Valera Targaryen: The Storm B...

By imhigherthansnoop

236K 7.9K 339

Princess Valera Targaryen, is the first child of Viserys Targaryen and Aemma Arryn. Valera was born during o... More



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By imhigherthansnoop

Hiiii, me again :)
I took some liberties when it comes to how long it takes to get to and from Dragon Stone from Kings Landing. Originally in the books, I believe it is about a week by ship but I'm changing that to about 10 hours for my own and the story's sake lol

105 AC

Two nights had passed before the King decided to head for Dragon Stone and retrieve his eldest daughter. Viserys arrived on the fishing docks on the island in the early morning hours, instructing the bulk of his Kings Guard to stay on the ship.

Viserys did not want to cause a panic by having a large group of knights trooping through the small fishing village on their way to the palace. He also did not wish to make his daughter feel threatened by their presence, hoping it would make her more willing to come back home.

The time Valera and Daemon spent together before the kings arrival, were spent in peace. Daemon doted on his niece, meeting her every need and constantly checked that she was warm and comfortable.

The two took most of their meals in Aegons Garden together, enjoying the unusually nice weather that the gods had blessed upon those on DragonStone. Most days the sky was drowned by clouds and it often stormed so the sunny days were appreciated by all of the islands residents, including the animals.

Many of the islanders believed that the bad weather is a result of the magic and dragon fire used to forge the twisting walls of DragonStone but that is just a wives tale.

Valera also took up much leisure time in the large library that sat mostly unused in the large twisting castle. The Princess found some of the Conqueror Queen, Visenya's, personal books.

Valera had heard that Queen Visenya experimented with magic. Dark magic. But she did not put much stock in those rumors until she came across the pages that detailed the magic Visenya seemed to be practicing.

From what the Princess could tell, the spells seemed to work as well, which only made the girl want to learn more about her ancestor.

The Prince Daemon told his niece to leave those books alone. Telling her they only held only poisonous thoughts.

Caraxes and Silverwing roamed free on the island, unlike in Kings Landing. The two were usually seen above the village and palace during daybreak and nightfall, playing and hunting together. The villagers did not mind the Dragons, in fact, they welcomed them and were infatuated with them.

The Prince and Princess were awoken just before the sun appeared above the water with the news that a ship flying Targaryen sails was approaching. Valera and Daemon quickly got up and readied themselves, holding each other in their arms for a few minutes before departing their chambers. The men of the City's Watch gathered in the common room, awaiting the arrival of the Princess and Prince, as well as his commands.

Every man in the room bowed as the Prince and Princess arrived together, hand in hand. Both of the Targaryens arrived in their matching armor, their silver hair braided to the side and swords readied at their sides. The sight of the two, hand in hand, was a magnificent sight, one that screamed for those to fear them.

Valera did not have faith in her father that her wishes were met, he was a stubborn and incompetent man under the control of Otto Hightower. As much as the girl loved him, she also resented him in many ways.

Her fathers obsession with having a son had almost killed her father multiple times. Valera was the first pregnancy of Queen Aemmas and after her, she was plagued with multiple miscarriages and still births before the Princess Rhaenyra was born. And now, sixteen years had passed, and her mother was still suffering at the hand of her father.

King Viserys did not keep with Valyrian tradition, allowing the faith of the seven and westrossi tradition to take over which was another thing that upset the Princess and also allowed her to bond with her uncle.

"If anyone moves towards your Princess," Daemon began commanding the men that were fiercely loyal to him, "cut them down."

Everyone in the room nodded, obeying the Princes wish.

"Princess," a voice was heard from the crowd. Ser Erryk, the Princesses sworn sheild, stepped out from the crowd, kneeling between the two Targaryens.

The men of the City's Watch found him sneaking into the castle earlier in the night and called upon Prince Daemon. The Prince allowed for the man to pass through, knowing that he would only prove helpful in protecting Valera if that was what it came to.

"Ser Erryk!" The Princess replied happily, stepping towards the man and beckoning for him to rise, "when did you arrive?"

"I set out just before the King and his men, my lady," Ser Erryk informed the girl, "please," the knight continued, "let me continue to protect you, Princess, if it may please you."

"As long as I live, you will be welcome wherever I am," The Princess opened her arms to the man in front of her, Ser Erryk removed his helmet and rested his forehead on the Princess's shoulder, accepting her embrace.

The small show of affection caused Prince Daemon to clear his throat, making it obvious that he did not appreciate Valera embracing another man. The Prince knew it was an embrace of friendship, for the man had protected the girl for almost half her life now but that did not stop the jealousy from brewing inside of him.

Valera, hearing her lovers discomfort, turned to him with a small scowl. She enjoyed making the Prince jealous but she also believed that there was a time and place to voice that jealousy and now was not the time.

Daemon stared devilishly back at his niece, thinking of how he may be able to punish her for touching another man, especially for doing it in front of so many people.

"Come," Valera said, holding her hand towards her lover, "the King is here to see us."

A twinge of mockery was in the girls voice as she said the last part. Each day Valera spent on the island, reading of the histories with her uncle, the more she grew to detest her fathers weak leading and the place she called home.

Daemon linked his hand in with his nieces and the group of knights, all willing to die for to the two Targaryens before them, followed swiftly behind as they made it down to the gates of the palace.

Outside, the sun had risen half mass and the two royals were informed that the ship had docked and the King was spotted walking through the village. Valena thanked the messanger and took a deep breath, preparing herself for the argument she knew would most likely break out.

The Princess only hoped the blood shed would be kept to a minimum if not none.

Daemon, Valera and the men of the City's Watch stood outside of the gates of Dragon Stone, awaiting the arrival of King Viserys.

