Drama Of A Teen (completed, u...

By yourgirl_draya

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This story is about the drama of what a teen girl named Adrienne Scott goes through. She has issues with her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Lost but Not Forgotten
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Authors Note
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60


82 6 137
By yourgirl_draya

32 pages and almost 8,000 words. Here's what you've been waiting for. I hope you enjoy!

Life is full of changes. Some describe those changes as rollercoasters. There are hills and valleys to get through. Some are tough journeys while others are minuscule. Nonetheless the rollercoaster of life is filled with many lessons that sometimes are ignored starting an endless cycle of tests and trials. Adrienne and Diane have learned to accept them. Rolling with the punches some may say but it's deeper than that. They choose to feel, They choose to reflect, and they choose to evolve. It may be easier said than done but gratifying when it's all said and done.

" I can't believe my baby is about to walk across that stage." Diane gushed as she peered at the huge stage before her. She was holding on to her youngest hand as they looked for their stadium-like seats.

" It was just yesterday, she was graduating from high school now she is graduating college." Jason beamed right along with his wife.

" There right here daddy." Seventeen year old, Charity spoke, spotting both Emery and James. The twins bolted past Charity to get to the seats first in order to sit next to James.

"Ugh. You little.." Started to scold the twins for bumping into her.

" Aht Aht, Watch your mouth." Diane corrected, Charity has been in the habit of cursing at the boys. Whether it's intentional or not, she's trying to teach her kids to lead with grace and to not condemn with negative words and energy." Boys do not push and shove, we are all going to the same place."

"And ladies first, even if it's your sister." Jason, chimed in.

" Mhmm ladies first." Jace grinned as he looked up at Diane. "You go first mommy."

The twins apologized to Charity, allowing Charity to go first. Once she got to the seats, she greeted both James and Emery before letting the twins sit next to James. The twins, Michael and Marcus are eleven years old and are in the phase of wanting to mimic whatever the older guys did.

Diane smiled at how quickly her kids adjusted and got comfortable in her seat , if this was a few years ago she knew someone would end up in tears. Now that she learned to listen and be more open with her kids' needs, her parenting style reflected it. Sure, her kids tested her patience and her intelligence, but she could love them through it as she loved herself more. Disciplining her kids has become easier as well. Diane nor Jason had to do much to get their kids in line, just one look was all that was needed.

One summer, Charity put her parents through hell with her behavior. Her attitude was more prevalent than usual. Grant it, Charity was always a feisty one, but it got to the point that her joking became blurred and the disrespect grew. Diane found her punishments weren't working as she got older. She was getting too old for spankings and grounding didn't seem to go anywhere. Diane, experiencing similar situations with Adrienne, always wanted to talk things out but that didn't work either. When Jason stepped in, the main one who is keen on discipline, Diane definitely thought Charity's attitude would subside.

It didn't. It got worse even.

Charity breaking Jason's heart by screaming " You're not my dad" was a type of heartbreak they weren't ready for. It took everything in Diane not to go back to screaming and yelling back Charity's faults. Don't get it twisted, Diane came in like fire burning through oil, behind Jason but She took the time to see Charity's pain. It was evident in her clothing designs. They were dark and lacked depth. The stitching of her Father's birth name became skewed. Chance was Charity's brand ever since she was a kid. Her behavior screamed "I'm hurting and I'm allowing my so-called friends to cloud my judgment". " I'm hurting and don't know how to express myself so I'm acting out."

So one day, Diane took Charity on a trip with just the two of them. In that week, Diane had to let her guard down and tell Charity the good, the bad, and the ugly about her father, Chance. Although Chance had his moments of being controlling with Diane, it wasn't all bad. He was a great father to Charity. Charity expressed that she wasn't sure where she fit in at school. Kids at school had this thing where they wanted Charity to define who she was. She couldn't just be a girl with a loving family, who was obsessed with Fashion and design. She had to have culture. She had to define her latino roots, just for her to realize she didn't know what that meant. It took a lot of blood sweat and tears to get her back on track but Diane couldn't be more proud.

" Hey Mama, Hey Papa J" Emery greeted. James was already engrossed in a conversation with the twins about their upcoming basketball camp, however he made sure to take the time to greet everyone while his hand remained on Emery's thigh.

Like always, Emery was always around as well as James by default. Emery decided to go to Spelman to study Education with a minor in Sociology. She planned to teach locally for a few years after she graduates next fall then travel to teach abroad in low income areas that are in need of teachers. Going through what she went through with Adrienne, she found herself wanting to help others so she began to volunteer around the community. Her senior year of high school, she started an after school program with Adrienne to help kids who needed help with tutoring. Adrienne at the time, was attending alternative school in hopes of graduating on time with her friends and they both realized that so many kids and teens needed help everywhere, whether it's in education or in a health crisis.

