Valera Targaryen: The Storm B...

By imhigherthansnoop

236K 7.9K 339

Princess Valera Targaryen, is the first child of Viserys Targaryen and Aemma Arryn. Valera was born during o... More



6.7K 163 20
By imhigherthansnoop

Valeras GORGEOUS dress this chapter UGH

And Daemons outfit :

105 AC

By the weeks end, most if not all of the noble houses had descended on to Kings Landing. House Tryell, Tarly and Hightower, as well as their banner men, were the first to arrive, setting up camp right outside of the tourney grounds.

"You must be on your best behavior today," Valera told her uncle as she clasped the silver buckles that decorated his overcoat. Daemon swooped the doe eyed girl up into his arms; a laugh escaping her lips as he does so.

Valeras legs wrapped around the Princes waist as he spoke, "when am I not?"

"Never," Valera teased, her thumb trailed along her lovers jawline and she gazed lovingly at the man before her, never getting tired of his presence.

Daemon chuckled at his niece, "cheeky little thing today, are we?" Valera shrugged in response and ran her fingers through the Princes smooth silver hair.

Daemon walked towards the wall so Valeras back would be pressed against the cold stone, "Kosti nārhēdegon se kisalbar se ipradagon mēre tolie," we could skip the feast and devour each other instead, Daemon spoke against the sensitive skin of the girls neck, sending shivers throughout her body.

"A sure way to upset my father," The Princess giggled, brushing back the hair that fell into Daemons eyes. Valera unwrapped her legs from Daemons waist, wiggling down from his grasp before the heat between the pair continued to rise.

Daemon groaned as the girl slipped away from his grasp and glided towards the door that would take them out of Daemons bed chambers.

Daemon followed his niece, knowing they can't miss the start of the celebrations that are being held for the newest member of the Targaryen family.

Though the babe hadn't yet been born, their birth was already to be one of the largest celebrations of the year, rivaling Valeras own sixteenth name day.

As the Targaryens walked up to the large doors that lead into the great hall, where the feast was being held, they were stopped. The Royal announcer stood in front of them, a wary look on his face as he looked at the couple.

"I-" the man stuttered as Daemons intense gaze fixated upon him, "The King wishes you be introduced separately..."

Daemon scoffed and Valera sighed, both of them annoyed but not surprised at the request. The relationship between the uncle and niece was well known at court, or at least well suspected. Those suspicions had also made their way into the city, becoming popular gossip among the commoners.

The King Viserys had done his best to try and hide the relationship between the two but as the news of Daemons annulment to Lady Rhae Royce became public knowledge, the affections between the two Targaryens became more obvious to those at court.

The King had spread the word to keep the "relations" between the two as private as possible, threatening any who questioned the Princesses purity. The King also had Maester Mellos check every letter being sent out to make sure no slander would be spread about his daughter.

Valera gave Daemon a small smile and unhooked her arms from his. The couple relented to the kings request, silently acknowledging their agreement to try and keep Viserys as happy as possible so he may feel more inclined to bless their marriage sooner.

The sooner they were married, the better for the couple in Daemons opinion. Valera continued to refuse Daemons offers of moon tea, continuously telling him how if the Gods wish her to be with child, she will not interfere. Daemon was annoyed by her stubbornness but he would not force her to drink an abortive tea if she did not wish to. Valera just wished to make Daemon her husband in true Targaryen tradition.

The Princess stepped forward, protocol stating she be announced first as she was the daughter of the king. When multiple royals are to enter the great hall, it goes the King, Queen, any sons, daughters and then the other people on court.

Even with Daemon being the heir, that didn't change the way of things, only his official title.

Prince Daemon Targaryen, heir to the Iron Throne, Prince of the City, Prince of DragonStone, Commander of the City's Watch and Protector of the Realm.

Valera wore a black dress that hugged her waist and accentuated the plump breasts that had only developed in the last year. The dress had long flowing sleeves and a three headed silver dragon was crafted to sit on both of her shoulders, diamonds and rubies decorating the molded silver. Her hair was curled and the front strands of her hair had been pulled back and made into a braided crown.

As the grand doors opened, the room fell to silence and many of the men who longed for the Princesses affections, rose to their feet as they saw who was entering.

"Princess Valera Targaryen, The Storm Bringer," the stubby, middle aged man announced loudly once the room had completely quieted.

The Princess waited to be fully announced before walking down the same isle she had walked down only months before for her name day feast. This time, the chair where Queen Aemma usually sat was taken by Rhaenyra since their mother wouldn't be attending.

As Valera made her was down the aisle, she took in the faces of those around her. Valera quickly found Ser Harwin, one of the tallest and strongest men in the crowd and at court. He was the same age as the Princess but looked older as facial hair had already begun to gather along his jaw. The boy had recently earned his nickname, "Ser Harwin BreakBones," for breaking one of the other knights jaw, left eye socket and ribs during an argument in the yard. The man had said something distasteful about the eldest Princess, this greatly upset the Strong boy and it earned the other knight a nice beating to remind him of his place.

