
By gloshorty

236K 8.7K 778

Sunny Average 23 year old. every thing in her life is vanilla...plain....simple.. nothing fancy.. ex... More

Vanilla : Chapter 1
Vanilla : Chapter 2
Vanilla : Chapter 3
Vanilla : Chapter 4
Vanilla : chapter 5
Vanilla : chapter 6
Vanilla : chapter 7
Vanilla : chapter 8
Vanilla : chapter 10
Vanilla : chapter 11
Vanilla : Chapter 12
Vanilla : Chapter 13
Vanilla : Chapter 14
Vanilla : Chapter 15
Vanilla : Chapter 16
Vanilla : Chapter 17
Vanilla : Chapter 18
Vanilla : Chapter 19
Richard "Rex" Dixon
Vanilla : Chapter 21
Vanilla : Chapter 22
Vanilla : Chapter 23
Vanilla : Chapter 24
Vanilla : Chapter 25
Vanilla : Chapter 26
Vanilla : Chapter 27
Vanilla : Chapter 28
Vanilla : Chapter 29
Vanilla : Chapter 30
Vanilla : Chapter 31
Vanilla : Chapter 32
Vanilla : Chapter 33
Vanilla : Chapter 34
Vanilla : Chapter 35
Vanilla : Chapter 36
Vanilla : Chapter 37
Vanilla : Chapter 38
Vanilla : Chapter 39
Vanilla : Chapter 40
Vanilla : Chapter 41
Vanilla : Chapter 42
Vanilla : Chapter 43
Vanilla : Chapter 44
Vanilla : Chapter 45
Vanilla : Chapter 46
Vanilla : Chapter 47
Vanilla : Chapter 48
Vanilla : Chapter 49
Vanilla : Chapter 50
Vanilla : Chapter 51
Vanilla : Chapter 52
Vanilla : Chapter 53
Vanilla : Chapter 54
Vanilla : Chapter 55
Vanilla : Chapter 56
Vanilla : Chapter 57
Vanilla : Chapter 58
Vanilla : Chapter 59
Vanilla : Chapter 60
Vanilla : Chapter 61
Vanilla : Chapter 62
Vanilla : Chapter 63
Vanilla : Chapter 64
Vanilla : Chapter 65
Vanilla : Chapter 66
Vanilla : Chapter 67
Vanilla : Chapter 68
Vanilla : Chapter 69
Vanilla : Chapter 70
Vanilla: Chapter 71
Vanilla : Chapter 72
Vanilla : Chapter 73
Vanilla : Chapter 74
Vanilla : Chapter 75
Vanilla : Chapter 76
Vanilla : Chapter 77
Vanilla : Chapter 78
Vanilla : Chapter 79
Vanilla : Chapter 80
Vanilla : Chapter 81
Vanilla : Chapter 82
Vanilla : Chapter 83
Vanilla : Chapter 84
Vanilla : Chapter 85
Vanilla : Chapter 86
Vanilla : Chapter 87
Vanilla : Chapter 88
Vanilla : Chapter 89
Vanilla : Chapter 90
Vanilla : Chapter 91
Vanilla : Chapter 92
Vanilla : Chapter 93
Vanilla : Chapter 94
Vanilla : Chapter 95
Vanilla : Chapter 96
Vanilla : Chapter 97
Vanilla : Chapter 98
Vanilla : Chapter 99
Vanilla : Chapter 100
Sprinkles : 1

Vanilla : Chapter 9

3.9K 145 28
By gloshorty

"so your sending me home?....."

sunny stood there in complete utter consternation, her eyes were beginning to become glassy with tears filling to the brim of her eyelids.

"sunny im sorry, its not that i want y-"

Noah began to speak up as to the reason why sunny and sierra were being sent home but Desi scuffed and cut him off while giving death stares at sunny.

"yes bitch your going home, goodbye. and nobody wants to see your hoe ass cry."

At that point sierra stood up to murder desi right there but was blocked off by tank and chubbs, just by the look of the two of them she sat back down immediately. Sunny had come home to Noah, chubbs and tank, drake and desi, oliver and sierra all in the living room. She thought they were all here for the surprise that noah had for her but she thought wrong. As soon as she turned around Desi nearly ripped her head off and told her she was on the next flight out of here but unfortunately for her, oliver couldnt get a flight till tomorrow night.

