A Girl, a Boy, and high schoo...

By RacoSaraF

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Cassie hated Jake all her life, even though he was her best friend, Kayley's other best friend. Things soon c... More

A girl, a boy, and high school drama
chap-2, plan the party
chap-3, Party time!
chap-4, the worst week ever-or not?
chap-5, that did not just happen!
chap-6, The return
chap-7 surprise!! surprise!!
chap-8, Sin-fusions
chap-9 traitor alert!
chap-10, cat fight
chap-11- moving in
chap-12, maybe New York isn't that bad?
chapter 13-Discoveries
Author's Note Please read!
Chapter-14 New People and Shocking Changes
chapter 15 If this was a movie, it'd get an Oscar.
chapter 16 Yay! Relationship Upgrade!
Chap 17 Poisoned???
chapter 18 Back home
Chap 19-(1) A body-with blood on the top.
Chapter 19-(2)-A body, with blood on the top
chapter 20 Death, death, go away. Come again some other day.
Chapter 21: Here Comes the Fourth...
Chap 22: The First Look
Chap 23: Maybe in Another Life
Chap 24 (1): The Climax
The Climax: Part Two
Chap 25: Mommy Blues
Chap 27: Track me Down
Chap 28: Revelations

Chap 26: Let the Games Begin

238 6 0
By RacoSaraF

Chapter 26

Kay's POV

I woke up in a lit-up bedroom. My head hurt like hell and my wrists were still burning. The itch, however, had subsided.

My hands were cuffed to the bed post. I looked around to take in my surroundings. The room was pretty big and it had beautiful lights and wooden cabinets. It seemed like a vintage place.

Across the bed, I noticed an arm, leaning on it. Somebody else was here?

I stretched out a little and then stood on my knees to get a better look. It was Jake. I could make out from the colour of his hair and his lean build.

"Jake," I whispered, without thinking. I had completely forgotten that he had betrayed Cass and me. But it was too late. He was awake now.

He looked right at me and probably saw the fear in my eyes from the realisation that he could be my captor.

"I know what you're thinking. Look," he said, staring at me with his sapphire eyes and gesturing towards the metal restrictions round his wrist.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I tried to kill you and Cass because your sister threatened to kill my grandmother if I didn't. She killed my grandmother because Cass didn't die from the stab and now you're here because she wants to torture you to death and take revenge on you for being the lucky twin," he replied dryly.

I bit my lip in nervousness. This was all too much to take in. I had so many questions, like, why was I to blame for what happened to this girl? How did she have access to all these facilities; this room, the car, that huge man? Who was in on this along with her?

But most importantly, "What's gonna happen to you?" I asked Jake.

"She'll probably kill me. I don't know," he replied, shrugging.

"And Cass?" I asked.

"I have no idea. I'm no longer in on her plans."

"Then who is?"

"The guy that Cass brought home from New York. Jay-I think."

"But he just got here a few days ago."

"He was probably with her from the very beginning. He tried to rape Cassie. If I could just get my hands round his neck..." he was very angry. His face had turned pink from his boiling blood.

"Jake, I promise, the police will catch them. I don't know how, but they will," I said.


It had been hours since I had woken up, but nothing had happened. The room we were in didn't even have any clocks or windows so we'd know what time in was or where we were. I was starving. My stomach was growling non-stop and I was fatigued. I had no clue what to do.

Jake and I had spent quite a while just talking about everything but we had soon run out of things to talk about. Now Jake was sleeping. He said that even he was hungry and since nobody had bothered to bring any food, he'd just sleep most of the time to get rid of the hunger.

I couldn't sleep though. I was afraid the next time I'd wake up, it'd be at her mercy; or perhaps she'd even haunt my dreams. I refused to accept that my fate was just to lie here and await my death. Jake had done that and I didn't understand how. Surely, he must have some faith in the police?

