AWAKENED HEART (The first he...

Per unilover85

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Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo met years before their first drama together "THE UNTAMED" They had met on Daytoy year... MΓ©s

πŸ”žπŸ”žCHAPTER 22 πŸ”žπŸ”ž
CHAPTER 42β™₯️
Announcement ❣️❣️
CHAPTER 54 the


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Per unilover85

"Boy...!! Do you know how long I've been waiting for this...? Huh...? How could you be so stupid to let him slip through your hands...? You better have a better explanation or I promise you...your mother will be begging me from her grave...!!(shout)"

"I'm sorry uncle...I mean sir...I...I didn't mean to loose him. People from his company came and I tried to stop them but he seemed to have been waiting for them or something because he said they were late. I didn't want them to know what I was upto so...I..I let them...take hi-(nervous & scared)"

"Listen to let them take stupid are you...? After all the training you still don't get it huh...? I should've just let you rot in poverty with your father back in the village...!! You will have to pay the price of failing me, and this time...I'm not going soft on you. Take him...!!!"

"Take me where...? Please sir...I won't do it again... please let me off only this time..."

"Do you how many times I've let you off...? There isn't even one mission where you came back successful from. All you do is to go to bars and spend my hard earned money...!! you will have to learn what happens to those who fail me....take him to the basement, chain him and give him a beating. Leave him there when you're done, and don't give him food until I say so...go..!!!"

The young man was taken into the basement while begging for mercy, but the man in black became deaf to his pleas. He looked the other way while the young man was being dragged across the room, screaming and begging for forgiveness. Down at the basement...he was stripped his clothes and was left only with his boxers. He was standing in the middle of the room with his hands tied above him to the chains that were dangling from above and his fee were chained to a nearby post which had handcuffs on it. The two men who were busy disfiguring his face couldn't care less if he was still young or not. They just wanted to make sure their boss did not take out his anger on them and they certainly couldn't care less about the boy.

His mother had died when he was eight year old and he was left with his father in the village they lived in. A week after his mother's burial...a man came wearing a black suit and he heard him arguing with his father. He had gone out to the river where he always went when things were tough for him and when he came back he spotted three cars in his compound which looked too expensive. When he got closer, he noticed that there were many men outside guarding and he knew whoever who was inside must be very rich. So...he didn't get inside the yard, he did...but he used a passage way only he knew about and peeked in from a tiny opening at the back if their tiny mud house.

He heard his father shout and tell the man that he would never do as he said and the man, with a calm voice which held arrogance simply told him it was his sister's wish for her son to go to school and then college just like other kids. And nit only that...he too his father that if he didn't let him leave with him...he would make sure he ruined his already miserable life and that of his son's too. His father still kept his words that he would never let him take his son away. But it was something his father said that made him get out from his hiding. His father was furious as he said in the man's face..

You told me to give you all my money away if I ever want to marry your sister, I did give it to you...but I never thought you would go as far as steal my businesses away from me even when we agreed on the money. You are such a fox of a man, why can't you just leave me and my son alone...? You knew your sister was sick but you didn't even bother to take her to the hospital to get her treated. His evil can you be...?"

"My sister brought this to herself...I told her to leave you the moment I managed to take your businesses away...she refused...I guess she was a fool to fall for a fool like you...he~he~he. should thank me at least, I'm willing to take your son to school with my own money. And don't worry...I will take him to the most prestigious schools in the city. If you think of denying me this...then I guess I will have to do what I do best...(evil smile)...hey you....grab this old know what to do with him. Make it quick...I don't have a lot of patience..!!"

"Yes sir.."

"What are you doing..?? Let me go...let me aaarg....stop th- aaarg..!!!"

"I will go with you....!! Please.....please let my father go...!!"

" son...don'- aarrgg...!!"

"Wise decision boy...(evil chuckle) leave him...let's go...!!"