" My girl did it and she's even graduating before me." Emery gasped, genuinely excited for her best friend. Her and Adrienne's relationship was up and down but they both meant it when they were going to be there for each other no matter what.

" What up y'all?" Tyler greeted from the row in front of them.

" What's up fam!" Kevin shouted from behind them, being the loudest of the two. Although, Derek and Adrienne broke up their friend group remained friends and continued to be a listening ear for them

Now that everyone's present, the graduation started promptly at their scheduled time.

" Good Afternoon, GSU's Family and friends." The dean of Georgia State University states. An eruption of applause thundered across the stadium in response. " Without further ado, please stand to welcome this year's graduating class."

On Cue a plethora of graduates, dressed in black robes, walked out in sink, with the "Pomp and Circumstance" blaring through the speakers.

Diane hadn't laid eyes on her baby yet, but tears already started to stream down her face. " There she is" Michael spoke as he selfishly began to stand on the chair, to see her better.

"You have to get down buddy so everyone else can see," Jason spoke. " I see her to, she right next to the tall blond guy with short pants on"

By the description, everyone immediately saw her. Adrienne looked to be in serious focus as she stared ahead of her. Her eyebrows were furrowed in concentration and nervousness. Her natural strut bounced as her pink heels complimented her walk. Her natural curves swayed along with her. Although the black robe covered her outfit that Charity made and designed for this special occasion, everyone knew she looked slayed. Her graduation cap was glammed up with pearls and pink flowers with her baby's name, Angel Amora written across it.

They all shouted her name in hopes of getting her attention. When they did they all cheered for her. She gave them a small smile and wave.

" My poor baby is so nervous." Diane spoke as her stomach began to do flips. " I can feel it."

Jason chuckled at Diane. " She'll be fine, baby."

After all the preliminaries and necessary speeches, names were being called. With the last name Scott, it took some time to get to the S's.

"Adrienne Liane Scott"

" WOO! That's my baby!" The whole family cheered her on.

" Graduating with Honors with a bachelors of science in Nursing and a minor in Psychology, Adrienne plans to use her degree to help others. She will be starting her internship at MD- Memorial Hermann hospital in Houston, Texas along side a nurse and friend that saved her life some years ago." They announced as Adrienne walked across the stage with tears coming down her eyes.

With her diploma in tow, she pointed to Sky in gratitude as she took the time to remember her baby.


"Aye Aye Aye." Adrienne's friends hyped her up as they saw her coming towards them.

" Go bestie, Go bestie" Adrienne busted out in a dance with her tongue sticking out her mouth as she whined her hips before engulfing Emery in hug who was closest to her.

" This ass is assing in this dress sis." Emery joked around while patting her behind before she let go.

" Lil sis did a damn good job on this dress didn't she?" Adrienne did a twirl to show off how the dress complimented her assets. The dress wasn't form fitting yet her curves was an added accessory

She hugged and thanked people for coming in her own way before getting to Diane who was patiently waiting. Adrienne handed her things to Charity before she engulfed Diane in a huge hug.

" I did it Mama." Adrienne whispered as she tried to keep her emotions at bay. She knew her makeup was going to be a hot mess afterwards.

"Oh, I'm so proud of you baby." Diane hugged back as her tears continued to flow. " So Proud"

Hearing this, Adrienne held onto her mother tighter than she ever has as she finally let herself cry. She had been a bundle of nerves all morning. She hadn't laid eyes fully on her mom until now, which was needed.

Jason placed a hand on both Adrienne and Diane for support as they had their moment. He couldn't help the Kool aid smile he was sporting.

Proud was an understatement. Even if Adrienne decided not to go down this path of furthering her education, they would still be proud. Adrienne was the epitome of perseverance and dedication. Everything she's been through and her healing has fueled her to live...to evolve.

" Let's go home and celebrate"


Derek was sitting in a large room in an upscale suite with a bunch of executives, agents, coaches and other football players from his university. He was the center of attention waiting for a phone call to see if has been drafted into the NFL league. His father was right beside him as well as Derek's date.

He tugged at his chain that had a picture of Angel and his mother in a locket.

" Relax son, You'll get a call." His father encouraged. Derek gave a small smile and tried to shake off his nerves.

" You got this baby." His date spoke, who seemed to have been clinging on to him. Derek and his date Dani had gone on couple dates. Derek already knew she was a no with how aggressively clingy and needy she was. The only reason why she was present was because of the camera crew. Everyone thought it would be a good idea for him to have a date so he wouldn't look so lonely at the many events he had to attend during this process.

