Valera Targaryen: The Storm B...

By imhigherthansnoop

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Princess Valera Targaryen, is the first child of Viserys Targaryen and Aemma Arryn. Valera was born during o... More



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By imhigherthansnoop

Valeras outfit as explained later:

105 AC

About 1550 miles away from Sunspear, on Dragonstone, Prince Daemon Targaryen began to plot. After getting word that Valera was sent away and betrothed to the Prince of Dorne, the Targaryen Prince knew he had to do something.

He would not sit by and lose his love so easily.

When the Prince first read the parchment his maester gave him, Daemon stormed from the castles and mounted Caraxes, taking to the sky and disappearing for almost half a sennight.

During that time, no one in the entire Seven Kingdoms knew where the Rouge Prince was. He could have very well gone to Dorne to kill the Prince himself, inevitably creating war or he could've flown from the known world.

When the Prince arrived back on Dragon Stone, he came back with a cocky, pleased look upon his face and a satchel stuffed with whatever the Prince had gone to retrieve.

Once back at Dragon Stone, Prince Daemon gathered his most skilled men and began to lay out a plan with them. The Prince was going to send one of his men, who grew up in Dorne, back to his home country.

This time, in disguise.

Daemon instructed the man to find where Valera was staying, then send word back to them. After that he was to infiltrate the palace, blending in as one of the staff. Once in the palace, he was told to watch over Valera, and protect her. He was also to report back to the Prince with any information.

Within a month of the Princesses arrival in the Water Gardens, Prince Daemons knight, Ser Doran Vaith, had arrived in Dorne, tracked Valera down and infiltrated the Water Gardens staff as one of their grounds workers.

When watching the Heir to the Iron Throne, he realized how much time she had spent outside. Walking in the gardens, swimming, laying in the sun and snacking on fresh fruit. Her hair seemed to be even lighter than before, if it was possible. Now, almost looking a translucent white. Her normally snowy skin now had a warm sun kissed look to it from the invigorating dornish weather.

The first time Daemon Targaryen's spy was able to see the Princess up close, she was walking in the gardens with her betrothed, Prince Qoren, and his youngest sister, Princess Ashara. The little princess held on to Valera middle and pointer finger as they walked through the garden in pleasant conversation.

Valera wore a cream-white dress that looked almost sheer in the dornish sun. The same material that made her dress made the cape like train that flowed down from the girls shoulders and dragged about a foot behind her. A thin string threaded with beads was tied around the girls waist to accentuate the curve of her waist to her hips. The neckline was quite low for traditional clothing found in The Seven Kingdoms but Valera seemed to have quickly grown fond of the light weight, breathable fashion in Dorne.

Ser Doran watched Valera lift the small girl from the ground so she could pick one of the famous, golden oranges of Dorne. The group then took a seat near one of the near by fountains so the young girl could snack on the fresh orange. Valera played with the black ringlets of the little Ashara's hair while Qoren peeled the orange for his youngest sister.

When the Prince was finished peeling the orange, he just watched Valera in adoration as she braided the little girls hair.

Smiling warmly, the Prince spoke lovingly, "you will be a wonderful mother."

Qoren's statement caught Valera off guard, having been made practically out of no where, but it earned a small giggle from the child that sat between them.

The Princess smiled back at the Prince, hoping to cover the uncomfortable feeling that began to overtake her and she thanked him for the compliment, "I am sure you will also be a great father."

Princess Valera's left hand absentmindedly traveled from the younger girls hair and lingered upon her stomach for a few seconds. She stared off into the distance, the comment seeming to have struck an intense thought into the girl.

"Please excuse me, my Prince," Valera smiled politely and stood from her seat, brushing her skirt of imaginary dirt. "I have just remembered I still have to write my sister before the ravens fly," the princess quickly fabricated a story that would allow her to go back to her chambers.

"Of course," Qoren spoke, standing up as well, "will you be with us tonight?" The man asked hopefully to which the princess smiled and nodded before turning and leaving.

Valera found her handmaiden, Talia, nearby and told her to follow her. The two girls made their way back to Princess Valeras chambers where Valera began to pace. Talia tried to get the girl to share her thoughts but she was silent for a long time.

Valera peered out from the top of the Water Gardens, her balcony overlooking the narrow sea, just as it did in Kings Landing. This time it faced towards the Step Stones instead of Dragon Stone.

"Do you remember the last time I had my blood?" Valera spoke quietly, breaking the silence between the two woman. As she turned to face her handmaiden, Talia could see that a child like fear washed across the princess's face as she asked this question to the older woman.

Talia who had been with her for almost 5 years now, was Valeras closest confidant and her best friend for a long time now. The Princess did not take a liking to most of the woman at court, they were much to pious, proper or snobby for her liking. So, when Talia came in to her service and they got along like sugar and tea, Valera was thrilled.

Realization dawned on the handmaiden, as she heard the words her Princess spoke and a pit of fear, for the girl she had watched grow up, began to grow in her chest.

Talia walked over to the silver haired girl who stared at her with wide glistening eyes and grabbed her hands in hers, "oh Valera..." the woman sighed, addressing the Princess informally for the first time.

Valera shook her head in disbelief at her own thoughts, not wanting to believe what could be happening to her.

"The last time I remember..." the handmaiden trailed off, knowing her words wouldn't please the girl who already had a feeling of what she was going to say, "was before your mother passed."

"No..." the Princess gasped, wishing her memory had been betraying her and she just forgot her last blood and it already happened.

Tears began to prick Valeras eyes as the thoughts she had stopped herself from thinking came rushing back to the surface.

She realized that her child could never be played off as dornish, having hardly touched the Prince since arriving in Dorne. Not to mention how purely Targaryen the babe would look.

The thought of her child being born out of wedlock terrified the girl. She was the heir to the Seven Kingdoms, not to mention a female. Men having bastards was almost expected but if a woman had one, they were humiliated, chastised and shamed for their actions.

Valera knew the people of Dorne were much more accepting when it came to extramarital affairs and children out of wedlock, but her father and kingdoms weren't.

"This is all wrong," the princess cried to her handmaiden as she brought her into a strong embrace. The brunette shushed Valera soothingly, telling her that she will be okay, they will make sure she is okay.

Authors Note

Mini plot twist???

How do we think Daemons gonna find out???

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