Just like that....a son was taken away from his father without even even letting him pack his favourite stuff or his stuffy toy or his toy car...if he had them. He wasn't even given a chance to say goodbye to his then kneeling father who was bleeding from the mouth and nose. His face swollen with one eye closed while clutching his stomach with tears coming out of his one eye while the swollen eye bled as he cried out loud...calling out his son's name. The little boy looked back at his father while he was being dragged inside the car, when the cars left...he looked out the window to take one last look at his father before he went to the unknown.

The young man was still hanging from the chains and his face and body was bruises so bad. He didn't let out his tears even after his flashbacks from his painful past. He hung there thinking about his life and what he had archived so far. A sly smile played on his bruised face and he chuckled a little before the pain in his abdomen became worse and he yelped in pain. He was alone at the moment and he knew his so called uncle would come to see what his men had done to him, he knew he had to play his part. His guess was not wrong because in a few minutes...his uncle did come, along with his tree most trusted bodyguards

"If you had not dissapointed me everytime I put my trust on you...none of these would have happened. You are just like you father....a disappointment to the male society. I wanted to make a real man out of you, but I guess I was wrong to believe you could ever amount to anything other than the weakness that runs in your blood. bad...I wanted you to take over my businesses know...cause you're family afterall, but I guess it is all up to you now...let's go...!!"

"Uncle wait...!!"

"Didn't I tell you not to calle uncle when we're at work...? I don't want to be pointed fingers at by others for having such a weak nephew like you. Know your place boy...!!!!"

"Yes sir...I'm sorry sir...sir...I'm sorry for what I did, I was thinking here could I ever survive in this business if I'm this weak. From now on...I will never do anything wrong...(cries) I know I have dissapointed you so much and have made you make a hard decision of punishing me. I'm will never happen again."

" catch on too quickly my boy, now let him down. Be careful not to break anymore of his bones and make sure you call a doctor to treat him once he's cleaned up..!!"

"Yes sir..."

Alex was let down from the chains and taken to the car and driven back to his home....his uncle's house where a doctor was already waiting for them to arrive outside. His uncle...the man in a black suit...didn't like staying home, he never stayed in one place for more than a week. He was a rich man and with his line of work...not business...he had made so many enemies which were out to get him.but it was impossible since he had so many bodyguards and all his homes were heavily guarded from the gate which made his enemies to think twice before they wanted to get to him. He had a big company which specialised in delivering goods all over the world. That company...was his brother-in-law's company until he realised how much money he couod make if the business was his, but most importantly....what he could deliver and trade through that business.

That's when he decided to steal the company away from his sister and brother-in-law. When his sister found out about it, she spoke to him and she asked him to stop what he was doing. This was the time she found out all his plans from her trusted friend in the in the city and she confronted him about it. He didn't deny it but also offered him a comfortable life if she left him so they could spend his money. Mr Kim was a successful man until he tried to help his soon to be brother-in-law set up his own business that he realised how much money he had. Mr Kim came from a good and respected family background in Korea and he traveled to China to grow the business after their parents got into the accidents and his brother didn't want to take responsibility of the company.

He had been working so hard for so many years to build the company to a position where it was only for it to be snatched by someone secretly. The thing was that the uncle...was working as a delivery guy at the company and one day a man asked him to deliver something while he was out to deliver, the man promised him a huge amount of money and he knew he couldn't refuse it. He went ahead to deliver to the said address but he found out while he was inside the yard the he was sent to deliver guns to a mafia mansion. He got so scared but when he saw the amount of cash the mafia biss gave him to keep his mouth shut and keep.deliverimg for them in private...he got too greedy and wanted more. Well...that's the story for another day...

Back in Yibo's mansion, the three bodyguards...were standing outside while still waiting for their boss to come and relief them of their all night guarding punishment. It was almost ten in the morning and he was not to be see by the three who couldn't even go inside or to their houses to shower and rest. They went back and forth as they kept asking the maids if he was awake yet, but their answers came back the same...he was still upstairs and that they cannot go upstairs to clean until he comes downstairs. That was the rule and they knew it, they all knew it. They were so tired and in the midst of their complains...Baba spoke...feeling worried all of a sudden that got the two worried as well.