Valera gave her friend a soft smile as he rose from his bow and she passed him. Valera continued to look at the men who stood for her, taking in their faces.

Only commoners and those who worked for the royals were required to stand and bow for them as they entered the room and passed them. For Lords and Lady's, it was an option to bow in these occasions.

The Lords who would stand as an eligible Lady or Princess entered the room, are showing their favor and bowing to them as they pass added extra flattery, letting the girl know your favor for her.

Valera saw man familiar faces bud as she made her way to the end of the aisle, her eyes fixated on a man she had not seen before. He was stunning in the completely opposite way Valyrians were but still beautifully perfect.

Valera couldn't help but stare at the man as she continued to walk towards him, taking in all of his features.

The man was extremely tall, probably one of the tallest in the room. He had perfectly tanned skin and black hair that fell neatly around his face, framing his face beautifully. His eyes were a piercing emerald green that stared daggers into the Princess, making her feel subconscious for the first time in months.

As Valera took in what the man was dressed in, it dawned on her who it was and she felt like her heart stopped beating for a second. The man wore a yellow-golden sakkos that was belted at the waste with a brown leather. The clothing had intricate designs sewn into it, clearly the handy work of some of the finest seamstresses in the known world.

Realizing who stood in front of her, Valera hesitated with her next step and as she came up to the man, he bowed, addressing her as "my princess."

Valera gave him a polite smile when they made eye contact as he rose again. The Princess took a deep breath as she climbed the stairs to the table that sat at the front of the room, ignoring the small smile her father gave her.

Valeras mind was so lost in thought that she didn't even hear Daemon be announced to the room or see him walk down the aisle. The Princess only snapped back to reality when her uncle took his seat next to her at the long oak table.

"What plagues you," Daemon inquired as soon as he had taken his seat. As the Prince made his way to the front of the room, he had been watching his niece. He saw her lost in thought, her brow furrowed as the wheels in her brain turned.

"The Prince Qoren is here..." Princess Valera whispered, her nerves evident as she spoke. At those words, Daemon looked to the crowd in front of him. The Prince recalled how his brother wanted to marry off Valera to the Prince of Dorne, hoping to unite Dorne with the Seven Kingdoms and get rid any possibility of Dorne supporting the Triarchy.

It only took the Prince a few seconds to find who his lover spoke of. Prince Qoren was perfectly Dornish, his green eyes being the only thing that wasn't common among their culture. His outfit screamed Martell, the decorative stitching even made the pattern of suns that scattered the over throw of his outfit.

When Daemon found the Dornish Prince in the crowd, he saw that the man had already been staring at him, or rather the Princess and then him as they conversed.

When Prince Qoren noticed the Prince searching for him in the crowd, he smirked and if only grew wider as Daemon and him made eye contact.

The Targaryen narrowed his eyes at the other Prince, almost daring him to make a move, in a way.

To this, Prince Qoren winked at Prince Daemon, almost mocking the man as he stared straight, a spark in his eyes. Amusement danced across Qorens face as he enjoying the tension that he had created.

Valera gulped as she watched this exchange take place and she began to dread the days to come.

Daemon and the Dornish prince exchanged side eyes and scowls the entirety of the feast. As the night went on, the tension only grew between the two men so Valera took to her cup to help ease her nerves. The Princess tried her best not to get caught between the fiery graze of her uncle as he watched Prince Qorens every move with a piercing gaze.

Daemon felt like a hound who's territory was being encroached on. The Targaryen Prince saw how the foreign prince stared at his niece, eyes full of lust and a smirk upon his lips and this made him want to rip the man's head off. Daemon could only imagine what Prince Qoren was thinking of his baby niece through his lustful gaze and knowing the dirty thoughts he himself had towards the Princess, he could only assume. Being able to put himself into the other man's mind only upset Daemon further and he began gripping the silver in his hand with a ferocious strength, turning his knuckles white.

Daemon only snapped from his recent trance when Valera grabbed his leg under the table which brought his gaze over and down to the girl who's small frame was almost drowned by the large feast chairs.

"Just ignore him, Kepus" uncle, Valera spoke, her words already beginning to stick and slur together due to the girls multiple refills.

The Rouge Prince grunted in response before taking a large gulp of wine from his chalice. He wish he could ignore the other man but it was now the only thing Daemon could think about.

Why would the King invite the Prince of Dorne.

Prince Qoren Martell's Face Claim and outfit:

I imagine him tanner than the man in this picture

Authors Note

Ahhhhh I'm so happy that y'all finally get to meet Prince Qoren

Sorry about the short chapter, I just needed to get this introduction out of the way :)

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