Derek would give anything to have his friends by his side. Although Derek and his father had made amends a few years ago, there was still some healing that needed to be done between the two. His friends were all in Georgia to celebrate Adrienne's graduation while he was in New York. Derek preferred it that way, so Adrienne could be surrounded with as much love as possible.

The anniversary of the birth and death of their baby Angel Amora was only a couple weeks away and as promised he was taking time off for Jason and Diane's vow renewal and virgil for Angel. Their precious baby would have been five years old.

Suddenly the phone rang and Derek's heart literally dropped to his chest. Everyone quieted down and waited for him to answer. The camera's immediately began rolling. He nervously picked up the phone and answered.

"Hello," his deep voice shook as he spoke. " This is Derek Jackson"

" Well, Derek, this is Jerry Jones of the Dallas Cowboys. How would you like to be a cowboy son?" The twang of the Cowboys owner shined through as he excitedly gave the news.

Tears threatened to fall. " I'll like that very much."

" He's in" someone shouted as the crowd began to cheer. Champagne bottles being popped in the distance while Derek stayed in the moment.


Adrienne and the family were watching ESPN for Derek's draft announcement. " Man, I wish I was there, " Kevin spoke from the floor. " He was adamant about us being here. I guess that makes sense since we were going to be down here for the wedding."

As soon as the words came out his mouth, Emery reached over James to slap Kevin on the back of his head. " Bro"

" Damn Emery, Why did you hit me with those claws of yours?"

" Derek's coming?" Adrienne asked as she played with her fingers.

Tyler sighed and shook his head at Kevin before speaking. " Yeah he said he's coming to the wedding and for you know..."

" You're okay with that, Adri?" Emery asked her as she stopped Adrienne's nervous gestures.

" I mean I suspected he would come to the wedding, mama said she invited him. But I sent him a text about releasing Angel's ashes and I haven't got much of response." Adrienne shrugged, reaching for some popcorn that was in Emery's lap.

Derek and Adrienne have been extremely cordial with each other. They had to be for their friend circle. If their friend had an event they tried their best to be there. However with their schedules they always seemed to miss each other. They always saw each other in passing or were only in each other's presence for a few minutes. Adrienne's feelings for Derek never really changed, she still loved him with all her heart, even though it was her decision to break up with him after what happened.

" Don't take it to heart, sis. He's just got a lot going on." James stated. James should know since he has been the closest to him as of lately. Every now and then James was swarmed with messages from Derek, who's trying to not lose his head in the midst of busy chaos. James was not only his listening ear but his voice of reason.

Adrienne gave him a small grin to reassure that she was okay. Sometimes she took herself back to how she acted in Breaking up with Derek. She doesn't regret it. She needed space in order to heal but she didn't mean to break Derek's heart in the process. She could have handled things differently.

Derek appeared on the screen. " yo turn it up"

" Whose the chick?" Tyler said as he peered at the screen. To the left of Derek was a blonde woman, who seemed to  be clinging onto him as if he would fly away any second.

" Who the fuck cares? Next." Kevin joked.

" She's just his date." James tried to reassure.

" It's been five years James, I'm okay." Emery gave Adrienne's hands a squeeze as they watched Derek get the best news of his life.

They all cheered as Kevin's annoying ass pranced around the room. " That's my boy, roll dog. Aye! I'm next."

Adrienne was happy for Derek as she watched him try not to cry on tv. She saw Derek's father engulf him in a hug, although Derek accepted the embrace, Adrienne could tell his mind was somewhere else.

" Derek, How does it feel to officially be a cowboy?"The reporter asked.

" It...It... feels amazing." Derek cried. "um Thank God. Thank You Mr. Jones and the Cowboys team for believing in me and seeing my potential..." Derek looked like he wanted to say more but couldn't find the words.

" I lost my baby girl,  Angel, a few years ago...Her birthday is coming up very soon. This is  also around the time my mother died. I just know that they are watching down on me." He brought his chain up to his lips. " This is for y'all. "

Derek looked straight into the camera. " My Love"

Adrienne perked up hearing him say that. That's what he called her. " I love you."

The program immediately cut to another sports reporter. Everyone slowly turned to look at a puzzled Adrienne. " Well he's not talking about me."

They all casually started talking about other things while Adrienne sat in thought. In therapy she talked about her love for Derek, openly and freely. In the beginning of her healing journey, all she could talk about was the trauma bond that linked them together. It scared Adrienne to think that their relationship could have been based on Trauma and not love. She had to rediscover what love was in order to get back to saying "I love you" to anyone without excluding herself.

True love starts with yourself then the other loves in life follow. Dr. Figgs told her that True love never fails and will always find their way back to their person. Maybe Adrienne and Derek will find their way back to each other.