" you think...boss has done something to Zhan...I mean...why aren't they coming down for breakfast or something...? What if...what if boss...hurt him....(nervous)"

"What do you mean Baba...? You know boss doesn't want anything to happen to him and he won't do it as well.."

"Yes baobei but what if...he hurt him know...the way you...hurt...(clears throat)..?'

"Oh shit...I messed up... how could I not think something like this would happen...?shit...!!! If something has really happened to him...then I'm to blame...!(stresses & worried)"

"Uhm...can you two lovebirds tell me what you're talking about...? So that singles like me could understand very well please..."

"Uhm...Ba gē you think boss is a lion or a bunny..?"

"Larry...what are you talking about...what kind of question is that..? Be serious for once and tell me what you two are talking about.."

"Well... Ba gē....Larry and I were thinking that what it boss had punished Zhan and that's why they're not down yet."

"Punish're kidding right..? You both know he would never do anything like that to him."

"Yes...of course Ba gē...but what if he punished him...
Like I punish Baba...?"

"What...?can you two talk and stop messing around with your riddles..?"

"Larry....if you don't tell Barry gē them I will and don't blame me afterwards...!"

"Tell me what...?"

"Ok..fine...I'll tell him...Uhm... Baba is talking about the kind of punishment that needs a bed and two me and him...!"

"What are you two even trying to say...? What kind of punishment needs a bed and two peo- ...oh shit..
Oh shit....that lion must have been hungry for so long and now...who knows what happened to poor bunny...oh couod we be so.stuoid to not think he would punish him like that..? If boss is not coming down...then it's ba bad sign that Zhan isn't well. Oh shit....!!!(stressed and walking around in circles)"

"Ba gē mean...boss is a lion...and Zhan am bunny...?"

"What are you two talking about...? What lion and bunny...?"

"Well...baobei...what we mean is...our boss takes my role and Zhan takes your role..(happy chuckles)"

"OH SHIT...!!! If that's the case then Zhan is surely hurt. I think I better cally doctor right now...!!"

"What do you mean baobei...? What doctor are you talking about...?"

"Remember that night I went to the club without you and give guys almost had their way with me and you came and rescued me...? You punished me so hard that night for going out without you that I couldn't walk the next day. I called a friend of mine who's a doctor and he's a 'bunny' aswell so he came over while you went in a business trip with boss and he - oh hi Isaac...his are you...? Good...listen..
I need an urgent favour from you. Please's very important..."

Inside the huge mansion, the said boss was sitting in the bed waiting for his important person to wake up. He had woken up since five am thinking that Zhan would wake up soon but that did not happen. He held Zhan's hands in his and kissed them while tears streamed down his face, he felt so guilty for doing that to Zhan that he didn't care about anything else. Tears streamed nonstop from his eyes just like they had done last night and that early morning when he woke up that they seemed to know which route to take on his face. His eyes were swollen from crying and if the anyone was allowed inside the house then they would hear the painful sobs their boss made inside his

After the call...Baba told Larry and Barry to wait for him while he went to out.

"Baobei... I need to go out for a few minutes. You stay here and wait for us okay...?"

"Us...?baobei...where are you going now....? You know you can't bring anyone here so why would you want to risk the boss's and Zhan's lives by bringing strangers in here...?"

"Baobei...Ba gē...please trust me on this...if Yibo had done what I think he did...then Zhan needs help not later than this minute. I will try my best to be careful but you need to trust me on this... please...Zhan's health depends on it.!!"

" can go...but please be careful and make a plan to get him here but not to see boss okay..? Larry...I think Baba is right...let's think about Zhan for a moment and everything else we'll think deal with it when all this is over."

