By rndlie

5.7K 313 319

" ๐’๐’†๐’• ๐’•๐’‰๐’† ๐’”๐’Œ๐’š ๐’‡๐’‚๐’๐’, ๐’˜๐’‰๐’†๐’ ๐’Š๐’• ๐’„๐’“๐’–๐’Ž๐’ƒ๐’๐’†๐’” " " ๐’˜๐’† ๐’˜๐’Š๐’๐’ ๐’”๐’•๐’‚๐’๐’… ๐’•๐’‚๐’๐’, ๐’‡๐’‚๏ฟฝ... More



117 8 5
By rndlie

el waited patiently on the street, mike standing right by her.

she turned to look at him. "you don't have to wait with me. i will be okay,"

"needa make sure you get in the car," he muttered and she nodded happily and looked down at his hand.

she poked his palm. "poke,"

he looked at her weirdly and pulled his hand back as she giggled. "your hands are still big," she placed hers over his. "mine grew though!"

"doubt it. look at your nails. they're longer then ever," his eyes widened as he inspected her sharp black nails. "goddamn,"

she giggled and closed her palm against his. "i remember when you used to hold my hand." she whispered quietly. "you pulled me down the hall like this,"

she swayed their hands happily and when she looked up, a black car rolled in front of them.

letting go in an instant, she gasped happily. "hi dante!" she turned to mike with a soft smile. "see you, mike. i had a great movie date with you,"

"i wouldn't say date," he opened the door for her and she got into the front seat. "it was a date," she scoffed with a huff before shutting the door and rolling down the window. "night night,"

"goodnight, el," he gave her a smile back and a nod at a dante.

el gave a giant wave as dante started the car and once mike was out of view, el turned to face dante properly.

"hihi," she bent and rubbed the top of her head against dante's arm. "i missed you," el pulled back and dante chuckled and reached over to caress her hair.

"you're happy," he stated with a sweet grin. "i'm glad you are. did you have fun?"

she nodded repeatedly. "yesyes! it was a magical movie, dante. thank you for picking me up," she leaned her head against his arm and he smiled and took a turn. "sit properly, it's dangerous,"

she sat up straight instantly. "i'm a good dolly! good good!"

"that's right," he nodded at her and then he opened the cabinet, handing her some crackers. "hungry?"

she shook her head. "not really," she accepted them anyway and played around with the packaging on her lap. "can i tell you about today?"

he nodded. "of course, go on, el,"

she held back a squeal and then she sat up straighter. "he got me presents!" she started off with and he couldn't help but smile at how excited she was, hoping that this happiness within her would actually last.

and that no one would take it away from her ever again.

the world is cruel, she's been wrongly dismissed and treated for most of her life.

he'd help her slay anyone who stands in the way, even if that includes mike.

when el woke up, all the three puppies were sleeping on her.

well pretending.

they were silent but not sleeping. one was about to fall asleep, which was espresso.

a small chuckle escaped her and el reached out to brush their fur. "hi babies... here to sleep with me?"

they perked up, awaken by her presence and went to greet her with kisses. "i'm right here! thank you for all the kisses, my power puffs,"

el laughed at the name that max gave them when she came over and cupped their cheeks. "do you like your names? all the options? the options are magical, aren't they!?"

they barked quietly, howling which made el sit up. "i love all so so much— jello! don't be sad, nono! i cant have the sad eyes! come here!"

el leaned forward and hugged the rottweiler tightly. "hey baby, don't be sad." el kissed her nose. "you're my cute little jello,"

jello's tail began to wag and her tongue dropped and gave el a kiss.

"aw! thank you," el gave her a huge rub before standing up, the dogs instantly hopping off the bed to follow her.

pointing to the empty bowls, el whistled. "sit, i'll go get food,"

they sat instantly, right by their own designated bowls with their tongue out, watching el's every move.

el came back with some food, refilling their bowls and also adding some water.

then she whistled again. "eat,"

they dug in instantly and el turned and pulled some bread out of the cabinet to make a sandwich.

"el, are you making food?"

el didn't lift her head up but waved at dante. "ya! well, i'm tryna make you a sandwich,"

"you don't have to— el, do not put frozen turkey in boiling water," he rushed over and stopped her as her eyes grew wide. "sorry!"

"hey, hey," he assured her quickly. "it's okay... i'm not scolding you. just... do not enter a kitchen, el," he let out a quiet chuckle and she held back a gentle smile.