As the King and his few men closed the distance between themselves and the others, Viserys gestured for his men to stop. Alone, he proceeded the next 20 feet before stopping in front of his brother and daughter.

"Your grace," Valera addressed her father formally. Normally, the Princess did not refer to Viserys formally unless at an event. Although, Valera had a tendency to use his title in spite when angry with her sire. Viserys rather his daughter use an affectionate title for him under the right circumstances.

Daemon stayed silent besides Valera, hand resting on the handle of Dark Sister and eyes fixed on the men that stood behind his brother.

"Valera," the King spoke, a hint of sadness in his voice. The sounds of the Kings voice calling her name, made the young Princess's heart ache.

"I trust your dog delivered my message," Valera spoke, her voice staying strong in contradiction to her emotions. The King was very familiar with the nickname his daughter gave his hand, Otto Hightower and instantly knew what she was speaking of.

The longer Valera stared at her father, the more she remember how much she missed her mother and little sister. She yearned to laugh and gossip with them again. Valera also wondered how her mother was doing; she was unable to check on her before she fled Kings Landing.

"Your request cannot be met," The King told his daughter.

Valeras nostrils began flaring as her breathing picked up. Her heart pounded against her chest and a fire flooded her, Valera gritted her teeth and clenched her hands into fists.

As the rage inside of the small girl increased, clouds as black as the night sky began to roll in over the island, causing the island to fall back into darkness.

"It was not a request," Valera demanded, the volume of her voice increasing with authority. Valera was not willing to be told no on this subject, her and Daemon would be married, with her fathers blessing or not.

As the girl spoke, Caraxes and Silverwing came soaring up from the cliffs, twisting up the columns of the palace. The heavens began to cry, and a bolt of lightening struck in the distance near Kings Landing.

Caraxes screeched in unison with the booming roar of Silverwing (imagine Drogons roar) and they both landed on the towering walls of Dragon Stone. The dragons stood on the respective sides of their mounts, both of their eyes squinting down at the Kings Guard members that stood behind the King.

Both Dragons could sense the tension between the Targaryens, and they were intent on keeping their riders safe if anything were to go wrong.

The knights pulled their swords out in front of them which prompted Silverwing to bellow out even louder this time. The she dragon blew fire into the air above the knights, attempting to intimidate those who dare draw blades against her. One of the men dropped their sword in response and it's rumored another one of them began to drip from their armor.

The King watched in surprise as the sunny morning instantly turned to darkness and the dragons appeared from what seemed like thin air.

Viserys did not have much experience with Dragons, even with being Balerions last mount. The King had only bonded with Balerion a year before his death and even then he did not spend much time with the dragon. One thing he did know about them though, was that they would protect their mounts until their death.

Viserys gulped and snapped his eyes back towards his daughter, seeing that she was still staring at him with an intensity that made the King fear his own blood. The King knew that if a fight were to break out, his few Kings Guard would be swiftly disintegrated and he would be left to return to Kings Landing with his head held low.

"Has the City fallen to squaller yet?" The Rouge Prince questioned his brother. Without the men of the City's Watch to patrol Kings Landing, thefts, murders and rapists were sure to run rampant once again.

"It is maintaining," Viserys responded bitterly to his younger brothers comment. Daemon laughed at this response. He knew the city had fallen back into ruin without his men to keep the peace.

The King turned his attention back to his daughter and said, "your mother, sister and I miss you dearly, so do the people in court and the citizens."

Valera scoffed at her fathers remark, many of the people in court found the Princess rude. She did not care to hold her tongue and would often cause offense because of this. The Princess also held strong opinions and would often voice them to the men of the courts dismay. These qualities were deemed unladylike in the eyes of the court. But the Princess did not care, she knew he word far out weighs any one else's besides the King and Queens.

Queen Aemma embraced her child's outspokenness and even encouraged it. One of the things she most loved about Valera was her refusal to subside to social norms.

Valera did believe her mother and sister did miss her, for she missed them greatly. Valera often helped Rhaenyra with her Valyrian studies and she enjoyed taking her sister riding. Valera also enjoyed watching Rhaenyra during her dragon training lessons.

Being without her mother and sister felt very odd to the girl.

"Please, come home with me so we may talk about this," the King pleaded with his daughter. Valera stood unwavering, still intent on getting her way. The girl knew that she could wait out her father, he was weak minded and easily manipulated or persuaded. Eventually, Viserys would give in to the demands of his daughter, just like he had so many times before.

"There is nothing to talk about!" Valera snapped, a crack of lightening lit up the sky as the girl spoke. Viserys gazed up at the sky, clearly uncomfortable with the Gods sense of agreement to what his daughter was saying.

"You will annul Daemons marriage to Lady Rhae Royce," the Princess demanded, her voice came out strong and with a bite, one that told her father that this was in fact, not a discussion, "and you will let him take me to wed in the tradition of Old Valyria, here on DragonStone just like Aegon did with his wives."

The King cleared his throat and glanced at the Dragons that stood strong behind their mounts, "there are so many more options-" Viserys began but was quickly cut off.

"None that will love her like I do," Daemon protested. The Prince no longer wished to let his niece do all the speaking for them, "no one will be able to care for her like I will. We are the blood of the dragon, we belong together and she is at peace with me. I make her happy, is that not what you want for her, Brother?" Daemon poked at his brother by using their relationship to his advantage, almost trying to earn a rise out of him.

"Even mother would agree," Valera piped up, her voice softer this time and she began to walk towards her father, "momma believes Daemon is the one for me, I know you know this, she has not hidden these thoughts."

As the Princess made it to her father, she grabbed his hands in both of hers and pleaded with her father one last time, "please, you know he is the only true match for me."

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