"Ok Ba gē can go...but please be careful ok...?"

"I will..."

Baba kissed Larry and ran towards the front where he parked the Yibo's car when they came last night and drive off. Within ten minutes he arrived at the said place and got out. A young man wearing a doctor's coat was waiting at the entrance and when he saw him get out of the car he waved his hand while holding his medicine bag with the other. Baba went over to him and greeted his before he led him to the car and drove off. They were still in the city when Baba asked his doctor friend to wear a blindfold. This didn't scare his friend since he knew he was working for a wealthy man and he knew his confidentiality needed to be kept. He just smiled and allowed Baba to do whatever he wanted at the time.

"Jake...I'm sorry to have to do this to know I have to follow protocol."

"It's fine babes...I know your line of work, besides...I don't even wanna know where were going as well"


"This thing with rich people...I don't want to know them and I think it's better if they also don't know me. I had a bad experience working with those kind of know that too well."

"Yes...I'm sorry again for what you went through... And again...I'm sorry to have to out a blind fold on you.."

"Just do what you gave to do babes...(smile) so tell said you don't know the patient's state..?"

"Yes..the thing is...we were guarding outside and we only go upstairs when the boss is awake unless if he calls us upstairs then we don't go. Last night we made a mistake and also included his important person and I think he might have also punished him the way Larry had done the day we met."

"Oh no...if that's the case then you should drive..hurry Baba. If he had passed due to shock or trauma...then I think it might not be easy to for him to wake up even after sleeping for a day. Hurry Baba....we don't have much time.!!"

"Jake...what's going on..?"

"Does he have a history with abuse or does he have trauma or-"

"Jake...just tell me okay... you're scaring me!!"

"Okay...he might go into shock and his injuries might become infected from not being treated....that's the simplest term I have for you right now.!"

Okay...that's enough for me.!"

This took Baba six minutes to get to the mansion because he took another route and because he drove like he was flying. The gate was opened the minute the car turned towards the gate and when the car parked...Barry and Larry were already waiting for them at the front. Jake still had his blindfold in and he Barry greeted him before they all went away. Barry and Larry did want to go with them upstairs but they also didn't Jake to know who they were because they were high profile... especially Yibo. Barry was always seen on TV with Yibo whereas Larry and Baba preferred to stay in the corners since and protect their boss from anyone from the crowds, they were the best at observing people from afar and see asses if they were good or bad or if they were a threat to their boss. That was their speciality and skill amongst many which they learned from the CIA or the Special Forces.

Baba led Jake upstairs with his blindfold still on and took his hand to guide him up the stairs. When they reached the hall way upstairs...Baba heard faint sobs and that's when he asked Jake to wait where he was and he went ahead and stood infront of Yibo's door. After a few seconds of looking back at his friend Jake and the door...he decided to go head and knock on the bedroom door. He didn't want to bring his friend out that far from his work where he could be treating patients to only chicken out at the last minute. He knocked a few times and there was no answer, he knocked while using their secret code for emergency and he heard footsteps walk slowly towards the door and opened.

Baba looked at his boss and saw his swollen his eyes were and he felt so sorry for him that he couldn't even comfort him, he couldn't call his name because even at the distance where his friend was standing...he could still hear everything. He took his hand and placed it on Yibo's which was still on the door handle and led him outside to show him the doctor. Yibo's eyes went wide as he got relived that there was someone to help Zhan and before he could speak....Baba placed his hand on his mouth to stop him from saying even one word. He knew he would get in trouble for silencing his boss like that but he had no choice and time was running out.

Yibo widened his eyes at him and Baba gestured with his finger to keep quite while he slowly removed his hand on Yibo's mouth. Baba pointed to a door next to Yibo's which had a access to Yibo's bedroom through a hidden camera on the ceiling above the bed. The room was a other bedroom but there was a secret room which had a cess to all the cameras in the house just like the room outside in his bodyguards's house and the secret room in his home office . Yibo nodded his head and went inside the room when Baba went back to get his doctor friend and led him inside Yibo's bedroom. Yibo was thankful he changed the covers last night because then Baba and his friend would've seen how monstrous he was with Zhan's blood in the bed.

