you. "

"Do you know what he did to me...?"

"He didn't do anything...he didn't have a chance to do anything the first time nor the second time. We didn't know what he wanted to do but I promise you... Whatever he wanted to do...he didn't have a chance to do it."

"Mā...he did have that chance...he did it the first time and the second time. Did you check me to see if I had cuts or anything...?"

" weren't bleeding so we thought you were okay and that he didn't do anything to you."

"Mā...Pā... That man wanted to change my gender to become a woman, I no longer have feelings for women and since high school."

"That's had a girlfriend back then..what was her name again...? And you even liked that girl Fang Liang..."

"Pā...I did have a girlfriend but then I found out I couldn't satisfy her sexual needs and she left me. I never told you about it cause I didn't want to worry you. And that Fang...she was my friend and nothing more, she became a nightmare for me back when we went shooting and if it wasn't Yibo to help me then I don't know where I would be right now. You were busy pushing me towards her and she ended up being delusional and did things that got her in trouble."

"I heard she was arrested...what did she do...? I thought she was a nice girl and she would become a good daughter in law for me one day..."

"Do you remember those men that you called me to tell me that they were your bodyguards sent by Yibo....?"

"Yes...what about them...?"

"Yibo had found out that Fang was trying to kidnap you and use you to threaten me and get me to marry her. She was in Guizhou and she was scheming with her cousins against me. They were the reason I was in the hospital last time and all thanks to Yibo mad his bodyguards I was safe everywhere I went even when we came back here. I always had people following me without my knowledge until the day I found out but I didn't tell Yibo that I knew. He has been through so much all because of me and I will not be ashamed to tell you how I feel about him cause he has no shame in everything he does for me"

"But can't be with a's against our culture...I want you to marry a beautiful woman and bear me and your mother grandchildren who will take care of us one day."

"Too late for that...I can bear you grandchildren even as man right...? So why are you refusing me to love Yibo...? Is my gender not against that culture you're so worried about...? I was born this way...besides...things have changed these days and relationships between men are quite common there days. Don't worry about me...I will be fine even when the world condems me, as long as I have Yibo."

"He's man...he's a cannot expect him to be faithful to you... Just think about this son...please don't kill your father too early..."

"Pā...were you faithful to mā since you met her..?"

"Of course I was...she was all my eyes could see.."

"Then what gives you the right to judge the love Yibo has for me...? And what does my relationship has to do with you dying early...? Don't waste your time Pā...I'm not going to date women. "

"But why Zhan ....why can't you ....?"

"I already told you I don't have feelings for women and I can't satisfy a woman, I tried once Pā doesn't work, that man told me I would make a pretty girl while he was grinding himself on me to arouse me while they had closed me up a few seconds prior. Thankfully...he didn't remove my manhood...but it still doesn't work on a woman, it doesn't stand Pā. Who would even want to marry a freak like me...? Tell me Pā.!!"

"Zhan gē...stop saying that...!!!(scolding) how could you say things like that about yourself...? Stop it are not a're my soulmate...!!( Whisper yelling)"

Hi guys...I hope you bear with me a little, I know it's boring but wait till I get a little better and I promise to deliver the best for you. I'm still sick and that is why I'm taking time to update .

I have been sick for so long now and once I get better I will write better for you I promise.

Stay blessed 💞💓
Stay safe 🤗🤗
And remember...
❤️❤️ I love you a GALAXY ❤️❤️

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