Valera Targaryen: The Storm B...

By imhigherthansnoop

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Princess Valera Targaryen, is the first child of Viserys Targaryen and Aemma Arryn. Valera was born during o... More



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By imhigherthansnoop

105 AC

A sennight had passed since King Viserys had gone to Dragon Stone to retrieve his daughter. He was successful, but not in the way he had hoped.

Viserys felt powerless against his child, something he had always hated. Even as the King, he did not have control over his daughter. She was special, and that was something the King had known for a long time.

It did not take long for the King to fall to his daughters influence. He knew that refusing his daughter would only cause problems. Viserys also feared that if he forced his daughter to marry someone she did not wish to, she would feed them to Silverwing like she once promised when younger.

The Princess had heard about one of her great aunts who fed her unwanted husband to her dragon and she believed it to be the best story she learned.

Valera and Daemon walked through the gates of the Red Keep, smiling. The two held each other hand-in-hand, earning themselves a few odd looks as they paraded through court.

Valera ignored the judgmental looks from the people at court. She knew that most of them had not been blessed to know such a love that she does with Daemon, so why should they understand it. On the other hand, what did they matter; she was the Kings daughter.

Daemon, on the other hand, stared daggers at anyone who dared to look unfavorably for to long at the couple.

The couple had waited on Dragon Stone until they received the raven carrying the official paperwork that stated Daemons marriage to Rhae Royce was annulled. Only then did they begin to ready themselves to return to Kings Landing.

Valera was happy to be able to come back to Kings Landing so soon, she had missed her sister and mother dearly. Valera was also proud of herself for being able to convince her father in so little time.

Daemon and Valera first stopped up at the birthing chambers where Queen Aemma had been staying for the bulk of her days. The Queen was heavily pregnant and was expected to give birth by the months end, something the King had been planning for weeks now. Even before Valera ran off to Dragon Stone, the King had sent out ravens to all the noble houses in the Seven Kingdoms and further, announcing the fortnight long celebration that would be held in honor of his new babe.

"Your sister declares that the babe is a girl," the Queen laughed to her daughter, hand rubbing her swollen belly, "she wants to name her Visenya."

"Really?" Valera smiled, placing her hand on her mothers stomach, "I've always loved that name, though father is sure it is to be a boy."

"He believed you would all be boys," Aemma joked. The Queen took her daughters hand in hers and looked between the Prince and Princess, "you will lay in this bed soon enough," her tone was soft and tired. The mother gave her daughter a soft smile and squeezed her hand tightly.

Valera kissed her moms hands that were entangled in hers and Daemon rubbed Valeras back soothingly. He knew that his Princess was nervous about the child bed, even if she spoke otherwise. Valera put on a brave face for her uncle, not wanting him to think she feared baring his children but the Prince saw directly through his niece.

Her fear did not bother him, for he understood it. Daemon had watched his good-sister suffer constantly throughout the years due to the horrors of pregnancy.

The Prince himself even feared the childbed for his lover. He knew many woman had lost their lives to bare children for their husbands. Daemon had even witness the Queen close to death from it multiple times.

"You two will make beautiful children," Aemma cooed at the couple. Daemon smiled at the woman's remark and he looked to the woman he loved. Valera was blushing and staring at her mothers stomach.

Queen Aemma had always seen the affections between her good-brother and daughter. They practically grew up together, being 6 years apart in age. The Queen remembered how her daughter would be unconsolable at times until the little Prince came and held his little niece.

As the two grew, so did their connect, their friendship and affection. Aemma watched their relationship grow and blossom like a flower and it was something that she wished to watch prosper.

"Thank you, momma," the Princess smiled softly back at her mother, thinking about how wonderful a woman's body was. It was unfathomable to her that her body is capable of growing a life inside of it, that a human could fit inside her belly. The thought of a little babe that was half Daemon-half her exhilarated the Princess and she couldn't wait to be married.


By the months end, all the houses from around the Seven Kingdoms had begun flocking to Kings Landing in honor of the Queens impending labors.

Since Valera and Daemon's arrival back at court, Valera was given an official seat on the small council, but without an official title. The King had requested that his daughter get a real taste of politics if she was going to play with them. Daemon had retaining his title as Commander of the City's Watch, much to Otto Hightowers dismay.

The Prince and Princess had tried to press the matter of their marriage many times but the King largely ignored their requests. Either Viserys claimed he was too busy, or they needed to get through these celebrations before planning another. The Princess offered up the idea of a double celebration to her father, proposing that both the wedding celebration and the birthing celebration can be held simultaneously.

This offer was swiftly and harshly dismissed by the King, "I will not share my sons celebration with a marriage I do not support," Viserys told his daughter. This remark created another argument to break out, once again disturbing the peace that the halls of the Red Keep had held before the return of the Prince Daemon and Princess Valera.