Inside Yibo's bedroom... Baba took a soft light mask which was made out of a fabric of a surgical mask and placed it over Zhan's head. The mask covered his whole face and he was able to breath fine with the kind of fabric that was used to sew it. After making sure everything was set...Baba took of the blindfold covering his friend's eyes and put it on the couch which was on the foot of the bed. Jake adjusted his eyes and when he saw Zhan lying there...he couldn't help but gasp. He rushed to him and took out his stethoscope, after a few minutes he took out an IV line from his bag and hung it on the headboard with the help of Baba and started to administer it. He was about to take off his whole clothes off when Baba remembered that his boss was watching them from the other room and he didn't want to get into more trouble that he already was when he stopped Jake.

" don't need to check his injuries...I already know he is you you and ...I don't think his liver would appreciate you doing this.. especially infront of me and I have to be here.."

" you know how serious this is...? I need to know what I'm dealing with so I know how better to fltreat him. If you're not allowed to see him naked then you can turn around. Who in their right mind would let their lover be seen by others, come on...turn around and let me do my job..."

"'re gonna get me into trouble you know...I'm already way in too deep it o shit and you're digging me in more...urgh...!! Fine..!"

Yibo...who was peeking from the room next door, clenched his fist as Jake took of Zhan's shirt and boxers and he checked him again and after a few minutes he put his clothes back on and told Baba to find back around. He finished his assessment and gave Baba a few bottles of pills for Zhan and also gave him amln ointment for his injury and told him to tell his boss to go easy next time or he might make too much damage.

"Babes...tell your boss nit to be a monster next time okay, he was lucky this time because the patient was just suffering from exhaustion, I also checked his injuries...well....atleast he wasn't too hard, he was hard....but not too hard. Of you know what I mean...these pills are for pain, these are vitamins casei can see the patient doesn't eat as he should. These are to be take before the lion leaves it's den...and this ointment has antibiotics which means it can heal his wound just fine and also prevents infections. And me if you see any changes in his condition alright...good or have to tell me or else I'll get more worried than I am."

" said he's fine...or were you only trying to calm me down...?"

"No...he is fine...thank goodness, it's...I just don't know why our creation has to suffer for pleasure.."

"(Chuckle) come on... it's not always this painful, unless if we're punished...I haven't had a problem since you gave me this ointment and recommended that oil. I did as you told me and it was like nothing happened. Thanks babes..."

"Oh girl you're welcome, glad I could help. Anyway...I brought it with me since you told me what could be the patient's state, give this to the monster who did this to him. You also know where to get a refill incase you run out. Alright...I better leave now before my patients start to file a complaint, I didn't tell anyone I was going out. One of this days...I think I'm gonna loose my job, alright.. where's that blindfold...come on...let me put it on cause I better hurry to the hospital."

Jake out on his blindfold and Baba led him out of Yibo's bedroom and drive him back to the hospital. On his way back...he passed by the pharmacy and bought a box of the same ointment and oils which Jake recommended before driving back to the mansion. He wasn't in a hurry to get back home since he knew he was in trouble. First....he broke the punishment rule and left the mansion and second...he brought a stranger into the mansion...third...well...he bought two boxes of things ointments and oils for his boss who he didn't know if he's gonna appreciate or throw then to his face for embarrassing him. Either way...he knew he was in trouble.