"but desi i didnt do any-"

Desi stomped her foot down and nearly jumped at sunny to kill her there but drake grabbed her forearm and pulled her back down towards him.

"you got a lot of nerve asking why your leaving you stupid slut! you do know there are cameras all over the house right, i knew i couldnt trust you alone with him, MY BOYFRIEND...BITCHES LIKE YOU DISGUST ME!"

"what are you-"

"STOP, LET ME SPEAK! i watched the video tapes sunny, you were all over him like bees on honey. your disgusting..nearly fucking in the studio more then once, outside on the family area, your out..goodbye."

Sunnys tears stopped falling as she said that, she looked up at drake in confusion as if someone had told her the white house just blew up.

"wait.....your kicking me out because he came on to me?"

"he didnt come on to you sunny, clearly the things you do lead him on."

"so hes attracted to breathing...cause clearly if you watched the tapes you would see that i walked away from him every chance i could-"

"why are you talking...i saw what i saw and i love him so no matter what there is to see or on his side."

Sunny clenched her jaw and sierra stood up, they both looked at each other then looked over at desi, at the same time they both lunged at her. Sunny ran up and grabbed on to her extremely cheap sew in and started punching her in the stomach as sierra jumped over the coffee table and began to "mayweather jab" her in the face. Desi started to scream and cry out as everyone in the room basically flew to them like a flock of birds, each one trying to seperate the girls. desi managed to slip which was even more bad on her part, sierra began to continuously kick and stomp her body as sunny straddled across her abdomen, using both fists to pound in her face. The two girls laughed and cheered as they jumped desi. sierra and sunny werent the type of people to jump, and or fight at all and both heavily believed that violence was never the answer, but lets face it...... desi deserves it. Desi lay there being jumped as she cry and scream out for help, finally after what seemed like forever, Sunny and sierra were pulled off of desi. It took all, very strong, 5 men to pull two 100 pound girls off of desi but they had managed to do it, chubbs had sierra and tank had sunny thrown over there shoulders as they both laughed and high fived at what they had both done. Desi stood up crying and wiping off her bloodied face


she had screamed at the two men holding them up, the room had got silent but was interrupted by the loud outburst of laughter coming from sunny and sierra, somehow sunny had gotten to slip from Tanks grip and went face to face with desi, she was so close that she could smell the blood dripping from every hole in her face, she put her nose to hers and whispered

"this is my room bitch..."

with that said she grabbed desi's head and slammed it hard to the wall making a small hole, desi's body fell to the floor indicating she had passed out. finally, sunny and sierra had gotten what they wanted.... desi laying on the floor not saying shit.

The police station was busy today for some reason, People coming in and out of cells, phones ringing off the hook, lots of people crying, lots of people shouting with happiness. Right now, sunny and sierra sit in a jail cell together waiting for there parents to come get them, which could mean days...weeks...months. okay maybe not that long but you know what i mean. Sunny sat down playing with the ends of her hair as sierra messed with a stray string hanging from the end of the sleeve on her sweater.



"that was.....AWESOME!"

sunny sat up and turned to sierra with a huge smile on her face, sierra laughed a little and looked up at sunny.

"i didnt...i didnt expect you to help... i didnt expect for us to get that accomplished, i just thought that...i would hit her and thats it...but we got that ass good and...i feel....i feel...i dont know but i like the feeling."

" expected me to sit and watch as you fight the bitch that clearly needed that ass beat by two...pfft"

Sunny leaned in and wrapped her arms around sierras neck and put her cheek on hers as she smiled big. Sierra wrapped her arms around her waist and smiled back, there hug ended short because an officer walked up to there cell and unlocked it

"your free, congrats."

He looked like he could care less as he said congratulations but who cares, the girls shot out of there seats on the bench and looked at the officer confused.

"wheres our mom?"

"well if your mom is drake then shes over in the pick up area in the main foyer...follow me."