By the days end, Queen Aemma had sent King Viserys to apologize to their daughter, requesting he have a sit down with her so they may talk through some of their differences, civilly.

After that night, the King and Valera were on better terms then they had been in many years which pleased the people at court and they enjoyed the peace while it lasted.

Valera sat to the left of her fathers seat, near the empty chair that Daemon usually sat in. As she stared longingly at the empty chair, her mind scattered with the possibilities of where Daemon might possibly be. The Targaryen Prince had not come to say goodnight to his niece like so many nights before.

Valera was only snapped out of her thoughts when she heard her fathers hand bring up the Prince. Viserys Targaryen and Otto Hightower had just entered the chambers of the small council room and they were speaking about events that had occurred in the night," it was an unprecedented roundup of criminals of every ilk. Your brother made a public show of it, meeting out the summary judgments himself."

The tone of the man was unpleasant as he spoke, especially the bite behind his words when mentioning the Prince, which upset Valera greatly. The disrespect the Hightower man showed for the Prince was an infuriating topic for the Princess. She found it utterly disrespectful that someone talked of a member of the royal family so lowly and so publicly. This, was just another reason Valera had to hate Otto Hightower.

Valera listened carefully, holding her tongue as the words the Hand spoke intrigued her, "I was told they needed a two horse cart to haul away the resulting dismemberments when it was done!"

"God be good," Viserys groaned. Just as the large oak doors were about to close, Daemon soundlessly slipped into the small council room. Valera noticed her uncle immediately and the sight of his tired eyes and disheveled hair ignited the fire that lived in her core. 

"The Prince cannot be allowed to act with this kind of unchecked impunity," spat Otto Hightower as he took his seat across the table from Princess Valera. The Princess glared daggers into the man for speaking negatively about her uncle, something he did often.

Even if Daemons actions were careless, Valera did not wish to hear him criticized by anyone, especially a 'self serving, greedy, cunt of a man who's only goal in life is to amount as much power to his name as possible' as the Princess had once referred to her fathers Hand.

With the ending of his sentence, Otto became aware of the Rouge Prince who had snuck into the room behind him, "brother," Daemon smirked cockily while addressing the King, ignoring the Hightower for now.

"Daemon," Viserys sighed in response, taking his own seat at the table. As Daemon made his way over to his seat at the table, he stopped and cupped Valeras face in his unwashed hands. The girl was still able to smell the bitter blood that was splashed across her lover, as well as the stench of flea bottom that cling to his clothing. Daemons gold cloak had been muddied, now resembling a yellow-brown color of sorts that had dark reddish-brown stains on if.

The Prince kissed the top of Valeras head and smoothed down her hair before taking his seat at the table, "Go on," he said, leaning back in his chair with disinterest, "you were saying something about my impunity?" Daemon mocked, amusement lingering in his voice.

Valera stared in awe at her lover, his hair was a beautiful mess, a few pieces even had blood dried in it which sharply contrasted his silver locks. Blood had also dried down the face and neck of the Prince. Seeing Daemon in his armor, still dirtied and bloody excited the young Princess even more and her mind began to wander to unholy places.

Since the couples return to Kings Landing, they had not been able to bed each other, much to their dismay. Either Daemon was out on night duty with the City's Watch or the King made it impossible for either of them to spend alone time together. One of the Kings many night patrollers were assigned to check on Valera throughout the night, whether that was to check she had not run off again or to keep her from lying with Daemon, was up for debate.

The King was not sure if his daughter still had her maidenhood but he could only guess considering the time she spent on Dragon Stone with his brother. The King did not refute the love Daemon held for his daughter, but he knew how twisted, dark and dirty his mind was and he did not want to see Valera corrupted.

During the day, most of Valeras time was spent with her mother, she had practically taking the handmaidens away from their jobs so she could do them herself. The Queen was pleased to know that her daughter had gotten her nurturing spirit, even if it was accompanied with the infamous Targaryen temperament.

Whenever Daemon and Valera would get a moment to themselves, it was quickly interrupted by one of the handmaidens or guards that patrolled the castle. That, or they did not have the time or privacy to lay together.

Under the table, Valera crossed her legs, squeezing them together tightly in an effort to ignore the need that was growing between legs. The Princess bit the bottom of her lip and Daemon lips curled in delight at the same time. The Prince could see his niece watching him from the corner of his eye, taking in every inch of his iron suited body.

"You are to explain you doings with the City's Watch," Otto Hightower announced, drawing both of the royals attention back to him.

"Your new 'gold cloaks' made quite the impression last night, didn't they?" Added the King who looked sternly at his younger brother. The face Viserys was making was one a high born father would make after finding out their son had fathered a whores bastard.

"Did they?" Daemon remarked, knowing full well that the men he commanded had put on quite a show the night before, having been there himself to hand out many of the sentences.