When Yibo heard Baba and Jake leave, he rushed back to his bedroom and sat in the bed next to Zhan before taking off the mask that was covering his identity. He out it aside and held his hand again and looked at Zhan to see any movement or eye movements or something to show that he was getting up. It was almost one PM when Zhan began to stir up, he groaned in pain a little as he stored up and he slowly opened his eyes to see Yibo's which were swollen and red from crying. He was about to hold his head as he felt a little headache when he noticed the IV line (drip) hooked up on his hand. He looked at Yibo who was then smiling but hiding away his face in shame and let go of Zhan's hand before he finally spoke.

"Yibo...what happened...why am I hooked to this..?"

"I'm sorry Zhan gē...(sobs) it's all my fault...I shouldn't have pushed you too hard last night. I know you're new to this and I know your past...I should've stopped before I hurt you this bad. I'm sorry...please forgive me..."

"Yibo...I asked what this is for...why are you crying..? I know very well what happened last night and ...could you please stop crying...? His am 8 supposed to scold you when you're crying and your eyes are that swollen...Argh...let me up..."

"What....why...? Why do you want to get up...Zha gē're hurt...please rest a little. If you want to... to leave can do that once you're healed.(sobs and sniffs)"

"You're such a I not allowed to use the bathroom too...?"

"Of course you are..."

"Then help me up before I loose my bladder..!!"

"Oh..! Sorry I thought- here ...let me help you up.."

Yibo scooped Zhan from the bed and held him bridal style and took him to the bathroom before coming back out and closed the door. He went to his side table and took his phone and called Barry to tell them to tell the maids to prepare a big lunch for him and Zhan before telling him to tell Baba to see him in his room. He went back again and waited to hear the toilet flush so that he could go and help Zhan out. Within a few minutes he did and they came back and laid Zhan back in the bed and hooked the IV line back to the headboard before sittimg back down next to Zhan. He was still avoiding Zhan's eyes and he was looking at him so that he answers the question he had asked before going to the bathroom. But Yibo didn't look like someone who would say anything and he knew he had to force him.

"Yibo...I asked you a question...what is this and why is it hooked to my arm...? What happened...?"

"Last night....when we were...I swear I didn't realise you had passed out or I would have stopped. By the time I were not waking up....I tried to wake you up but you didn't, I took you for a bath and changed your clothes in hope that you would atleast regain consciousness...and...and...I thought you were gonna.leave me Zhan gē...(sobs). I was so scared that I hurt you and that I was never going to see those beautiful eyes and lips of yours...8 was so scared ....s.scared that yourwwrr gonna leave me if you woke up and found out what I had done to you. I'm sorry Zhan gē...please don't...(sniff) please don't leave me...I can't loose you again...(painful sobs)"

" could you eve-"

There was a knock on the door and Zhan cut his sentence and liked at Yibo who had his head down. He was seriously upset with him for what he had done and he vowed to continue where he left off when the person knocking leaves. He looked at Yibo and signalled him to answer the door and he continued to lie down. Yibo stood up and went to open the door and he saw Baba by the door with two boxes on his hands stacked together. His head was lowered and Yibo didn't say anything but only moved out of the way for him to enter. Zhan didn't think Yibo would let him inside so he tried to get up when Yibo rushed to him and stopped him from moving. Baba saw what Zhan was trying to do and he knew Zhan didn't know that he was there while he was unconscious and at the time...he might be feeling uncomfortable seeing him there with him laying on the bed.

"Boss...I'm sorry about what we can continue to punish up...but please...don't punish Zhan again. Zhan...I bought you dot have to see what they're now just look inside once I leave. Oh..and called for me...?"

"Gē...could you please explain what the doctor said about Zhan gē..."

"Oh...uhm...he said he was exhausted, stressed and wasn't eating well and that's why he passed out. He also mentioned something about trauma or shock being involved somehow. But he said he was fine as long as he took some medications and rest with lots to eat and drink. And here...he gave me a prescription of the meditation that would help with fatigue and less The ointment and the can read instructions on the package, I don't have to explain that. "

"But I haven't missed a lot of meals...and I was eating come am I sick because of that..?"