"okay...." she trailed off and he cupped her cheeks gently and caressed the side of her face with his thumbs. "breathe, el."

she nodded and looked over at the dogs. "they're so cute, dante.. can i take them for a walk later?"

he nodded and finished off the sandwich. "of course." he let out a sigh. "i have to potty train them, they won't stop pooping out on the balcony and peeing by my fucking bed."

el bit down on her lip to hold back a laugh. "they don't do that to me,"

his eyes rolled. "do not remind me," he held back a smile and she giggled loudly but covered her mouth to suppress it as if he didn't hear it already.

he gently tapped her head in a caring manner. "anything to do today?"

"yes!" she exclaimed loudly and then winced at her own volume. "i'm going to lunch with maxy and lucas and dusty," she tried her best to whisper and he grinned.

"that's a great idea, el." he placed a sandwich down on the plate and slid it to her before making his own.

he checked the time on his watch and turned to grab a drink from the fridge. "i have to head to work soon,"

"wait, i wanna leave with you!" she picked up the sandwich and began to eat before heading back to her room. "gimmefive!" she slurred, mumbled through the bread in her mouth as he nodded.

"i will," he assured her so she would take her time as espresso stood and tried to follow.

dante whistled. "sit. finish your food, she'll be out soon,"

the rottie whimpered but sadly walked back to the bowl, head hung low as she dug in again but slowly.

he sighed, walking over to give her a pet. "sorry,"

she looked up for a split second, running her head against his ankle before continuing back to her breakfast.

minutes later, el rushed out, face white with reddened cheeks and lashes coated in mascara.

leashes in hand, she dropped to her knees to hook it to the three dogs. "i'm ready! im ready!"

he held back a smile. "perfect. want me to drive you to the park?"

she stopped to wait, tapping her chin to think. "yes please... can you go to the other one? by your working place? the one with the mushroom fountain and doggy playground?"

he nodded with a gentle smile. "of course i can. how will you make it home? i can—"

"i'll walk! it's not far anyways," she shrugged and gave jello a huge pat. "they're ready, dante, don't make them wait!"

he went towards the door, opening it as el held onto their leashes. "dante, why don't we go out for dinner tonight? so you don't need to make anything!"

"you're overly excited today," dante smiled widely. "i'm happy you are. we can go anywhere you'd like,"

her eyes lit up. "even a taco truck?"

he stifled a groan. "yes," his eyes rolled and el just giggled and walked to the elevators. "i'm teasing! we don't have to..." she walked into the arriving elevator and he pressed on the button to the garage.

"you can call me and i'll pick you up, alright? we can choose then," he walked across the parking lot and to his car, opening the front door for her.

"hey, hey," he stopped the dogs from following and opened the back. "go in there, i put down some mats,"

barking, they hopped into the back, espresso taking a bit longer because she was still tired so dante helped her by giving her a little boost and then he shut the door.

el connected her phone to the car, scrolling through the numerous songs before she settled on a playlist.

he eyed the song, smiling when he knew what mood she was in for the day.

"ready to go?" he asked and she nodded, buckling her seatbelt. "yes!" she turned her body around and gave banana a pat. "sit very tight, dante drives crazy!"

"i do not!" he scoffed as he exclaimed, pulling out of their spot.

she shushed them, placing a finger to her lips. "he gets mad when you say it. don't say it," she giggled behind her finger and the dogs tried to rub their face against her but she was too far.

dante let out a sigh. "i'll call you later, el," his head shook but a smile rested on his lips.

"woof!" el tried to mimic them which only made them bark and jump more.

the dogs circled her feet and el laughed as she jumped around too. "woof!" she bent down to them and gave them all a huge rub. "how about we go find dante? 'cuz i'm bored and you look bored from all the running you've been doing anyways,"

at that, jello ran to the mushroom fountain that sprayed water down and she kept jumping up and down for the cold water before she ran back to el.

"happy?" el asked and jello stretched her front paws and pounced.

espresso nuzzled her head right onto el's lap, squeezing her head below her arm so el would hug her without moving.

a giggle escaped and el leaned down to give her a kiss. "i love you..." she stayed there for a couple more minutes before standing up.

tugging on their leash, she began to walk.

stopping by the exit of the park, she pointed ahead. "that's dante's office. i don't know what he does though..."

she pulled out her phone and snapped a photo of the building to send it to max.

el: i am alive

max: are you jumping off that building?

el: yes.

el crossed the street as she put her phone away and then walked into the lobby, the three rottie's trailing behind curiously.

"how may i help you?" the woman at the front desk stood and eyed the dogs behind her and then her face.

el glared, shooting down her judgy look. "where's dante?"

she also knew dante had a giant couch in his office and el would love to lay on it right now.

the woman, shorter than her by two inches, furrowed her brows. "i'm sorry, dante...?"

