Façade//Spencer Reid

Mileven03011 által

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Some people kill for attention. Some people kill to build fear. Y/N? She kills for family. Loosing most of he... Több

1. Puppet
2. Just the beginning
3. Meeting Spencer Reid
4. Her identity
6. The deal of a lifetime
7. Façade
8. Double Agent
9. No more murder
10. Knowing the risks
11. Revelations and cause of death
12. Meet up
13. Seeing his face
14. Going against Agent Hotchner
15. Carter, meet Spencer
16. She's back
17. Old friends
18. One step closer
19. Down with a fight
20. Mother and son
21. Helping hand
22. Living a dream
23. Starting over
24. Staying close
25. Wanting more
26. Imagining the future
27. First time for everything
28. Why he cares
29. Honest conversation
30. Keeping things private
31. Danger
32. Safe with the BAU
33. Trip to Vegas
34. More dangerous than imagined
35. An old friend
36. Comfort
37. A glimmer of light in the darkness
38. A moment never forgotten
39. False sense of security
40. Out of time
41. Puzzle piece
42. Unsub's identity
43. Free at last
44. Good news all around

5. The plight of a mother

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Mileven03011 által

Anderson took Y/N from us and took her to interrogation, while the team and I walked up to the conference room.

"You look like you found something." Emily smiled.

"I did indeed. This is Y/N's phone, correct?" She pushed the black phone across the large round table, watching as it stopped in the middle.

"Yes. The police gave it to us after they frisked and fingerprinted her." Rossi nodded.

"Well, they sent it to me. I connected the phone to my system and downloaded every single thing that is visible on the phone. All her emails, texts, call history, photos, etc." Penelope started.

"Okay?" Morgan asked.

"When I tried to unlock the downloaded files, I was greeted to a blank folder." Penelope exhaled.

"A blank folder? You're saying we've got nothing?" I groaned.

"No, no, boy wonder. I may have been greeted to a blank folder, but that was a smokescreen. I, Penelope Garcia, back-hacked the phone and discovered a lot more than just a blank folder." She smiled, putting up photos, videos and other files up on the screen.

"So, Y/N used a system or some software that hid all of her secret data?" JJ asked.

"I don't think it was Y/N that did this. I think that Y/N's working for someone and whoever she's working for is the one who used a special system or software." Penelope shook her head.

"That's one theory. What exactly was on Y/N's phone?" Hotch asked.

"Okay, so this isn't exactly Y/N's phone. There's no personal touch added. No family photos. No contacts that would lead to family or friends. No personal photos, nothing. This phone is most likely a burner phone, or a work phone." Penelope explained further.

"There are two recent messages from a contact simply named M. The second message, the one that relates to the most recent murder, is a file that contains details that she needed in order to kill without detection." Penelope pulled up the file, shocking everyone.

"This person...they told Y/N that the Norton's didn't have any security. They told her that the Norton's had a puppy that was easily distracted." JJ looked at the file.

"She knew that the front door would be locked and the flywire door wouldn't." Rossi raised his eyebrows in shock.

"What was the first message?" I asked, confused.

"The first message from M, is the message that I think will interest you." Penelope pulled up the second message.

"Proof of life? What does that mean?" Morgan asked.

"There's an attached video." Emily noted, watching as Penelope pressed play.

For the next few minutes, the team and I watched as a little boy sat on a mattress. He looked pale and very sleep-deprived. He looked as if he hadn't had much to eat.

"Do we have any idea as to who this little boy is?" I asked, confused.

"None. The video is too dark. There's only enough light to briefly see his face." Penelope shook her head.

"He looks no older than 5 years old." JJ furrowed her eyebrows in sorrow. Having a child that's similar in age, JJ felt sick, knowing that the little boy in the video wasn't safe.

"JJ, are you okay?" I asked, worried.

"I can't imagine how I'd feel if Henry was in this little boy's position." JJ exhaled, trying not to cry.

"So, if this video was sent to Y/N, that means that somehow, this little boy is connected to her. A sibling, maybe?" Emily suggested.

"I think we might have found Y/N's weakness." Rossi exhaled.


Whoever this child was, he was probably the key to getting Y/N to talk. JJ asked to speak to Y/N, figuring that if this child was somehow related to her, she'd be more willing to talk to JJ.

So, JJ walked into the interrogation room, Spencer standing behind the glass, keeping an eye on the situation.

"Hi, Y/N. My name is Agent Jennifer Jareau." JJ smiled. She wanted to present herself as friendly. Yes, this woman murdered people, but there was something at play. It wasn't just her killing these people.

The woman remained silent. She hadn't said a word since she was arrested, and didn't plan on saying anything. The first thing JJ pulled out was Y/N's phone.