"The City's Watch is not a sword to be wielded at your whim! They're an extension of the crown," the Hightower man gritted. Valera believed that the man's upset was far greater than it need be; it wasn't like Daemon hurt any innocent's or children, thought the Princess.

"The Watch was enforcing the Crowns laws, wouldn't you agree, Lord Strong?" Daemon inquired towards the father of one of Valeras closest friends, as well as the Kings Master of Laws.

"My Prince, I don't think..." began Lord Strong before being so rudely interrupted by Otto Hightower.

Valera gave her fathers Hand a nasty look for interrupting Lyonel Strong, "making a public spectacle of wanton brutality is hardly in line with our laws!"

Daemon, now leaning forward on the table in front of them, his hands clasped together, "Nobles from every corner of the realm are right now descending upon King's Landing for my brother's tourney. Do you want them mugged, raped, murdered? You mightn't know this unless you left the safety of the Red Keep, but much of King's Landing is seen by the small folk as lawless and terrifying, our city should be safe for all its people, not just the highborn."

As Daemon said his last line, Valera nodded in agreement. Valera did not have much experience in the city, at least not without her guards and even then she had been attacked before so she knew her uncle was not fibbing.

The girl did not have an issue with Daemon resorting to violence as a means of solving problems; from her experience it worked better than almost anything else.

"I agree," the King said definitively, wishing the matter could just be done and over with, "I just hope you don't have to maim half of my city to achieve this."

Nonchalantly, the Prince responded, "time will tell."

A small laugh escaped from Valeras mouth at Daemons remark and she quickly slammed her hand over her mouth. Everyone at the table, with the acceptation of Daemon, looked at the young girl in shock, not expecting this to amuse her.

Daemon knew his niece very well and she had no issue with violence, if anything, she enjoyed it. He could remember Valera counting the days down to tournaments when they were younger. Her favorite event was the Melee and they would often try to pinpoint the victory before the games began. As the pair grew older, they began to bet on the men if they had chosen different people to be their victor.

Valera cleared her throat, "The criminal element should fear the City Watch," she spoke while straightening her posture and putting a serious look on her face.

"Yes, if only the Prince had shown this same devotion to Lady Rhae Royce as he does his work," Otto Hightower spoke in response to the Princess sharing her opinion, trying to earn a rise from both of the Targaryens.

Valera opened her mouth to speak but Daemon had beat her to it, "I never wanted that Bronze Bitch, my only regret is that I was not rid of her sooner," spat the Rouge Prince.

"Lady Rhae is an honorable woman of the Vale," Otto Hightower defended Daemons now ex wife.

Daemon laughed at Otto, "in the Vale, men are said to fuck sheep instead of woman, I can assure you, the sheep are prettier."

Valera once again laughed at her uncle distasteful comment which earned her a stern look from the King.

"You made a vow in front of the Seven-" Otto Hightower began but was swiftly interrupted by the Princesses vile words.

"Fuck the Seven," Valera rolled her eyes, annoyed that the Hightower man always found a way to involve his faith.

The Princess followed the Gods of Old Valyria in Targaryen tradition, just as her uncle does. Valeras religious preferences were well known throughout the kingdom and the main reason most Septa's and the High Septon did not care for the eldest Princess.

"Valera!" The King slammed his hand down at the table, rising to his feet. He did not care that his daughter did not follow the Faith of the Seven but he did not stand for her outwardly condemning it.

The Princess pressed her lips into a fine line and overted her eyes from the King, a show of submission. The King quickly sat back down and Daemon took this as his invitation to egg on the Hightower man a bit more.

"You're welcome to her, Lord Hightower, if you're in want of a woman to warm your bed. Your own Lady Wife passed recently, did she not?"

At this comment, Otto stood from his seat, hands slamming down on to the oak table. Daemon and Valera watched in amusement as the anger boiled inside of the Hightower man.

"Perhaps you aren't ready to move on just yet," the Prince pushed further, The Hand was about to reply when the king butted in, wanting to end this discussion.

"Otto," the King sighed, dismissing his brothers comments, "you know how my brother makes sport of provoking you, must you indulge him?"

The rest of the small council meeting was unmemorable, mostly just going over what is to come these next few days as people arrive and festivities begin.

Once the meeting was adjourned, King Viserys called Corlys Valeryon to speak in private. Princess Valera and Prince Daemon were the last to leave the room besides the two men. They slowly followed behind the rest of the small council, laughing over how Daemon was able to rile Otto up so easily.

"What are your plans for the day, Princess?" Daemon reached forward and brushed a piece of Valeras wavy hair behind her ear.

"I was just going to see mother," Valera answered, leaning into the touch of her uncle, "you did not come to me last night."

Daemon smirked at his lovers comment, happy to know that she noticed his absence, "come with me now."

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