"moretti," el huffed and the woman's eyes widened. "i'm sorry, i didn't know he had an appointment—"

"he doesn't," el giggled and shook her head. "but i need to see him," she emphasised sternly.

the woman sunk down. "i'm sorry, i'm afraid you can't see him without—"

"YOU ARE SO ANNOYING!" she exclaimed loudly and stomped a feet. "YOU REALLY ARE RUINING THE SURPRISE!" she groaned and crossed her arms and banana began to bark softly from how frustrated el was becoming.

the woman shrunk down and pressed down on the telephone. "i'll— i'll ask—" she gulped and put the phone to her ear. "mr moretti? yes— oh, i— sorry, i didn't know— i apologise, i'll let her up now— yes," her head hung low as she hung up the phone and she forced a smile as she looked up at el.

"sorry for the trouble, you may enter... the top level," she murmured and showed the way to the elevator as el glared.

"come on, chipettes, let's go," she pulled on the leash and the dogs instantly moved and followed her.

they entered the elevator and el pressed on the top floor, waiting for the elevator to move up.

she turned, staring out the glass to look at the view below with a smile.

the elevator let out a ding, and she turned back whilst the dogs instantly perked up.

she walked out, in awe of the view in front of her as she looked around, not sure where to go on the floor.

a woman by a desk stood and gave el a smile. "el," she greeted and el's brows furrowed.

she had never met this woman in her life.

"mr moretti is waiting for you," she stepped away from the desk and showed el to the room with a smile.

el began to smile and she walked forward. "thanks!"

the woman smiled and opened the door and el walked in, letting the dogs free to roam around.

dante looked up and stood, smiling as he walked to her. "i apologise for the woman at the lobby. i'll make sure she doesn't do it again,"

"she was so mean!" she stomped a feet. "but the woman outside was very nice. i like her. how does she know my name?"

"i told her," he said gently. "what brings you here?" he led her to the couch and sat down, the rotties running around the office curiously.

"i was bored!" she exclaimed. "and i thought you would too! when's your lunch? let's go,"

"i'm sorry, el," he gave espresso a pet when she came over and asked for one. "i have a meeting in thrifty minutes. i won't be done for another hour,"

her eyes softened and she frowned, looking down to her lap. "oh..." she murmured. "that's okay. i'll go then. we can go next time!" she stood and looked around. "what do you do here, dante?" she asked curiously.

"el," he shook his head with a chuckle. "i've told you, piccolo. i do security." he reached out to help jello on the couch. "i'm ceo,"

her eyes widened. "wow! how interesting. i don't understand though," she tilted her head and he placed a hand on his forehead with a louder laugh. "el, i love you and your goldfish memory," he looked over. "but banana is chewing on my electrical cord right now—"

"oh no!" she ran over. "NO BANANA!" she pounced over and grabbed the puppy. "naughty!"

dante laughed before smiling at her. "how about you stay here and wait for me? we can have lunch after. how does that sound?"

she nodded repeatedly with the most excited smile. "yesyes! i'll wait! i'm a good dolly! i can wait!"

he stood and she skipped over to hug him tightly. "love you,"

he hugged her back. "i love you too,"

she looked up, placing her chin on his chest. "i wish you were my real brother,"

he sighed, stroking her hair. "me too, el. but brothers and sisters don't have to be by blood," he gave her an assuring smile. "you're my sister, el," he whispered. "blood or not."

she nodded. "yes," she nodded over and over again. "i know."

he smiled widely and cupped her cheeks to squish her.

her brows furrowed and she tried to pout. "no, dante! that's bad dolly behaviour!"

he laughed and pulled back, using his fingers to motion for her to follow her. "come look at the view, piccolo,"

she stepped right next to him and gasped at the view of the city. "you look at this everyday!? it's so pretty, dante! ohmygod, it'll be so pretty at night!" she pressed her palms against her cheek, eyes softening. "you can see all the evil..."

he nodded with a smile and she leaned her head on his shoulder. "that's right, el. i can see it. you should visit more often, i think you'll enjoy the night view,"

her head shook. "no, i don't want to bother. i bothered you already today," she frowned and he instantly stopped her from thinking so.

"no, el. you did not bother me. i'm glad you're here, i had a boring day,"

she gasped, jumping up and down at the sentence. "me too! the day was so boring!" she giggled and bent to carry jello in her arms. "i'm glad i fixed your boring day,"

the corner of his lips tugged up and he responded gently. "me too, el," he whispered as she smiled widely and leaned closer to him happily.

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