Sunny cringed at the sound of his name but followed the officer out to the main area of the station, you could see the flashes of the paparazzi from outside the building and a couple of cops trying to shoo them away, but that wasn't stopping them, the actual Aubrey Drake Graham was coming to a police station to bail out two girls who had just beaten the crap out of his girlfriend. When he saw Sunny and sierra walk out he smiled big and thanked the officer

"hey guys."

Sierra gave him a disgusting look and scuffed as she walked to the water fountain leaving sunny there to talk to him

"oooookay...hi sunny"

"what the hell are you doing.."

"what do you mean?"

She gave him a blank stare and folded her arms across her chest

"i mean what the hell are you doing this police station bailing me out after i just beat the hell out of your...thing... you got a lot of nerve even driving past here let alone paying the city to let me out. my parents are on there way here for-"

"i called your parents...there not on there way i told them everything and that i would-"

"you talked to my parents as let me guess you made it sound peachy keen, ya know if they had an award show for jackasses you'd go home with every medallion"


"no...dont sunny done aubrey...and yeah..i pulled out the real real name, just to prove how pissed i sat there and didnt even tell her that you led me on and that this wasnt my fault. i dont care about not here for you..YOU COULDVE RUINED MY CAREER DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?!?!?"

one of the ladies at the front desk looked up at sunny and asked her to quiet down, sunny did as told and went back to her normal quiet voice.

"i dont want to see you anymore aubrey...i dont want to see you, hear you, talk to you...i dont want any part of my life to be involved with you, and i expect you to respect my decisions and leave me alone..........goodbye aubrey"

with that sunny walked off, sierra following in pursuit. the two stopped before opening the door and looked down, they grabbed eachothers hands and opened the door being flooded by lights and cameras, Sunny's name was being called in every direction and questions were being thrown at her as well, people were taking pictures and videos as if she were beyonce.


"sunny over here?"

"is it true your having an affair with drake?"

"is it true you put desi in the hospital?"

"did you kill her?"

"why did drake pay your bail?"

Sunny stopped when the question about drake was asked, she just froze. Sierra looked at her and tugged at her arm.



she looked into the camera of the man that asked the question and reached for his microphone, he eagerly gave her the mic as all eyes were on her

".....i dont know why he did it...i dont care why he did it..i am not involved with that man or any part of his crew or career, and i plan to keep it that way... im not having an affair with him, how could i have an affair with someone who disgusts me so much i can hardly look at further questions."

She tossed the man the microphone and began to walk away, but like a flock of birds all the paparazzi followed behind her asking more questions then before.

"why does he disgust you?"

"are you denying your feelings for him?"

"why are you jealous of desi?"

"why are you no longer working with noah 40?"

the questions seemed to never end, even once they got into the limo, it seemed as if they were louder, screaming through the glass just so they could be heard. once the door to the limo was closed sunny crumpled over and lay on the seat of the limo

"ugh what am i gonna tell meek?"

The sound of a cork popping from a champagne bottle echoed through the car as sierra passed her the bottle.

"you look like you need a drink...wait what about meek?"

"when i came home i meant to tell you that meek asked me on a date for tomorrow, but i gotta leave tomorrow so i cant.."

"what time is the date?"

"starts at 7...hes taking me to a basketball game..i dont even know the teams thats playing.."

She ran a hand through her hair and took a sip from the bottle

"then why go...."

Sunny sat there, sipping from the a swirly straw she had put into the bottle as if it were a kid drinking chocolate milk.

"oh my like him...dont you?"

sunny didnt say there...just looked at her with a blank face, then lowering her head to take another sip

"you do! awwwww!!! well tomorrow is your last were going all out, we still have the card till tomorrow so were going shopping, maxing out, all stuff, your gonna be the baddest bitch in cali."

"why...its just meek."

"yes...but it will be on ESPN, which will be broadcasted all over the world, thats what people need to see, not saying specific names but lets just say there are some people out there that need to realize that you dont care what they think....."

Sunny nodded her head in approval as she took another sip looking out the window....