Few days Later, Diane and Jason's Anniversary

Here's what everyone is wearing. Dresses all picked out or designed by charity

Everyone was running around in preparation for the vow renewal for Diane and Jason. They planned on having a small ceremony when they originally got married but kept getting pushed back with everything going on.

" Diane, honey you alright in there?" Mama Rose called out from behind the closed bathroom door. The girls were helping her get ready when Diane bolted for the bathroom.

"Mhmm Blargh"

Adrienne grimaced at the retching sound. " Could it be what she ate?"

" It has to be. This is like the fourth time this morning."Emery exclaimed. " Let me go get her some more water."

" And a ginger ale baby." Mama rose called out to her.

" I'm glad she doesn't have the dress on yet." Charity was across the room  putting the dress back on the hook. " I'm worried though. Should I go get daddy?"

Adrienne shook her head. " Mama, think of it this way, You are already married to daddy and he loves you dearly."

Diane opened the door after freshly rinsing out and brushing her teeth. Emery came back in with water and a ginger ale. Diane went over to her seat and sat down.

" Thank you, baby" she said as Emery placed the drinks in front of her on the vanity.

" I'm okay, It's nausea" Diane explained while taking a sip of water. Mama Rose began fanning Diane as she moved Diane's hair behind her ear.

" Are you nervous? Is it something you ate?"

Diane shook her head and bit her lip. " I'm far from nervous..."

" Ma I ate the same thing you had last night, that Chicken Marsala was bomb" Charity said as she reminisced on the Italian dinner they had at a restaurant in the city.

" It's not the food." Diane giggled. " Let's touch up my makeup shall we. We can't keep your Daddy waiting"

" Diane.." Mama Rose started. She gave Diane a look, Diane returned the look but didn't say anything. Adrienne looked between them, trying to piece everything together.

" You've been hella emotional for weeks. I thought it was because of my graduation but..."

Emery got hit with realization as well and gave Diane a look. " You literally almost chewed my head off when I ate the last piece of monkey bread."

Charity looked at them confused, not having a clue what was going on.

Diane began touching up her own makeup, practically ignoring them. " Ma, come on just tell us you're pregnant and get it over with"

Charity gasped. " You're pregnant?!"

Diane couldn't hold in any longer as she cracked a smile.

All the girls erupted in squeals.

"Aww, I'm so happy for you two." Mama Rose cried as she hugged Diane.

" Keep it down. No one else knows." Diane beamed. " I plan on telling everyone at the ceremony. I know Jason will be so happy. It happened as I got off birth control for that brief time. I didn't think I was still so fertile at 37."

"What a blessing." Mama Rose beamed. " First my grandbaby graduated college and now I have another grandbaby to spoil on the way."

" I can't believe I'm actually excited to have another baby running around here." Adrienne said finally helping her mother fix her makeup. " I remember the last time you were pregnant, I almost chewed your head off."

Diane smiled at the memory, happy they were in a better place now. " You were so angry with me, you stopped talking to me for like a month. I'm glad we are in a different place."

" Just because  a baby is coming, doesn't mean we stop going to therapy, girls. You hear me? We have to make sure we are all good."She added after a minute of silence.

Charity and Adrienne gave a genuine yes mam, knowing that Diane does not play when it comes to therapy before going back to squealing in excitement.

Finally ready to put on the dress Charity designed, Diane couldn't help but smile with joy as she was surrounded by the ladies she loved. Once in the dress everyone admired her in it. Now that they knew she was pregnant, she didn't mind showing off her bloated belly. She couldn't help but giggle and tell the girls how Jason has been telling her that her cycle would be starting soon.

" I swear mama Rose, your son thinks I'm bloated because of a cycle." She laughed.

" I can't wait to see daddy's face when he sees you in this. You look absolutely beautiful mommy." Charity beamed.

" You're glowing." Adrienne co-sided.

" Oh I think I'm going to cry." Emery smiled from ear to ear at Diane's beauty.

Before they knew it they were headed down the makeshift aisle, in their backyard. Wearing a simple deep neckline dress that hugged her tight around her hips with a bit of a flair at the bottom, Diane walked down the aisle to her forever person.

" Wow," Jason mouthed as he sniffed. The big kool aid smile plastered on his face showed off his pearly whites. "Absolutely beautiful."

It wasn't long before they were face to face. They both giggled like teenagers as they admired one another with tears rolling down their eyes. " You look amazing baby," Jason couldn't help but give her a quick kiss.

" It's not time for that yet." The minister jokes.

The simple ceremony moved on quickly, now it was time for their vows. Jason started it off expressing his love so beautifully that it made everyone feel it in the room.