"This is your phone, isn't it?" JJ asked, pushing it toward Y/N who looked away. She was clearly nervous about the fact that the Feds had her phone. Maybe they had found all of the files that he boss had given to her.

"Y'know, you're really smart. You put up a smokescreen so that we would think that there was nothing to look at on your phone." JJ exhaled.

"But, we're smarter. We found files upon files. You've been busy. 51 bodies in a span of 6 years. That's a lot of murders, and a lot of travelling. How do you not get tired?" JJ asked.

Y/N looked away, her hands fidgeting in her lap.

"You're not working alone, are you Y/N? You're working for someone. Someone is giving you files of their victims and you're the one killing them. You're the one doing their dirty work." JJ suggested.

Spencer watched Y/N's behaviour. She exhaled before glaring at JJ. When Y/N looked at JJ, Spencer knew that JJ had hit a nerve.

Spencer: I think you're on the right track with Y/N working for someone. Keep up that theory.

JJ looked down at her message from Spencer, nodding.

"There was something else, on your phone. We checked your recent messages with a person named M. Now, the second file was more evidence that you're working for this person. As for the first message, I need you to tell me something." She pulled Y/N's phone back and placed it near her. She pulled out a photo in her file.

The moment the photo was placed on the table, she instantly tensed up. She couldn't help it. They knew about him.

Spencer: Bingo. She knows who that child is. Hopefully she can tell us who he is.

JJ looked down at her phone, glad that Spencer was on the same page as her.

"Who is this child, Y/N?" JJ asked.

Y/N just stared at the image. In the video, his face was barely visible, due to the limited light. But somehow, they had captured a damn good image of his face. She couldn't help but let a tear or two slip.

"C- Carter." Y/N croaked out, breaking down into tears. JJ was shocked. Spencer was shocked. Without thinking, JJ didn't hesitate to rush over and hug Y/N, who sobbed at the photo. Spencer walked into the interrogation room and exhaled, crossing his arms.

After a few moments, JJ pulled away and sat back down, Spencer now joining her.

'Carter' was the only word that Y/N had spoken since she was arrested. She broke protocol. Her boss insisted that if she was ever caught by police or Feds, she'd follow protocol 3 and keep her mouth shut.

"I'm Dr. Spencer Reid, with the FBI. Y/N, who is Carter?" Spencer looked at the woman, who exhaled, wiping her tears away.

"M- My son." She breathed, holding the photo in her hands. Spencer immediately rushed out of the interrogation room and ran all the way to the conference room.

"We have a name. The boy in the photo, his name is Carter." Spencer explained. Morgan, Emily, Rossi, Hotch and Penelope looked at him shocked.

"Okay, how is Carter related to Y/N?" Morgan asked.

"Carter is Y/N's son." Spencer exhaled.

The moment Spencer explained, Penelope began typing while Spencer rushed back to the interrogation room. When he entered, he was shocked to find the handcuffs on the table.

"She doesn't pose a risk to us, Spencer." JJ explained.

She turned back to Y/N, who had now stopped sobbing.

"How old are you, Y/N?" JJ asked.

"I'm 22 years old." She admitted. Y/N had already broken protocol 3 by saying Carter's name, so there was no point in trying to remain silent.

"How old is Carter?" Spencer asked, curious.

"He turned 5, 2 months ago." She explained.

"So, you were 17, when you gave birth to Carter?" JJ asked, clearly feeling sorry for the woman.

"I had no choice. I didn't have the money to do anything." She exhaled.

"Who's the father?" Spencer leaned back, writing everything down.

"I, uh- I don't know his name." She shook her head.

"I bet he's an angel. He looks like an angel." JJ smiled.

"I don't know if he is." Y/N let another tear slip.

"What do you mean?" Spencer asked, confused.

"I haven't seen Carter since he was born. I only get to see him through videos and photos." Y/N cried.

"It's been 5 years since you've seen him?" JJ gasped.

"Yep. He says that Carter misses me. He talks about me, almost every day." Y/N cried.

"So, Carter knows who you are?" Spencer questioned.

"Yeah. I've spoken to him...a few times. He'll say things like 'I love you mommy' and 'I miss you mommy'." Y/N cried more. JJ just stared at her. JJ was a mother. Henry, her son, was similar in age to Carter. JJ's nightmares always included Henry being kidnapped or taken away from her.

"Do you know who has him?" JJ asked.

"Yes. M has him. That...asshole, has my son. Carter is basically M's way of keeping me loyal. If he wants me to continue to work for him, he keeps Carter alive." Y/N wiped her tears away. By this time, her eyes were red and her cheeks were puffy from crying.

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