The next day was hectic, lots of getting ready and lots of preparations for the nights date. The word had got out about Meek and Sunny going together because he said it clearly on his twitter:

"@hoodbysunny cant wait for tonight *basketball emoji*"

Video and footage of what sunny had said to the cameramen yesterday were surfing all over the internet and tv, of course TMZ hopped right on it, from the footage of her saying what she said to the photos that desi posted of her wounds, sunny was being bombarded all day by paparazzi. Meek was kind enough to let the two girls borrow 3 out of his many security guards which helped alot and some of the stores closed up when the girls came in to shop just out of kindness. That was the thing about california, lots and lots of stores! the girls literally shopped till they dropped, shoes, clothes, jewelry, makeup, everything. And to top it all off, sierra took her to a venezuelan shop that she found on her days alone to buy the best of the best hair care products. The two girls were now inside there hotel room with the 3 guards sitting outside the door making sure that nobody would crowd around the room. People acted like sunny and sierra were beyonce and jay z as long as they got a good scoop on the drama, it was ridiculous but the two tried to ignore it as best as they could, for example right now to block out the loud yelling and chanting from outside down on the streets, they blasted loud music to drown it out. At the moment they were working on sunnys hair, the main goal was to have it all long and straightened out and then to put it up into a high ponytail.

"if your dude comes close to me, he gone wanna ride off in the ghost wit me, might let ya boy chauffeur me BUT HE GOTTA EAT THE BOOTY LIKE GROCERIES."

Simultaneously sierra and sunny yelled out the "booty like groceries" part and laughed at each others enthusiasm. Right now, sunny was sitting on a stool in front of the big bathroom mirror as sierra stand behind her straightening her hair. Sierra leaned over and turned down the music alittle, just enough so sunny would be able to hear her

"you talked to meek?"

"no why?"

"just gonna tell him that your leaving?"

"i have no choice...i guess what i'll do is just have him drop me off back here and then we can leave from here to the airport"

" gonna go out with party tonight..he wants to take me out to some of his favorite places since its my last night."

"and why didnt you tell me?!?!?"

"cause your date is more important."

Sunny rolled her eyes playfully as sierra reached over and began to finish up by straightening her bangs, once done she stood up and stretched. they had been in the bathroom doing her hair for a wopping two hours, but they werent even close to finishing, they still had to do makeup and nails and everything. Sunny sighed as she sat back down. Hours had passed with the same routine, Sunny sat on her stool, sierra did her makeup, nails, and finished her hair, while they listened to music. It was coming up on 5:30 and meek would be there at 6ix to pick her, she slipped on her heels and looked in the floor to ceiling length mirror in sierras room and smiled an ear to ear grin at how hot she looked. She was dressed in a red and navy blue very thin, mesh tight dress with a black thong and no bra, just nipple covers. On her feet she wore black strappy heel boots that showed her perfectly pedicured toes, her jewelry consisted of a simple pair of diamond studs, that were real by the way. Her make up was very nude but very sheek at the same time, with a thick coat of eyeliner it made her face look egyptian like. She looked sexy, beautiful, a little edgy but all around great.

"are you sure this doesnt show to much..the dress is see through for god sake."

"thats the point... show the pap what there waiting to see...the girl that drake turned down for some stripper."

Sunny cringed a little at the sound of his name, her stomach twisted at the thought of him but was instantly replaced with a knock on the door.


"Ms. Dior, this is KD, Mr. Mill is out waiting should i send him in?"

KD was one of the security guards that meek let them borrow, she smiled at the thought of him and agreed to let him in. The sound of the door opened and closed


"i'll go stall."

Sierra ran out to the living room to meet meek who was dressed simply, yet still managed to look sexy. He was dressed in a long sleeve camo shirt, white tru religion jeans, tan timberland boots with the exception of gold chains and a gold watch to match. Sunny walked out and his mouth instantly dropped to the ground, sierra leaned over and whispered to him

"unless your gonna eat her, i suggest you close your mouth."

He shook his head alittle, coming out of his trance as he walked up to sunny, She looked up at him with enlarged eyes and batted her lashes at him

"hi meek"

"um...hi sunny. you uh look...amazing."

She blushed and looked down at her toes then back up to him

" too."

Sierra rolled her eyes and crossed her arms across her chest

"will you two love birds leave? i gotta get ready for my date so..."