" I'll never stop loving you, Diane. You are my peace, my partner, my sunshine when it rains. You are the mother of my children, the medicine to my pain. Baby you are my dance partner. Sure we may step on each others toes but I promise that I will be with you every step of the way. I love you with everything in me because you are my everything."

Coos and awes filled the air as Jason finished his vows now it was Diane's turn.

" You saw me when I couldn't see myself. When you met me I didn't know what love was, like I thought I did. I didn't know how to accept your generosity or your heart because it scared me. I thought I was undeserving but your love for me picked me apart and put it back together again. You often say that you found a reason to live again but baby you gave me a reason to breathe. You taught me that life was more than responsibilities. I loved my kids so much that I lived for them and didn't care about myself so since that very moment you told me to breathe, I've learned to love myself. Thank you for not giving up on me. I love you so much baby." Diane poured her heart out by describing the kind of man Jason was. By the end of it she expressed how great of a father he was.

"Our babies love you dearly, and I know that our newest baby will love you just as much."

Jason looked puzzled as he looked around the backyard at his children, trying to figure out what she meant. " Baby," Diane called out as she giggled. She grabbed his hand and placed it on her stomach.

" we're having a baby!" Jason shouted excitedly dropping to his knees to kiss on her stomach. Their family cheered along with them.

Their moment continued as they said their I Do's sealing their vow renewal with a kiss. Elebernita and Frank, Diane's mother and father, were present and were beyond ecstatic for being able to witness the moment. With years of therapy they were able to forgive and with time they were able to heal.


As the day went on they celebrated the union of Mr. and Mrs. Owens with fun and fellowship. After a while the adults were done partying and headed home or to bed while Adrienne, her friends, and her sister headed up to their space.

" Absolutely not," Adrienne snatched the champagne glass from her sister Charity. " You're not about to have mom's pregnant ass beat my ass because I let you drink."

Charity giggled. " It's sparkling juice, sissy. I promise."

Before giving it back Adrienne took a sip to make sure it was indeed juice. " Dang, you don't believe me"

" Hell nah"

" Damn, that's cold." Kevin joked.

" I heard how Emery had to come get you from a party after your designated driver got drunk." Adrienne shook her head at Charity as if saying shame on you.

"You were so worrisome." Emery rolled her eyes at  the memory of having to pick up a drunk Charity. " You were off your ass."

Charity smacked her lips. " I would have gotten away with it if not for Emery who told on me. Why you do me like that? I thought we were sisters"

" That's good for you. I told you if you don't want to get in trouble, don't tell Emery." Adrienne Teased.

" Sorry sis you should have called one of your brothers. " Emery suggested with a smirk.

" Nah we would have been drunk right along with her. At least Kevin and I would be." Tyler shook his head, throwing the rest of his drink back.

" Just call me if you need me, baby sis." James spoke, being the most responsible and trusting one out of the bunch. Charity and James slapped hands, signifying their deal.

" Damn nights like this i miss Derek" Tyler confessed, everyone seemingly agreed.

" Speaking of Derek, here he is calling now." James said, holding up his phone showing a facetime coming in. As he answered, everyone huddled close to say hello while Adrienne drifted to the back.

" What's good, fam?" he greeted with a smile

" Where you at, fool?" Kevin loud ass said, hogging the phone. " You was supposed to be here hours ago."

" My flight got delayed, but I'm here now. Come pick a brother up?"

" You're going to have to call an uber man, we've been drinking." James said.

" Aye come over to Momma Dee house" Tyler said, his face red as an apple. After a while the guys went into a full conversation leaving the girls out of it.

Adrienne, Emery, and Charity decided to hang out in Adrienne's room to let them talk.

" You good sis?" Charity asked her sister who was quiet.

" Yeah I'm okay." Adrienne reassured. " I'm done drinking, It's got me feeling all.."

" Horny?" Emery blurted out. " You want to hunch on somebody don't you?"

" No but you sure as hell is." Adrienne laughed. " You don't talk like that"

Charity laughed so much at Emery's innocent bluntness she turned red.

" Damn, Cha cha, It won't that funny."Adrienne teased again.

" Stop teasing me, Adri, and it was funny."

" Call it pay back for when you were little. You're laughing so hard I bet not find out you throwing it back." Adrienne slurred.

" Throwing it back, drop it low" Emery twerked where she sat.

Adrienne didn't help but notice that Charity didn't have anything to retort back. " You're having sex, Charity?"

Charity grimaced at the question" No...I mean yes...Well kinda."

" Either you are or you aren't. Give it to us straight." Emery sighed, stopping her twerking fun.