And then it occurred to me; the police wouldn't be able to save him. If this 'Tan' didn't kill him, and the police found him, he'd rot in jail. And he was 18. He'd either get life imprisonment or capital punishment. There was no escape for him. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him, even though I was his victim.

All of a sudden, the door's handle rattled and in stormed a blond haired girl wearing black overalls with holes and unruly patterns. Her eyes were just as blue as mine and her jaw the exact same rounded shape. She was a lot skinnier though, skinny enough to seem anorexic. And her eyeballs were shrunken, her skin pale and her face marked with scars and bruises. Her hair was a little shorter than mine, but dry and untamed. Her arms and legs were so thin, I was afraid there weren't even any bones supporting them.

It was almost like her body told her whole story. My heart sank in sympathy.

"You little bitch," she said, her voice exactly like mine, sparing the venom laced with it. Her lips curled back in disgust as she stared at me with enough hatred to last twenty lifetimes. "You thought you could get away, huh? YOU'RE the reason I'm like this! Look at you"-she headed towards me and clutched my right arm tightly-"You have FLESH on your bones! You have teeth on your gums! You have nails on your fingers! And look at me! I've never eaten three meals in a day, never gone a day without a few punches to my jaws, never painted my nails after that one time, when they were PULLED out! And for WHAT? Why me? That could easily have been YOU! But no, you got the walk-in closet full of Vero Modas and Steve Maddens. You got the personal chef to cook you delicacies from places I've never even heard of! You got the pediatrician, the dentist, the hospitals! I could JUST AS EASILY HAVE BEEN YOU! And yet..." Tears streamed down her cheeks and mine.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. "I'm so, very sorry for all that you've been through. I can only imagine the pain and-" She cut me off.

"That's right!" she smiled wickedly. "You can only imagine - so far. But now it's your turn. You won't have to imagine anymore. It's your turn to face what I faced. And then we can bond like sisters over pain and remorse."

"No, no, please," I said, panicking. "Please don't do this. You don't have to! O-our parent want to get you back! They want you to be in the family again. You can have it all, everything you want. Please, just don't do this!"

"Oh, but I have to..," she said. "Besides, you're LYING!"

"I'm not, I swear-"

"Take her," she said to someone else who was standing behind her. Jay.

He headed towards me and began un-cuffing my hands. "Jay, please, please you don't have to do this. Please! You'll go to jail! Please don't do this, I beg you!"

Nobody replied. Tan walked to the door and then turned around and said, "And bring him too."

Jay nodded and continued unlocking the cuffs.

"Jay please!" I said, crying.

"Shut up! Just shut the hell up and this'll be over a lot earlier," he said.

Then the door opened again and the big man from earlier entered the room. "Tan said you'd need my help," he said.

Jay replied, "Yeah. Bring that one to the basement." He gestured towards Jake and tossed the man some keys.

I continued pleading but he turned a deaf ear to me.

I was dragged to the basement, along with Jake, who was now awake but clearly very weak.

I looked around the place to see if I recognized it, but the hallway we were walking down, too, had no windows or even lights.

We came to a stop in front of a large door, which Jay opened.

Behind the door lay a flight of stairs which was, fortunately, well-lit. At the bottom was what seemed like a laboratory. A platform at the corner of the room held a number of test tubes with liquids of all colours. Some strange machines filled up the room, along with a stretcher and a hospital bed. Everything seemed to be pushed to the side though.

In the middle were two chairs. Jake and I were pushed onto them.

Tan was there too. She had her back towards us as she leaned on the platform.

She soon turned around, revealing a huge knife she had been holding onto.

My heart was pounding against my chest and my legs were shaking violently. I couldn't even tell myself to stay calm. I was going to die!

"Let's play a game," she said, smirking.

Sorry, it's a filler :/

Hope you like it! Comment and vote please!

PS, I'm updating this every day or so because I'm very excited. This book is coming to an end. Only about a couple more chapters are left, followed by an epilogue. So, tell me what you think is going to happen now.

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