Meek turned around and smiled at her a boyish charmy smile

"and who will you be joining on the date?"

"thats for me to know and for you to never find go..have fun...have her home by midnight."

"so your her mom now?"

"yes i am, now go before i change my mind in letting her leave."

Meek laughed and intertwined there fingers.



Meek started walking with sunny following in pursuit, sierra leaned over and smacked sunnys butt playfully

"go get em tiger."


Sunny laughed as the two left the room, Meek decided to take KD and Brady (2 out of the 3 security guards he lent the girls), leaving John for sierra. They started to walk to the elevator hand in hand, sunny screaming internally at how good it felt to be holding his hand.

"so, do we get to take the bike?"

"unfortunately no, because we have to have security with us..sorry boo"

Sunny blushed when he called her boo but shook it off and thought to herself: Sierra calls me boo all the time..nothing special...he just meant it in a friendly way....right?

When they got out to the front sunny took a deep breath before facing the sea of paparazzi, this wasnt even that bad, can you even imagine what it'll be like at the game. They walked out together hand in hand which started an uproar of questions

"is this why you dont want drake?"

"are you and meek official?"

"does meek know you cheated on him with drake?"

A lot of the questions were very ridiculous but were only used to get a reaction from her, she ignored it as best as she could while the security team pushed through and opened the car door. Meek stepped aside letting her get into the all black suburban first, he climbed in after her as the security guards closed the door. One was up front and one was in the back seat with the two of them with a chauffer driver up front. Meek squeezed her hand as sunny lay her head on his shoulder, reassuring her that everything was okay.

Sunny was right, the game was ten times worse! there were paparazzi here from the hotel and also a ton of other pap here for other stars and team players who had all flocked to her once more, Meek had took the back door enterance but that didnt change much, they were everywhere, Once inside they got the green wristbands and got to there courtside seats. Sunnys eyes were enlarged with excitement at how awesome everything was. There were fans of meek screaming for him as he walked past and even some fans of sunny, which she didnt know she had, screaming for her. A lot of people had asked to take pictures of them and or with them, autographs and hugs. all of it. of course the pap would walk past and snap photos of them every now and then but sunny was far into being used to it by now. Her and meek had flirted a lot of the time, not really into the game which she thought was ironic because he seemed so excited to go

"so..why did you want to come to the game if your not even paying attention?"

Sunny took a sip from her alcoholic slushy drink and smiled at him

"well..i like basketball and i was gonna watch..but i dont like the sport near as much as i like you."

He turned to face her and grabbed her hand as he said it, she smiled and blushed as she felt her cheeks grow warm. The night was filled with good talk, laughs, encounters with fans, lots and lots of photos, including one that sunny snapped for the gram. Of course there were hate comments but when she checked during halftime a large majority of them were nice things. Sunny texted sierra to check in but when she didnt respond she just thought of it as her and party were busy so she didnt have time to respond, when usually she wouldve flipped out and started to call.

"so, how much longer are you here for?"

"well about leaving tonight actually..."

"oh..........i thought you-"

"had two weeks i know..but i got kicked out of the studio and am being sent home due to....complications...per se"

"because of the desi thing...i dont live under a rock i know."

She smiled small and took another sip from the thin red straw

"yeah...because of that...she kicked me out of his house and im not allowed back.."

"so she...kicked you out...of his home.."

"yeah...but because there together of course he agrees with her. i dont understand why everything has to be about him though, ya know? like clearly im not here for him, im here for my career and my music..but he doesnt get that."

"so you didnt make out with him?"

"well, yeah i did. but he started it and i feel horrible and like a slut for going with it and i realize that now but of course its to late..he led me on and i just forgot about the fact that they were together and....i dont know...i just lost myself i guess."

"i understand...ive been down that road before"

"with desi?"

"no ...god no... but like with a girl who had a man and she led me on, even though she knew it was wrong..thats why i stick to the singles now."

Sunny laughed as the game began to start up again, as much as she didnt like basketball, she could do this everyday..


"so you bailed her out......"

"i had to, i couldnt let her sit in jail like that..just abandon her."

"thats the point drake! she assaulted me and she deserved to be punished."