" I'm not going to be mad, Char. I only joke around. Trust me, I don't have any room to talk when I lost my virginity at sixteen." Adrienne explained. " I just want to be there for you, that's all."

Charity sighed to herself, sitting up in her seat," I'm still a virgin, but I've done other things..." She confessed as her cheeks flushed red from embarrassment.

" Like fingering and  head?"

" Giving or receiving?"Emery chimed in.

" With who? Was it Anthony?"

Overwhelmed by the questions, Charity held her hand out to stop them. " Yes, receiving, and yes." Charity closed her eyes as she cringed. She thought her sisters were going to make a big deal of it, especially since they have been pressuring her to wait until she graduated high school at least.

She opened her eyes to see their warm smiles. She couldn't help but feel relieved. Adrienne took Charity's hands into hers getting serious. " Did you want it to happen?"

" Yes."

" Did you feel good? Did he make sure you were okay?"

" Yeah it did and he's been a gentlemen,I promise." Charity said truthfully.

" Then that's all that matters." Adrienne hugged her sister. " And girl I'm getting your ass on birth control. I know you're still a virgin and what not but still and Anthony better wrap it up. Healthy sex is the best sex. I like Anthony and all but if he fuck up, he has to step to me."

"and me, " Emery slurred. " Tag team that ass for baby sis. You are a talented and  beautiful, smart girl. You don't need no bum ass, lame ass, wannabee steph curry ass ... High yellow supreme looking ass.."

" Okay, Em that's enough." Adrienne fussed.

" Ass nigga" Emery finished with an eye roll.

James knocked the door and peeked his head in. " Are you ready for bed, Bunny?" He yawned as he awaited her answer. He has since got off the phone with Derek and had waited patiently for his girlfriend to come out. They were staying in the guest room down the hall while Tyler and Kevin slept on the pull out couches in the den.

The Owens family had a pool house out back for guests but the friend group loved to be close to everyone.

" Oooh Zaddy calls" Emery kissed her sisters goodnight before going with James. " Can I get the dick first?"

James' eyes bulged out by her question. " Oh you drunk off your ass."

" Bitch, I better not hear shit coming from your room. Take that out to the pool house" Adrienne giggled at her best friend.

" Hoe, don't be jealous, I'm getting my back cracked and you are not. Love y'all."

All Adrienne and Charity could do was laugh.


Days have passed and the anniversary of her rape came and went. She spent it mostly by having a self care day and going to therapy. She hasn't had a psychosis episode in a long time but she continued to talk to not only her therapist but her family or friends. With her disorder, sometimes she goes through a time block where she doesn't remember or seem to forget certain events that happen. Sometimes it gets confused with short term memory loss but it's not that. It only happens when a triggering event occurs or when she falls into a depression.Talking to someone, especially her mother, helps her get through those moments.

Everybody is still in town for the summer and in anticipation for Angel's birthday, including Derek. Derek and Adrienne have been around each other at the house, but haven't had much conversation that didn't involve someone else. Although it seemed like there was growing tension between the two, they were content in each other's presence. Neither bothered the other, however Derek's excessive smiling was noticed by Adrienne.

Now it's the morning of Angel's birth and Adrienne and Diane seemed to be the only ones awake.

" Look at you trying to nurse me back to health." Diane smiled as she watched her Daughter make her some nausea remedy tea she learned in school.  Instead of having morning sickness in the morning, Diane seemingly has it all night, keeping her up. It is currently almost 5 am in the morning and Diane still hasn't closed her eyes for more than an hour.

" Anything for you mama," Adrienne smiled back as she wiped the counter clean before handing the mug to her mom. " I wish you would have said something sooner. You need your beauty rest to keep on baking my baby brother or sister."

Adrienne sat next to her mother at the island. As soon as she did Diane leaned over and kissed all over her face. " How could I be so lucky to have a baby like you?"

"Ma" Adrienne whined. " I'm not a baby anymore"

" Well, newsflash honey, you will always be my baby. No matter how old you are or whatever you got going on in life you will always be my baby." Diane proclaimed. " I love you."

" I love you too mama," Adrienne relaxed, accepting her mother's love. As she sighed into the embrace, her eyes began to swell with tears.

Sensing the sudden rise in tension, Diane pulled back a little bit to look at her baby's face. " Oh baby, come here."

Diane got down from the island stool, Adrienne following suit without question. With her tea in her hand, Diane guided Adrienne to the living room couch and sat. She quickly took a few sips from her tea before setting it aside and grabbed hold of Adrienne into an embrace again.

" Let it out, baby. Mama's here. " Diane didn't need to know why Adrienne was emotional. The gravity of the day was enough reason for her tears. No matter how sick Diane felt at the moment, She was going to cradle her baby in her arms. Even Adrienne wasn't sure where her tears were coming from but she continued to release onto her mother's bosom.