"His often do you have your meals Zhan...if I may ask...?"

"I always have dinner...I don't eat much iof it but I force myself to eat atleast maybe ten spoons."

"Wow...! No wonder...."

"What...Baba gē?"

"Zhan gē could you even think that's enough when you haven't eaten breakfast and lunch..?"

"And I don't remember asking for your lecture, don't forget... you're walking on thin ice...don't make things worse for yourself...! Baba gē...what else did he say...wait...did he check my body...did he take my clothes off..??"

"He had to examine you so yes he did, but he's a doctor and that's what he does. No one else saw you I promise you that..."

"And where was this beast...??"

"He went to wait a the room next door, I couldn't let the doctor see who you were, I know he's my friend and all but I still have to protect both of you.."

"Thank you Baba gē least you I'm all fine now all thanks to your friend. Is this why this mask is here..? Did you out this on me...?"

"I'm sorry...I had to hide your was bad enough that he saw you naked, I couldn't let him see your face..he~he.."

"Baba gē....if I were you... I would leave before I...your boss gets so mad for doing what you did and getting him naked without my permission..!!"

"I'm sorry sir....oh...Yibo... I'm will never happen again...(bowed down 90°)"

"You bet it will never happen time...tell your friend to not touch him unless I say so...!!"

"Yes boss... Sorry boss..."

"You're so possessive Yibo, how could you even stop a doct- wait.... What did you say....? 'Next time tell him not to touch him...' Next time...??? Are you kidding me Yibo...!!!(angry)"

"Baba gē may leave now....and thank you."

"Okay boss....I'll take my leave now.."

"Hey...Yibo....I'm talking to you...what did you mean by 'next time '? Are you planning to do this to me again...? His could you be so evil... can't you see the results of your doings...? How can you even think of hurting me again..? You know what...? That's it...I'm drawing the line right here...if you can't control the monster inside you and that huge rod of yours them I'm done with this....once I leave here...I never want to see you...!!!"

"What...? Zhan gē, I didn't mean it like that, I just didn't want to loose face infront of Baba gē. I will not do.this ever again I promise...?"

"Can you guarantee that Yibo...? Can you...? "

"No...but Zhan gē only got hurt like this because you're still not used to it. I looked it up online, trust me Zhan gē time there will o ly be what's intended ...and that's pleasure...."

"Who told you I was enjoying it last night...?"

"You were cause you were moaning my name..(nervous)"

"Did I...? Or was I just pretending so you could finish up...?"

"You helde tight...even with your legs wrapped you're legs around me..."

"Did I...? Or were you so small that I couldn't feel you inside me so I wanted to push you deeper whereas you were already all insidd me...?"

"Zhan gē...don't mock're still.sore from last night. Don't make me wanna do something I will regret later on."

" mean....exhaust me...? Oh my dear Yibo...only work can do can your tingles hurt were tingling me last night.."

"ZHAN GĒ....!! IM WARNING YOU...!!!"

"Or what...hmm...Yibo...what will you do...?"

"(Heavy sigh) I see what you're trying to do...this is what you do when you want to provoke me into doing it. Zhan gē're lucky you were bleeding last night or right now...oh trust me...I would make you regret your words.!!!"

"What....?what did you say...?I was... bleeding...?"

"Yes...tell me if I can do that if I'm as small as you claim I am. (Smirk)"

"Yibo you monster...!!! How can you do this to made me bleed....? How painful I'd painful for aaaahhhh!!! Shit...I swear Yibo....I'm going to make you pay for what you have done to me...!!!"

"I'm sorry Zhan gē...!!!(shit...!! He was fishing out what I did to him last could I be so stupid to say all those things...? He's gonna poison me, he's so furious right now...!!) Zhan gē...I didn't do it on purpose...please forgive me..."

"I'm gonna kill you Yibo...make sure you don't sleep on this bed tonight...or I will strangle you...!!!!"

Hope you enjoy guys...

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