"have you ever thought that maybe.............nevermind."

Drake plopped down on his bed and mentally rolled his eyes at her. Desi had just gotten home after a night out with her friends and was lecturing the shit out of him for bailing out sunny and sierra.

"no tell me, cause we need to fix this shit..i want the old-"


"dont what?"

"dont say you want the old me back desi. i dont know if youve realized but i changed and if you cant get over that then im sorry thats your problem."

"well still...we need to fix this."


now drake was standing up and facing her, hurt and anger in his eyes. Desi was taken aback by the fact that he had just raised his voice at her. she stood there blinking back tears as he clenched his jaw.

"have you ever thought...that maybe...just maybe....i dont want you desi, that i dont need you and ive moved on....sunny is...sunny is the sun to my darkness...she brightens up places of me that you could never reach. She is 10x more of the woman i need in my life then you will ever be."

He raised his hand and rubbed it over his head and to the back on his neck.

"shes...shes everything...and i just let her go...for no reason, it shouldve been you packing your bags and not her, shes gone but your still here and to be honest i dont know why."

he scuffed and smiled at the wall, not even wanting to look at her. She looked down and let a tear fall but immediately wiping it away

"drake...i know ive messed up and i know your-"

"no not ... pity me...dont..this is your fault and you know it. Your jealousy got in the way of her, she was here on business desi and i fell in love! ill admit it...i fell in love and now everytime i see you i think of sunny because im really wishin it were her and not you!"

He moved from his spot and walked up to her without feeling any type of emotion

"i dont love you desi...... you have 24 hours to get your shit and get out."

With that he grabbed his keys and left the room leaving desi there, tears falling from her eyes. i dont love you desi, the words repeated through out her mind over and over as the minutes passed. She collapsed to the floor and lay there crying her eyes out, destroying her makeup. Drake left the house without saying a word to anybody.


"2 weeks."

"i know meek, 2 weeks...i know."

"im gonna miss seeing you everyday."

On the way home, meek had discussed a plan with sunny. she would go home for 2 weeks but then come back to Calabasas to work with meek on a couple EP's and Mixtapes. Of course, meek would pay for her and sierras plane flight.

"im gonna miss you too meek."

She lowered her head in sadness but was soon lifted up by meek putting his hand on her chin and making her look at him, he leaned forward and placed his lips to her softly kissing her with passion. Right as she was about to wrap her arms around his neck and deepen the kiss, he pulled away and leaned down

"two weeks...."

He kissed her forehead and left, leaving her standing there wanting more.

The airport was no different from the one in Houston that they had used to come to calabasas. While in the hotel Sunny changed into a pair of black nike pro shorts and a black tank top, just to get comfy for the ride. It was raining outside which made her mood worse, the sky was crying and she felt as if she were about to as well. All it takes is one person to ruin it all, in this case Desi, she was doing so good with noah and the music. But now that was in the trash..maybe her parents were right, surgeons ran through her family so maybe she should too.

They pulled up next to the plane and hopped out quickly grabbing there bags and boarding the plane, Before getting seated sunny realized she left her purse in the car so she hurridely ran out getting her perfectly straightened hair drenched, causing it to curl up. Right as she was about to go into the plane an all black bugatti pulled up and out jumped drake, sprinting to the stairs of the plane.


He ran up the stairs and grabbed her by the waist and lifted her back down to the ground, they had to yell to be heard over the loud sound of the rain hitting against the concrete and the sound of thunder in the distance.






Before she could finish that sentence he grabbed her hips and pulled her to him, chest to chest, and kissed her. He moved his hands from her hips and cupped her face in his hands. He rubbed her cheeks with his thumbs as his kiss became more demanding. She hesitated big time but eventually caved in. It felt good to feel his lips on hers again. He pulled away, still cupping her face and layed his forehead against hers.

"please....stay with me."

Now that they were so close they could speak in normal voices to hear each other. Sunny backed up and wiped the soaked hair from her face

"goodbye drake..........."

With that she walked up the stairs and on to the plane leaving drake standing there in the rain. As soon as the plane took off she collapsed on to the couch seat and began to cry hard just as the sky...................................

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