When her crying subdued, she remained in her mother's arms like a baby being rocked to sleep. Adrienne looked up at her mother whose eyes were closed. Adrienne wondered if Angel would have looked up at her with such admiration like she was doing with Diane. Would she have felt this unwavering unconditional love? She loved her baby very much.

" Seems like you're a bit overwhelmed, hmm?" Diane spoke softly with her eyes still closed. " with Derek being here and all?"

Adrienne didn't say anything, making Diane open her eyes and look down. Adrienne looked back at her, not sure how to respond. " I don't know. It's not like I haven't been around him before...but this time it's different."

" Different because you know in your heart you still love him?" Diane asked, already knowing the answer. Adrienne carefully got up from Diane's lap and turned herself around to where her legs were now in Diane's lap. " It's okay to still love him, baby."

" It's been five years. Feelings change. Besides, he's happy. He's about to start his NFL dreams, he has tv appearances, and females..."

" Mhmm there it is." Diane teased as she laughed. " He can have all that and be happy while being single

" Stop mama, I'm serious. He's seeing someone and I can't fault him for it. It's been five years since I broke up with him. Five years of small hello's and a small smile. Nothing more and nothing less." Adrienne began to play with the hem of her shirt as she explained her feelings. " I know I broke his heart, so I shouldn't expect anymore."

Diane sighed. " Don't get me wrong, baby, I hear what you're saying but that boy loves you and never stopped loving you."

" How can you be so sure?"

" Well for one that press conference when the cowboys called him. My love" She mocked. " and to no fault, he's always asking about you when he calls."

" Wait, he calls?"

" Yeah, once a week. After a quick hello and how are you, he immediately gets to asking about you. I swear that boy can go hours talking about you. How about you just talk to him and I mean really talk to him? Girl, I think it's you that's making it awkward."

Adrienne thought about it and decided she would put more effort in talking to him. Not necessarily to rekindle the flame but to get her bestfriend back.

" Starting today. You guys should release the ashes yourselves, just you two with no distractions."

Adrienne took her mother's advice and sent Derek a text asking him to join her this morning at the family beach. With everyone still sleeping she was able to get out on her own. For a while she sat at the beach by herself in her thoughts. She always found herself at the water after her father killed himself. Oddly, she felt him while being there and was never weirded out by the water's significance to her. As the sun shone upon the small urn that set beside her, she was at peace as the water in front of her moved.

Hearing his footsteps, the hairs of the back of her neck stood. She turned around to see him approaching as his long strides slowed down. At the sight of her he smiled brightly causing her breath to hitch. The closer he got, the more butterflies she felt.

" Good Morning, beautiful." He greeted her. " I'm sorry if I'm late. I hope you weren't out here too long."

" No, you're fine. I was just sitting here in the quiet. It's quite peaceful."

Derek joined her where she sat then she realized he had something with him. In his hands was a small pink bag. Although she was curious about what was in the bag, she started the small ceremony by giving a few words. Derek went after her taking his time to pour out his heart. When he became emotional, Adrienne didn't hesitate in comforting him.

" Daddy loves you very much, my angel. Tell your granny I miss her. It's only up from here and don't worry, I got your mommy for life."

Adrienne's heart swelled at the comment. With their hands latched onto each other, they let go of her ashes. The warmth Adrienne felt in doing so came over her entire body. She couldn't help but smile as the sun rays seemed to follow the ashes as a small wave moved. In an instant the warmth went away as a coolness went up her spine.

It felt like the coolness she felt when her father passed. " Mercy" She whispered as a tear went down her cheek, her smile unwavering. Her father asked for mercy before he passed. In a way she felt like he was asking for mercy for her and not for himself.

She looked at Derek who was already looking at her. " You are absolutely gorgeous." He beamed, his dried tears staining his cheeks.  Adrienne blushed and looked down at their interlocked hands.

Derek looked down too. He rubbed his thumb against her skin before asking, " You can let go if you want."

" I don't want to," She whispered, not realizing she said it out loud. She was completely shocked when Derek brought her hand to his lips and kissed them.

" Then you can hold on as long as you want to." He said. " I have something for you."

He let go of her hand briefly to hand her a gift. Adrienne didn't waste time in opening it, as she did so, a jewelry case was revealed. " Umm, I got this a couple of years ago when I got mine. I didn't know how to approach you with it but um..."

Adrienne opened it and gasped at the sight before her. " It's beautiful."

It was a locket necklace that almost mirrored the heart shaped necklace her mother gave her some years ago. Opening the locket, there was a picture of her baby girl and her father in it. " I hope you don't mind but I had the jewelry artist use some of Baby girl's ashes when it came to molding the heart. He said he placed some behind her picture as well. I never cared for Andre but I know how much he meant to you. I did the same with mine but with my moms"

" Thank you for this. This is so sweet. I love it." She cried. Derek helped her put it on while admiring her as he did so.

Once they were done they began heading back to the house, their hands finding their way back to each other. Before they got to the house, Adrienne stopped. " Derek?"

" What's up love?"

" Do you still love me?"

" I never stopped. " He said confidently. " You still love me?"

" I'm in love with you." Adrienne confessed. " I meant it when I said I loved you back then. It wasn't the depression talking nor was it something I said just to be saying. I love you, Derek."

Derek boyishly grinned hearing those words. " It's always been you. The one I wake up and think about before starting my day. The one I pray for and wished I could be near every second. You are the one that I love. I understand why we had to break up. We both had some growing to do. I actually thank you for it. These past five years, I've been doing the work so that way when I was ready, when we were ready, I could come back to you whole."

Derek chuckled and let go of Adrienne's hand, " This is the new me, baby." He did a little spin to show Adrienne all of him. He did look like a new Derek. Physically, his shoulders were broader and his frame seemed taller. His hair was cut low into a fade while his facial hair was slightly grown. His smile was so much brighter now.

" This new you is quite fine, I must say. You were fine before but damn..."    Adrienne flirted as she looked him over. Derek couldn't help but do the same. Adrienne was drop dead gorgeous with beautiful curves that went on for days. Those beautiful mesmerizing light brown orbs of hers were so captivating to Derek.

(jordan calloway is always shirtless and angry looking so this is all I could fine for the time being lol)

" Can we get out of here? So we can talk more." Derek suggested. Adrienne agreed and allowed them to lead the way. They ended up in his car on their way to his hotel.

There were innocent intentions in doing so. They didn't want any interruptions as they played catch up with each other. Since everyone at the house expected their return, they each sent out a text to let their family know where they were. They literally talked about everything over pizza and junk food. From their accomplishments to their healing journey, they left nothing out.

Currently they were discussing Adrienne's disorder and how things were now that she's gone two years without an episode. " The first year being diagnosed was scary. I ended up having to be medicated even though I fought against it for a while, but Dr. Figgs and her colleagues were a major help. Eventually, things began to mellow out as I focused on my studies and Emery and I's non profit. Before I knew it I finished Alternative school with an associates degree and in college the following year."

" That's amazing actually, not only did you graduate high school on time despite being behind for so long, you graduated with your associates. Now you are a college graduate, Nurse, Adrienne Scott." Derek gushed at her.

" Look at you too Mr. 3rd draft pick for the Dallas cowboys. I'm so proud of you and you're finishing your Bachelor's degree in business during the off season." Adrienne gushed back as she got in his face.

" If you want to kiss me just say that." Derek teased. " You keep inching closer to a nigga"

" Boy, that's you. You keep grabbing on me and rubbing on my thigh and shit." Adrienne rolled her eyes , moving away from him, just for Derek to grab her and place her on his lap.

" Now that you're in your spot, stop fronting and give daddy a kiss." Derek said seriously.

Taken aback by his actions she retorted with attitude. " My daddy is at home."

" You know who Zaddy is, Come here girl." Derek shot back as he adjusted adrienne on his lap so that she was straddling him. They both met each other halfway for a kiss. They instantly melted into each other. The kiss was soft and passionate, with a hint of nasty as they played around with each other. It was lighthearted as they kissed nice and slow.

Derek tapped her as he pulled away. " Oohwee, time to get up now, luv."

" Why? Are you getting all hot and bothered now?" Adrienne teased as she moved her way to his neck.

" Actually yes. Yes I am. I know you feel him growing. While I have some self control, let's stop. I'm not trying to trigger you if you're not ready for all that."

Adrienne stopped her movements and just looked at him with so much love. " You know you would be my only."

" Oh yeah?"

" yeah" Adrienne spoke honestly. " For a while after surgery, I couldn't get off or get wet for a while but one day... I can't believe I'm saying this. One day I was by myself in my dorm room and I had found a work out tape of you..."

Derek's eyes grew big. " And you got off.."

Adrienne cringed. " Yes, I kinda had to do something though, because It was during the time where my doctors and therapist wanted me to try to you know...To see if I had any feelings down there and of course to figure out my triggers."

" And?"

" As long as I think about you, I'm good."

" Is that so?" Derek gave a mischievous grin as he moved her back onto his lap.

Adrienne giggled. " What am I going to do with you?"

" Love me"


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